Page 1: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

Pluck the Weeds & Plant the Seeds

30 Ways in 30 Days to Growthe Inner Garden of Your Dreams

by Kelly Sullivan Walden

Page 2: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

“The Heart is like a garden.

It can grow...

compassion or fear...

resentment or love....

What seeds will you plant there?”


Page 3: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

PrologueBeing a Hypnotherapist for the past 14 years, I am acutely aware of the power of repetition. We humans are wonderful habit makers, and the habits we create can make or break us. Any activity we undertake for twenty-eight days or more becomes a habit. This book is set up with conditioning exercises for you do to do for thirty consecutive days (two days for good measure.) And, I assert that if you “pluck” your daily weed, “plant” your daily seed, and do the corresponding exercises (all of which can be done while going to the potty in the morning…for those of you multi-taskers!) by the end of the thirty days, your inner garden (aka, your heart, mind, body, and soul) will feel aligned with your highest destiny. As this happens, your life will bear the fruit of improved relationships, greater finances, health, vitality and well-being.

In every ceremony I lead, I begin with a releasing ritual that includes a round of deep breathing, an offering of all stress, fear, doubt and worry to a flame (symbolized by a candle). By the time we have gone around the circle there are always giggles and deep belly laughs at the ridiculousness of our fears. And because we bravely voiced them, and released them to the candle, we have created the space to plant the seeds of new intentions to take root within the soil of our heart, mind and soul.

I hope that you will give yourself the gift of removing the thoughts that don’t serve you, and cultivating your highest possibilities.

Keep on growing and glowing,


Page 4: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

Your life is your garden. Your mind is soil that unconditionally receives whatever it is given…it cannot discriminate against the type of seed you choose to plant. If the conditions are right (adequate sunlight, rain, nutrients, etc…), the seed will grow into blossoms on the stem, fruit on the vine, or leaves on the tree.

Metaphysically speaking, seeds are the thoughts, beliefs, and ideologies that have been planted in your heart and mind. The weeds are the negative, fear-based, erroneous ideas, belief systems and thought forms that, if left unattended, sabotage your garden from reaching its full potential. However, some of our best learning experiences come from a sudden crop of weeds. We see the demonstration of our intent and we realize the power of our words and deeds to create an effect so that we can redirect our thoughts.

You are the master of your domain. You are the garden and the gardener. You are the only one who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but, in time, the quality of the seeds you plant will come into full bloom and yield a harvest in your life!

For the purpose of this book, consider that at the root of every weed is the core belief: separation. When a person feels separate from their divine essence…from life…from light… from love, they become lost in the illusion that they are all alone in a fitful, chaotic world. This is the belief that germinates all neurotic, fear-based weeds, and leads one to feel overwhelmed and powerless.

In-grow-duction“This is how a human being can change: There is a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly, he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him up, and he is no longer a worm. He is the entire vineyard, the orchard, and the garden too, he is the fruit, the trunks, the growing wisdom and joy that does not need to devour.“


On the other hand...

Page 5: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

When one awakens to the reality of their divine essence, they immediately reunite with love…with light…with life. Once the seed of unity has taken root within the soil of their soul, they naturally behave in a virtuous, joyous, generous, loving, life-affirming manner that produces an outcropping of wonderful relationships, job opportunities, financial abundance, health and vitality.

So, now you might be wondering…How do I transform the garden of My Screams into the Garden of My Dreams?

Whether you are already living in “The Garden of Your Dreams” or in “The Garden of Your Screams,” your chores are the same:

1. Scan your garden daily for the “Weed Du Jour” and observe your actions, reactions, inner and outer dialogue. 2. Refrain from using “Freak Out Fertilizer” (words or deeds that exacerbate the growth of your weeds.)

3. Plant your “Seed Du Jour” (an affirming quality that resonates with the fruition of your heart’s desire) in your inner garden each day. 4. Add a “Miracle Grow Mantra” (a positive affirmation) to your daily routine that allows you to magnify and multiply that which you desire to grow in your life. Gestate within its inspirational feeling tone.

5. Journal and/or meditate upon your answers to the daily Self-Gardening Questions to discover your personal connection with the daily weed and seed.

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Sample answers to Self-Gardening questions:

Day 6: Pluck the Weed of Insecurity & Plant the Seed of Confidence

1. In what situation or around who do you feel lost in the weeds of insecurity?I am most insecure around Roger, Sue and Janis. I also feel insecure when I perceive I am being rejected or “in trouble.”

2. What do you get out of rolling in the mud of inadequacy?I feel rotten when I indulge in feelings of inadequacy. I get sick, lethargic and depressed. I create a vicious cycle of more things to feel inadequate about.

3. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to feel confident in the situations that most challenge you?I would have to give up the thought that anyone is above me. I would have to give up my habitual “comfort zone” of self-doubt, insecurity and being my own worst enemy. I would have to give up thinking that there is something inherently wrong with me.

4. How would your life blossom if you were deeply rooted in self-confidence?If I were rooted in self-confidence I would feel more adventurous, creative, joyous, excited about being alive, helpful and generous.

5. Describe a time in your life when you flourished in confidence.When Bob, my co-worker acknowledged me for doing a great job at work, I was surprised at how good I felt. For the rest of the afternoon I felt very confident.

6. How will you water seed of confidence today?When I interact with Sue today, I will remind myself first that we are on the same level, and I will feel great because I will remember to connect with my inner source of strength before our meeting. Maybe I will even see the comedy in her attempt at trying to push me around!

Eliminate the weeds that sabotage your dreams from fully blossoming and Illuminate the seeds that support your highest life vision! This is how you co-create heaven on earth and bring the Garden of your Dreams into 3D: a Divine Demonstration of your soul’s Desire!

Page 7: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

How often must I tend to the Garden Of My Dreams?

The Garden of Your Dreams will not be realized in one industrious, well-meaning day of gardening, but rather in one moment at a time, day by day, season after season. On a daily basis, pluck the weeds that arise in your garden, and plant seeds of your heart’s desires in their place.

In other words... Eliminate the weeds that sabotage your dreams from fully blossoming & Illuminate the seeds that support your highest life vision!

This is how you co-create heaven on earth and bring the Garden of your Dreams into 3D: a Divine Demonstration of your soul’s Desire!

My garden is too far-gone. Can’t I trade it in for another?

