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Progress Monitoringand Response toIntervention Solution

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What is AIMSweb?

AIMSweb is a research-based system whichprovides schools with state-of-the-art tools toimplement the key components of RTI programsincluding:

Valid, reliable universal screening andprogress monitoring (using CBM) of academicskills for all 3 tiers of RTI models

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What is AIMSweb?

AIMSweb is a research-based system which providesschools with state-of-the-art tools to implement the keycomponents of RTI programs including:

A powerful, broad ranging data reporting system whichallows parents, teachers, and administrators to analyzestudent performance in many ways to better in turningindividually as well as more general program/curriculumimprovements

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What is AIMSweb?

AIMSweb is a research-based system whichprovides schools with state-of-the-art tools toimplement the key components of RTI programsincluding:

A very helpful web-based system for planning,implementing, and monitoring the overall RTIproblem solving and intervention processeswithin schools/districts.

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3-Tier ProblemSolving Model

TIER 1 BENCHMARKUniversal Screening

TIER 2STRATEGIC MONITORMonthly monitoring for studentswho are questionable or ofconcern

TIER 3PROGRESS MONITORIntensive monitoring towardsspecific goals for at-riskstudents

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AIMSweb systemsinclude:

• Curriculum-BasedMeasurement (CBM)testing materials

• Web-based ProgressMonitoring/ReportingSystem

• RTI processmanagement software

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Curriculum-BasedMeasurementThe Foundation of AIMSweb

Curriculum-BasedMeasurement (CBM)is the method of monitoringstudent progress throughdirect, frequentassessment of basic skills.

AIMSweb testing is CBM

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CBM testing materialsdeveloped

for AIMSweb include…• Test of Early Literacy (K-1)

– Letter Naming Fluency– Letter sound fluency– Phonemic Segmentation Fluency– Nonsense Word Fluency

• Test of Early Numeracy (K-1)– Oral Counting– Number identification– Quantity discrimination– Missing number

• Reading-CBM (K-8)Oral Reading (English and Spanish)

• Maze-CBM (1-8)Reading comprehension

• Math-CBM (1-8)Computation/Facts

• Spelling-CBM (1-8)

• Written Expression-CBM (1-8)

• MIDE-CBM (K-1)Spanish Early Literacy

Quick, Simple MeasuresQuick, Simple Measures

11--4 minutes to complete!4 minutes to complete!

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Curriculum-Based Measurement

How is CBMadministered?

• AIMSweb CBM testing is administered ‘paper/pencil’ style

• Measures: 1-4 minutes to complete

• Testing is done individually or in groups, depending on themeasure

• Scores are entered or uploaded into the AIMSwebProgress Monitoring and RTI Data system

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Curriculum-Based Measurement

Things to RememberAbout CBM

•• ReliableReliable and validvalid indicator of student achievement

• Research Based – Almost 30 years of research has produced consistent andmeaningful evidence of its utility as a valid progress monitoring tool

•• Simple, efficientSimple, efficient, and of shortshort duration to facilitate frequent administration

• Provides assessment information that helps teachers plan better instructionhelps teachers plan better instruction

•• Sensitive to the improvementSensitive to the improvement of students’ achievement over time

• Designed to serve as ““indicatorsindicators”” of general basic skills achievement: CBMprobes don’t measure everything, but measure the importantimportant things

•• Measures General CurriculumMeasures General Curriculum - Curriculum Independent

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• In addition to the included AIMSwebmeasures, AIMSweb supports datamanagement, charting and reporting ofDIBELS brand measures

• Customers may use DIBELS measures,AIMSweb measures, or any combination ofboth

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What the ExpertsSay…

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Progress MonitoringData System

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AIMSweb Systems


• AIMSweb is Web- Based

• No Need for Local Specialized Hardware or Servers

• No Software Installs

• No Compatibility Issues

• No Patching, Updating, or Maintenance

• Extremely Fast/Multiple Redundant Connections

• If You Use a PC or MAC and Have an Internet Connection, You haveAccess to AIMSweb!

