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PS/BC Oil Spill Task ForceAnnual Meeting 2013Jurisdictional Update Presented by Dale Jensen

Program ManagerWA State Dept of Ecology

Spill Prevention, Preparedness & Response Program

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Program Data (July 2011- June 2013)

Spills Management Annual Tabletop Drills


Worst Case Scenario Tabletop Drills 18

Deployment Drills 132

Total number of vessels entering WA waters


Vessel Inspections 979

Total number of reported incidents 7993

Oil Transfer Inspections (Vessels and Facilities)


Number of field response conducted 1838

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Jurisdictional Update 2013

• Re-signing Memorandum of Understanding with US Coast Guard in 2013

• Derelict Vessel Legislation– A joint effort between the Department of Natural

Resources and the Spills program led to the passage of HB 1245 in 2013

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Jurisdictional Update 2013

• North Puget Sound Vessel Traffic Risk Assessment (VTRA) Study

• Program re-organization to maximize resources for better customer service delivery

• New Director of Ecology – Maia Bellon

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Jurisdictional Update 2013

• Implementing House Bill 1186 – Rulemaking for oil spill contingency plans and natural

resource damages rules• C-Plan rule will enhance preparedness standards statewide,

providing for best achievable protection utilizing best available technology, vessel of opportunity program, basic aerial reconnaissance and volunteer management.

• The NRDA rule will address the amount assessed for damages incurred to be $3-300 for spills where over 1000 gallons is discharged to water.

• Rule adopted January 2013

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Jurisdictional Update 2013

• Implementing House Bill 1186 continue…– Volunteer Management Coordination • Working with existing volunteer organizations• Working through Northwest Area Committee• System to register volunteers

– Vessel of Opportunity Program • System to register vessel of opportunity volunteers

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Thank you. Dale Jensen, Program Manager

[email protected]/programs/spills/spills.html