Sorry, but no. One garden per being. Your task is to take what you’ve been given, raw materials and all, and make the most of it. No one in the world has a garden quite like yours. It does not matter what the garden next-door looks like, your plot is what you’ve got! If you are unhappy with the outcroppings of your life, consider the possibility that you have “uncultivated potential”. Instead, of sulking, roll up your sleeves, get down and dirty, and make yours the best garden it can be! In no time your garden will be bursting at the seams with flowers and fruit…so ripe they’ll be falling off the vine!

Page 8: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

What do I do if I see weeds in someone else’s garden?

It is easier to spot the weeds in the garden next door than in your own. Beware of the temptation to abandon your upkeep while becoming preoccupied, annoyed and obsessed with the unruliness of someone else’s garden. This is a fruitless depletion of your valuable energy. The best way to maximize your energy when you notice a weed in someone else’s garden is to:

1. Stop, and take a deep breath2. Identify the name of the weed, i.e. (pride, selfishness, jealousy, disrespect, etc…)3. Turn about-face from your neighbor’s garden and search for that very same weed in your own garden. This can be the most difficult part of the process for many of us. However, this step, as ego-deflating as it may seem, is ultimately the most empowering step of all…you can do this!!!4. Once you’ve identified your weed, roll up your sleeves and pluck away!5. Nature abhors a vacuum; so immediately plant some new seeds of Love, Joy, Harmony, Respect, etc…in the open spaces where the weeds used to be.6. Silently thank your neighbor for inspiring your transformation!

But what if my neighbor’s weeds simply do not grow in my garden?

HA! The only way you would notice someone else’s weeds (much less be annoyed by them), is if you had them yourself. Granted, your weeds might grow differently, or be hidden in a less obvious place (to you) than your neighbors, however, the rule of green thumb is that if anyone else’s weeds create a reaction in you, then they must exist, in some shape or form, in your garden. If this is a shadow weed, meaning that it is a weed that you feel a great deal of shame about, it may be tricky for you to find. However, once you muster the courage to truly give your inner garden the reality check it deserves, you will discover an inner strength, confidence and empowerment than you never could have imagined.

Again, the only garden that is of value for you to concern yourself with is yours. As you make your garden into the most lavish, luscious, opulent Shangri-La it can be, you will be amazed at how the gardens around you begin to grow and glow because of your example.

Now, roll up your sleeves… get ready, get set…and Pluck Away!!!

Page 9: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

“Just remember,

in the winter,

Far beneath

the bitter snow,

Lies the seed, that with the suns love,

In the spring, becomes

the rose.”

The Rose, McBroom*

Page 10: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,


VictimhoodUproot your woe-is-me whine and the misconception that your life is controlled by your parents, the media, your lover, somebody, anybody…everybody! Pluck all weeds that imply everything (including the weather) is happening to you.

SEED DU JOUR:ResponsibilityPlant the seed of accountability for your thoughts, feelings and actions. Cultivate your ability to accept that the power to grow the garden of your dreams lies in your hands.

Day 1 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I am 100% responsible for growing

a life that I love!”

Page 11: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

Self-Gardening:Day 1: Pluck the Weed of Victimhood and Plant the Seed of Responsibility

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel the lost in victimhood?

2. What results do you reap when you point the finger at this person or situation?

3. What does hiding in the weeds of victimhood cost you?

4. Like the seasons, be willing to change. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to take 100% responsibility for your life?

5. What conditions/relationships would improve or change if you became responsible for having a life that you love?

6. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because you took responsibility for yourself and your circumstances? Gestate within the details of this memory.

7. How will you water the seed of responsibility today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown in self-responsibility. Cultivate the feeling tone of being deeply rooted in your power, dignity and self-respect.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Take out a board game (if you don’t have one, then imagine one) and lay it out in front of you, seeing all of the pieces before you as a metaphor of your life. Every aspect of this game is you and you are in control of how the game of life is played.

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ComplainingPluck away your compulsion to eagerly voice your disappointments to whomever will lend an ear. When someone else complains, refrain from outdoing them with your well-crafted tale of woe.

SEED DU JOUR:GratitudePlant the seed of knowing there is always a lesson or a blessin’ in every situation.Nurture your ability to give thanks for everything that transpires, from the good to the perceived bad.

Day 2 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I am grateful for EVERYTHING that

unfolds for me today!”

Page 13: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

Self-Gardening:Day 2: Pluck the weed of Complaining & Plant the seed of Gratitude

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel lost in complaining?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of complaining?

3. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to be grateful for your life…exactly as it is?

4. What conditions/relationships/situations would ripen if you suddenly saw your life through gratitude glasses?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because of your “great attitude” (a.k.a. gratitude)? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you express gratitude today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as already fully-grown in gratitude…reveling in thanksgiving for your good fortune and for all the wonderful gifts you’ve been given.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Water the seed of gratitude by making a “Thank You” list of ten things you are grateful for right now. Then make a list of ten things from the past for which you are grateful. Lastly, create a gratitude list of ten things from the future that you are grateful for, in advance.

Page 14: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,


GossipUproot the tendency to jump on the Bad News Bandwagon by dragging others through the mud to make them look bad, in order to make yourself look better, or to fill a lull in conversation because you think there is nothing better to talk about.

SEED DU JOUR:Empowering ExpressionHarvest the realization that your words have power. Allow only that which uplifts, enlightens, or empowers to be uttered from your lips. When in doubt about what to say, silence is golden.

Day 3 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I speak with the awareness that the words

of em-flowerment that blossom from my mouth give rise to new possibilities.

I know that what I say makes a difference!”

Page 15: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

Self-Gardening:Day 3: Pluck the Weed of Gossip & Plant the Seed of Em-flowering Expression

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most irresistibly drawn to the weed of gossip?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of verbally dragging other people through the mud?

3. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to express only that which empowers, uplifts and/or enlightens?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you spoke with the awareness that what you say made a difference?

5. Describe a time in your life when you flourished because you spoke about someone in a way that caused him or her to blossom. Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you water the seed of empowering expression today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as a fully-grown in your ability to use the power of your word to uplift and inspire. Imagine that each word you speak plants seeds of new life. each word you speak plants seeds of new life.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Identify a person with whom you will water the seed of em-flowering expression today, by acknowledging a quality they embody that you admire.

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PessimismMow over your Manure Magnifying Glass that seeks out the negative in all situations. When something good happens, pluck away all thoughts that say, “This was an accident…it won’t last.”

SEED DU JOUR:OptimismCultivate your ability to name every challenge a B.I.D. (Blessing In Disguise). Increase your capacity to magnetize more joy and bliss into your life, by giving thanks when something good happens.

