Page 1: Our cannOneer’s - Veterans Memorial Center...2 Brevard Veterans Council, Inc. & Veterans Memorial Center, Inc. 400 South Sykes Creek Pkwy / Merritt Island, FL 32952-3547 Office 321-453-1776


APRIL 2020

A Publication of the Brevard Veterans Council & Veterans Memorial Center

Our cannOneer’s

As we all face challenges ahead, let us remember the good

times and look forward to their return. Stay strong and stay

safe to all our Veterans Memorial Center members , friends

and the community.

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Brevard Veterans Council, Inc. & Veterans Memorial Center, Inc.

400 South Sykes Creek Pkwy / Merritt Island, FL 32952-3547

Office 321-453-1776 / DAV Service Office 321-452-1774

Editor: Doris Hendricks 321-458-1138

Our mission statement reads:

The mission of the Brevard Vet-

erans Council is to work in

conjunction with area veterans,

local government, and other

veterans’ organizations to sup-

port and promote the interests

and welfare of Brevard County

veterans and their families. We

try everyday to accomplish this,

but it’s good to have some time off to get other work

done, especially around home, but this virus has im-

pacted many people.

We say the most vulnerable are the elderly and those

with underlying health issues. This applies to our vet-

eran’s community too. I think the Chairman of the

Veterans Council should be out in the bush with the

homeless or needy veterans. How else can we com-

plete our mission as written above? I feel if I am to

help them and represent Brevard Veterans, I need to

spend time and be out there with them.

I try and visit at least three homeless camps a week,

delivering needed supplies to those who can't make it

down to see Bob Doyle, who by the way, takes good

care of them at the Center. I also enlisted the help of

the Brevard Homeless Coalition to help me keep

track of the veterans in south county.

Sometimes it's hard navigating in the bush, tripping

over roots carrying cases of MRE's is a challenge. It

reminds me of slipping and sliding in Vietnam, dur-

ing the monsoon season

I found a simple solution, by parking at the trail head

and blowing your horn the people come up from the

camp and help themselves to food, water, tents, cots,

and tarps and whatever else they need. Most are ini-

tially helped by George Taylor and his NVHS team

which have done a great job for many years. We sup-

plement what they do. It spreads the burden of help

around. Anyone wishing to help, I would appreciate

it. Ray Norman stepped up and he will be helping

me in the future. It's easy, all you need is time, com-

passion and to care about our Brothers and Sisters.

Remember Brothers and Sisters, “People don’t care

what you know, they want to know that you care”

Don Pearsall, BVC Chairman

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Greetings to all members and volunteers! We have entered uncharted waters, as we would say in the Navy, but I am confident we will emerge from this crisis as strong as ever. We just need to persevere and ad-here to the COVID-19 guidelines as put forward by the CDC and our local, state and national govern-

ment. By the time you read this, the Executive Committee would have met on March 30 to look at a plan to go forward. Stay tuned.

A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed by a local radio station about the Veterans Memorial Center and our several missions. The program is called Bre-vard at Large. If you want to listen to my interview, select the link below, select the link to 1300 radio, then on the right side, select Brevard at Large pod-cast and select the Veterans Memorial Center for the radio interview (audio only). Thank you for hanging in there. Dean Schaaf President VMC #hunkereddown


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“neW’s BuLLeTIn”

Scholarships: It is that time of the year for us to decide who will be a recipient of one of our scholarships. Please let your friends and family know and have them pick up the form in our lobby or it can be printed from our web-

site at

Application-010820-1.pdf Also you can contact Scholarship Chairman Doris Hendricks at [email protected] or phone 321-458-1138

Operations report: Many things are going on in the center while we are closed. We are repairing the gray hall walls and have finished with the new lights and speaker system. we now have 8 speakers versus the one and have gone to multi colored strip led lights that are nearly invisible on the ceiling. Once completed we will have other pro-jects to complete so that when this is over the center will be up to speed. The park is open for fishing and walking as well as the deck out back. Fishing has been good with a high abundance of whiting and trout currently being caught on the river. Bass is still productive in the ponds. As always keep an eye out for the several alligators swimming by.

