Page 1: Platinum Gazette 10 July 2015

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10 July 2015

Are we one?

Fetakgomo and Greater Tubatse

to merge

“Proposed disestablishment of Fetakgomo Local Municipality (LIM474) with a view to optimising the fi nancial viability of these municipalities in the Sekhukhune District Municipality (DC47).”

(Title of the map above right obtained from the Municipal Demarcation Board’s website)

Ms Jane Thupana, the Chairperson of the Municipal Demarcation Board told the media last week Friday that the borders of a number of municipalities in the country will be redeter-mined after requests in this regard had been received from the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Pravin Gordhan.

She said that in January, February and April 2015, the Board received proposals from the Minister in terms of section 22(2) of the Municipal Demarcation Act, (Act No. 27 of 1998) requesting it to consider the re-confi g-uration of boundaries of certain municipalities (constituting 34 cases) before the 2016 local elections. This was the fi rst time a Minister had invoked section 22(2) since the Act was

promulgated seventeen years ago.The proposals followed an analysis in

terms of the government’s Back to Basics program which revealed that a number of municipalities were not able to fulfi l their constitutional obligations. Alongside other strategies that were said to have been put in place to address the challenge, it was sug-gested in some instances that the challenges were more structural and might be resolved through the re-determination of boundaries; hence the proposed re-determination of some municipal boundaries in the Eastern Cape, North West, KZN, Limpopo, Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, Free State and Gauteng.

After the requests received by the Min-ister, the Board tested public opinion and

published section 26 notices in the media to invite written views, representations as well as suggestions from the public and stakeholders. All views and representations were analyzed and the Board could in terms of section 27 take decisions or make re-de-terminations at this point. Due to various reasons, including insuffi cient time available to deal with cases that required more detailed studies and cases that could not be linked to the Back to Basics program, the Board de-cided during March 2015, not to proceed with 12 of the cases before the 2016 elections. The Board further opted to broaden public participation and obtaining further views and representations through public meetings while investigations were conducted to gather more information.

All cases were evaluated in terms of the demarcation objectives and criteria and the Board decided on 23 June 2015, to deter-mine and re-determine municipal boundaries.

In Limpopo Mutale will be disestablished and its portions incorporated into the areas of Thulamela and Musina municipalities.

A new municipality will be established comprising of portions of the municipal areas of Makhado and Thulamela municipalities.

Aganang municipality will be disestab-lished and its portions incorporated into the areas of Polokwane and Blouberg municipal-ities.

Fetakgomo and Greater Tubatse local municipalities will be amalgamated into one municipal area.

Modimolle and Mookgopong local munici-palities will be amalgamatedinto one munic-ipal area. Municipalities in Limpopo will thus be reduced by 3. The Board said that it will publish its determination or re-determination of the municipal boundaries in the relevant Provincial Gazettes. The public is once more invited, this time to submit written objections (if any) on the determinations and re-deter-minations. The objections should reach the Board within 30 days of publication of the no-tice in the relevant Provincial Gazette. A copy of the notice and maps can be downloaded from the MDB website

After the 30 days objection period the MDB will consider all objections; will either confi rm, vary or withdraw its determination; and will publish its fi nal decision in the rele-vant Provincial Gazette.

The Ward delimitation process in munici-palities included in the Minister’s proposal but whose boundaries have not been re-deter-mined, will start within the next two weeks while ward delimitations in municipalities whose boundaries are re-determined will start in August 2015 (after the conclusion of the redetermination process). Any person aggrieved by a determination

or re-determination may submit objections in writing to:

The Municipal Demarcation BoardPrivate Bag X 123,CENTURION 0046

Page 2: Platinum Gazette 10 July 2015

2 Advertorial

DWARSRIVIER MINEThumbs up for Dwarsrivier’s support

of educa on

Winter school at NgwaabeEduca on and the importance thereof has always

been a priority with Dwarsrivier Mine. The company has over the years invested in upgrading facili es at schools, building early childhood development centres, sponsoring placement of addi onal teachers to assist with mathemat-ics and science in schools surrounding the mine and now they are suppor ng a Winter School for grade 12 learn-ers in the Ngwaabe area. The learners a end the Winter School during the July school holidays.

The Winter School started about 3 years ago as an ini -a ve from The Mul Ins tute. This is a non-profi t organi-sa on formed by teachers and student teachers originally from the Ngwaabe area. This is their way of giving back to their communi es and showing that you can fl y high-er than your circumstances in school. “We were learners at these schools and we want to show these learners that it is possible to rise above your circumstances and make something of yourself with hard work,” said the Program Manager, Bernard Maimela and the coordinator Kgot-so Matenchi. The tutors are Jim Mashilangwako, Khot-so Moshidi, Prisca Mohlala, Kgaogelo Makaba, Bernard

Maimela, Kgantsho Mantshi and Kgotso Matenchi. They are using the school buildings of Ngwanangwatu Secondary School and Mr B.M. Masha is keeping an eye on everything from the school’s side.

The Mul Ins tute approached Dwarsrivier Mine for assis-tance and the Mine is now supplying transport and catering for the learners, as well as the s pends of the volunteers teach-ing the learners. The learners are from Makgwale Secondary School, Ngwaabe Comprehensive School, Shorwane High School, Ngwanangwato Secondary School, Mashego Second-ary School and Sengange Secondary School. Approximately 100 learners signed up to par cipate in the Winter School.