Day 4 Miracle Grow


(and I mean EVERYTHING) is happening to me

for my highest good!”

Page 17: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

Self-Gardening:Day 4: Pluck the Weed of Pessimism & Plant the Seed of Optimism

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel lost in the weeds of negativity?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of mentally rolling in the manure of life?

3. Become willing to change: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to see things from an “everything is happening for my highest good” point of view?

4. How would your life flower if you were to see the good in even the most challenging situations?

5. Describe a time in your life when you flourished because you knew the grass was greenest on your side. Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you grow tall in optimism today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown in your ability to see the bright side of every situation. Imagine who you would be if you truly knew that everything and everyone was conspiring on behalf of your greatest expansion and freedom.

Self-Gardening Challenge:The next time something does NOT go your way, say out loud, “This must be a blessing in disguise” (Even if it feels disingenuous.) Water the seed of optimism by immediately looking for clues to prove how this could be a blessing.

Page 18: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,


Runnaway MouthPluck away the tendency to monopolize conversations. Uproot your hot air tendencies to prattle on without regard as to whether anyone is interested or even listening to your tireless litany. Whew!

SEED DU JOUR:Skillful CommunicationCultivate the ability to see that each person you meet is Divinity in the flesh. Listen respectfully and when inspired, express yourself mindfully.

Day 5 Miracle Grow

Mantra“Real listening can be more enlightening than talking.

I allow myself to speak when spoken through!”

Page 19: Pluck theWeeds Plant the Seeds - Kelly Sullivan Waldenone who can pluck the weeds and plant the seeds you want …seeds of love or fear…lack or abundance…it is up to you…but,

Self-Gardening:Day 5: Pluck the Weed of Blah, Blah, Blah & Plant the Seed of Skillful Communication

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most irresistibly drawn into the weeds of “blah, blah, blah?”

2. What kind of weeds grow from blah, blah, blahing your way through life?

3. Get a new leaf on life: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to be a more skillful communicator?

4. What conditions/relationships would improve if you took the time to really listen to what people had to say?

5. Describe a time in your life when someone else flourished as a result of your listening. Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation will you practice skillful communication today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as already a fully-grown skillful communicator. With this awareness, envision it becoming easier and easier for you to use the power of listening and the magnitude of your word to uplift, inspire and empower.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Water the seed of skillful communication today by identifying a person with whom you will converse. Listen to this person as if he or she were the wisest person on the planet and that their words could change your life.

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InsecurityUproot self-criticism and the futility of comparing yourself to the achievements and possessions of anyone outside of you. Realize that when you identify yourself with only the superficial, as opposed to what’s really going on under the soil, you will always feel that there is not enough and that the little you do have could wilt away.

SEED DU JOUR:ConfidenceCompare yourself only to your former self and acknowledge all the progress you have made. Harvest your ability to stand tall in the awareness that you are a one of a kind spiritual phenomenon, identified with beauty, wisdom and love…the bedrock of your being. Day 6

Miracle Grow Mantra

“I am getting better everyday! I am solid and secure for the ground

I garden upon is holy ground!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 6: Pluck the Weed of Insecurity & Plant the Seed of Confidence

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel the most insecure?

2. What do you gain from indulging in thoughts that lead to feelings of inadequacy?

3. Consider what patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to rise up confidently in the situations that most challenge you.

4. How would your life blossom if you were to be deeply rooted in self-confidence?

5. Describe a time in your life when you flourished with confidence. Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation will you be rooted in confidence today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully blossomed in confidence, celebrating the unique expression of beauty, wisdom and love that you are.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Observe an insect (an ant, beetle, spider, etc…) and imagine that it is your greatest fear. Realize that as a divine being, you are a spiritual GIANT in comparison to this tiny insecurity. Now that you have the proper perspective, face and embrace the issue you are dealing with, as you stand tall in confidence today.

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DefensivenessPrune back any and all thoughts you hold about living in a hostile world, as you pluck away your cynical snarl as a badge of honor that shows the world how rotten life has treated you. Be mindful of any defensiveness around your achey-breaky heart, as protection yourself from, being foolish enough to ever let someone trample your sacred garden again!

SEED DU JOUR:TrustWith the awareness that the universe is always conspiring on behalf of your highest good, grow your field of dreams with the assurance that you are always provided for, on time and in time.

Day 7 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I trust that beneath even weedy appearances, people are basically

good and caring; I freefall into the loving arms of life!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 7: Pluck the Weed of Defensiveness & Plant the Seed of Trust

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most entangled in the weeds of defensiveness?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of being overly guarded?

3. Turn over a new leaf: What beliefs would you have to unearth in order to begin to trust the intrinsic goodness of the universe?

4. How would your circumstances and relationships bloom if you were to trust that on the deepest level, everyone you see is rooting for you?

5. Describe a positive experience from your past when you flourished because you allowed yourself to trust unabashedly. Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. Who and what situation will you extend yourself to in trust today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as already fully-grown in your ability to trust the goodness of the universe. Gestate in the feeling tone of being able to trust and discern the underlying intentions of the people with whom you interact.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Ask a stranger for directions, to watch your purse, to take a picture of you, or to borrow change for a parking meter. Put yourself “out there” and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised by the trustworthiness of strangers as you water the seed of trust today.

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WorryPluck away the tendency to live as if danger is about to leap out at you from behind the bushes…exhausting your time, money and energy in a fruitless attempt to protect yourself from unforeseen catastrophes.

SEED DU JOUR:Peace Of MindFrom your inner stillness, plant the seed of peacefulness that has a calming and healing effect on you and the people in your garden of life.

Day 8 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I feel safe and secure because I know that I am a magnet for love. Blessings

await me around every corner.”

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Self-Gardening:Day 8: Pluck the Weed of Worry & Plant the Seed of Peace of Mind

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most muddied with worry?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of worrying?

3. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to unearth the serenity of your inner being?

4. How would your life blossom if you allowed peace of mind to take root deep within the soil of your soul?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because you felt extremely peaceful? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you water the seed of peace today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as grounded in peacefulness…knowing that your inner serenity can transform something that may have been intended for harm into something that will actually benefit you.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Water the seed of peace today by emptying out a tissue box, that you will refer to as your “God Box.” Breathe your worry on one piece of tissue and put it in your “God Box.” Feel the relief in knowing that you have turned the (t)issue over to your higher power and now it is up to you to act as if your worry is resolved in a favorable way.

