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Michael Brandvold

Planning For SuccessHow You Can Become a Authority and How You Can Succeed with Your Career Goals

a presentation for Pyramind


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Thursday, February 21, 13

Page 2: Planning For Success

My Path


• College Radio• Management Firm• Record Label• Rock Magazine• KISS Otaku• Sony Signatures• Michael Brandvold Marketing

Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 3: Planning For Success

Depth of Experience

Don’t be a one trick pony. Learn and experience as much as possible.

Understand many areas of the business.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 4: Planning For Success

Dream BigI am a fan, I love music, I grew up with KISS. I dreamed about working with them as a kid.

I made my dream come true.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

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Michael Brandvold Marketing

•How did I do it? What was my plan?•You NEED a plan.•You NEED goals.•You NEED to always review.•Be prepared to pivot.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 6: Planning For Success

Authority•Be seen as the expert.•Authority means trust.•Share your knowledge.•Focus on the community.•Business and success will find you.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 7: Planning For Success

AuthorityIf you look around the room and you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re the wrong room.Lorne Michaels

But you being in that room makes it the right room for everyone else.Michael Brandvold


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 8: Planning For Success

Always Say Yes

Figure out how to do it later.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 9: Planning For Success

It’s All About Perception•You need to appear in demand and busy.

•People want to work with those in demand.

•Always be marketing yourself.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 10: Planning For Success

Podcasts, Webinars & eBooks

•Expand your presence.

•Repurpose your content.

•Follow your passion.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 11: Planning For Success

It’s A Social World•Networking happens just by being social.

•Share everything.

•Show your personality.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 12: Planning For Success

Where Should You Be?•Not every social network.•The Big Four: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Your Website.•Klout - who is influential •Needs to be part of your life, not work.•Content is king.•Everything in your life is content.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 13: Planning For Success

KISS School of Marketing:11 Lessons I Learned While Working With KISS

Over 3000 downloads


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 14: Planning For Success

The Secret to Success is to Offend the Greatest Number of People


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold

Quote by George Bernard Shaw, repeated by Gene Simmons.

Taken from the book: KISS School of Marketing: 11 Lessons I Learned While Working With KISS

Thursday, February 21, 13

Page 15: Planning For Success


• Post with Passion

• Don’t post with Anger

• Never impersonate


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

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It’s All Branding


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold

Taken from the book: KISS School of Marketing: 11 Lessons I Learned While Working With KISS

Thursday, February 21, 13

Page 17: Planning For Success

Your Brand?• Everything you post.• Every comment you leave.• Every photo you take.• What your friends and fans think you are.• Every action paints a picture of your brand.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 18: Planning For Success

Everything You Do Will Not Succeed


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold

Taken from the book: KISS School of Marketing: 11 Lessons I Learned While Working With KISS

Thursday, February 21, 13

Page 19: Planning For Success

Keep Producing Content•Look at results, adapt and move forward.•Let the numbers paint the picture.•Use available data: Facebook, YouTube, Google, WordPress•Nobody remembers the failures.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 20: Planning For Success

If You Don’t Ask For It You Won’t Get It


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold

Taken from the book: KISS School of Marketing: 11 Lessons I Learned While Working With KISS

Thursday, February 21, 13

Page 21: Planning For Success

Ask For Support, Ask For Shares, Ask For The Opportunity.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 22: Planning For Success

Separate Business and



Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold

Taken from the book: KISS School of Marketing: 11 Lessons I Learned While Working With KISS

Thursday, February 21, 13

Page 23: Planning For Success

Follow The Business and Don’t Let Personal Feelings Get In The Way.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 24: Planning For Success

Listen To Your Fans, You Work For Them


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold

Taken from the book: KISS School of Marketing: 11 Lessons I Learned While Working With KISS

Thursday, February 21, 13

Page 25: Planning For Success

Always Be a Fan

Never forgot who are doing this for... the fans, the customers.

You need to ALWAYS be one.


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

Page 26: Planning For Success

Believe In What You Do.

Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

David Frost


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold www.MichaelBrandvold.comThursday, February 21, 13

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Thank You!

Twitter @michaelsbFacebook www.MichaelBrandvold.comEmail [email protected]


Michael Brandvold Marketing Presents:

Michael Brandvold

Get a FREE copy of my ebook:KISS School of Marketing: 11 Lessons I

Learned While Working With KISS

Thursday, February 21, 13