Page 1: Primary Inspection Models 14 September 2015. Overview of today’s briefing Revisions to the overall effectiveness conclusion Revisions to the performance

Primary Inspection Models

14 September 2015

Page 2: Primary Inspection Models 14 September 2015. Overview of today’s briefing Revisions to the overall effectiveness conclusion Revisions to the performance

Overview of today’s briefing

• Revisions to the overall effectiveness conclusion

• Revisions to the performance levels• How schools can prepare for inspection • Pre-inspection• Five-day model of inspection • Two-day model of inspection• The school’s added value assessment

data• What happens after an inspection

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Revised Inspection Outcomes for Overall Effectiveness

• The school has a high level of capacity for sustained improvement in the interest of all the learners. ETI will monitor how the school sustains improvement.

• The school demonstrates the capacity to identify and bring about improvement in the interest of all the learners. ETI will monitor how the school sustains improvement.

• The school needs to address (an) important area(s) for improvement in the interest of all the learners. ETI will monitor and report on the school’s progress in addressing the area(s) for improvement. There will be a formal follow-up inspection.

• The school needs to address urgently the significant areas for improvement identified in the interest of all learners. It requires external support to do so. ETI will monitor and report on the school’s progress in addressing the area(s) for improvement. There will be a formal follow-up inspection.

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Revised performance levels

The Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) use the following performance levels when reporting on Achievements and Standards, Provision and Leadership and Management:

• Outstanding• Very Good• Good• Important area(s) for improvement• Requires significant improvement• Requires urgent improvement

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Preparation for inspection

• ETI website: Guidance – Principal, Board of Governors, staff and co-ordinators

• Notification letter• Reporting Inspector (RI) phone call• Completion of the online questionnaires by staff

and parents• Pre-Inspection questionnaire for Governors• Pastoral care and safeguarding proforma• Preparation of the Self-evaluation briefing

(SEB)• Basic information sheet (BIS)

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Pre-inspection day

• Administration of inspection including discussion about participation in the role of the representative/confidentiality clause/joint lesson observation

• Self-evaluation briefing (SEB)• School’s internal assessment data• Meeting with principal re: SDP • Briefing for teachers • Documentary Evidence

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Types of inspection

• 2-day inspection

• 5-day inspection

• Follow-up inspection

• Sustaining Improvement Inspection

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Foci of the 5-day inspection

In order to promote improvement in the interest of all

children, the purpose and inspection is, through effective

linking of internal and external approaches, to evaluate the:

 • children’s achievements and standards in literacy

and numeracy; including how the school is addressing low attainment and underachievement where applicable;

 • quality of provision for learning in the school

[including the nursery unit/learning support centre/ Irish medium unit]; and

 • quality of leadership and management.

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Five-day inspection

• Evaluation of Literacy and Numeracy across the curriculum

• Meeting with the Chair / representative of the Board of Governors – SEB (Day 1)

• Classroom observations - all three days • Year 6 children- pastoral interview (Day 2) • Year 7 prompts- Literacy and Numeracy• Meeting the co-ordinators (Days 1 and 2) • Meetings- emerging findings (Days 1 and 2)• Moderation meeting (Day 3) • Report-back , summary of key findings (Friday/

Day 5)

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Foci of the 2-day inspection

In order to promote improvement in the interest of all children, the

purpose and inspection is, through effective linking of internal and

external approaches, to evaluate the:

• children’s achievements and standards with a particular focus on literacy or numeracy; including how the school is addressing low attainment and underachievement where applicable;

 • quality of provision for learning with a particular focus on

literacy or numeracy [including the nursery unit / learning support centre/ Irish medium unit ]; and

• quality of leadership and management.

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Two-day inspection

• Particular focus on Literacy or Numeracy across the curriculum

• Meeting with the Chair / representative of the Board of Governors-SEB (Day 1)

• Classroom observations (Days 1 and 2)• Year 6 children-pastoral interview • Year 7 prompts-Literacy or Numeracy• Meeting the co-ordinators-LITCO or NUMCO and DT

(Day 1) • Meeting - emerging findings (Day 1)• Moderation meeting (Day 2) • Oral Report (Day 2)

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Evaluation of the quality of learning


• Evaluate the extent of the children’s learning in whole class sessions, groupings and individual, for example,

- the application of their thinking skills

- levels of independence

- knowledge and understanding of the


• Talk to the children about their learning. • Review children’s work in books or e-portfolios. • Evaluate the extent to which the teachers’ plan for effective

learning to meet the needs of all children.

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Consultation and involvement during inspection

• Senior leadership team, including governors

• Learning co-ordinators• Teaching staff• Children• Parents

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“The important question is not how

assessment is defined, but whether

assessment information is used…”

- Palomba and Banta

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It is the responsibility of the school to demonstrate:

1. How well the children progress at all stages.

2. The impact of targeted support.

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What happens after inspection?

• Role of quality assurance • Pre-publication report- check for

factual accuracy• Publication of the report• Written confirmation of receipt of

the report• Request for an action plan (if


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