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Amani Kapayapaan








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Welcome! Understand The Creator &Peace!

Please read on…Please read on…

• Human kind is really busy now, even a child is “busy” in this modern world

• All through out this busy life, we have been missing many things, Peace of Mind is the most important of those. Peace is not something which u can buy at anywhere. Just the materialistic life wont give you peace at all. Here is a proven formula which will provide you ,Peace, success and salvation. Please spend a few minutes with me to have a glimpse on it.

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Look around…how we lost our peace??!! We forgot our Creator , our religion and started worshiping and idolizing


Negative message conveyed by media about Wars, conflicts and brutal massacres.

Terror and fear.

Immoral sexual relationships and Breakdown of family values.

Injustice, oppression and Marginalization of poor.

Persecution of women and the weak.

pornography , obscenity and increasing crimes.

‘Interest’ dealings, corruption and exploitation

Physical and emotional stress from work, family and society.

Looking for temporary pleasures, wealth and anxiety.

Confusion and restlessness in all things we do. More and more..…More and more..…

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Result mind without peace

Discontent in everything and low-self esteem.

Wars at each and every corner of the world.

Growing unhappiness .

Closure of the door of kindness everywhere.

Brutal murder of knowledge &mercy.

Disappearance of The word ‘Love’ from the world.

Destruction of families and its moral values.

Diminishing sincerity.

Fading away of Spirituality& faith.

Nuclear and Biological weapon research and competition.

Removal of the word “Human Right” from the dictionary of mind.

Penetration of Selfishness into even individual soul level.More and more..…More and more..…

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Science has not yet defined the position of mind (heart or brain!!).

Science does agree that there is something beyond our control.

Science does not offer any medicine to achieve permanent peace.

Some scientific Methods to Achieve peace of Mind

By being physically well.

Focusing mental energy to reduce stress by meditations.

Taking time to feed your soul and relax.

Get connected with those who care about you.

Don’t get overloaded in your work or education or any of your activity.

These are only a few mental techniques to achieve the feeling of“peace” .But the real peace, a peaecful soul can be achieved only if we seek it from our creator as our knowledege about the soul is so limited.

Science and Peace of Mind

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ISLAM=PEACE,Its Covering Each and Every Area of Life…..

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How to Achieve peace through the “Religion of Peace”

Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds.

Understand and follow creator’s guidelines in the life (Al-Quran)

Beware of Satan for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

Be patient and ask forgiveness from your creator

More and more..…More and more..…

The best of the ways is one trodden by the Prophets

The best of the actions is that which is beneficent.

The best guidance is that which is put into practice.

The most valuable possession is the contentment of heart. The best provision is that of

piety. The best Guidelines is Holy

Quran (which the guidelines or manual from creator)

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Don’t You think about your Creator who is behind all these??!!!

Are you the creator of human semen??

Who is our savior when we meet different dangers in our day to day life?

When something bad happen to our closed ones, a gut feeling arises regardless of the distance between, How that feeling arises? And who is behind it?

What about the human embryonic development?

How this universe is being sustained and natural law comes into action regardless of the little human efforts to interfere it?

Invincible Natural calamities & tragedies.

who is behind the pole to pole journey of migratory birds?

Who is the real owner of soul?! who created life & Death??!!

Lot and lots of questions and not answered yet???!!!! Don’t you think creator is behind all these phenomenon??!!!

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Can You Prove the existence of The Creator??!!!Can you prove that you exist? Yes, of course you can. You merely use your senses to determine that you can see, hear, feel, smell, taste and you have emotions as well. All of these are a part of your existence. But this is not how we perceive God in Islam. We can look to the things that He has created and the way that He cares for things and sustains us, to know that there is no doubt of His existence.

Think about this the next time that you are looking up at the moon or the stars on a clear night; could you drop a drinking glass on the sidewalk and expect that it would hit the ground and on impact it would not shatter, but it would divide up into little small drinking glasses, with iced tea in them? Of course not. And then consider if a tornado came through a junkyard and tore through the old cars; would it leave behind a nice new Mercedes with the engine running and no parts left around? Naturally not.

Can a fast food restaurant operate itself without any people there? !!!

After considering all of the above, how could we look to the universe above us through a telescope or observe the molecules through a

microscope and then think that all of this came about as a result of a "big bang" or some "accident?????!!!!!!!!!!!!