Membership: If you don’t have or you have lost your Blue membership card please contact the membership

chairman. Doris Hendricks per phone 321-458-1138 or through email: [email protected]

Membership: Member organizations please verify if your organization are still active and identify a primary and secondary point of contact/representative. Please contact Doris Hendricks per phone 321-458-1138 or through

email at [email protected]


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At our March General Member-

ship Meeting the members in at-

tendance approved the 2020 Bre-

vard Veterans Council, Inc. by-

laws. There was much discussion

and consideration given to several

areas but those in attendance

came to agreeable determinations.

With that said I would like to clarify what the process

was and how these by-laws came to be written. It took

several months for this committee to make the determi-

nation of what by-laws were actually in effect. After

much research it was determined that the last set of by-

laws to be approved through the proper process was

dated 2012. From there we had to research when and

why the BVC was changed from a 501(c) (3) to a 501 (c)

(19). We never did find an answer to that question ex-

cept that is was done many many years ago, and the ac-

countant made the recommendation to “just leave it

alone”. Upon agreement of the Executive Committee

and the Governance Committee, we did just that.

As for the rest of the process there was a lot of back

and forth discussion on many issues. The opinions of

the Governance Committee, the BVC Chairman and the

VMC President were all taken into consideration and

when there were differences of opinion, we were all able

to come together with a resolution that everyone felt

was in the best interest of the Brevard Veterans Council,

Inc. It was NEVER a one person show at any time dur-

ing this process.

One of the issues that was changed, empowered the

Board of Directors “Article V Board of Directors, Sec-

tion 6. “The mission of the Board of Directors is to

conduct the business of the Council”.

Some feel that is taking away the power of the member-

ship. This is not an accurate depiction of this change.

The membership may at any time challenge the deci-

sions of the Board of Directors and hold them account-

able for those decisions. What this does is allow the

General Membership meetings to be the forum of ex-

changing and sharing information and the needs of our

Veteran Community. Some disagree with this but please

rest assured that this concept has been blessed by many

of the BVC/VMC elders. Spending the time at a Gen-

eral Membership Meeting to determine whether a wall

should or shouldn’t be built is not the best use of our

Community Agencies’ time.

There have also been requirements placed on the Board

of Directors Members that will ensure that they are

more involved in and knowledgeable of the activities of

the BVC/VMC and not to just show up at monthly

meetings. So along with empowerment came a level of


While it is important for our Board of Directors mem-

bers to be involved in the BVC/VMC activities it is very

much needed that our members be involved as well.

Please come to the meetings and ask questions. Please

do not listen to hearsay or he said she said, come to a

meeting to get your questions answered. Also, we are

requesting that you, as a member of this organization,

consider volunteering on a committee, or as a Manager

on Duty (MOD), a museum docent or librarian. Our

Organization is growing, and we need you to grow with


For God and Country, Dorothy Walsh VMC Board of Directors Member Governance Committee Chairman

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When you joined the military, you joined the largest family in the country.

March started with much activity at the Center and ended with a month of inactivity as the cen-tered was closed by Brevard County due to the anticipated spreading of COVID19, the Coronavirus. This prompted the Executive Committee to hold an Emergency Meeting on Friday 13 March 2020 at 0930. In attend-ance were Don Pearsall, Dean Schaaf, Bill Muckler, Ted Schmid,

Kristi Blanchard, Bob Doyle and Ted Suzor.

The Executive Committee again met on Monday 16 March 2020 at 0930 to further discuss future events and activities and plan for any and all contingencies that may arise. The same attendees were present with the addition of the DAV. A future meeting was scheduled for 30 March 2020 at 0930 in the Li-brary of the Center

The new bylaws for the Brevard Veterans Council (BVC) were finalized and presented at both Board of Directors Meetings in

March and then again at the General Membership Meeting held on 11 March 2020. The bylaws were voted and approved as presented with minor changes. The Governance Committee is now working on new bylaws for Veterans Memorial Center (VMC).

The Brevard Veterans Council Board of Directors will now meet at 9:00 am (0900) on the first Monday of each month. The Veterans Memorial Center Board of Directors Meeting will continue to be held on the first Wednesday of each month with a new start time of 9:00 am (0900).