The learners are ge ng extra classes in mathema cs, sci-ence and commercial subjects. Special a en on is given to common problems and the aim is to empower those with the ability to achieve dis nc ons, but also provide the support for those with the ability to just pass.

The learners and The Mul Ins tute gave Dwarsrivier Mine a huge thumbs up for the assistance they received.

10 JULY 2015

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3NUUS10 JULIE 2015

FloodedThe Department of Education’s Circuit Offi ce in Burgersfort was under water on Friday last week.

Employees arrived at work only to be met by water streaming from the second fl oor of the building in Aloe Ridge.

An extreme leak at a waterpipe at one of the bathrooms led to the fl ooding. While repairmen worked on fi xing the pipe, em-

ployees tried to resque paperwork from the water. “Just think of all the work we’ll now have to do again” one told the newspaper.

Page 4: Platinum Gazette 10 July 2015

4 NEWS 10 JULY 2015

Invest in property and create future wealth

Cranbrook Estate Agents is just the place to contact if you are looking to buy a home, stand or invest for the future.

Simon Kgafela is the local face of Cran-brook Estate Agents and with a National Diploma in Real Estate from the University of Johannesburg, he will be able to assist you in making the right decisions when it comes to buying property. Simon’s grandmother is from Ga-Phasha so he knows the area and understand that buying property is not just a major life decision, but also important for the future of the Platinum City - Burgersfort.

“Selling is a calling for me. I was born to sell. I help people to make a decision they will be happy with and do not just push them to buy. I’m patient and I’ll help them whether they are informed about the property market or not. Through me prospective buyers have direct access to what is happen-ing at Spekboom and Motaganeng Eco-estates as well as the Light Indus-trial section,” Simon explains.

He describes himself as caring, loyal and honest. “I want to not only increase the visibility of what is hap-pening in the market, but also help people to understand that buying a property like the ones we have, is an investment. We live in a world where property is the economic drive. People should seek economic emancipa-tion through property ownership and not just from government. We often complain that in the past we were not granted access to land that was good for investment. Here at Cranbrook you can buy land and in the long term create wealth through property invest-ment for your children”.

Simon assists with the whole

Simon Kgafela from Cranbrook Estate Agents will be able to assist you with your purchase.

process of buying property. Prospective buyers should just provide a copy of their ID, 3 months’ bank statements and their salary advice. “We do all the paperwork and within 3 day’s they’ll know whether a loan was ap-proved. They can then choose which one of the banks that approved their fi nance to use”.

You can choose from a building package, a serviced stand or existing homes being sold by owners already living in the estates. Simon is available Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 - 20:00 at the Cranbrook Offi ce at Spekboom Estate. “I work late to accommo-date those working and trying to buy property after hours”, he says. Prospective buyers or sellers can also make appointments for Sat-urdays and Sundays. Contact Simon on 072 117 9627 or [email protected]

Loge Construction is busy with installation of the storm water drainage in Burgersfort town and water supply interruptions are still in the order of the day (and night). This is however not Lepelle Northern Water’s fault, but the construction team regularly digging up the existing water pipes in their efforts to install the storm water pipes.

DismissedThis week Ms Rachel Molepo-Modipa, Limpopo Director General was dismissed after she was found guilty on allegations of misconduct.

She was initially suspended on 28 Octo-ber 2013.

At the time the province had been pushed to the verge of collapse with a defi cit of more than R2 thousand million (billion).

She remained in her position after former premier Cassel Mathale was replaced by his successor Stan Mathabatha. At the time of her suspension details of the charges against her were kept under wraps. She was not alone in her suspension. 88 other offi cials also received letters calling them for a hearing.

The South African Revenue Service, the Hawks and the Department of Public Service and Administration combed through the province’s departments and 302 cases of maladministration and corruption were investigated.

Molepo-Modipa was under fi re before her suspension when she was accused of not fully coorperating with administrators in the provinces fi ve departments which were place under administration.

The Provincial Government in a state-ment this week said that no amount of corruption or suspicion of the same shall be tolerated in the administration. Cases involving HOD’s are still continuing and are expected to be concluded soon.

No restIt may be school holidays but for most matric learners there is no rest. Many schools offer additional classes during the school hol-idays to help them prepare for their fi nal examination. Read about the posibility of Grade 9 learners also receiving a certifi cate allowing them to leave school. See page 6.

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6 NEWS 10 JULY 2015

The National Senior Certifi cate (NSC) ministerial task team is currently working on proposals for a new school leaving certifi cate fro Grade 9 pupils.

The Department is aiming to reduce the number of learners who drop out of school before reaching matric. According to the department’s Elijah Mhlanga the proposed certifi cate is intended to help learners who do not want to follow the academic route in school. The idea is that these learners further their education in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) – trade and artisan skills.

“The exit certifi cate is designed to encour-age and not discourage learners who do not desire to follow the academic route to alter-natively take a technical or vocational route, which will direct them to job-specifi c careers,” he said. Mhlanga explained that learners with then new exit certifi cate would be able to follow careers in becoming plumbers or chefs and this could drive the economy and create employment. Answering questions about the dropout rate at TVET institutions Mhlanga said: “Drop-outs happen everywhere, not everyone who runs the Comrades Marathon fi nishes it. We know that this is going to hap-pen, but we will deal with it”.