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“Ekam evaditiyam”-He is the only one with out second (Chanakyopanishath 6:2-1)

“K.hul Huvallahu Ahad”-Say he is the Allah One and only (H.Quran 111:1)

"Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adna Ikhad”-Hear,O Israel the lord our God is one lord (The Bible Deuter0nomy 6:4)

"I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me. [The Bible, Isaiah 46:9]

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Creator has sent a Divine guideline, “The Holy Quran” with 114 chapters which deals with every aspects of Human life.The very first verse of it exhorts to”read in the name of your creator”.

The Messenger who is the role model for each Muslim ,called people to truth, faced persecution in Makkah

Migrated to Madina where he was welcomed wholeheartedly

And a new phase began where Muhammad laid the foundations of a society based on The Divine guidance he received from the Creator.

‘ Read in the name of your Lord who created, created man from clots of blood. Read! Your Lord is the most Bounteous, who has taught the use of the pen, has taught man what he did not know.’

(Quran- Chapter 96)

Which Devine Guideline provides Idea & Techniques to Achieve Real Peace &Salvation?!!

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Lets praise our creator’s Glory..Oh..Allah Glory be to you!

Say he is the Allah (God), the one, the eternal, absolute, he begetteth not, nor he is begotten. And there is non like unto him.(112:1-4)

Praise be to Allah (God), the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds, Most gracious most merciful, Master of the day of judgment (1:2-4)

Allah (Creator). There is no god; but he,-the living self subsisting ,supporter of all. No slumber can seize him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in his presence except as he permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to his creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of his knowledge except as he willeth. His throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and he feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for he is the most high, the supreme ( in glory).(2:255)

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How can we achieve peace??!!!Seek your creator’s guidance!

“ Find out which is the True Religion from The


“People will call you to Evil .It is very hard to

be righteous, don’t follow the way devil …”

“Remember everybody will return to their lord after being judged on

the life he lived on earth.”“The word ‘ Islam’

means ‘peace’ you can achieve real peace by submiting urself to

your creator”

“ Practice Principles and Guidelines which we have been asked to

do by our Creator” (Al-Quran)

“ Keep Away from Evil in your Life, Remember

about your creator always. ”

“Remember Your creator knows you better than

anyone, he knows what your mind is whispering”

“Watch ur daily deeds and be reminded that ur lord is watching you. ”

“Remember that there is a real judgment day is awaiting us, any of

our worldly things wont save us from that big day except the good

deeds u have done. ”

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Beginning of Divine Revelation of Peace (Islam) leads to a new era

Beginning of Divine Revelation of Peace (Islam) leads to a new era

Way of life as per Divine guidance, not as per human desires.

Addressing all aspects of life

Guidance from the Creator who knows his creations better

than they do themselves.

Guidance from the Creator who knows his creations better

than they do themselves.

For the entire world, not for a region or


Laws and Values from Heaven, not earth

Addressing all human beings, rich and poor, black and

white, educated and the ignorant


From Creator

Long term, not short-term

Permanent guidelines and solutions, not


Permanent guidelines and solutions, not


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Religion has nothing to do with practical life Religion guides each person in every aspect of life. Religion makes life better,



With the revelation Quran& advent of Last Messenger of Creator Muahmmed (pbuh), the notion of religion changed

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“Peace” formula is applicable in all walks of life.

Law & JusticeLaw & Justice

Ethics & EtiquettesEthics &


Commerce & Economy

Commerce & Economy

Politics & GovernancePolitics &


Social lifeSocial life

Knowledge & learning

Knowledge & learning


Human Rights & Relations

Human Rights & Relations

and more…

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Principles of the “Peace”(Islam)

BeliefsBeliefs Right ActionsRight Actions+ ResultsResults=


Right MeansRight Means Right EndsRight Ends+ SuccessSuccess=

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“Peace” Formula of Success from Last Messenger

‘I offer you happiness of this world and that of the next’


‘ I call you to God, the Unique, without any associate and to His obedience and to follow me…for I am the Messenger of Allah’

‘People! No prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born.

There is no God but Allah andMuhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

There is no God but Allah andMuhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Adam Noah Abraham Moses Jesus Muhammad… …

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What was Prophet Muhammad’s (Pbuh) Guidance to Peace.

Muhammad(pbuh) guidance blessed people over 1400 years back and it was for all times to come.

Muhammad(pbuh) guidance blessed people over 1400 years back and it was for all times to come.