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Hole In The SoulPluck away the urge to compulsively binge, shop, or work (whatever behavior that distracts you from yourself.) Pull up any weeds of neediness that have you insatiably sponging people’s time, energy and attention in an attempt to fill an inner void.

SEED DU JOUR:Whole In The SoulOperate from the core belief that your inner horn of plenty runneth over and all your needs are abundantly met, on time and in time. From your inner bounty, you are a joyous giver.

Day 9 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I am whole, perfect and complete! I am ready, willing and able to share

from the overflowing cornucopia of my being!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 9: Pluck the Weed of Hole In the Soul & Plant the Seed of Whole in the Soul

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel the most barren?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you feel needy and greedy?

3. Seasons change and so must you. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to realize that you are whole, perfect and complete?

4. What conditions/relationships would blossom if you behaved with the awareness that your inner bounty runneth over?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished as a result of feeling completely whole? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you revel in the realization of your wholeness today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as being plugged into your infinite, never-ending source—you are overwhelmingly whole, perfect and complete, overflowing and satiated from knowing that your needs are always met on time and in time.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Water the seed of wholeness today, by looking into the mirror and reminding yourself (aloud) that you are the person you’ve been waiting for. Remind yourself that you are whole in your soul, always have been and always will be. Remember, you are the one whose recognition you are always seeking.

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HypochondriaPrune back your tendency to obsess over morbid health-crisis fantasies. Dig out all thoughts that you are a biological disaster waiting to happen!

SEED DU JOUR:VitalityCultivate the awareness of dynamic health and aliveness flowering throughout your every cell, as you connect with the source of radiant health.

Day 10 Miracle Grow

Mantra“Dynamic health and vitality are

my very essence. I am growing stronger and more energetic day by day!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 10: Pluck the Weed of Hypochondria & Plant the Seed of Vitality

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most irresistibly drawn into the weeds of hypochondria?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of toiling in thoughts of sickness?

3. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to overturn in order to relate to yourself as healthy and buoyant?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you related to yourself as radiantly healthy?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished as a result of behavior that reflected dynamic aliveness? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you explore your natural vitality today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown in your unique expression of radiant health. Imagine that every cell in your body temple is dancing, singing and glowing in rapturous celebration.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Water the seed of vitality in your life today by hopping, skipping, dancing, drawing, singing, laughing, or playing a game that allows your childlike vitality to burst through you.

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IntolerancePluck away your demand that the world should revolve around you. Toss out the right to be outraged when people are different than you or when they let you down. Uproot indignation that stems from thinking that the people should always behave the way you expect them to.

SEED DU JOUR:AllowingHarvest your ability to be slow to anger and quick to forgive. With compassion, hold a space for people when they are different from you or when they fall from grace.

Day 11 Miracle Grow

Mantra“With compassionate X-ray vision, I look past a person’s facade to the

roots of their radiant magnificence.”

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Self-Gardening:Day 11: Pluck the Weed of Intolerance & Plant the Seed of Mercy

1. In what situation or with whom do you feel lost in the weeds of intolerance?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you get haughty?

3. What beliefs, patterns and/or knee-jerk tendencies would you have to uproot in order to release your inner wellspring of compassion and mercy?

4. How would your life blossom if you were slow to anger and quick to forgive?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because of your benevolence and mercy? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. To whom will you be merciful today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown in acceptance and love. Imagine that your heart is as big as the world, large enough to contain all the people, especially those that are the most difficult for you to love.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Add miracle grow to the seed of mercy within you by observing a toddler. Pay attention to how precious he or she is as they wobble, fall and drool. The next time someone irritates you, see them as a toddler and allow yourself to show the same kind of mercy you would to a child.

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RigidityPluck away your urge to micro-manage the people in your life by thinking it is up to you to hand-crank the universe. Relinquish your nostril-flaring, foot-stomping and mud-slinging tendencies when things do not go according to your agenda!

SEED DU JOUR:FlexibilityFlow with the seasons of life as you remember the universe has more in store for you than your “little plans.” Realize that when it looks as if your idea of how things should be is falling apart, something much greater is actually coming together. Day 12

Miracle Grow Mantra

“With ease and grace I glow with the flow, trusting the highway to guide my

way…through all the seasons of my life!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 12: Pluck the Weed of Rigidity & Plant the Seed of Flexibility

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most irresistibly drawn into the weeds of rigidity?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you are rooted in inflexibility?

3. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to be more allowing?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you went with the flow more often?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because you allowed yourself to glow with the flow? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you extend your natural flexibility today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown in flexibility. Imagine that because you are firmly rooted in your true essence, you can enjoy the dance of the winds of change through your branches.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Take a bath, go swimming, or observe a body of water. Experience the flowing nature of this powerful element. Just for today, behave as if you were water, flowing with every situation that arises, allowing yourself to be pleasantly surprised with the magic that unfolds when you go with the flow.

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DenialPluck out your tendency to pretend a weed is a flower. Identify where you close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and avoid reality at all costs, while remaining in a mud puddle of denial.

SEED DU JOUR: Getting RealRoll up your sleeves and courageously face and embrace that which challenges you. As you do, you will excavate, deep within the core of your being, a treasure trove of inner resources you never knew existed.

Day 13 Miracle Grow

Mantra“With my feet placed firmly on the

earth, I boldly face the challenges with which life gifts me.”

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Self-Gardening:Day 13: Pluck the Weed of Denial & Plant the Seed of Getting Real

1. In what situation or with whom do you feel lost in the weeds of denial?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of remaining in la-la land?

3. Get a new leaf on life: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to begin a profound relationship with reality?

4. What conditions/relationships would blossom if you were to see your life with both eyes open and both feet planted on the ground?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because you heroically embraced and triumphantly faced a challenging situation? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you get real today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Take a moment to cultivate a vision of yourself as mature in your ability to face and embrace reality. Feel your inner resourcefulness rise up within you to match and even supercede the issues you are facing.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Open up a card deck and spread it out face up on a table. Realize now, that because the cards are on the table, you can figure out how to stack them in your favor. With this in mind, water the seed of reality by identifying the issues that have been the most difficult to face. Realize that once the issue is in plain view, grace can now take place.

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FrownPluck away your desire to outwardly express your disappointment in people and life in general. Release your inner dialogue that says, “Nothing ever works out for me, so what’s to smile about?!?”