Industry and Commerce organisations reacted by saying that it will be important to make sure that learners who will opt for the exit certifi cate go to TVET Colleges and get further technical training. They also em-phasized that it is important to ensure that these learners do not simply drop out of the colleges as well.

Dumile Cele from the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industries said: “Their employability will be at stake as there are minimal avenues they can follow in life with only the exit certifi cate. There are countries that make use of an exit certifi cate before the fi nal matric year. The UK has the Ordinary Level Certifi cate (close to Grade 10 or 11), while Finland has the Grade 9 exit certifi cate. This is to say that such a plan, if executed well, could benefi t the student. But, if not planned carefully, it will lead to the unemploy-ability of almost half a generation and cripple the economy”. Fears of learners ability to make mature and informed decisions about their future at 14 or 15 years old has also been raised.

The Institute for Race Relations said only about half of children enrolling in Grade 1 will ever sit in a matric class. The Institute esti-mates that out of every 10 children enrolling in school 5 will reach matric, three of those are expected to pass with at most only one of them passing mathematics with 50% or more.

In 2014 approximately 680 000 pupils sat down to write their matric examinations. These were the only ones left of about 1.2 million who started school in 2003.

A date for the rollout of the new certifi -cate has not been announced yet. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think of the proposed exit certifi cate for Grade 9 learners.

Mr. Brian Kekana and Mr Prince Mpuru said: “It is bad. Matric is at a time when someone is more mature and able to think as an adult. Matrics of the past were more mature and understanding of situations while today they don’t have that level of understanding and intelli-gence. The overall level of education these days are lower”.

Regs: Me. Charlotte Clarke sê: “Ek dink nie dit is ‘n goeie idee nie. Dit sal net werkloosheid aan-moedig. Dis sommer nonsens!”. By haar is Ethan.

Left: Mr. Rod-ney Madire and Mr. Given Phokane said: “It is defi nitely a bad idea. It will drop our matric pass rate while we are already under the

Mr. Elliot Moela said: “It is a bad thing. It is not even an achievement to reach Grade 9. You cannot give someone who is basically drop-ping out of school a certifi cate. They will have limited opportunities to further their education and careers”. With him are Ms. Kholofelo Moela and Mogau.

Right: Ms. Zelda Moela and Ms. Ilvia Fredericks said: “We don’t think it is a good idea. They should rather en-courage the learners to go up to matric. The kids are not dumb, they just need good teachers and they should not be lazy. This is a system

Mr. Themba Ndlovu and Ms. Lesedi Mashe-go said: “If they issue a certifi -cate in Grade 9 the learners will not push for more. They’ll think it is an achievement. It will be bad for the country’s

Mr. Sebusheng Thobejane said: “I don’t think it is a good idea. We’ll drop the overall motivation and standard of education. Now we will actually say to learners to aim low. Where are they going to fall? We are now not setting them up for proper qualifi cations. How will you differenti-ate between good and bad if this is the standard?”

Right: Mr. S.W. Makuwa said: “It will be good. Most of these learners who will get this certifi -cate will not be able to pass matric with Mathe-matics and Science”.

Ms. Fatima Noor said: “I think it is bad. It does not encourage them to try and go up to matric. They can leave at an early age and still get a certifi cate. They are not motivated enough as it is. Giving them a certifi cate in Grade 9 will provide them with an easy way out”.

through which they want to bring back the times when our grannies did not get properly schooled and left in standard 5”.

Right: Ms. Sharon Mathabatha said: “They should fi nish matric. Matric is number 1. They don’t only get an education up to matric, but they also develop their maturity. I

Right: Mr. Mbeusuma Mabaso said: “It is not a good thing. It will take away the level of edu-cation we are aiming for in the country. It is unacceptable. It brings shame to our government to even bring such suggestions to the table. It does not make sense. We did not intent our democracy to have such things”.

benchmark. The learners will not be motivated to reach matric if they get an exit certifi cate in Grade 9. We won’t employ someone who only have that certifi cate”.

economy. We complain that there are not enough professionals and now we issue them a certifi cate in Grade 9? It will not solve the prob-lem. Mentally kids are also not ready at that age to step into further studies – even in a technical direction”.

don’t think they should get a certifi cate in Grade 9”. With her are Moloto and Nape.

What do you think about the proposed exit certifi cate?

Page 7: Platinum Gazette 10 July 2015

7NUUS10 JULIE 2015

Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag om die draai

Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag is om die draai. Om 25 Julie 2015 gaan die stof staan soos daar op die baan by PLM Boerdery (op R37 na Lydenburg) meegeding word.

Hierdie week het die verskillende punt-borge hul plekke op die baan vasgemaak en groot pret word oral beplan. Die Wildevy Manne werk hard om te sorg dat alles 100% reg sal wees vir die aksie. “Ons wil sommer reeds Samancor ECM, Modikwa Platinum Myn en Dwarsrivier Myn bedank vir hul bydraes tot die dag. Sonder ons borge is dit nie moontlik om so ‘n dag te reël nie,” sê die Manne. “Dit is goed om te weet daar is groot maatskappye soos hulle wat sake soos hierdie ondersteun”. Die ander borge word nie agterweë gelaat nie, maar is ongelukkig te veel om in een asem te noem.