610 AD 2006

Muhammad’s proven curing way can solve all our problems and can set the human world on the

right course once again

Muhammad’s proven curing way can solve all our problems and can set the human world on the

right course once again

Now and the future…

The best values of life we see today were given 1400 years ago

The best values of life we see today were given 1400 years ago

To Save HumanityFrom Hell fire

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Prophet Muahmmed (pbuh) as a Peace maker He forgave the people of the town of Taif who wounded him and

chased him out of the city He ordered kind treatment of captives, despite those were the

very men who had inflicted insults and injuries to him. After the conquest of Makkah, he proclaimed general amnesty to

the people who persecuted and tortured him and his followers. No exhibition of ruthless power, no feelings of revenge, no plunder In Madina, the Prophet (peace be upon him) established a state

where all people were equal, where matters were decided through consultation, and where all people had to follow the same law. It was a state without any favoritism in favor of any family or group.

Even a non-Muslim was not to be mistreated under his rule. The story of Tu'mah Ibn Abraq is an excellent example of justice and human rights for all people under his authority. Tu'mah, who was a Muslim, stole someone's armor in Madina and then he blamed a Jew. Allah sent a special revelation to warn people against such injustice (Qur'an 4:110-112). The Jewish citizen of Madina was declared innocent and Tu'mah was found guilty.

More and more ..…More and more ..…

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The Five Basic Principles in “Peace" (Islam)

5 pillars of peace

Faith(faith in one god)

Prayer(5 time

Compulsoryand optional


Zakath(PurificationOf wealth )

The fast(Compulsory

One month fast)

Pilgrimage(hajj) Only Who Cando financially

And physicallyAble)

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How five principle help you find-out peace





FAITH YOU CAN PUT ALL TRUST IN CREATORAll Good and Bad from your lord only

YOU CAN SUPPLICATE YOUR PROBLEM and ask solution and help from CREATOR

Purification of your wealth, ,Helps,Poors, Socialism, Increase Your Self Esteem



More and more..…More and more..…

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The Benefits for women in “Peace" (Islam)

First to accord higher status to women, first to grant rights 1400 Years ago

Social Rights


Maintenance Rights

Privacy & Chastity

Legal Rights

Respect during Menstruation days


Rights Security &Protection

Right to Live Education

“It was Islam that removed the bondage in which women are held from the very dawn of history and gave them a social standing and legal rights which were not granted to

them in England till many centuries later.”Lady Cabbold, Pilgrimage to Mecca

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Human Unity Principle for peace (Islam)

All mankind is from Adam and Eve.

An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab;

A white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white- except by piety and good action.

Appointed Bilal (RA), a black and a negro slave, as the first individual to

the office of Muezzin ( Call to Prayer)

Appointed Bilal (RA), a black and a negro slave, as the first individual to

the office of Muezzin ( Call to Prayer)

“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other.Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)”

(Quran- Chapter 49)

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The Light “Peace" Spreads FurtherThe companions of prophet (pbuh) disseminated his message

around the world and humanity has reaped benefits wherever and whenever Prophet Muhammad’s(pbuh) guidance has been followed

‘The Muslim World has given many innovations that we take for

granted in our daily life.’ How Islamic

Inventors changed the world, The Independent

‘The Muslim World has given many innovations that we take for

granted in our daily life.’ How Islamic

Inventors changed the world, The Independent

More than 1 billion

followers today

More than 1 billion

followers today

Established God-fearing, just, peaceful and prosperous state

Established God-fearing, just, peaceful and prosperous state

Human history has never known such a complete transformation of a society or a place before or since – and IMAGINE all these

unbelievable wonders in JUST OVER TWO DECADES.”

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You too can Achieve Real” Peace”, Practice Religion of “Peace”, to gain success in this life and the life after death.

I submit this presentation to my lord (Allah) and his messenger (pbuh) , to all the viewers ,to my parents who showed practically how to be a true Muslim, and to all the people who keep good thoughts and to those who search for truth . I am indebted to many people, who helped me with many information's and websites which I have referred for preparing this presentation. Jazakallahumma Khairen.

For further information, suggestions and comments contact

Please remember me in your prayer: Brother In Peace : Email:- [email protected]

Please get to know more and change your tomorrows….Please Remember in your daily life….

“Every soul shall taste of death”, and you shall only be paid fully your reward on the resurrection day; then whoever is removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the garden he indeed has attained the object;(Of

Life) and the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities.(3:185)