SEED DU JOUR: RadiancePlant the seed of radiance as you allow your inner sunshine to emanate from within you. You are a budding flower of creation…so what’s not to smile about?!?

Day 14 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I radiate joy throughout my inner

and outer garden with sunshine from the inside out!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 14: Pluck the Weed of Frowning & Plant the Seed of Radiance

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel lost in the weeds of negativity?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you gloomily walk through the garden of life?

3. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors need to supplant in order to allow the sunshine of your spirit to radiate throughout your inner and outer garden?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you allowed yourself to be the radiant light-being that you truly are?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because your glow was contagious? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you shine your radiant light today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Imagine flipping your inner light switch to the “on” position, and like a Christmas tree you are aglow with magic and joy. Imagine your glow being so contagious that it illuminates all within your realm.

Self-Gardening Challenge: For two minutes, stand and face the sun. And if you cannot visibly see the sun, then stand and face its general direction. Feel the warmth (or the imagined warmth) electrifying you and awakening the rays of the sun encoded in each of your cells, until you feel like you are vibrating, buzzing and glowing like the sun itself. Take this glow with you as you smile and remind the people you interact with today that they, too, are the light.

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MartyrdomExcavate the expectation that people should read your mind…so that you never actually have to tell them what you really think and feel, much less what your boundaries are. Uproot your tendencies to grumble and curse beneath your breath as you pretend that everything is fine.

SEED DU JOUR: Healthy BoundariesRefer to your inner weather vane that always points in the direction of your true needs and direction. In sharing your authentic feelings and limits, you will begin to sow deeper seeds of intimacy within yourself and with your relationships. Day 15

Miracle Grow Mantra

“When I honor my needs, wants and limits, I empower others

to honor me and themselves.”

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Self-Gardening:Day 15: Pluck the Weed of Martyrdom & Plant the Seed of Healthy Boundaries

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most irresistibly drawn into the weeds of martyrdom?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of letting people trample over your boundaries?

3. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to set boundaries that honor your needs, wants and desires?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you honored your limits?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because you set a healthy boundary with someone? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. How will you grow healthy boundaries today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Beginning right now, cultivate a vision of yourself as already an expert at having healthy boundaries. Amplify your inner voice of discernment that always knows when it is appropriate to build a fence and when to tear one down.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Honor yourself as if you were the most precious flower in the garden by responding to your needs, wants and desires. Eat when you are hungry, go where you feel inspired to go, move in the direction of your inner guidance and let people know when they’ve crossed the line with you. Know that if you want to get your needs taken seriously, you must take yourself seriously.

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Stuck In The PastRefrain from continuously fertilizing your past wounds and heartaches from your “Hall of Shame”, or recycling the glory days and victories from your “Hall of Fame.” Pluck away your tendencies to bury your head in weeds of the past in an attempt to avoid the present moment at all costs.

SEED DU JOUR: Being PresentFlourish in the realization that you are an evergreen, eternal being. As you step fully into the sunlight of the present moment, you positively effect your past and your future.

Day 16 Miracle Grow

Mantra“In this eternal moment a garden variety

of options and choices are available to me. THIS is the moment for which I was born!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 16: Stuck in the Past to Being Present

1. In what situation or around whom do you find yourself toiling in the weeds of past victories and/or heartaches?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of being stuck in the past?

3. It’s time for change: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to identify yourself as timeless, ageless and infinite?

4. What conditions/relationships/situations would flourish if you suddenly stepped into the present moment and established a reference point in the NOW?

5. With whom or in what situation will you practice the art of being present today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Become aware of your breathing, the temperature of your skin, the sounds around you, the taste in your mouth, the fragrances you smell and the way you feel. Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown in your ability to be completely present.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Act like today is your last day to be alive. Connect with the people in your life as if you may never see them again. Take nothing for granted in your interactions today, allowing yourself to be present to the sights, sounds, tastes, smells and feelings (physical and emotional) of each situation you encounter.

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StingyClip back your tendency to skimp on the things in life that feed your spirit (nutrition, exercise, classes, sleep, alone time, etc…) and pluck away your tendency to ridicule others for being “indulgent” when they have the audacity to put themselves first.

SEED DU JOUR: GenerosityNurture your way to enlightenment by honoring your internal seasons. Take time to get adequate rest, relaxation and rejuvenation so that you can give to yourself and others from your inner bounty.

Day 17 Miracle Grow

Mantra“Because my garden is well-tended, it is

natural and effortless for me to give from the overflow to those I love.””

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Self-Gardening:Day 17: Stingy to Generous

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most irresistibly drawn into the weeds of stinginess?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of withholding your time, affection, gifts or resources?

3. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to be abundant and generous in the areas in which you currently appear to be stingy?

4. What conditions or relationships would flower if you gave from your inner surplus?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because you were generous with your resources? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. To whom will you stretch in your generosity today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Beginning right now, cultivate a vision of yourself as one who gives from their inner bounty. Envision yourself providing excellent self-care, so that you are capable of giving from the never-ending overflow of your being.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Do one of the following activities today: Carry five one-dollar bills in your pocket and give them away to five people. Buy treats for everyone in your office. Treat a friend to lunch. Give an article of clothing away to someone. Be on the lookout for opportunities to stretch yourself in the domain of generosity.

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BoredomWeed out your tendency to be unimpressed with the gloriousness of life. Pluck away your apathetic demeanor that you think underscores the depth of your savoir-faire.

SEED DU JOUR: AppreciationPlant the seed of wonder by practicing awe-robics, beholding the exquisite beauty and privilege of being alive.

Day 18 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I am rooted in awe and am impressed by

the magnificence of life.”

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Self-Gardening:Day 18: Pluck the Weed of Boredom & Plant the Seed of Appreciation

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel lost in the weeds of boredom?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you are unimpressed with the magnificence of life?

3. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to appreciate every single thing that occurs in your life?

4. What conditions/relationships would flower if you practiced “Awe-robics” and became appreciative of even the little things?

5. Describe a time in your life when you flourished because you were truly in awe of the simple things in life. Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. What will you express your gratitude about today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate the feeling tone of gratitude in a walking mediation. Allow yourself to say an inner, “Thank you” with each step and each breath you take, no matter what you have to walk through today.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Hold your breath for 20 seconds... then take a big sign of relief. Become aware of the blessing of breath. Do this throughout the day to remind you to be grateful for the innumerable luxuries you are otherwise apt to take for granted (i.e. a hot shower, your bed, food, people who love you, a roof over your head, your ability to read, your talents and skills, etc…)

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SeparationPluck away the misconception that there is no higher power at work and you are disconnected and isolated from everything and everyone. Come out of the muck and mire of thinking you are absolutely alone in a big, scary world.