‘n Paar opwindende dinge is aan die ontwikkel rondom die dag. 4x4 Entoesiaste wat nie ‘n plek tussen die 120 voertuie op die baan kon kry nie, of wat vir ‘n groter uitdag-ing kans sien, kan hierdie jaar die Morone Berg Roete aandurf. Daar is beperkte spasie (20 voertuie) en voertuie moet toegerus wees met lae strek (low range). Die roete gaan vanaf Khumula Game Lodge op die Steel-poort pad oor die Morone Berge tot by PLM Boerdery. Tydens hierdie rit sal daar verskil-lende veld en wild identifi seringsaktiwiteite plaasvind. Inskrywings is R1000 per voertuig. Deelnemers sal mekaar 07:00 die oggend by Khumula Game Lodge kry waar daar koffi e en beskuit bedien sal word. ‘n Ete word ook tydens die rit op die berg bedien.

Al word daar heerlik in die modder en stof deelgeneem, word die rugby nie vergeet nie. Die wedstryd tussen die Springbokke en Nieu-Seeland sal op ‘n groot skerm uitgesaai word sodat niemand enige aksie hoef te mis nie.

Die dag bied weer soos altyd iets vir almal. Die publiek is welkom om te kom kyk hoe die deelnemers op die baan vaar. Daar sal weer ‘n gratis trekker-en-wa vervoer-sisteem wees wat toeskouers tussen punte sal vervoer. ‘n Spesiale kindervermaakarea

sal die kleingoed besig hou terwyl hul ouers die aksie elders ervaar. Helikopter ritte en karnavalritte is van die dinge wat beskikbaar sal wees.

Stalletjies wat enige ding van kos, vlooi-mark-items tot besighede in die area bekend-stel sal sorg vir nog iets ekstra op die dag.

Die kunstenaars Hans Drommedaris, Henri Alant en Charné Grabe sal vir die musiek en ander vermaak sorg.

Die Wildevy & Bison Falls Spur Moun-tain Bike Race (MTB) vind ook die oggend plaas. Die begin en eindpunte is by die PLM Boskamp op die grondpad na Morone Sitrus se pakstoor.

Daar is verskillende afstande sodat almal, ongeag hul fi ksheidsgraad of ouderdom kan deelneem. Kies tussen afstande wat wissel tussen 50km tot 2,5km. Fietsryers wat vir die pret kom deelneem sal tydelike lisensies vir die dag by die inskrywingspunt voor die wedren kan koop. Fietsryers kry ook gratis toegang tot die Wildevy 4x4 Dag. Daar kan voor die tyd ingeskryf word, maar ook op die oggend voor die wedren.

Die fondse wat elke jaar met die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag ingesamel word, word aange-wend vir verskillende liefdadigheidsprojekte. Daarom word die publiek aangemoedig om die inisiatief te ondersteun.

Jaarliks besoek ongeveer 7000 mense die baan op hierdie dag. Daarom is dit die ideale geleentheid om ‘n stalletjie vir jou besigheid, diens of produkte te kry. Kom verkoop of bemark jou produkte en kry die blootstelling wat jy graag wil hê.

Daar sal geen koelhouers of 4-wiel mo-torfi etse (quads) by die dag toegelaat word nie. Daar is ‘n kontant-kroeg beskikbaar en genoeg stalletjies wat kos gaan verkoop om te sorg dat niemand honger of dors hoef te wees nie.

Vir enige navrae oor inskrywings vir die baan, die Morone Berg Roete of stalletjies vir die dag, kontak 013 231 7498.

Maak seker dat jy nie die aksie van 2015 misloop nie!

13 Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good. 14 Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out. 15 Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the Lord detests them both. - Proverbs 17 NIV(Photograph taken at Ohrigstad Dam)

Beware of bogus centres

Bogus Training Centres offering short courses on DTT set-top box installation are getting more and more.

The Minister of Communications, Ms. Faith Muthambi, this week warned the public about such bogus training centres.

“In the last few weeks the Department of Communication has been inundated with calls from people wanting to verify the legality of these institutions.

I call on people to refrain from attending courses offered by these institutions. These centres are operating illegally and have no accred-itation. As the department we are yet to make an offi cial announce-ment on which centres will be accredited to offer such courses,” she said.

The Department of Communications is working closely with the Department of Labour to design an accredited course for DTT installers. Once the course content is fi nalised, the Department of Communications will communicate through various community and mainstream media about where interested individuals can undertake such training.

While the process of migrating from analogue to digital television presents economic opportunity for South Africans, people must be vigilant and avaoid being robbed of their hard-earned money.

Course material will be fi nalised and then

accreditation will be awarded - don’t become a victim

Page 8: Platinum Gazette 10 July 2015

8 NEWS 10 JULY 2015

Fees van ‘n basaar op OhrigstadDie NG Kerk op Ohrigstad het op 27 Junie hul basaar gehou.

Die tradisionele geleentheid bring groot en klein, oud en jonk uit die

vallei bymekaar vir ‘n dag van pret en plesier. Daar was iets van alles te koop en te doen. Sosaties, ‘n

koektafel, vleis, groente, pannekoek, ‘n teetuin, tombolatafel en teikenskiet was deel van die dag. Met ‘n veilig is ganse, hoenders, skape en varke asook ander items opgeveil.

Die kerk bedank almal vir hul harde werk en elkeen wat hulle ondersteun het.