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Reporting Hierarchy

• AIMSweb providesdifferent reporting levelsfor different users:

– Customer/State

– District Administrator

– Building Administrator

– Classroom Teacher

– Progress Monitor Teacher

– RTI user

– Parent user


District 1 District 2

School A School B

Class/Caseload 1

Class/Caseload 2


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Tier 1 BenchmarkAll students assessed three times per yearat grade level

• Organizes Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) and DIBELS™Data for Benchmark Assessment Fall, Winter, and Spring

• Prepares Reports for Teachers, Principals, and Administrators onIndividual Students, Classes, Grades, Schools, and School Districts

• Early Identification of Students At-Risk of Academic Difficulty

• Objectively Determines Rates of Progress for Individual Students,Schools, and NCLB Risk Groups

• Allows Evaluation at Multiple Levels of Comparison

• Prints Professional Reports for Parent Conferences and OtherMeetings

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Tier 1 Benchmark – Student Report

Fall Benchmark Scores

• IdentifyAt-Risk Students Early

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Tier 1 Benchmark – Student Report

Winter BenchmarkScores

• Benchmark ReportCan ConfirmSignificantImprovements HaveBeen Made, Such asResponse toIntervention (RTI)

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Tier 1 Benchmark – Student Report

Spring BenchmarkScores

• Data to Know thatChanges Made aDifference

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Tier 1 Benchmark

Prediction for Success onState Testing

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Tier 1 Benchmark – Class Report

Scores by Period andService Code

• Identifies Students AtRisk for Not PassingYour State’s HighStake Test and Thoseon Trajectory to Pass

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Tier 1 Benchmark - Class Report

Score and PercentileTable

• Rank Orders Studentsby Performance

• Color-Codes IndividualEducational Needs

• Provides InstructionalDecisions to ThinkAbout

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Tier 1 Benchmark - Grade Report

Average Score by SchoolYear

• Allows Evaluation ofYear-to-YearImprovement

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Tier 1 Benchmark – School Report

Above and Below Target

• Evaluates Improvementof Students Relative toSpecified AchievementTargets

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Tier 1 Benchmark - District Report

Normative Performance

• Shows Improvement byBenchmark Period Acrossthe Grades and Range ofStudents’ Abilities

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Tier 1 Benchmark - District Report

Compare Schools

• Allows Comparison ofScores School bySchool

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Tier 1 Benchmark - District Report

Compare Schools bySpecific Grade

• Allows Comparison ofScores School bySchool by SpecificGrades

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Tier 1 Benchmark - District Report

Yearly Improvement

• Evaluate DistrictImprovement AcrossYears

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Tier 1 Benchmark - District Report

Scores by Risk Category

• NCLB Risk CategoryReporting– Service Code– ELL/ESL– Meal Status– Ethnicity

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• Extensive array of Reports available at many levels—

• See samples at:


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Tier 2 Strategic MonitorMonthly assessments at grade level

• Increase assessment frequency for studentswho have been identified as questionable orat-risk in the Benchmark process

• Monthly assessment intervals provide morefrequent opportunity to evaluate theeffectiveness of instructional changes

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Tier 2 Strategic Monitor

Individual Student Report

• Allows for MoreFrequent Evaluation ofProgress for BothIndividual Studentsand ProgramsDesignated to ImpactAchievement for ThoseAt Risk

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Tier 3 Progress MonitorFrequent assessment towards goals usinggoal level assessments

• Frequently assess students in need of intensiveinstructional services, including “Best Practices” IEP goalsfor students who receive special education services

• Translate annual IEP or any goals into expected rates ofprogress (Aim lines) automatically

• Monitor progress (Trend lines) towards goals

• Document the effects of intervention and instruction

• Print professional reports for periodic and annual reviews

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Tier 3 Progress Monitor

Student Report

• Once Data are Entered, aGraph is UpdatedAutomatically, with:

– Trend Line

– Calculation of Rate ofProgress

– Interpretation of Progress

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Tier 3 Progress Monitor

Student Report

• Necessary Revisionsare Identified andDocumentedGraphically

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Tier 3 Progress Monitor

Student Report

• Revisions can beevaluated to determineresponse

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Tier 3 Progress Monitor

Student Report

• And Revised asNecessary!!