SEED DU JOUR: UnityWithin your inner greenhouse, harvest the awareness that you are connected to the source of divine love…at one with every person and every thing. You walk with a confident grace because you know that you never walk alone. Day 19

Miracle Grow Mantra

“I am embraced in love, light, and happiness;

I am at one with all of life!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 19: Pluck the Weed of Separation & Plant the Seed of Unity

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most disconnected from the garden of humanity?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you feel separated, different, better than, or less than other people?

3. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to operate from your connection to the soul of everyone on earth?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you realized that you are intrinsically connected and unified with everyone and everything in life?

5. Describe a time in your life when you flourished because you allowed yourself to feel connected to everyone and everything. Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation or relationship will you remain rooted in unity today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as already fully-grown in your inescapable connection to The Source of Life, Beauty, Love and Wellbeing. Imagine your inner light expanding beyond the confines of your body and emanating out to connect with the essence of all people.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Go into a public place and observe the people you see. Make a list of the traits that each person has in common with everyone else (i.e. everyone sleeps, eats, goes to the bathroom, wears clothes, is naked underneath their clothes, wants to be loved, feel important, etc…). Notice how you feel when you imagine that each “stranger” is a family member you haven’t yet met.

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Wave A Bad News BannerUproot your tendency to project the worst-case scenario into the future. Bury your fatalistic worldview and need to be the bearer of bad news with everyone and anyone you meet.


Wave A Banner Of LightAllow yourself to grow tall in your awareness that even in the darkest mud a glorious flower can grow. Wave a banner of light from your tallest branches to inspire others to discover the ravishing beauty of their life. Day 20

Miracle Grow Mantra

“My eyes are fixed upon the Big Picture and I cultivate inspiration in all

whom I meet, as we all grow and glow from glory to greater glory!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 20: Pluck Weeds of Bearing Bad News & Plant Seeds of Sharing the Light

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel irresistibly drawn into the weeds of tragedy?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you project doom and gloom into your future?

3. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to wave a banner of light from your highest branches?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you if you were to relate and communicate from an inspired, life-affirming place?

5. Can you recall a time in your past when you flourished because you inspired someone with your good news? If so, gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation will you revel in good news today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown in your ability to be the bearer of good news. Imagine the words uttered from your lips are seeds giving birth to new life. Envision the world blessed by the seeds you plant, the flag you wave and the words you speak.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Like a detective, be on the lookout for good news clues and be willing to report your findings to at least five people today. If you become aware that you are surrounded by gossip or negativity, politely remove yourself from the scene of the crime and return to your treasure hunt.

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FrenzyUproot your tendency to react hysterically over trivial daily upsets, thinking, “I freak out therefore I am!” Pluck away all habits associated with frantic rushing and being wound so tight that you are always on the verge of snapping.


SerenityAllow the soil of your soul to soak in peace and calm. Before you respond to a challenging situation, take a deep breath that roots you deeply to wisdom and serene action.

Day 21 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I am gently led step by step, breath by breath, into divine

right action that emanates from the roots of my being.”

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Self-Gardening:Day 21: Pluck the Weed of Frenzy & Plant the Seed of Serenity

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel most irresistibly drawn into the weeds of frenzy?

2. What kind of weeds grow in your life as a result of operating from hurry, scurry and flurry?

3. In order for you to be more serene, what patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot?

4. What conditions/relationships would change or ripen if you saturated your inner garden with serenity?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you were serene? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation today, or with what person will you breathe deeply and cultivate your inner stillness?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown in your ability to move through your life with serenity. Imagine a serene environment (i.e. a beautiful meadow, a beach near the ocean, a cozy cabin in front of a fire place, wrapped in a warm embrace of someone who loves you, etc.) Carry this feeling into your day today.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Set an alarm to go off every hour on the hour. Do this on your cell phone or on a portable timer. Each and every time you hear the alarm go off remember to drop into your inner reservoir of serenity, take three deep breaths, and proceed slowly and mindfully along your path.

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JealousyDig up your tendency to compare and despair. Pluck away feelings of inferiority that stem from a belief in a limited amount of love, beauty and success. Release the erroneous belief that if someone has something you want, then they are stealing your piece of the garden!


SupportBlossom in the awareness that you are an unrepeatable phenomena… worthy only of comparison to your former self. Grow in the realization that the universe is constantly supporting you, and celebrate by lavishly bestowing support upon others.

Day 22 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I am supported by the universe,

everyday, in every way. This enables me to celebrate the success and achievements

of those around me…for I know that as one is lifted, all are lifted!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 22: Pluck the Weed of Jealousy & Plant the Seed of Support

1. In what situations or with whom are you irresistibly drawn into the weeds of jealousy?

2. What kind of fruit do you bear when you compare and despair?

3. What kind of weeds grow when you indulge in the perspective of your inner green-eyed-monster?

4. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to feel supported by the universe in every way and everyday?

5. What conditions/relationships would change or ripen if you no longer felt threatened, but inspired by the successes of others?

6. Can you recall a time when you felt so rooted in your own garden of greatness that you were able to celebrate someone else’s win as if it were your own? Gestate within the details of this memory.

7. How will you grow your ability to support and be supported today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as already fully-grown in your ability to feel supported and to support others in their full blossoming. Imagine that when someone else grows, you automatically grow, and as you grow, you inspire others to grow.

Self-Gardening Challenge: The next time you hear about someone striking it rich, falling in love, or having a “win” in their life, celebrate their success as if it is your own. Give them a pat on the back, send them a card, or throw them a party. Celebrating another’s win energetically connects you to the vibration of winning, which brings you closer to a personal win for yourself!

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InauthenticityUproot the fear of being exposed in this “unsafe jungle called life.” Pluck the belief that your true self is rejectable, which will enable you to drop either the white picket fence or the thorny barbed wire that hides your true self.


AuthenticityRealize that no two flowers are alike. You are a unique masterpiece in the garden of life, safe in your ability to blossom and express your one-of-a-kind essence and beauty.

Day 23 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I comfortably and unabashedly expose

the true flowering of my heart and soul…because to know me is to love me.”