Daar is lekker gekuier, geëet, en gekoop by die Ohrig-stad Kerkbasaar twee weke gelede. Met genoeg te doen vir die kleingoed en ‘n teetuin waar die groot-mense heerlik gekuier het, was almal tevrede. Die dag is goed ondersteun met selfs toeriste wat gestop vir ‘n bietjie van die aksie.

Page 9: Platinum Gazette 10 July 2015

9Platinum Gazette

Notices/Kennisgewings * Notices/Kennisgewings

Pret by basaar Die inwoners van Ohrigstad het saamgespan om van die 2015 NG Kerkbasaar ‘n sukses te maak. Nog foto’s op bladsy 8.

10 JULIE 2015


GRAVES Notice is hereby

given that: PGS Her-itage (Pty) Ltd and Martins Funeralson behalf of Anglo

American Platinum, in-tend applying in terms of Section 35 and 36 of the National Her-itage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999); The Removal of Graves

and Dead Bodies Or-dinance (Ord. No. 7 of 1925); The Exhuma-tions Ordinance (Ord. No. 12 of 1980); and the Human Tissues Act (Act No. 65 of

1983 as amended) as well as the relevant local regulations;

to the:• Provincial Health

Department;• South African

Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA);

• and relevant local municipality

for approval to ex-hume and re-inter in a local cemetery or to mitigate by other means the remains of approximately 20 individuals buried at

these locations in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Greater Sekhukhune District

Municipality, Limpopo Province:

Portion 12 of the farm Mareesburg 8

JT:AA18 (3 graves) S25° 01’ 02.0”E30° 09’ 00.4”NN1 (1 graves) S25° 01’ 05.2”E30° 08’ 53.9”NN2 (1 graves) S25° 01’ 11.1”E30° 08’ 52.4”

Remaining Extent of the farm Helena 6 JT:

AA20 (5 graves) S 25⁰ 01’ 19.9”E 30⁰ 06’ 44.0”

AA44b (3 graves) S25° 01’ 34.2”E30° 06’ 39.3”

HNN1 (1 graves) S25° 01’ 40.0”E30° 06’ 42.3”

HNN2 (1 graves)S25° 01’ 37.9”E30° 06’ 40.3”

AA124 (5 graves)S25° 02’ 03.9”E30° 06’ 52.2”

The graves will be adversely affected by develop¬ment

activities on the prop-erty on which they are currently situated. All persons and commu-

nities descendant from the buried individuals, all persons and com-munities by tradition concerned with the

graves or any person or communities who has an interest in the graves are invited to participate in the pro-

cess and must forward their contact particu-lars to the address

listed below within 14 days of the date of this

notice:PGS Heritage (Pty)

LtdTel: 012 332 5305 /Fax: 086 675 8077Mr. Lukas MasangoCell: 073 613 9432

Email: [email protected]

Mr. Polke BirkholtzCell: 082 717 6661

Email: [email protected]

Reference Number: Relevant cemetery

number as indicated above



Tsebišo e fi wa fa gore:

PGS Heritage (Pty) Ltd le Martins Fu-

neralsLegatong la Anglo

American Platinum, di ikemišeditše go

dira kgopelo go latela Karolo ya 35 le ya 36

tša Molao wa Methopo ya Bohwa wa Bo-

setšhaba (Molao wa 25 wa 1999); Taelo ya

E30° 06’ 40.3”AA124 (mabitla a 5)

S25° 02’ 03.9”E30° 06’ 52.2”

Mabitla a a tla angwa kudu ke mešomo ya tlhabollo mo lefelong leo a lego go lona mo lebakeng le. Batho ka moka le metse yeo e lego ya ba maloko a bahu bao ba bolokil-wego, batho ka moka le metse yeo go ya ka setšo e angwago ke mabitla goba motho ofe goba ofe goba

metse yeo e nago le kgahlego ka mabi-tleng ao e laletšwa go kgatha tema ka tshepedišong ye

gomme ba swanetše go romela dintlha tša bona tša boikgokag-anyo atereseng ye e fi lwego ka mo fase mo

matšatšing a 14 ka morago ga letšatšikg-

wedi la tsebišo ye:PGS Heritage (Pty)

LtdMogala: 012 332

5305 /Fekese: 086 675 8077Mna. Lukas Masango Sellathekeng: 073 613 9432 Emeile: lukas@ Polke Birkholtz Sellathekeng: 082 717 6661 Emeile: polke@ ya Tšhupetšo: Nomoro ya maleba ya mabitla ka ge go lae-ditšwe ka mo godimo

Go Tlošwa ga Mabitla le Ditopo tša Bahu

(Taelo ya Nomoro ya 7 ya 1925); Taelo ya Go Epolla Ga Ditopo (Taelo ya Nomoro ya 12 ya 1980); le Molao wa Dithišu tša Batho

(Molao wa Nomoro ya 65 wa 1983 go ya ka ge o fetošitšwe) gam-mogo le melawana ya ka nageng ya maleba;

go ya go:Tshepedišo ya Taolo ya Phrobentshe fao mabitla a lego gona;setheo sa Methopo ya Bohwa sa Afrika

