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Activity 2.3: Multimedia Reflection

A Review of my Personal Learning Network over the last 4 weeks.

One of the first benefits of Twitter, came with following George Couros.

My Twitter started modestly but quickly grew. As I added one educator, others were easy to find. This screen shot was only two weeks after I started using twitter. Following 76! I started with about 5.

My Twitter account now, the following are still increasing, but my followers are growing steadily too!

I've expanded the different kinds of networking sites.

Following Alberta Education on Twitter is greatly beneficial for me as a student now, and as a teacher later on. I'm getting insight into current issues and events. I will be up to date when I do enter a classroom.

I've also created an account. This is a one stop shop for all of my PLN resources for others to follow me. I have found other educators using and it's a great way to follow everything they are up to.

My Tumblr account is still growing, but the resources I have seen are encouraging. One example, Team Teachers, provides examples of successful technologies for in the classroom. Also, they have fun activities for teachers to do amongst themselves, like a get fit challenge. This is one to keep for the future.

So far, a lot of my network has been for reference. However, I have participated on Twitter by retweeting important educational resources, responding to educators comments and starring the resources I would like to use in the future.

I'm enjoying the connections I am making and cannot wait to use them in the future!