The Membership Meeting will not be affected by the change in schedules of the Board of Directors meetings. They will contin-ue to be held at 9:00 am (0900) on the second Wednesday of each month. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend these meetings. Bring a guest. All meetings begin at 9:00 am (0900). Minutes for the meetings are available electronically by sending an email request or by simply requesting to be on the email list. For questions or comments concerning the meetings, or the minutes, send an Email ([email protected]) or pick up a print copy of the minutes before the meetings.

Bill Muckler, Secretary

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Now is a time for us Individually and as an organization to show our unity thru restraint, courage, strength and loyalty. During these times of fear and confusion we must openly practice of these. Some of us may be suffering either physi-cally or emotionally, as President Ronald Reagan said (STAY THE COURCE). It was Dickens who wrote;( Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has

taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape). (Charles Dick-ens)

I have no Idea how long this will last or how many will be infected, Jim Rohn once wrote (You cannot change your destination over-night. You can change your direction.)

Whatever you believe in now is the time to believe. I am a Christian and I live by my faith in Jesus Christ, however whatever you believe

in grab onto and hold on to it.

Kari Cannella- Moye once wrote;( Nothing but this moment is guaranteed and I pray that this is a lesson that each person can learn before it has to be discovered.)” Keri Cannella-Moye

Laurie Formby once wrote (“When we volunteer to help those in need, we are building rewards in heaven that will last for eternity.”) Lourie Formby

Chaplain Chip Hanson once wrote (Fear can destroy, courage and loyalty will bring growth with strength)

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10


Chaplain Chip Hanson

75th birthday of the Seabees and the VMC Museum has a large collection

of Seabee collector items to celebrate with.

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Brevard Troop Support

Last month in March, Veterans Connection to a New Life the Non-Profit foundation that han-dles Brevard County Troop and Family Support has assisted 16 veterans, paying utility bills, grocery shopping trips, emergency needs as they arise, gift cards to those in financial distress, they provided a needy veteran with a donated 36 ft camper trailer and helped pay for the park set up and two months' rent. They have recently donated three automobiles to needy veterans, after any needed repairs were made.

They also offer Substance Abuse programs that comply with the VA standards. The 501 C (3) is solely funded by donations from the private or corporate sector, and appreciates any financial assistance that is offered.

This is a trying time with everyone encouraged to confine themselves. They also have Certi-fied Counselors available to help with the stress and anxiety. The focus of their troop support is:

Transitioning from military to civilian life

Family Acceptance and understanding

Financial Services and assistance with expenses

PTSD Counseling

Moving from the woods to a home or apartment

Helping families adjust to the transition

Substance Abuse Programs

Assistance with VA Issues

Employment Assistance

Please visit their website at

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UNOFFICIAL VMC Brevard Veterans Calendar — COVID-19 Postponements and Planned if Possible, into

July 2020


Events Postponed or Cancelled:

March 13: All veteran honor visits and Veterans History Project Interviews to all nursing homes and care facilities cancelled until further notice to protect vulnerable veterans living there. Two such facilities were closed as polling places. (INDEFINITE). March 14: Space Coast Honor Flight Stars and Stripes Evening Honoring Veterans at the Muscle Car Museum on Sarno Road in Melbourne. POSTPONED March 26: Missing in America Project FL (MIAP) Call to Honor #23 internment at CCNC. New date likely in Fall since no Ceremonies planned during summer (mid-May until September) POSTPONED March 26: Annual Florida Commemoration of the Tuskegee Airmen at VMC. POSTPONED March 28: Space Coast Honor Flight for MARCH, APRIL and MAY: CANCELLED. Next Flights in the Fall. March 28: Vietnam 50th Anniversary Commemoration and Homecoming, Cape Canaveral National Cemetery— CANCELLED. April 6: Book Signing and Lecture by Francis Gary Powers, Jr, “Spy Pilot” author at VMC. POSTPONED until April 2021. April 11: The 25th Annual Central Brevard “Stand Down — To Stand Up” POSTPONED UNTIL OCTOBER. Planning for this special Stand Down focused on at risk vets getting jobs as well as homeless vets to resume in mid- August 16 Apr — Veterans Summit Sponsored by Rep Bill Posey at Brevard County Commission Chambers Viera Bldg A (0900 - 1200). CANCELLED 07 May — VA Sponsored Veteran Suicide Prevention Seminar at St. Paul’s Church, Viera POSTPONED 03-10 May — Annual Moving Wall Vietnam and All Veterans Reunion at Wickham Park in Melbourne. Various Daily Schedules including Wreath Laying 04 May and Reunion with tents 07—09 May. See VVB Website to regis-ter and for more information by google search to Vietnam Veterans Moving Wall, 2020, Melbourne FL. POSTPONED or CANCELLED pending VVB and County Decisions.