Borwa (SAHRA) goba setheo sa tšona sa phrobentshe seo se diretšwego molao;

le masepala wa sele-gae wa maleba go dumelela go

epollwa ga mabitla le go a boloka gape

ka serapeng sa bahu sa kgauswi goba go huduša mašaledi a ditopo tša bahu ka

mekgwa ye mengwe bao ba ka bago ba

20 bao ba bolokilwe-go mo mafelong a ka Masepaleng wa

Selegae wa Greater Tubatse, Masepa-leng wa Selete wa

Greater Sekhukhune, ka Phrobentsheng ya

Limpopo:Karolo ya 12 ya po-lasa ya Mareesburg

8 JT:AA18 (mabitla a 3)

S25° 01’ 02.0”E30° 09’ 00.4”

NN1 (lebitla le 1)S25° 01’ 05.2”E30° 08’ 53.9”

NN2 (lebitla le 1)S25° 01’ 11.1”E30° 08’ 52.4”

Karolo ye e šetšego ya polasa ya Helena

6 JT:AA20 (mabitla a 5)

S 25⁰ 01’ 19.9”E 30⁰ 06’ 44.0”

AA44b (mabitla a 3)S25° 01’ 34.2”E30° 06’ 39.3”

HNN1 (lebitla le 1)S25° 01’ 40.0”E30° 06’ 42.3”

HNN2 (lebitla le 1)S25° 01’ 37.9”

“Doing business

without ad-vertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know

what you are doing but

nobody else does”

- Stuart Henderson



The ORWRDP-2 hereby invites suitably qualifi ed companies and or service providers from the Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality to submit proposals for a borehole equipping opportunity.

Contact person

Tender Name Tender Descrip-tion

Closing Date and Time

Compulsory Briefi ng Session and Site Inspec-tion

Contact Person details: Abigail Banda

Tel: (013) 230 4102

Email:[email protected]

Boreholes Equipping Project

The appointment of a service provider to equip boreholes in the ORWRDP-2 Project area

30th July 2015


Briefi ng Session:Venue: Marlotti Lodge (Lapa)(10H00)

R555 Marlotti Lodge

Site Inspection 23rd July 2015(12H00)

To enable Tenderers to become acquainted with information pertinent to this tender and the site pri-or to tendering, arrangements have been made for a compulsory briefi ng session and site inspec-tion on Thursday 23rd July 2015.

Please note that information and tender documents pertinent to this tender will only be made availa-ble to service providers that will attend the briefi ng session.

A proportion of the procurement on the Project has been set aside for preferential procurement to black enterprises (including Women owned, Youth and People with Disabilities), Black Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE’s) and Black Emerging Micro Enterprises (EME’s).

ORWRDP-2 will place emphasis on technical capacity, preference requirements and BEE sta-tus.The following categories of suppliers will be evaluated:• Category A: Black Owned• Category B: Black Woman Owned • Category C: Local Black Owned• Category D: Local Black Woman Owned Procurement decisions will be based on the optimisation of the universally accepted project man-agement parameters of cost, time, quality and risk.

The following mandatory documents must be affi xed to your proposal:1. Original and Valid Tax Clearance Certifi cate Issued by SARS2. Letter of Good Standing from the Compensation Commissioner3. Certifi ed Copy of CIPC (previously known as CIPRO) registration certifi cate4. Company Profi le5. Original certifi ed copies of shareholders / directors / owners / members identity documents6. Cancelled cheque / confi rmation letter from the bank7. BBBEE certifi cate8. Detailed references of previous completed projects 9. Proof of residence (Municipal bill/ letter or /stamped Traditional Authority letter)

Documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “ Boreholes Equipping Opportunity/Bid” and deposited in the registration box provided at the ORWRDP-2 offi ces situated at Marlotti Lodge along the R555, before 12H00 noon on the 30th July 2015.

For further enquiries please call Abigail Banda at 013 230 4102

Page 10: Platinum Gazette 10 July 2015

10 Platinum Gazette 10 JULY 2015

Klein Advertensies • SmallsPlace your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 086 554 9031

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neous8. Finansies/Financial

9. Te Huur/To Rent10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Ak-kommodasie/Overnight Ac-commodation


Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala

Street, Ext. 5,

3. Dienste/Services

Burgersfort TransportFor all your transport

requirements(transport of mine &

construction workers)Contact Ariff

072 337 7332

Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar

op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lyden-

burg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

Lang en kort termyn

9. Te Huur/For Rent

A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort

In security complex. Close to town.

Contact: 076 666 1100

Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour.

Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231


Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in

Burgersfort naby Tu-batse Crossing Mall.

Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005

Two bedroom apartment available.

R5000 with lights and water, Aloe Ridge

West. 3 Bedroom - R6500 with water. Pre-paid

electricity.Call 082 578 6113

Grond te koop (14hktr) 5km buite Roossenekal met

boorgat en JoJo tank @ R450 000 o/h. Mev.

Campbell - 082 550 7398.

G d k

10. Te Koop/For Sale

Appelblaar Padstal & Kwekery

R50 SALE Indigenous Trees

Schotia brachypetala: weeping boer-bean,

huilboerboonCeltis africana: white

stinkwood (Eng.), witstinkhout

Combretum imberbe: leadwood (Eng.);

hardekool (Afr.) and More...

20th of June to 2nd of August 2015.

Contact Kobus0826082033

Executive house to rent

close to Glencore, Two Rivers,Twee fon-tein- and Dwarsriver

Mines.(On Tweefontein


082 337 3092

TE KOOPOhrigstad eiendom.

