Page 1: PURITY and What comes out indicates what one has inside

“What comes out indicates what one has inside. It just

tells the structure of the heart. If one doesn't speak ill of others it means he has a pure heart. If wrong is stored, the heart is not pure.

Speaking ill of others means first transplant the wrong of his heart to our heart, to our mind, and then let that seed grow to a tree. The whole process is damaging to evolution.

We never think ill of others. If someone does wrong, why bring it to our heart and make it impure. 'Birds of a feather flock together'. If filth deposited in heart, it will collect and then whatever flocks together flies out.

We never think negative of anyone. Purity comes when we are meditating, our thought force is increasing - then we think bad of someone and we push him down to that low. We do not do that which does not benefit one directly.

We never use our time, energy, speech, ability in something that does not help us to grow and improve our life. It's not worth it.”


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ma
