(I am going to create a prezi of this but I just need some screenshots from our film which I don’t have at the moment) Q7 – Looking back at your prelim task, what have you learnt in the progression from that to the final product? From our prelim task that we did 6 months ago, I thought was a really good exercise to get us engaged and experienced in using the camera and how to actually make a film. I think the hardest thing that came out of it was trying to use camera shots that were tricky like match on action and using continuous filming. Trying to get all of it flowing and keeping it at the same pace was also something that as a group we found tricky. I think at the end we were happy with it as we put it together in the space of a week and it was the first short film that we had actually filmed and edited together. The good bits from the task was the continuous filming, such as here. Where the camera was in front of me and when I was talking and when I decided to get up we filmed it from the back so my actions match, where I am in front of Beth both times and they match.

Looking back at your prelim task, what have you learnt in the progression from that to the final product?

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(I am going to create a prezi of this but I just need some screenshots from our film which I don’t have at the moment)

Q7 – Looking back at your prelim task, what have you learnt in the progression from that to the final product?

From our prelim task that we did 6 months ago, I thought was a really good exercise to get us engaged and experienced in using the camera and how to actually make a film. I think the hardest thing that came out of it was trying to use camera shots that were tricky like match on action and using continuous filming. Trying to get all of it flowing and keeping it at the same pace was also something that as a group we found tricky. I think at the end we were happy with it as we put it together in the space of a week and it was the first short film that we had actually filmed and edited together.

The good bits from the task was the continuous filming, such as here. Where the camera was in front of me and when I was talking and when I decided to get up we filmed it from the back so my actions match, where I am in front of Beth both times and they match.

The bad parts were the beginning and the end, even though at the beginning we were trying to get a running point of view shot it looked messy and awful, I think we would know now that the camera needs to be upright more and moving forward rather than to the side. At the end we focus into Dan who was the man who was ‘following’ Beth, the camera work and focusing/zoom was really out of focus and shot which made it look sloppy and lazy.

From the prelim task to our final opening I know I had progressed a lot as well as the rest of my group. From this to our film opening is a drastic change in how much we had learnt, practiced and experienced. We had used a wider range of shots and editing effects to set the atmosphere that we hadn’t done or used in our prelim task. All of this was from practicing and testing things out to see what looks good and what doesn’t.

The things I would improve about our prelim task now that I the experience of doing our final film is to focus our shots and use a wider variety so that it looks more interesting and purposeful. I also think that I would improve not being so carefree in the shots because when it came to editing our final film we realised how vital shots really were whether they were correct or quality or not because if you didn’t have them then you’d have to go back and re-film them.

Comparing the prelim and the final film there are parts that show how much we have progressively improved such as the two shot and the tracking shots. In the prelim both these shots were done fairly whereas in our film we made sure they were done to perfection and that everyone in our group was satisfied with them.