Page 1: Q7) looking back at your prelim task

Q7) Looking back at your prelim task, what have you learnt in the progression from that to the final product?Antonio Campoccio

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1st task using Adobe Premiere - Dancing Animals < Dancing animals was my first experience of using Adobe Premiere. I had the

freedom to make this video my own therefore I included many different video effects. Some of the effects I included were lightning bolts, black & white and warp effects. I also learnt how to use music effects to make the start and ending look more professional. One music effect that I am still currently using in most of my Premiere projects is Exponential Fade.

Summary Overall, Adobe Premiere was tricky to use during the first hour of editing

however as time progressed I became familiar with more features of Adobe Premiere such as increasing or slowing the duration of a certain scene in a movie.

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2nd task using Adobe Premiere - Juno Juno was a project which required more attention to detail as we had to base our

movie sequence on a scene from the film, Juno. Another difference was that we had to film our own content for the first time which was very beneficial for me as it helped us in the future when we needed to film for our Prelim task and also our final film opening. It was crucial that our timings were identical to the timings of the real Juno sequence.Still images of my final Juno project

SummaryThe most difficult aspect of this task was the editing. A lot of time was spent trying to match the exact timings of the real sequence therefore we had to re-shoot several scenes. Despite this, I am happy with the quality of the final edit as we managed to create a similar cartoon texture and the timings were mostly identical.

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3rd task using Adobe Premiere -Innocence (Prelim Task) For our preliminary task, every group was given a specific audience that our short

film had to apply to. The audience we were given was stay at home mums and dads around the age of 25-35. What made this task even more intense was that we had a deadline to have all our planning & research and even the film itself had to be completed by this time. The editing of the film was not challenging because by this time I was familiar with most of the features of Premiere and the more professional transitions including the film dissolve. I learnt how to increase or decrease the length of the transition because different scenes required sharp transitions but others needed to be slower in order to slow the tempo of the film. In our planning we needed to create a storyboard, here are some screenshots;

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Innocence (Prelim Task) continued… Summary – What was different to the final film opening?

The most significant thing I have learnt in progression to our final film opening was that planning is vital. In our final task we needed to choose our own audience and therefore a lot of research was targeted in finding out about what films are similar to the one we created and what sort of audience we wanted. This included research on the BBFC website as we had to see what criteria matched the themes of our film opening.
