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  • 8/7/2019 Payatas Football Club


    Payatas Football ClubPayatas Football ClubPayatas Football Club


  • 8/7/2019 Payatas Football Club


    Grassroots football project

    Summary to date

    Following the success of the Philippine team in the Street Child World Cup and the Philippine Naonal

    team, the Azkals, in the Suzuki Cup, football in the Philippines has been taking o.

    The rise in football has enabled Triple E to partner in starng a football team at Payatas dumpsite.Payatas is a dumpsite in Manila where tens of

    thousands of people live, scavenging from the

    rubbish to nd things to sell, recycle and even eat.

    Despite such poverty, the people are incredibly

    creave, intelligent and hard-working and at the

    rst session there were over 100 children playing

    football on a small basketball court, which proved

    quite a challenge!

    Football oers a great opportunity to help others;

    nutrion and tness, for example, are promoted

    throughout. Because of poor diet, the Philippines

    has the highest rate of diabetes in the world and

    ranks highly for heart problems too! Football oers us a chance to educate the kids about these issues,

    while providing a sense of community and a source of pride.

    The advantages of football are well known, the game provides a level playing eld, where merit, hard -

    work and skill, not accident of birth, are the determinants of a persons success. Through tying football

    development to community development we have the beginnings of some great opportunies as team

    work, discipline, building self-esteem and newly found knowledge are all translated into the real world.

    These developments in the prole of Philippine football are feeding into the excing developments of Tri-

    ple E. Already receiving great feedback from some of the members of the Philippine Football Federaon

    (the Filipino version of the UKs FA) and support from a number of high prole people within sporng and

    polical communies, grassroots football is more and more being aached to community development.

    Working in partnership with each of us pulling togetherwe can achieve things we could have only imagined

    before. From nothing weve started a football team in

    one of the poorest areas of Manila and are ready to

    play friendly matches and join tournaments this year.

    With the establishment of the drop-in centres for

    street kids football will become an integral part of our

    vision ; a vision where we see the world changed one

    life, or perhaps one team, at a me.

    The Philippine Naonal team - The Azkals

    For tens of thousands of people at Payatas this is

    hometogether we can become part of something


  • 8/7/2019 Payatas Football Club


    BenetsThe grassroots project is already becomingan important part of many poor communi-

    es in Manila and indeed the centre of some

    childrens lives. Football is more than just agame to them and the project has the po-

    tenal to grow from strength to strength.

    The benets can be simply summarised as


    Basic SkillsThe chance to learn to play football is highly

    movang to many children. It can be used

    as a vehicle to encourage and develop basic

    skills. Many children (having grown up play-

    ing basketball, the number one sport in the

    Philippines) are sll learning to play success-

    fully and need lots of chances to pracce

    and learn the discipline that comes through

    teamwork and sharing a vision. Waing,

    good listening and following an adults direc-

    on rather than their own agenda are really important skills to master. They are skills that as some of the

    poorest children in the region they were oen never given the chance to learn and so are now geng

    that opportunity, which is a challenge to anyone! A lack of these skills is oen the reason why a lot of

    street children will get into ghts on the streets. If they are lucky enough to be in school, a lack of these

    skills is oen the reason they will nd it dicult to integrate and to learn, oen being suspended or ex-

    cluded. Geng a hang of these skills opens the door to future opportunies, such as geng an educaon

    and ulmately a job to support themselves and their


    CoordinaonMany children who are brought up on the streets or in

    areas of extreme deprivaon will have good physical co-

    ordinaon as this is needed in order to survive. Applying

    what they needed on the streets to something more pro-

    ducve we can show that even when looked down on by

    others, and when others gave up on them, these Filipinos

    can achieve great things. With football, they will learn

    more about passing, teamwork, tness and being able to

    use their skills for a more construcve and posive goal

    as part of a team.

  • 8/7/2019 Payatas Football Club


    FriendshipMany poor children have diculty

    trusng others and geng along

    with people they do not know

    well. As many have experienced

    abuse from an early age this is un-derstandable, but oen makes it

    hard to build a community. Within

    the structured seng of football

    training, where the children are

    geng constant support and en-

    couragement, they learn to form

    bonds of friendship and trust

    through being part of a team and

    sharing experiences and insights

    with one another.

    Being part of a teamFootball teaches kids how to take both individual and collecve responsibility for what happens. Players

    learn that working as a team will mean making chances for other players rather than trying to score on

    their own all the me. It is good pracce for the street children to have a lile experience of thinking stra-

    tegically, thinking for the future, which will then be directed to them thinking about their future outsideof sport.

    Playing football teaches children to play by

    the rules and accept decisions they may

    disagree with. Children with no personal

    boundaries oen nd it hard to put them-

    selves in someone elses shoes or to have

    a sense of jusce, and they need plenty of

    safe chances to pracce acceptable waysto manage disappointment.

    With football we can create safe and struc-

    tured opportunies to train and play but

    also to learn social and internal bounda-

    ries. Football provides that inial step to

    encourage, enable and empower the kids;

    from training to win the beauful game to

    training to create their own beauful life.

  • 8/7/2019 Payatas Football Club


    Can you help? Trainers/football boots: Many of the kids are too poor to

    have a pair of shoes. If they do, as you will have seen in some

    of the photos, they usually share these with siblings as it is

    their only pair for the family. This means that when they play

    football they tend to play in bare feet or slippers so we are

    always looking for trainers and football boots for the kids to

    use. The condion doesnt maer so much as Filipinos are

    very creave and can x almost anything.

    Sponsor a coach: We are currently dependent on a volunteer coach and to make sure the pro-

    gramme stays running we will at some point need to employ a coach to ensure the connuaon of

    the project. To sponsor a coach will cost roughly 150 per month, which will cover their living ex-

    penses, travelling costs to and from training as well as friendly games and tournaments.

    Sponsor a team: We are in need of football kits too, so to sponsor the making of the uniforms in the

    Philippines (as our sister charitys cooperave can make such things much cheaper than in the UK),

    or to sponsor maintenance and general training costs, such as the nutrional aspect of the training,

    would also be a huge help. As it is sponsorship, your company or organisaon would be adversed

    in the same way as professional teams adverse sponsors on kits and training grounds.

    Sponsor a player's educaon: Many of the children are very poor and have to work as their families

    cannot aord to send them to school. To sponsor a childs educaon would cost approximately 30

    per month. The child would then be able to learn to play football and maintain strong links with us,

    parcularly with our social worker, whilst geng an educaon to gain the skills and qualicaons to

    li themselves and their families out of poverty.

    Our GuaranteeWe guarantee to make sure that anything you donate will go to the designated project or person and not

    into administraon costs. We will also keep you updated with how the

    project is progressing through regular reports, pictures and where elsethe project has made the news.

    Thank you!

    Contact us:

    Email: [email protected]


    Tel: +44 (0)1325 310804

    Address: St Francis Vicarage, Burnhope,

    Newton Ayclie, Durham,

    DL5 7ER