Page 1: Production Log_Declan Tyldesley

Declan Tyldesley

Production Log

The software I used to edit my commercial radio advertisement for Samsung is Reaper(x64). Within this software I was able to cut up sound tracks fade in and out SFX etc. Therefore, I did find this

software useful in multiple different ways as I successfully completed my commercial radio advertisement.

Above I have displayed a screenshot of an aspect of my Reaper project. The main focus on the screenshot should be on the faded aspect on the soundtrack where the arrow is pointing. I made this

adjustment my moving my mouse to the too the side of the track and the dragging the mouse left/right. This adjustment was not hard to make as I just had to move throughout two simple steps.

My reason for making this precise decision was to make my commercial advertisement flow a lot smoother, therefore by fading in and out this SFX of the crowd talking it affected the advertisement

in a good way as it gave it a feeling that the Samsung Galaxy S6 is a phone to talk about.

Above I have displayed a second screenshot from my Reaper project. The main focus on this screen shot should be on the volume wave below the different soundtracks and SFX’s. I adjusted the

volume on my reaper projects clicking on a triangular icon on the left of the track and then turning the volume on. Additionally, when adjusting the volume I pressed and held Ctrl and then clicked

where I wanted to adjust the sound. By doing this I was able to lower and higher the sound of specific music tracks. As an example I would have created a diagonal volume wave decreasing the

volume of a music track when a voiceover is about to play. This adjustment affected my commercial advertisement in a good way because without it the soundtracks would have just decreased in

volume massively distracting people from my commercial advertisement.

Page 2: Production Log_Declan Tyldesley

Declan Tyldesley

The screenshot above shows the E6 Radio music library where I got my music from in benefit of my commercial advertisement for Samsung. The E6 music library, also allowed me to use music legally as we are licenced by the PRS for music. The main song I used for my advertisement is a song called

Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars. I feel like this song affected my commercial advertisement in a good way because this particular song is known by a world-wide audience,

therefore I feel like the song made my commercial advertisement more memorable. Additionally, I imported this song into my Reaper project by dragging a copied file out of the folder and into my

project; this allowed me to work more efficiently.

Above I have displayed another screen shot of a selected file. The particular file I have selected this particular file because in order to retrieve this file I had to cut it out from a fairly large file. The key I

used to cut my voiceover files up was the S key. This minor technique affected my advertisement once again in a good way because it allowed me to efficiently cut up my tracks and then place them

in order of my script for my commercial radio advertisement.

Page 3: Production Log_Declan Tyldesley

Declan Tyldesley

Above I have displayed another screenshot which displays the snap icon on my Reaper project. By disabling this icon it allowed me to move my soundtracks a lot smoother throughout my Reaper project as well as lay out my commercial advertisement a lot better. In my opinion I find that the

snap tool on Reaper is one of the most useful ones as it allows you to move tracks efficiently as well as in sections. Furthermore, I think by making this adjustment it affected my commercial

advertisement in a good way because it allowed me to work a lot more efficiently (less time consuming). I was able to find this tool in the top left of the page on the Reaper software.

Final Screenshot;

Above I have displayed a screenshot of my final edit for my commercial radio advertisement. As you can see there has been multiple adjustments such as on the faded soundtracks.