2733vk meter. Woon-stel en beskadigde

huis. R440 000.Skakel Dirk: 082 890 1986 / 013 691 1082. dirkjsmit@telkomsa.


“Doing business

without ad-vertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know

what you are doing but

nobody else does”

- Stuart Henderson


Many a small thing has

been made large by the right kind of advertising.

- Mark Twain

“Stopping ad-vertising to save

money is like stopping your watch to save

time.” – Henry Ford

Platinum Gazette

Tel: 013 231 7147 or

083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. Fax: 086 554



DMR is taking back the Blasting Certifi cate.

All MQA Blasting Certifi cate holders are welcome to do their Blasting

Certifi cate with the DMR!

Classes at Steelpoort (after hours).Register Now!!

Payment plan available.

Minimum Requirements:1. Must work on the mines.

2. Competent “B”3. Work at least 18 month under-

ground in production4. Read and write English

Send call me or SMS and we will call you. Contact: 0726805864

Public Notice

NJ Mohlala Municipal Manager

2015/16 SDBIPMembers of the Community, Civil society, Business, Ma-goshi and all interested parties are hereby notifi ed in terms of MFMA Sections 53(3)(a) and 54(1)(c) that the Mayor has on the 18th June approved the 2015/16 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan(SDBIP)

For more information contact Tshilwane MJ @ 013 231 1186 during working hours.

Have some news or an event?

Let us know on 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151.

Platinum Gazette

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your

advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to

design and reproduction.

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or

[email protected]

Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00.

Make sure you’ve

done your advert

booking by then.

Editorial deadline is every Wednes-

day at 17:00.

Page 11: Platinum Gazette 10 July 2015

11NUUS10 JULIE 2015

Platinum Gazette contact details:

Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151E-mail: [email protected]

Advertising: Beánnla CelliersTel: 083 543 1676E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150


Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit.

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

• Fenders • Bonnets • Grills • Bumpers • Head & Tail Lights • CV Joints • Brake Pads • Aircon Fans and much more available! Re-build engines for sale!

Mashifane Park, R37 Road Burgersfort/Polokwane

* Cell: 076 848 3936





For SaleFor Sale


Isuzu - For Sale!Isuzu - For Sale!

* Tel: 013 007 0836 *


For SaleFor Sale

Last year Casual Day was celebrated by over R2.5 million people who donated via a R10 sticker, to persons with disabilities. All in all R28 million was raised. People who bought their stickers from any one of the 300 partic-ipating organisations and schools can rest assured that the money they donated went to sustain these organisations, providing educa-tion, shelter, assistive devices, transport and accommodation to the persons with disabili-ties in their care.

All the organsations that participate in Casual Day are appropriately registered en-tities with their governance in place. People who buy their stickers at retail outlets often wonder where the money goes. The funds are distributed amongst Casual Day’s 12 national benefi ciary organisations who cover the entire spectrum of persons with disabili-ties. Sponsored by the Edcon Group, Casual Day is on Friday 4 September 2015.

The theme for 2015 is Spring into Action – so take your inspiration from the birds and the bees, the skies of blue, the colours of the rainbow, the blossoms on the trees and the minty hue of new leaves. Our colour for the year is refreshing, zingy mint.

The project is owned and managed on behalf of the national benefi ciaries by the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in SA (NCPPDSA).

The South African National Council for the Blind (SANCB) has its head offi ce in Pretoria and acts as a coordinating body for many organisations providing services to persons with visual impairment. The South African Federation for Mental Health (SAFMH) has as its main goal the development of equal, caring services for people having diffi culty coping with everyday life, and those with intellectual and/or psychiatric disability.

QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA) strives to prevent spinal cord injury,

Kankervereniging reeds besig met Mandela Dag aktiwiteite

Die Kankervereniging van Suid Afrika (Kansa) is reeds vanaf 7 Julie be-sig met spesiale dienslewering aan kankeroorwinnaars en kankerpasiënte. Vrywilligers van 30 Kansa Sorgsentra regoor die land het openbare hospi-tale, klinieke of behandelingsentrums besoek om aanmoediging en onders-teuning te bied.

“Madiba, wat ‘n kankeroorwinnaar van prostaatkanker was, inspireer ons om vir 67 minute uit te reik na mense in ons gemeenskappe om so hulde te bring aan die wyse waarop Madiba 67 jaar van sy lewe gewy het om ander te dien,” sê Elize Joubert, Waarnemende Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van kansa. “Dit is so belangrik vir alle mense wat deur kanker geraak word om te weet dat Kansa se personeeel en vriende omgee,” voeg sy by. “Madiba het as voorbeeld vir ons nasie gedien en as ‘n organisasie wil ons graag voortgaan om aan sy versoek te voldoen om uit te reik na ander in ons daaglikse aktiwiteite en veral jaarliks wanneer sy verjaarsdag ons opnuut aan hom laat dink”.

Tydens Kansa se besoeke aan kankerpasiënte wil Kansa se personeel graag vir elke kankeroorwinnaar ‘n spesiale Kansa boekmerk met ‘n in-spirerende aanhaling van Madiba gee. Die boekmerk sal ook inligting verskaf oor Kansa se sorg-en ondertseuning-sprogramme wat vir kankerpasiënte aangebied word.