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Self-Gardening:Day 23: Pluck the Weed of Inauthenticity & Plant the Seed of Authenticity

1. In what situations or around whom do you feel lost in the weeds of inauthenticity?

2. What kind of weeds grow as a result of being inauthentic?

3. What patterns, beliefs, behaviors, or people would you have to unearth in order to wear your soul on your sleeve?

4. What conditions/relationships would change or ripen if you were to authentically express the real you?

5. Can you recall a positive experience from your past in which you allowed yourself to be completely real? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation today or with what person will you blossom in your radiant authenticity?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown and rooted in your authentic expression. Imagine feeling light, free and childlike in your ability to expose your true feelings, thoughts and creativity.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Your inner child holds the blueprint for your most soulful authenticity; so let her run the show today. Let your inner child pick out your clothes, take you to the places that she wants to go and do the things that she would like you to do.

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Heavy ladenDrop old baggage (yours and everyone else’s) and the misconception that it is up to you to mend everyone’s woes. Pluck the weed of over-responsibility and seriousness, as you release the weight of other people’s affairs from your hunched shoulders.


Lightness Of BeingPlant the seed of trusting in the perfect unfolding of everyone’s sacred path, as you accept that you (and everyone else) are the light that lights up the entire world.

Day 24 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I am a free spirit who takes spirit so

seriously that I can take myself lightly. I am tickled by the joy of life!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 24: Pluck the Weed of being Heavy Mettled & Plant the Seed of Lightness of Being

1. About what or with whom do you feel the most burdened with over-responsibility?

2. What kind of fruit do you bear by being burdened with things over which you have no control?

3. What kind of weeds grow when you go through life with your branches heavy laden with rotten fruit that isn’t yours?

4. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to experience lightness of being?

5. What conditions/relationships would change or ripen if you found a joyous approach to life and let other people discover their own inner resourcefulness?

6. Can you recall a time in your life when you empowered people to solve their own problems, enabling you to have permission to feel light and buoyant? Gestate within the details of this memory.

7. In what situation or with what person will you exalt your natural Lightness of Being today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate an image of all the people in your life as blossoming within their realization of their very own connection to the love-intelligence that governs the universe. Knowing that they are not dependant upon you, envision that you are now free to explore the freedom and creativity within your connection to source.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Load a bag with as many books as you can. Carry it with you outside as you take a look at the starry night sky. Reflect upon the vastness of this unending sky. Realize that this magnificent earth upon which you stand is really one tiny planet in an infinite sea of planets. Become aware that it is not you doing the orchestrating, but a competent and loving intelligence. Consider now, that you can drop your heavy burden as you turn it all over to the love/intelligence that governs the universe.

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ScarcityUnearth the weed of poverty mentality that has caused you to spiral downward into the Lack Shack, a muddy place in the trenches where the weeds grow high. Release the thought that there is never enough, and whatever you do have, seems as though it is slipping through your fingers.


AbundanceTransplant yourself back to your true residence, the inner Mansion of Expansion (where the flowers are always in bloom and the fruit is so ripe it is falling off the vine.) From this place, you are flourishing and growing stronger, taller, better, deeper and more magnificent everyday!

Day 25 Miracle Grow

Mantra“From my inner bounty, I radiate and attract lavish wealth, health,

opportunity and prosperity!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 25: Pluck the Weed of Scarcity & Plant the Seed of Abundance

1. What situations or with whom do you tend to fall into the weeds of poverty consciousness?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you operate from scarcity?

3. It’s time for change… what patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to activate your natural state of abundance?

4. What conditions/relationships would change or ripen if you lived in mansion of expansion consciousness?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you felt the full bouquet of your being? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation today will you “act as if” you were lavishly wealthy?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as having a green thumb with regards to your finances, your relationships, health and well-being…accessing the part of you that has always known prosperity.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Do something luxurious today: take a bubble bath with candles, window shop in a pricy boutique, withdraw two to three hundred dollars from your bank and have it broken into tens (or withdraw one hundred dollars and have it broken into fives) so that you can experience the feeling of a fat wallet. Behave today as if you are the wealthiest person on the planet and that every aspect of your life is in full bloom.

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Narrow-mindednessOverturn all delusions that would have you think that your perspective is the only one that is valid. Pluck away the tendency to passionately enroll people into your belief system because you believe that if everyone could just think/act/be like you, this world would be a better place.


Open MindednessAllow the petals of your mind to expand as you respect and behold the validity of everyone’s point of view… even if their opinion and way of being is on the opposite side of the weather vane from yours. Day 26

Miracle Grow Mantra

“I am eager to hear another’s viewpoint because I might learn something

valuable that could enrich the soil of my soul and enhance the quality of my life.”

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Self-Gardening:Day 26: Pluck the Weed of being Narrow-mindedness & Plant the Seed of being Open-mindedness

1. What behaviors, opinions, or ways of being are you the most rigid, righteous and narrow-minded?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you think that your perspective is the only one that is valid?

3. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to walk a mile in someone else’s garden path?

4. What conditions/relationships would change or ripen if you opened your mind to embrace and respect someone who thinks, lives and gardens differently than you?

5. Can you recall a time in your past when you opened your mind to a new viewpoint and learned something valuable? Flower within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation or with whom today will you open your mind and see things from a new perspective?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself with branches outspread to embrace all points of view as valid and all people as magnificent.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Identify the person (or types of people) you have the most difficult time relating to and recruit a friend to role-play with you. Instruct your friend to play the role of you, as you play the role of this “difficult to relate to” person. Allow your point of view to be expanded by standing in their shoes.

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KlutzUproot your tendency to give your power over to the opinions of others, while exhausting your energy, falling on your face and dancing to the beat of everyone’s drum but your own. Pluck away your stumbling, fumbling and bumbling ways that are out of step with your divine inner rhythm.


GraceWith natural ease and elegance, consult your own inner weather vane, that always informs you where, when and how to go and what to do. Your inner wisdom is constantly directing your highest course of action: when to stay and when to go, when to reap and when to sow.

Day 27 Miracle Grow

Mantra“My intuition guides my every step,

as I dance to the drumbeat of my own heart and blossom into the beautiful

flower that only I can be.”

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Self-Gardening:Day 27: Pluck the weed of Klutz & plant the seed of Grace

1. In what situations or with whom do you feel the most awkward and klutzy?

2. What kind of weeds do you bear when you attempt to be a flower other than the one you actually are?

3. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to unearth in order to live in sync with your authentic gracefulness? 4. What conditions/relationships would change or ripen if you were to dance harmoniously through life to the drumbeat of your own heart?

