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为回馈广大客户 canada-batteries.ca大降价,不仅如此而且包邮,只要你购买了达到 30加元,就会有一个价值 7加元的读卡器送,抓紧时间前来购买吧,活动结束日期 9.19日.

我们的产品绝对物美价廉,我们承诺 30




In order to reward our customers, is holding a big sale now, we also provide

free shipping and if you purchase over 30CAD we will offer you a free gift of 7CAD card reader,

seize the valuable opportunity, the hurry offer ends in Sept 19.

Our products are absolutely attractive in price and quality, we promise a 30 days money back and

one year warranty, and you can compare with other businesses to see if we are cheating you.

Our main products are laptop batteries, digital camera batteries, camcorder batteries and power

tool batteries, if there anything you need? Do not disappointed if you don’t find what you need

this time, we will improve our products gradually and satisfy you next time, so please collect our

site and keep an eye on our update to ensure that you can buy a satisfactory product at the first
