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Globalisasi dan Pekerjaan Sosial Internasional

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"the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole” (Roland Robertson).

is the process of world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things moving closer. It pertains to the increasing ease with which somebody on one side of the world can interact, to mutual benefit, with somebody on the other side of the world (Thomas Larrson)

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Globalization can thus be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa (Anthony Giddens).

“ A process of global integration in which diverse peoples, economies, cultures and political processes are increasingly subjected to international influences” (Midgley, 1997, p. xi).

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Dimensi-dimensi Globalisasi

Improved Technology in Transportation and Telecommunications

Meningkatnya kapasitas dan efisiensi pergerakan dan komunikasi.

Telephone, SMS, fax, video conference, internet

Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat meningkatkan mobilisasi manusia dari satu daerah ke daerah lainnya secara cepat dan efektif.

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Movement of PeopleA general increase in awareness, opportunity,

and transportation technology has allowed for people to move about the world in search of a new home, a new job, or to flee a place of danger. Most migration takes place within or between developing countries, possibly because lower standards of living and lower wages push individuals to places with a greater chance for economic success.

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Liberalisation: The freedom of the

industrialist/businessman to establish industry, trade or commerce either in his country or abroad; free exchange of capital, goods, service and technologies between countries;

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Free Trade: Free trade between countries; absence of

excessive governmental control over trade;

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Movement of capital Additionally, capital (money) is being moved

globally with the ease of electronic transference and a rise in perceived investment opportunities. Developing countries are a popular place for investors to place their capital because of the enormous room for growth.

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Cultural diversity Because of the globalization and new technology,

it has been found that cultural diversity reflects on the food, music, art, life style, customs and race. The western culture has mixed with the eastern culture. For instance, McDonalds Corporation has expanded to be world wide, and you can see the logo of “M” everywhere. Also, the Hollywood movies are very popular in Asia. Globalization has not only promoted cultural blending, but also driven a lot of business opportunities.

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International cooperation The increasing of the multinational corporations,

regional and global organizations leads to the members of the international community expanding from a single nation to the transnational corporations, international organizations, and international non-governmental organizations. In these three groups of actors, except for the individual international military treaty organization, only the country and country alliance have the capability of "plate movement".

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Global Civil Society

As global awareness of certain issues has risen, so too has the number of organizations that aim to deal with them. So called non-governmental organizations bring together people unaffiliated with the government and can be nationally or globally focused. Many international NGOs deal with issues that do not pay attention to borders (such as global climate change, energy use, or child labor regulations). Examples of NGOs include Amnesty International or Doctors without Borders.

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Multinational Corporations

As countries are connected to the rest of the world (through increased communication and transportation) they immediately form what a business would call a market. What this means is that a particular population represents more people to buy a particular product or service. As more and more markets are opening up, business people from around the globe are coming together to form multinational corporations in order to access these new markets. Another reason that businesses are going global is that some jobs can be done by foreign workers for a much cheaper cost than domestic workers; this is called outsourcing.

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Globalisasi dan Kehidupan kita

Bagaimana globalisasi mempengaruhi keseharian kita?

- Jenis makanan? Film yang Anda tonton? Musik yang anda dengar? Teknologi informasi yang Anda gunakan? Bahasa gaul sehari-hari?

- Bagaimana teknologi mempengaruhi kegiatan belajar mengajar?


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Dampak Globalisasi: Tugas Kelompok

Dampak Positif dan Negatif Globalisasi terhadap Kehidupan Masyarakat.

- Ekonomi- Budaya- Lingkungan Hidup- Pendidikan- Equality- Security- Demokratisasi

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Tugas kelompok

Buat skema/gambar yang menjelaskan bagaimana globalisasi menimbulkan dampak positif atau negatif pada suatu aspek kehidupan (proses).

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Apa Pro dan Cons Globalisasi?

Dampak Negatif Melebihi Dampak Positif, atau Sebaliknya?

Apakah Dampak Globalisasi Tersebar Merata di wilayah-wilayah dunia?

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Mari kita lihat fakta-fakta di bawah ini untuk melihat apakah dampak positif globalisasi memang tersebar merata di seluruh kawasan?

Apakah kemampuan masing-masing negara untuk berkompetesi dan bekerjasama dalam konteks globalisasi juga merata? Atau apakah globalisasi semakin memperkuat posisi negara tertentu atas negara lainnya? Dengan kata lain, memperlebar kesenjangan sosial ekonomi global?

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The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the 41 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (567 million people) is less than the wealth of the world’s 7 richest people combined.

Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per day).

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Rich and Poor (World Bank, 2004)Apa kesan Anda melihat gambar di bawah ini?

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Persentase penduduk dunia hidup dengan $2/hari

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Factory Wages: Airing the Dirty Laundry

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Global Air Pollution

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Globalisasi bukan satu-satunya faktor yang menyebabkan permasalahan sosial ekonomi dan kesenjangan global.Namun globalisasi merupakan salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan/memperburuk permasalahan sosial ekonomi/kesenjangan global.

Faktor lainnya?

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Bagaimana hal itu terjadi?

Kesenjangan kekuasaan dan pengaruh Behind the increasing interconnectedness promised

by globalization are global decisions, policies, and practices. These are typically influenced, driven, or formulated by the rich and powerful. These can be leaders of rich countries or other global actors such as multinational corporations, institutions, and influential people.

In the face of such enormous external influence, the governments of poor nations and their people are often powerless. As a result, in the global context, a few get wealthy while the majority struggle.

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Contoh: Structural Adjustment Policy

Cutbacks in health, education and other vital social services around the world have resulted from structural adjustment policies prescribed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank as conditions for loans and repayment. In addition, developing nation governments are required to open their economies to compete with each other and with more powerful and established industrialized nations. To attract investment, poor countries enter a spiraling race to the bottom to see who can provide lower standards, reduced wages and cheaper resources. This has increased poverty and inequality for most people. It also forms a backbone to what we today call globalization. As a result, it maintains the historic unequal rules of trade.

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Janji yang diingkari: Foreign Aid for Development Assistance

In 1970, the world’s rich countries agreed to give 0.7% of their gross national income as official international development aid, annually.

Since that time, billions have certainly been given each year, but rarely have the rich nations actually met their promised target.

For example, the US is often the largest donor in dollar terms, but ranks amongst the lowest in terms of meeting the stated 0.7% target.

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Furthermore, aid has often come with a price of its own for the developing nations:

Aid is often wasted on conditions that the recipient must use overpriced goods and services from donor countries

Most aid does not actually go to the poorest who would need it the most

Aid amounts are dwarfed by rich country protectionism that denies market access for poor country products, while rich nations use aid as a lever to open poor country markets to their products

Large projects or massive grand strategies often fail to help the vulnerable as money can often be embezzled away.