Kansa bied sorg en ondersteuning aan kankerpasiënte op verskillende maniere. Van die diense wat aange-bied word is die Kansa Sorgtuistes, ‘n tolvrye nommer, ‘n KankerSorg Hanteringsgids, individuale en groep-berading, sowel as onderste-uningsgroepe. Dit alles bied ‘n veilige omgewing en manier waarop oor-

winners met mekaar in aanraking kan kom.Joubert voeg by: “Ons moedig alle mense aan om hul 67 Madiba minute van dienslewering aan ander aan te bied by KANSA se Sorgsentra en Sorgtuistes landwyd deur een van ons baie wense op ons wenslysie waar te maak. Dit sluit onder andere die volgende in: om ‘n vertrek waar vrywilligers bymekaar kom en waar vergaderings ter ondersteuning van ons pasiënte plaasvind, te verf en op te knap; vra vir donasies wat gebruik kan word vir kanker siftingstoetse, ver-bruiksgoedere, kospakkies vir kinders en gesinne wat die stryd teen kanker voer of help om ‘n oprit te bou vir pasiënte in rystoele. Een van ons kombuise by ‘n KANSA Sorgtuiste het dringend verf nodig en mense wat kan help om die kombuis te verf. Vir ‘n volledige lys, besoek

Vir meer inligting oor Mandela Dag of om te sien hoe jy betrokke kan raak, besoek die KANSA webtuiste (

Casual Day: where does the money go?as well as protect and promote the inter-ests of people with mobility impairments by formulating a national policy and strategy, to develop and ensure the full potential and quality of their lives.

Autism South Africa (ASA) lobbies for awareness around Autism, which is a lifelong, complex condition that occurs as a result of disordered brain growth, structure and development.

Down Syndrome South Africa (DSSA) is committed to fi nding ways to improve the quality of life of all persons with Down syn-drome and other Intellectual disabilities, pro-moting the idea that they have the right to live with independence, dignity and security as valued adults and full citizens in our society. It endeavours to empower families through dissemination of information, encourages research in the fi elds of early intervention, education, medical aspects and employment.

National Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy South Africa (NAPCP) aims to promote the medical, educational, vocational and social services and facilities for persons with cerebral palsy to achieve independence. South African National Deaf Association (SANDA) is dedicated to providing quality services, ensuring public accessibility and increasing awareness of issues affecting deaf people at all levels in South Africa.

Alzheimer’s South Africa is another bene-fi ciary. Deaf Federation of South Africa (Deaf-SA) co-ordinates and facilitate the process of providing all kinds of services for the purpose of integrating one million Deaf South Africans into mainstream society.

pages/DeafSAThe South African Disability Alliance

(SADA) is committed to assisting business in understanding disability and incorporating people with disabilities in opportunities, facili-ties and activities. SADA represents a constit-uency of approximately 8% of the country’s population and also the demographics there-of. Your R10 in Action will highlight where the Casual Day money is spent. The national benefi ciaries of Casual Day, through their affi liates and branches all over South Africa, provide services to persons with disabilities.

Casual Day is a way for the disability sec-tor to speak with one voice about ushering in a society that values human rights, inclusion, diversity and universal access to education for all its citizens.

Stickers are available from:Edgars, Jet, JetMart, Boardmans, CNA, Red Square and Legit; Absa outlets; Game and DionWired stores; Shoprite and Checkers stores; and And the Casual Day website.

You can contact the organisers of the project on 011 609 7006 or visit our website at Keep abreast of ac-tivities at Casual Day on our Facebook page at

Casual Day ambassadors Terry Ann Adams and Bernadette Rigney.

Page 12: Platinum Gazette 10 July 2015


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Ohrigstad Rugby Klub in semi-fi naal van liga

Die Ohrigstad Rugby Klub speel hierdie week Saterdag in die semi-fi naal van hulle liga. Die span het hierdie jaar gewys wat in hulle steek en hulle hoop om in die fi naal van die liga te speel en uiteindelik te wen. Intussen is dit elke wedstryd wat tel.

Die wedstryd sal op Ohrigstad plaasvind. Die span sal teen die 15-tal van Hazyview te staan kom.

Die ander semi-fi naal sal ook Saterdag gespeel word tussen die Nelspruit Koe-does en die Impalas van Komatipoort.

Ohrigstad se wedstryd skop om 15:30 by Laerskool Ohrigstad af en die manne wil graag al die ondersteuning hê wat hulle kan kry. Die publiek is dus welkom om hulle te kom aanmoedig in hierdie baie belangrike tuisstryd.

(Inligting: Ohrigstad Rugby Klub).

Tubatse vs Modimolle

On 1 July 2015 the SAPS Tubatse Cluster visited Modimolle SAPS for a friendly soccer match.

The match was played at the Ephraim Mogale stadium in Phahameng just outside Modimolle town.

The match was part of fi tness activities in the SAPS and also to assist in creating good relationships within the SAPS.

The Modimolle team was looking for revenge following their loss of 3-2 against the Tubatse Cluster two weeks ago in Mahwel-

ereng. In the fi rst half both teams were attacking

and both created scoring opportunities. By half time Modimolle was leading 4-3.

In the second half both teams continued their attack and more goals were scored on both sides. Neither teams wanted to give in to the pressure from their opposition.

The end result was in favour of Modimolle SAPS with a score of 6-5.

(Photographs & Informarion: Const. Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS).

10 JULY 2015