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Question 3

Why was feedback needed?

Feedback was a massive key element that was needed within our final piece as well as our ancillary tasks this was able to allow us as a group to establish feedback from our audience as well as get a understanding of pieces within our work that would needed to be done or changed around.We wanted to be able to collect information like:•Is the genre established•Is the narrative easy to understand •Is the camera well placed and in focus•Can it be confusing at times

Having questions like this answered is able to help us get an understanding of our work and the ways in which we are already showing it is working and what isn't then we can go back and re do or change anything, so having the ways of feedback for our work would be needed for us to create a well made final piece.

Ways of feedback?

We wanted to look at the different ways we could be able to get feedback from individuals and haw we could show this within our work we wanted to be able to ask individuals questions about our work, and having that one to one chat we could build up what possible isn't and is working with our pieces of work. there are a number of ways we could of chosen to show our work with the feedback we where able to build up.

We wanted to look at ways of carrying our the feedback from our audience that we where able to establish earlier on within the research and having that from the start we where able to build up an aspect of how we could approach our video then with the feedback we where then able to apply more detail within the work.

We wanted to look at ways of presenting feedback through:•Possibly a social networking site •Like twitter •And facebook •YouTube •Questionnaire websites•Polling vote •Asking face to face interviews

Looking into audience

Within a group of people we chose to first be asking a couple of questions to an audience of three people who all have different backgrounds of music and different tastes and representations on genres of music we wanted to ask the three that we had chased how they would establish a folk song and what they would expect to see within the music video itself.

This was our first initial research into how we could possibly at presenting our folk genre and the feedback on the questions that where being asked where able to allow us to get an understanding of how other see folk music and how they believe a folk music video should come across within and audience of people, the information from this was useful within our research of looking towards other artists and putting all the information be had together we where able to summarise how we where going to show our music video to an audience through narrative as well as the performance of our artist.

Ways i presented feedback?

Video interview: We wanted to perform an one to one interview where we would get people to watch our music video and from that we where able t gain feedback from it and improve our work from what it originally was. We wanted to first sit down and talk about the questions we should ask, as those where important to gaining a clear understanding. Having three people that we where able to ask questions to where able to get three different perspectives on the music video.

Feedback sheet:We used a sheet that was able to be given out to a number of students in our media class this was able to get everyone's aspects on the music video on all of our products, both music video and ancillary and how others suggested on presented on showing the poster and digi pak within a different way and possibly changing things within the music video this was all able to be taken into consideration when going over our work.

Feedback sheets

When going through an screening of our music video we where able to pick up feedback through the use of handing out sheets of papers and we would then get the information back from others on how well they believed our music video was able to come out with, and the information that was coming from the feedback sheets would be a side that would be able to give information about what was able to work well within our video and the other side would be information relating to how we could change the video so that improvements would be able to be made.The was for both the final piece music video and also the ancillary task where able to get feedback for them both allowing us to add detail into our work we had missed before hand but ethers spotted.

Feedback video

Within this piece of feedback information we went on to asking three members of our media class and asked them to watch our music video and from that we went on to asking them questions about what they found worked well as well as other sorts of questions relating back to points that would able to all us to alter our work in a way it can be improved to a more of an extent.We chose to have three individuals was that we wanted to be able to have more than one lot of feedback we wanted to build up the information we had and gather it up from that to present it within our final piece. We wanted to be able to film the interviews as individuals not only guides that we can look back on when going through our work is that we where able to show how we have established a connecting that they where able to understand parts of the music video and where when able to understand from that parts that can work within our music video.

Social networking: Facebook

We wanted to be able to use a range of social networking websites that we could connect our artist with his fans as well as give out information on new releases as well as any information that can possibly be given out to the audience who are following the group page. The page allowed us to post and share images of the artist while on shoots as well as images from the music video itself. This was able to allow us to build up a fan base for the artist and then go on to creating an identity that people are able to establish the artist with. We decided on using facebook as we believed as a group we where able to reach a larger audience aimed to wards are target audience and facebook was able to allow us to do that.


When looking into the ways we where able to gain feedback we where able to use a range of techniques that where available for us to be using through out feedback, gaining feedback was a valuable piece when it came to finishing out final products. We wanted to use a range of ways to gather feedback as this was able to allow us to look how we can present our work within different ways by using filming equipment to film interviews we where not only able to gain feedback but we where able to try out different ways of filming so it was able to cover areas that we wanted to practice as well within filming. If i was to go back and on my work i would of liked to of gained more feedback through talking to others more about my work