5. Can you describe a time in your life when you felt completely in tune with your own inner weather vane? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation or with what person will you water the seed of grace by following your own inner guidance?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as fully-grown in your unique graceful expression. Imagine that the entire world (even if it doesn’t appear to be so) was created to support you in growing into your most natural way of being.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Turn up your favorite piece of music and dance, dance, dance. Let your body inform you of how it wants to move and groove. Refrain from superimposing preconceived dance moves during this exercise. Allow your natural instincts to take over and reintroduce you to the unique way that grace dances through you.

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WithholdingPluck away the tendency to keep your needs and wants to yourself, as well as feelings of bitterness and defensiveness when people can’t read your mind. When someone wants to know you better, prune back your compulsion to keep your true feelings buried underground.


IntimacyLet the people who love you know about your needs and wants and desires. When someone is in need of your gifts, openly share them so trust and love can deepen and flourish. Everyone in your garden of life is a reflection of you, and true intimacy means: into ME I see.

Day 28 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I avail myself of the juiciness that comes

from deeply giving and receiving love. I am in an intimate love affair with life!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 28: Pluck the Weed of Withholding & Plant the Seed of Intimacy

1. In what situations or with whom do you feel the most withholding of your true feelings and self-expression?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you conceal your feelings and thoughts from those with whom you interact?

3. Turn over a new leaf: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to allow people to see beyond your garden gate, so that they may truly know and love you?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you were to be more self-revealing with the people in your life?

5. Can you recall a time in your past when you felt transparently intimate with someone? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. With whom will you explore deeper intimacy today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Imagine someone you have a challenge connecting with. See them sitting across from you with an open, kind expression on their face. Imagine that your breathing and heartbeats begin to synchronize. Imagine the space between you gets closer and closer, until there is only one of you there. Cultivate a vision of yourself as already fully intimate with life.

Self-Gardening Challenge: In a mirror, look deeply into your own eyes, connecting with your true essence and beauty. When you feel solidly connected to yourself it becomes natural to connect deeply with another in a profound and meaningful way. Identify a person with whom you will water the seed of intimacy with today by deeply looking into their eyes, seeing them and allowing yourself to be seen.

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Self-destructionWeed out any and all addictive habits that send your dignity down the drain and harm your body, mind, heart and soul. Prune away any self-talk that says, “What’s the use of taking care of myself? I’m just not worth it.”


Self-respectTreat yourself as if you were the most precious flower in the world! Indulge in only that which fertilizes and nurtures your body, mind, heart and soul.

Day 29 Miracle Grow

Mantra“I take exquisite care of the garden

of my life because as a unique masterpiece of the divine, I am worth it!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 29: Pluck the Weed of Self-destruction & Plant the Seed of Self-respect

1. In what situations or around whom do you mow yourself down, or get entrenched in the weeds of self-destruction?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you indulge in unhealthy habits and/or addictions?

3. Get a new leaf on life: What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to treat yourself as the precious flower you truly are?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you were to indulge in excellent self-care?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you blossomed because you were truly honoring yourself as sacred? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation will you practice self-respect today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as already in full bloom in your ability to honor, appreciate and respect yourself, especially in the areas of your life that you have been negligent. Imagine how you will feel, act, and behave when you become an expert at self-care.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Wrap your arms around yourself, cradling yourself like a precious infant. Whisper gently to your inner being, “You are beautiful, wonderful, special, important, loved and loveable. I promise to take good care of you today.”

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Survival-modeClip back all needy/greedy tendencies that have you living from one fearful moment to the next and pull out all of your erroneous beliefs that tell you your existence is constantly being threatened. Weed out the tangled vines of behavior that have you indulge in immediate gratification, without awareness of the long-term consequences.


Higher PurposeFlourish within your intention for incarnating in this dimension by keeping your purpose on the forefront of your thoughts. Make decisions from the perspective of your highest destiny. Day 30

Miracle Grow Mantra

“I allow my highest vision of my greatest flowering to inspire my every move.

My future is so bright, I need sunglasses!”

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Self-Gardening:Day 30: Pluck the Weed of Survival-mode & Plant the Seed of Higher Purpose

1. In what situation or around whom do you feel the most needy/greedy/and weedy?

2. What kind of weeds grow when you operate from survival mode?

3. What patterns, beliefs or behaviors would you have to uproot in order to operate from a place of inspiration?

4. What conditions/relationships would ripen if you developed a profound relationship with your higher purpose?

5. Can you recall a time in your life when you flourished because you were connected with your reason for being alive? Gestate within the details of this memory.

6. In what situation will you allow your higher purpose to inform your actions today?

Self-Gardening Meditation: Cultivate a vision of yourself as already in full bloom in your higher purpose. Every cell of your body temple attuned to its vibration, like a homing pigeon…every way in every day imagine that you are being moved by the inspiration of your higher purpose.

Self-Gardening Challenge: Look at a compass and walk in the direction of true north. Let this be symbolic to you of how simple it can be to follow your inner compass in the direction of your higher purpose. Walk, talk, drink, think and speak from the promptings of your higher purpose today. At every crossroads, consider the direction your higher purpose would inspire you to take.

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“Within the Seed of your desire is everything necessary for it to blossom to fulfillment. And Law of Attraction is the engine that does the work. Your work is just to give it a fertile growing place in order to expand.”

Abraham-Hicks (excerpted from a workshop in Albuquerque, NM on Sunday, May 9th, 1999)

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Kelly SullivanWalden is a gardener of the metaphysical kind. Though she may not have much of a green thumb with actual plants (thought she is improving… she a city girl after all) she does have a green thumb with matters of the heart and soul. Kelly is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dream Coach, Goddess Queen Gathering Facilitator, and Inspirational Speaker.

If you have enjoyed your experience plucking the weeds and planting the seeds, and would like to share your insights, breakthroughs, and Ahas, then please write to us at: [email protected]. To learn more about how to book Kelly to speak at your event, or for information about private sessions, workshops, and media events, please log onto

Other works by Kelly Sullivan Walden:

I Had the Strangest DreamThe Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century(Warner Books)

Discover Your Inner Goddess QueenAn Inspirational Journey from Drama Queen to Goddess Queen (Goddess Queen Unlimited)

Goddess Queen Pearls of Wisdom Journal(Goddess Queen Unlimited)

Goddess Queen Visioning Journeys CD(Goddess Queen Unlimited)

Turn Your Drama Into Phenomena (CD)(Goddess Queen Unlimited)

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