Page 1: Piemonte Cleantech Cluster

Piemonte Cleantech Cluster

Towards a regional smart specialization

TRES Meeting,Torino,

April 12th 2013Massimo DA VIA’Environment Park S.p.A. Science and Technology Park for the Environment -

Page 2: Piemonte Cleantech Cluster

Regione Piemonte

Regione Piemonte lays in the north western Italy, and Torino is the capital city.

The Region accounts 4.450.000 inhabitants (8% of national population), and accounts for 8,7% of national GDP (115 Bn Euros) and 10% of national export.

Piemonte is among most industrialized Italian regions, main sectors are automotive and fine mechanics, agro-food, aerospace and textile. Manufacturing account around 30,000 enterprises, mainly SMEs .

Top known enterprises are FIAT, Alenia, Ferrero, Zegna, Martini&Rossi and many others.

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Cleantech, not just renewables


� It’s a large technology domain, supported by new business models, aiming to develop solutions to global challenges and competitive both for investors and users

� It’s a worldwide used definition, even by Venture Capital and financial actors� Its portfolio is made of a large categories of technologies, products, services and process,

targeted to � Provide best performances at lower costs� Reduce environmental impacts � Promote a responsible use of resources

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Today: The green sector in Piedmont

� According to CEIP* analysis, in the region 1.190 “clean” companies are active, operating inside water, air, energy and wastes sectors, with around 35.000 employees.

Sector Topics

Air Manufacturing, distribution and installation of emission filtering systems

Noise noise insulation manufacturing and installation

Biomass Biofuels, combustion and gasification systems, pellet stove, biogas, biomass handling and storage

Energy efficiency

building materials, windows and frames, insulation, HVAC, mechatronic

Hydro turbines manufacturing, plant revamping and management

PV manufacturers (assembly), integrators, special purposes (sailboat)

solar manufacturers, integrators

Wastes bio stabilization, waste to energy, management systems

Water industrial water treatement, water saving, recovery of sludge

Bio materials bioplastic

Depollution bio recovery, asbestos treatement, chrome treatement, monitoring

Others Wind turbines, wave power, hydrogen

**CEIP, Update 2010

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Today : Clean export

� Around one third of the companies sell abroad, 29% in EU states and 14% in non European countries. The European continent – mainly EU-15 member states and Eastern European countries – is not the only promising area of expansion for Piemonte clean companies. North African countries, South America and China are in fact becoming primary destinations of Regional environmental solutions.

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Today: Clean Research

� Overall, in the last three years 66% of the companies have performed R&D activities on new products and/or technologies.

� Around one company out of three has stipulated agreements with other companies for developing new technologies

� 24% collaborate with research centers.

� 21% have participated inside Italian and EU research programmes

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Today : Clean tech clusters

� Amongst the 12 Innovation Poles , 5 operates directly on clean techs (even if environment is an horizontal issues inside all clusters)

� They group around 420 members (85% SMEs) and presently are involved inside 120 R&D projects funded by Regional ERDF plan

� Moreover, members are involved inside several EU projects

Cluster Coordinator topics #

POLIGHT Environment Park sustainable building, hydrogen


POLIBRE PST Tortona smart grids, photovoltaic, biofuels



PST Verbania components for RES


IBIS Consorzio IBIS bioplastic, bio materials, green chemistry


ENERMHY GESIN hydro, biomasses 113

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Today : Cleantech clusters activities and investments

«Clean» Poles: projects value and contribution

Period Project values ContributionI 37.230.000 21.900.000 II 18.637.220 10.491.292 III 13.367.166 7.457.399

Total 69.234.385 39.848.691

All poles: share of clean projects on overall activities


Share of clean project on on-going projects• Cleantech represent an

important target of Regional R&I programme investments

• Clean activities characterize targets of all regional Poles , as an horizontal issue

• ERDF have allocated funds for cleantech innovation infrastructures (Energy center, around 14 M euros) and on energy and environmental investments inside building and manufacturing sectors (around 150 M Euros)

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Toward a Cleantech specialization


Large companies


R&D and labs

Tech Transfer actors


Enterprise networks and Associations

• Establishment of 5 Poles geographically spread had the goal to raise up and organize dispersed competences, in particular SMEs’ones

• Today this collaboration framework is an important asset for the evolution of local economy towards new technology and market targets

• The launch of Cleantech Smart Specialization requires to re-organize existing competences, clustering around a single entity the activity of poles and new actors of clean innovation

• Whilst Poles activities were mainly focused on R&I , Smart specialization will capitalize investments made and knowledge acquired towards a more close to market approach, with the goal to develop a innovative vertical sector able to compete inside local, National and EU marketsEnd user/public



Existing Clean tech



Smart Specialization

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Piemonte’s Cleantech concept

� Considering regional industrial scenario, high potential to evolve towards a strong new vertical sector able to develop innovative solutions for “clean”domains

� An horizontal impact on 17 other sectors (mobility, agriculture, textile, manufacturing processes, building ..








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Strengths Weakness

� Strong industrial environment

� R&D Investments (1st Italian region for private R&D investment)

� Membership inside EU platforms

� Export attitude

� High Know How of academies

� Initiative dispersed into several programmes

� Incomplete competences mapping

� Low involvement of big players

� Lack of synergies at local level

Opportunities Threats

� Capitalization of Poles experiences� Regional strategy for Smart Specialization� Increase position and common identity at

international level� EU initiatives: Horizon 2020, Smart Cities and

Communities, ERDF� Export to international market� Regulation accomplishment (local, National, EU)

� EU, national and international competition

Challenges and opportunities

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Strategy Cleantech – Horizon 2020


� Excellent science

� Support to world class scientists

� Provid eopportunities of careers for researchers

� Development of emerging technologies

� European R&D infrastructures

� Competitive industries

� Create jobplaces� Support innovation , � Support private

investment on R&D� Support SMEs

participation � Key enabling

technologies (KET)

� Better society

� Reliable, clean and efficient energy

� Sustainable use of resources

� Pervasive innovation and social secutity

� Food safety � Smart and soustainable

mobility and transport

Strong synergies with H2020 Targets

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Governance Model : cleantech cluster



Lago Maggiore

Localization ClusterHub Sectors covered

Hydrogen, Energy Saving, Green Building


Biomasses, Bio fuels , PV,

smart grid

Energy efficiency and components for RES


Building, domotics, mobility

Smart grids, agriculture, fuels

RES, energy saving

VercelliHydro Hydro, system


Cleantech Cluster


Confindustria Vercelli Valsesia

Novara Green chemistry Consorzio IBIS

New Materials, chemistry, paintings …

+ R&D and enterprises networks not yet formalized

Torino ENERGY CENTER*in corso di costituzione

New energies Energy efficiency , new energies, grids

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Cleantech Piemonte – targets

Create and improve



positioned at

international level

Asset valorisation and Optimization of existing initiatives/project/


Achieve a critical mass level of resources/skills/competences on key

technology domains

Increase innovation service portfolio for enterprises

Attract new players, involve large companies and innovative SMEs

Enhance international cooperation on key technology targets and on

R&D projects

Create new opportunity for business and employment

Boost cluster capacities improving technology transfer, innovation processes, collaborative R&D and the share of IP and Technologymanagement

Position the cluster inside the European context and enhance

collaboration with EU Cleantech clusters

Create new financial opportunities for Development

Let excellences emerge, also organized into value chains , by

communication and demonstration activities

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TRES Meeting,Torino,

April 12th 2013Massimo DA VIA’Environment Park S.p.A. Science and Technology Park for the Environment -