25 May— Memorial Day Ceremony at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery in Scottsmoor (0900-1000). The event remains officially scheduled. “A Grateful Nations Remembers” is the theme with representation from all branches of the US Armed Forces. Planning Continues

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25 May — Memorial Day Ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Center (0900-1000). The event remains officially scheduled and will include for the first time an all Active Duty US Army Team from Orlando. Planning contin-ues. 04 July — Second Annual BCSO and VMC Fourth of July Merritt Island Independence Day Parade (Time TBD). Confirmed by BCSO and VMC as a go with entry forms and posters due out in Early June. Planning Con-tinues. —————————— Best to all during these unprecedented times.

Donn Weaver

Veteran’s Memorial Center’s Sea Cadets Hold Their Annual Inspection on March 8th

Our Courageous Division Sea Cadets held their Annual Personnel & Administrative Inspection on Sunday, March 8th at the Brevard Veteran’s Memorial Center. The Commanding Officer, Lcdr. Cynthia Eastwood, stated that they did very well on their personnel inspection – for the most part uniforms were clean and neatly pressed and the haircuts met or exceeded standards. The administrative inspection was acceptable considering that the unit is in the “rebuilding” mode. Afterwards, the Division had an unexpected guest – Captain William Clautice – USN Retired, the founder of the unit over 38 years ago. He said that while he was the Commanding Officer of the only active Navy command in Brevard County (i.e. Naval Ordnance Test Unit), he saw the opportunity to steer many youths away from drugs and gangs. In that the Courageous Division has been in continuous operation since October 1981, it has changed the poor trajectory of many young men and women. Many have gone on to careers in the military, government and private sectors. I believe that one could fairly say that Captain Clautice’s hunch was right!

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With all the challenges the county and country are facing now, some projects long planned can safely continue. At the VMC these include a major Memorial Plaza landscaping and monument/bricks sprucing up; moving the Last Naval Battle Cannon from the creek to the Plaza; keeping the Veterans Memorial Park (if not the Park Re-strooms) open; and a VMC endorsed Eagle Scout Project — to construct a Flag Retirement Pit in the Park. It has been almost a year since VMC has regularly retired worn out or torn American Flags. Now, despite the current shelter in place plan which allows some outdoor experience with small groups at safe distance, we have some good news. After full approval from the County, BSA Troop 343 Eagle Committee and the VMC leadership team, a full time American Flag Retirement Pit will be constructed in April in the VMP in the remote SE section. The project will cost about $1050 and the Eagle Scout Candidate, Jacob Huff, is tasked to also raise the funds as part of this invaluable addition. Please consider any amount from $5 on up to send to Jacob so he can move for-ward with purchases with the goal of finishing the work by the end of April or at least well before Memorial Day. Please make your check out to BSA TROOP 343 with HUFF EAGLE PROJECT on the memo line mail to: Jacob Huff Eagle Scout Candidate – Troop 343 617 Millwheel Drive Merritt Island, FL 32952 Here is his letter: Troop 343 Merritt Island, Florida 3/31/20 To Members of the Veterans Memorial Center, My name is Jacob Huff and I am a Life Scout from Boy Scout Troop 343 on Merritt Island. I am currently plan-ning my Eagle Project, which will be to build a flag retirement pit at the Brevard Veterans Memorial Center. This will benefit the community by not only providing a place for flag retirement ceremonies, but also campfires for Scouting events and a variety of other events. I am looking for donations in order to fund the project. Any remaining funds after the completion of the project will be sent to the Veterans Memorial Center to support maintenance of the pit and any other additions that may be required in the future. I am very grateful for any assistance that you can provide towards the completion of my Eagle Project. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and time. Sincerely, Jacob Huff

“Thanks from VMC and a Future Eagle Scout!! The donation to BSA and VMC is tax deductible.