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Tier 3 Progress Monitor

Student Report

• Successful Revisionand AdequateProgress Documented

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Tier 3 Progress Monitor

Assessment ScheduleCompleted

• Report Includes

– Progress Graph

– Goal Statement

– Score Table

– Revision Notes

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Response toInterventionProcess Mgt.

Organize and evaluatethe process of RTI forthe purpose ofdetermining specialservices eligibility

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Response toInterventionProcess Mgt.

RTI’s purpose is todetermine intensity ofinstruction based onNEED through DATAfor ALL students

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Response to Intervention (RTI)


• AIMSweb Response to Intervention provides a"best practices in problem-solving approach" tothe RTI process including scientifically designedprogress monitoring:

– Benchmarking to assess current educational need

– Intensive Progress Monitoring to assess response tospecially designed, high quality intervention

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Response to Intervention (RTI)


• AIMSweb RTI combines standard problem-solving tasks into a step by step protocolthat documents the results, including

• who did what,

• when, and,

• with what outcome

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1. CBM-DIBELS Benchmark Reports onEducational Need

2. Progress Monitoring Reports to DetermineEducational Benefit

3. Known Standard Tasks Associated withProblem-Solving Case Management

4. Known Standard Decisions RegardingOutcomes of RTI

5. Compiled Reports of Who Did What, When,with What Outcomes for Individual Students

6. Program Evaluation of RTI for Need,Benefit, Decisions, by School, Grade,Academic Area, Risk Category, etc.

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Big Solutions

• IDEA– Comprehensive RTI Solution

– Eligibility Solution using RTI

– Progress Monitoring of IEP or any Goals and Documentation

• NCLB– AYP Reporting through Universal Screening (Benchmarking) for

ALL Students

– NCLB Risk Category Reporting

• Prediction for Success on High Stakes Testing

• Program Evaluation

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AIMSweb®Subscription Products

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AIMSweb Systems

Site License Subscriptions

• Site License (School/District)

– Annual subscription service runs from August1st to July 31st

– Priced per student with scores entered

– Unlimited Users (teachers, administrators, etc.)

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AIMSweb Systemsinclude:

•CBM testing materials (varies by product choice)

•Web-based data management charting and reporting software

•RTI Process Mgt web-based program

•Training materials and user guides

•Support: phone, email, message board, and software help

•Data Services (import/export of data)

*Testing and training materials provided via download in PDF format.

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AIMSweb Systems

Site LicenseComparison/Pricing

AIMSweb® Pro Basic

Software Components

Tier 1 Benchmark X X

Tier 2 Strategic Monitor X X

Tier 3 Intensive Progress Monitor X X

Response to Intervention X






Basicfor DIBELS™

Assessments Included and/or Managed

DIBELS Management X X X X

AIMSweb TEL-CBMTest of Early Literacy


AIMSweb MIDE-CBMSpanish Early Literacy


AIMSweb Reading-CBMOral Reading


AIMSweb Maze-CBMReading Comprehension


AIMSweb Spelling-CBM X X

AIMSweb Written Expression-CBM X X

AIMSweb TEN-CBMTest of Early Numeracy


AIMSweb Mathematics-CBM X X

Yearly Price Per Student $3.00 $4.00 $3.00 $5.00 $2.00

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AIMSweb Data CaptureToolssubscription upgrade option

AIMSweb Palm Link provides users withthe ability to administer and score selectCBM assessments on Handheld/PDAdevices

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AIMSweb Training• Free use of Training manuals and online Powerpoints and Video trainingexamples for self-instruction by staff

• Online Training (over 8 week period)–$299 per participant–Self paced online training

• Open Workshops (2 days)–$349 per participant–Host school gets complimentary attendance for 2 staff members–Hosted at various locations around the country

• Private On-Site Training (2 days)–$4500 covers both days–Plus 5 hours individual consultation re: district setup/implementation–Customizable for specific areas/grades/staff groups in a district

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Contact Us

For more information contact:

Michael Grau, PsyDClinical Assessment Consultant

[email protected](518)557-2626

Jay AndersonAIMSweb Director

[email protected]

