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  • 7/29/2019 PTFA News


    Ashton Hayes Primary School PTFA

    Newsletter January 2013

    Dear Parents, Carers, Staff & Friends,

    Following our meeting on Tuesday 15th January, we would firstly like to wish you all a belatedHappy New Year!

    Many thanks again to all of you who supported us at our Christmas Fair. It was a wonderfulevening with fun had by all and to top this off, we raised a massive 1,300, all of which is profit forthe school!

    We have a few exciting events ahead of us this year, a summary of which you will find below. Ifyou would like to have any input in these events or indeed have any ideas you would like to share,please do not hesitate to contact either Nicole Wright on 07976 905946 or Sarah Thakur on

    07990 581413.

    Valentines Disco Wednesday 13th February 2013 (5.30 7.00pm)3.00 per child to include hot dog, cake & drink. Other refreshments and sweets will be available topurchase on the night. We will have a mask competition that will be judged on the night. Let yourcreative side take over for this one (website links include,, Hobby craft have some greataccessories too.

    Easter Egg Hunt Sunday 24th March 2013 (2.00 4.00pm)This is a lovely family event that takes you around Ashton Village on the search for your eggs.

    Finally, you end up back at school where the children can enjoy activities while you sit, have adrink and a slice of cake. This is a bargain at 2.00 per child.

    Car Boot Sale Sunday 28th April 2013 (9.00am 1.00pm)An chance for you to have a good clear out and Spring clean. There will be the opportunity to bringyour car on the school field and/or set up a table top sale on the playground. Set up will be from8am with bacon butties and other refreshments available throughout the morning.

    Summer Fair (Hey Day) Saturday 29th

    June 2013 (12.00 3.00pm)Our wonderful Summer Fair held at school with lots of activities, maypole dancing, band, craft

    stalls, beer tent and much, much more! May the sun shine on us this year!

    Schools Out! 80s Adult Disco Friday 12th July 2013This will be an opportunity for you to let your hair down and come along to an exciting evening.There will be food and a bar. Details yet to be finalised. Watch this space!

    Many thanks for taking the time to read this newsletter. There is a survey in the PTFA Communityon the new Learning Platform for you to have your input into what our pot of money should bespent on next. Please cast your votes! You can log in using your childs details or for your very ownlogin and password, please contact Mr Priddey (preferably by email [email protected]).

    Finally, our next meeting is Tuesday 29th

    January at 9.00am in the School Staff Room.

    Regards Nicole & Sarah