Any questions, contact Dean Schaaf or Donn Weaver.”

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Since our last report at the end of February, we have all been called to go” to war with an in-visible enemy” – the Coronavirus. As part of our “war strategy”, many of us have been either requested or di-

rected to give up our freedom of association and movement. We have also been asked to relate to other people in our lives in what would seem to be an “impersonal” manner.

However, the “stakes” are very high. Not only are our own lives at stake, but also the lives of our family, friends and neighbors. We may personally overcome the adversary, but end up putting our family, friends and other community members in danger of sickness or death. Given what we know, this is a war not totally unlike some of us have already experienced on a battle-field. The main difference being that we cannot see or otherwise easily detect the enemy.

With that being said, please be mindful of the impact of your actions on yourself as well as all the other peo-ple you “cross paths with” in your day-to-day activities. Just like your vote, each individual’s actions will have an impact on the outcome of this war. Before the Vet-eran’s Memorial Center (VMC) ceased operations, Joe Davie and Eleanor Fador are the first two of our staff which decided that it was best for them to volunteer at home instead of putting themselves and others at risk by working at the Center.

We are continuing to “make headway” with applying “Process Improvements” to those practices which are necessary for the efficient operation of our Library/Conference room. We have finalized our “mission” and “vision” statements and have developed a few “draft” Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). We re-main open to the development and implementation of other necessary SOPs. Hank Rhodes, Bill Wilkening, Jill Rippon and other Librarians will continue to put in significant time and effort on this important project until it is done. However, the completion of this pro-ject is contingent upon how long the VMC is closed.

Joe and Bill are the “key” individuals which are respon-sible for processing and then delivering the completed VHP Veteran interviews to the Library of Congress for archiving. Joe continues to work on our VHP as well as the Brevard Veteran’s Council (BVC)/Veteran’s Me-morial Center (VMC) website at home. Hank will con-tinue his good work on reorganizing our “Civil War” section as soon as the VMC reopens.

Just like many other special projects during March at our Veteran’s Memorial Center (VMC), our recorded interviews under the Library of Congress’ (LOC) Vet-eran’s History Project (VHP) have slowed way down. We have a backlog of three (3) which still need to be mailed to the Veteran, LOC and then filed in our ar-chives. Please don’t hesitate to contact either Donn Weaver or one of the Library staff, if you know of any Veteran which would like to tell us their story - regard-less of when, where or how they served.

Paul Julian, VMC Librarian

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“Killing England, The Brutal Struggle for American Independence” By Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard (322 pages) This book is a nice, concise re-view of the most important era in our nation’s history, the Revolu-tionary War.

The story is told through the eyes of George Washing-ton, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and by Great Britain’s King George III. The authors re-create the war’s landmark battles, includ-ing Bunker Hill, Long Island, Saratoga and Yorktown,

revealing the savagery and brutal conditions under which American soldiers fought. It also goes through the treachery of Benedict Arnold and the guerrilla tactics of the “Swamp Fox”, Francis Marion. It is sometimes hard to imagine that, given the over-whelming power of the British Empire at the time and the dis-functioning states with their competing interests, that the conflict ended in success for the Americans. Credit must go to the brilliance and steadfastness of the leadership of the three main characters. Book is on display in the library for loan. Doug Bisset, Library Staff


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The Council Courier has gone through many changes through the past few months. I have heard from many that they like the new version. Thank you for your input. “To receive emailed copies of the Council Courier you have to be a paid member.”

I would encourage anyone that is able to receive their

Courier per email to do so. Email copy is nice and is

in color. The mailed copies are in black and white

only. If there is a change in your email address I will

need it. Emailing helps reduce the printing and mail-

ing expenses involved with it.

