

such as filter press feed. The d e s i g n m a i n t a i n s h igh flow rates and incorporates a pres- sure booster which obviates the need of any addi t ional pressure control loops.

The m a i n s t r e a m SSP rotary [ ] lobe p u m p type, the SR Range,


now offers process engineers the choice of vert ical as well as hor izontal p u m p h e a d connec- tions. The in t roduc t ion of verti- cal connect ions gives benefi ts of p u m p i n g chamber self d ra in ing and ease of ins ta l la t ion benea th process vessels.

The new SSP SK Range Ultra- clean rotary lobe p u m p s satisfy the most s t r ingent s t anda rds for processes where aseptic or sterile opera t ion is critical. Full compat ibi l i ty with CIP (clean- ing in place) and SIP (sterilisa- t ion in place) are fundamen ta l design criteria which comple- m e n t s t a n d a r d easy c lean ing characterist ics.

Contact: Alfa Laval Pumps Ltd, Birch Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 6PQ, UK. Tel: +44 1323 412555; Fax: +44 1323 730495.

Q u i e t e r d i a p h r a g m v a c u u m p u m p

With the increasing d e m a n d for smaller, quie ter pumps, Charles Austen has in t roduced the D5 ser ies of oil-free d i a p h r a g m pumps for air, gas and liquids. These wil l be d i sp l a ye d on Stand B13, Hall 5.1.

Developed using the latest m o u l d i n g t e c h n o l o g y , t h e s e p u m p s benefi t from an exhaus t baffle bui l t into the head space, which reduces noise whilst pro- ducing 5 l / ra in flow FAD.

With the choice of opt ional mater ia ls for the head compo-

nen t s the p u m p can be used with a wide range of corrosive gases. Models with DC motors can be used in por table and vehicle m o u n t e d equipment . Ty- pical appl ica t ions include gas analysers, medica l e q u i p m e n t and automot ive emission sam- plers.

Contact: Charles Austen Pumps, Royston Road, Byfleet, West By- fleet, Surrey KT14 7NY, UK. Tel: +44 1932 355277; Fax: +44 1932 351285.

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Visit us at Achema, Hall 9.1, Stand L8.L9

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new UGr~: S is the bet-

ter bargain: t his r ~ u ~ accurate

tool e~ i |y r e d u ~ breakdowns


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PROFTECHNIK AG - f~ I~ Oskar-Messter-Str. 19-21 D-85737 Ismaning, Germany Tel. (+49) 89 - 99616 - 0 Fax (+49) 89 - 99616 - 200 htt p: / / uftech -~

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