Page 1: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions

Shwe S. LinMentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

Page 2: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA


Project overviewPurposeBackgroundMy partAlgorithmsTool usedExamplesAcknowledgmentsReferences

Page 3: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

Project Overview

To develop a protein-protein interaction database and an interactive web-based interface to search for protein interactions from the database

Page 4: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

Purpose of the Project

To study protein-protein interactions• Example: p53-MDM2 interactions

To predict protein functions which may be inferred from analyzing protein interactions • Example: protein A interacts with 5 cell cycle proteins

and we therefore infer that it is a cell cycle protein

Page 5: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

Importance of Studying Protein Interactions


Essential for cell communications which result in activation or inactivation of biological responses

• Protein MDM2 inactivates p53’s function as a

tumor suppressor

• EPO interacts with the EPO receptor to trigger growth of erythrocytes

Page 6: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

Traditional Methods for Studying Protein Functions

• Sequence alignment techniques

• Protein’s 3-D structure

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Limitations of Traditional Methods

Yield functional information only on experimentally characterized homologous proteins

Detect protein’s biochemical function only;

not biological process

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Approach to Address Limitations

Develop protein interaction databases • Example: DIP, MINT, BIND etc.

Implement methods for function prediction • Example: guilt-by-association

Page 9: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

My Part

Develop web application (ProInt Finder) to utilize the database for studying protein interactions

• Django: Python Web framework

• Database: Automated collections of data by text mining of web

Page 10: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

Algorithm (Input)

Accept query: gene name or gene id of interest • Example - Gene name: p53

Gene ID: 7157

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Algorithm (Search)QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressorare needed to see this picture. Search for gene_ids from the database gene


actors acted by

Page 12: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

Algorithm (Output)

Return: gene_1_id interacts with gene_2_id Result: List of protein pairs that are experimentally identified to interact with each other

pro_ A >> activates pro_B pro_E phosphorylates >> pro_A

>> acetylates pro_C pro_H binds to >> >> methylates pro_D pro_I activates >> >> interacts with pro_E pro_K regulates >>

Page 13: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

Tool Used: Django

• Python web framework to build Web applications• Provides Model-View-Controller (MVC)

approach to programming• Database layer: Models or data models• Controller layer: View or control logic• View layer: Templates or user interface

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• Each model is a Python class • Contains fields and behaviors of the stored data• Each model maps to a single database table

Database Layer: Models


A Model in Django

Gene ID

Gene Name

Taxonomy ID

from django.db import modelsclass Gene(models.Model): gene_id = models.IntegerField (primary_key=True) long_name = models.TextField( ) symbol = models.TextField( ) tax_id = models.ForeignKey( Species )

class Meta: db_table = 'protInt_gene' ordering = ['symbol']

Fields/ class attributes

Page 15: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

View Layer: Templates

ProInt Finder• A text file that contains variables and tags

• Variables: Get replaced with values when the template is evaluated • Tags: Control the logic of the template

Templates for each of the web pages for ProInt Finder

index.html results.htmlsearch.html

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Control Layer• Takes user input from search.html template

• Defines how to process the data

• Returns results to results.html template


User input



Protein interactions

Page 17: ProInt Finder to Search Protein Interactions Shwe S. Lin Mentor: Matteo Pellegrini, UCLA

Home Page

This is a link which leads to the search page.

These are links to other protein interaction databases.

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Search page

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Result page

User Input

Description of the protein

Query protein interacts with different protein

Proteins interacts with query protein

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More on Result

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Web Links

Click on the link

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Dr. Matteo Pellegrini Shawn Cokus Joseph Kim and Cory Tobin Dr. Sandra Sharp and Dr. Wendie

Johnston SoCalBSI NIH, NSF, and LAOC

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