All articles are to be submitted in a word document. If you have an article to submit for the March Courier make sure it is to me by the 25th of the month. Should you have any questions, concerns or sugges-tions regarding the Courier or its distribution please feel free to contact me at [email protected] and/or at (321)458-1138. “Local Businesses”. We will show their Business Card in our Courier monthly. It is $5 a month or $50 for the year. Please let me know if you are interested. Al-so, if you see your Booster Club dues is coming close to expiring don’t forget to let us know if you want to extend it. Once I receive confirmation from the Treasurer that payment was received I will make sure it shows in the Courier. Any questions please feel free to contact me. Doris Hendricks / Council Courier Editor

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Brevard Veterans Council & Veterans Memorial Center Become a Booster today and help defray the cost of printing & mailing our newsletter.

Only $10.00 per name per year! Show Your Support!

If you feel your name is missing and that you paid for Booster sponsorship this year, please contact the Treasurer. Thank you for your forbearance and understanding. Fill in your names and send to the BVC along with your check. Please make your check payable to: Brevard Veterans Council. Single Name - $10.00 / Double Names – $20.00

Name(s)__________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

MISSION STATEMENTS BVC: The mission of the Brevard Veterans Council is to work in conjunction with area veterans, local govern-ment, and other veterans’ organizations to support and promote the interests and welfare of Brevard County vet-erans and their families. VMC: The mission of the Veterans Memorial Center is to maintain and operate a premier facility to support vet-erans and their families, educate the public, and provide a vibrant memorial to the service and sacrifice of all mili-tary veterans through a museum, memorial plaza, library, and park.

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Provided by Lou Rossi Veterans Memorial Center Founding Member

Twelfth Amendment. Reference used is ‘The Bill Of

Rights’ What It Is, What It Means, and How It’s Been

Misused by Shannon Leigh Fallon.

The Twelfth Amendment: Proposed on December 9,

1803, and ratified on July 27, 1804, the Twelfth Amend-

ment evolved out of the 1800 presidential election. At

that time, each elector voted for two men, not specify-

ing whom he wanted for vice president. Whomever re-

ceived the highest number of votes became president,

and the runner-up became vice president. In 1800,

Thomas Jefferson was running for the presidency and

Aaron Burr was running for the vice presidency. How-

ever, in the final count it was discovered that both men

had received the same number of votes. This cast


the final decision into the hands

of the House of Representatives,

which appointed Thomas Jeffer-

son. This amendment resolved

this kind of dilemma from hap-

pening again, since it provided

the electors with two ballots

(rather than the traditional single

ballot)---one for the presidency,

and one for the vice presidency. Furthermore, it stated

that if no person received the majority of votes

for the vice presidency, than the Senate would

choose from the top two. The significance it

bears is its contribution to party voting---the split ballot

splits political parties!

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If you have friends or family in the area (Brevard County), as well as your neighbors; consider speaking to them about joining us. The $100 Membership Fee

for a Lifetime Membership is a bargain in today’s econo-my.

We have no new members this month. Membership forms are available in the BVMC Lobby or ask the Man-ager On Duty will be able to help you obtain a form. Forms may also be printed using this link:



An email address has been set up for membership issues

and is: [email protected]

If you don’t have or you have lost your Blue member-ship card please contact the membership chairman. Do-ris Hendricks per phone 321-458-1138 or through email

at [email protected]

Doris Hendricks VMC Membership Chair

David Miller Louis Harlow Paul Zarpaylic Manny Hernandez Donald Stuck Bruce Campbell Guy Pace George Schlossnagle Jerri Osborne John Newman Sr Gary Johnson

Julie Adamson Danny McKnight John S. Martin James Bills Robert (Bob) Estes Angelina Hornberger Arthur Hanson George Furis Joyce Collins Lisa Venanzi Maynard Robinson

Michael Brady Gerald Wimberly Robert Schemitsch Dean Schaaf Coe Case Steven Vollmer Bob Bridges William Dansbury Michael Wrazen Sara Creely

Our base’s Army Exchange Service carried a particular brand of underarm deodorant that I liked and bought for years. Then one day I couldn’t find it. I asked an employee whether they still carried my deodorant. “No, we don’t,” she said. “It was always selling out, and I could never keep it in stock. So I quit ordering it.”

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American Legion Post 344 (Last Thursday of Month at 1800 Hours)

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 344 (2nd Thursday of Month at 1730 Hours)

Combat Veterans Motorcycle Club (3rd Saturday at 1100 Hours)

DAV Chapter 123 (2nd Thursday of Month at Noon)

The Fleet Reserve Association Branch 263 (1st Wednesday of Month at 1800 Hours)

Marine Corps League Detachment 513 (1st Thursday of Month at 1800 Hours)

Military Order of the Purple Heart (4 th Monday of Month at 1100-1330 Hours)

Navy League (1st Monday of Month at 1800 Hours)

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (2nd Tuesday of Month at 1800 Hours)

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Exec. Meeting (Last Wednesday of Month at 1800 Hours)

Rolling Thunder FL Chapter 1 (Fourth Sunday of Month at 1400 Hours)

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12167 (3rd Thursday of Month at 1800 Hours)

Vietnam and All Veterans of Brevard (Do not meet at the VMC

Non-Veteran Organizations Meeting Times at the VMC

Cape Canaveral Ladies (Last Monday on Odd Months at 1400-1600 Hours)

U.S. Power Squadron (1st Tuesday of Month at 1800 Hours)

Sea Cadets (2nd Friday of Month at 1800 Hours)

Page 20: Our cannOneer’s - Veterans Memorial Center...2 Brevard Veterans Council, Inc. & Veterans Memorial Center, Inc. 400 South Sykes Creek Pkwy / Merritt Island, FL 32952-3547 Office 321-453-1776



Page 21: Our cannOneer’s - Veterans Memorial Center...2 Brevard Veterans Council, Inc. & Veterans Memorial Center, Inc. 400 South Sykes Creek Pkwy / Merritt Island, FL 32952-3547 Office 321-453-1776


BVC Chair/VMC Vice Don Pearsaall 313-2444 [email protected]

VMC Chair / BVC Vice Dean Schaaf 452-0365 [email protected]

Past Chairman Donn Weaver 613-2403 [email protected]

Secretary Bill Muckler 904-318-8166 [email protected]

Treasurer Ted Schmid 863-3640 [email protected]

Chaplain Chip Hanson 543-7505 [email protected]

3 Year Alex Terrero 759-5543 [email protected]

3 Year Steve Bodie 720-2020 [email protected]

3 Year Brian R. Whalen 205-5986 [email protected]

2 Year Ed Pingston 794-9401

2 Year Ray Norman 452-5376 [email protected]

2 Year Rich Tomasso 452-8543 [email protected]

1 Year Ted Suzor 271-4327 [email protected]

1 Year Les Beecher 452-1806 [email protected]

1 Year TBD

BVC/VMC Leadership Team

Brevard Veterans Council Board of Directors

Veterans Memorial Center Board of Directors

3 Year Doris Hendricks 458-1138 [email protected]

3 Year Chris Gibson 503-467-6102 [email protected]

3 Year Jay Longway 449-9037 [email protected]

2 Year Mike Schulze 202-255-3158 [email protected]

2 Year TBD

2 Year Ernie Hoffman 203-962-9000 [email protected]

1 Year Dorothy Walsh 426-6736 [email protected]

1 Year Harry Beaver 507-4228 [email protected]

1 Year Lou Rossi 394-1669 No email

DAV Chapter 123 Bill Grooten 453-1776 [email protected]

Fleet Reserve 263 TBD

Museum Curator Dean Schaaf 452-0365

Library Paul Julian 749-7369 [email protected]

Other Voting Board Members - VMC Bylaws Article IV- Section 3

Veterans Center Non Voting Support Positions

Asst. Secretary Julie Adamson 446-4663 [email protected]

Asst. Treasurer Kristi Blanchard 449-1226 [email protected]

Operations Director Bob Doyle 276-7814 [email protected]

Security/Asst, Operations Ted Suzor 271-4327

Courier & Facebook Admin. Doris Hendricks 458-1138

Membership Doris Hendricks 458-1138 [email protected]

Museum Curator (Assoc.) Alex Terrero 759-5543

Website Joe Davie 636-8644 [email protected]

Special Projects Donn Weaver 613-2403

Please send any contact information changes to Doris Hendricks at [email protected]

Area Code is 321 for phone numbers unless noted otherwise
