Page 1: Optimistic · optimistic. Life is beautiful, not miserable. Thus, I create fun, cute, humorous, colorful and interesting sculptures

Optimistic View Recreating memories from a positive perspective

Jihoon Choi

Academy of Art University

Graduate School of Fine Art Sculpture

Final Thesis Project

Final Review Date :Tuesday, December 08,

2015 Time: 12:00pm Pacific Time

Page 2: Optimistic · optimistic. Life is beautiful, not miserable. Thus, I create fun, cute, humorous, colorful and interesting sculptures

Table of Contents

Autobiography.................................................................................................................................................... 3

Resume.................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Timeline.................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Thesis Summary................................................................................................................................................. 8

Thesis Project...................................................................................................................................................... 9

Thesis Progress .................................................................................................................................................. 14

Progress images ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Influences............................................................................................................................................................... 18

Promotional Materials .................................................................................................................................... 19

Statement of Future Plan................................................................................................................................ 21

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I was born in Seoul, Korea and raised by my grandparents. When I was young, I was little, skinny and

shy. I was not an active person. Normally I stayed at home, watched TV, movies, or played video games. My

grandfather tried to make me be more active, but he never forced me. He always played with me. He liked

movies, so we watched a lot and collected many video tapes. Every Saturday night we watched a movie on

TV. One Saturday, I was very tired and did not want to watch a movie but my grandfather said, "You should

watch today's movie. I think, you are going to love it!” That movie was STARWARS. I still remember the first

scene; there was an unknown loud sound and a ridiculously huge spaceship. This is when I fell in love with

Sci-Fi movies. In 1999, after high school, I really wanted to study visual effects for movies. This was my dream

job ever since I watched STARWARS. At that time, we did not have that kind of class at the University in

Korea. My second plan was to study film and theater. I was happy, active, and studying what I was passionate

about. After college and military duty, I worked on a movie production team. It was a great job and I loved it,

but I could not pay my bills. To make more money in this field I needed a better degree.

After I came to the United States, I studied 3D modeling and drawing. During the first year, I focused

on the Foundations classes. I believe a strong foundation will make me a better artist. I was obsessed about

my foundation skills, because I did not have a lot of artistic experience. During that time, I really enjoyed all

my classes. Every time, I finished some artwork, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. My mother always

said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” So, now I am here and I am

doing what I love.

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Term Course No. Course Title Instructor Unit


Summer GLA 601 The Renaissance Art World & It's Classical origins Caroline Hood 3

GLA 606 Crossing Borders: Art & Culture in a Global Society John Dobson 3


FASCU 624 MS: Expressions in Clay Anne Stryke 3

FASCU 640 MS: Figurative Sculpture: Life Size Alicia Ponzio 3

FASCU 642 MS: Figurative Sculpture: The Portrait Lawrence Noble 3



FASCU 637 MS: Metal - Foundry Michael Walsh 3

FASCU 638 MS: Advanced Techniques Margaret Keelan 3

FASCU 645 MS: Relied: Expression &Interpretation Thomas Donahue 3


FASCU 623 MS: Metals - Forging & Welding John Fick 3

FASCU 644 MS: Midpoint review & Final Project David Duskin 3

GLA 616 Sacred Geometry Mark Reynolds 3

Midpoint Review



FASCU 638(800) MS: Directed Study Anne Stryke 3

FASCU 647 MS: Advanced Forging & Welding John Fick 3

JEM 668 MS: Digital Design Laser Cutting Gordon Silveria 3


FASCU 236(800) MS: Directed Study Wayne Shaffer 3

FASCU 623(800) MS: Directed Study John Fick 3

GLA 674 Professional Practice for Fine Artists Cheryl Coon 3

2015 Spring

FASCU 330(800) MS: Directed Study David Duskin 3

FASCU 338(800) MS: Directed Study Cheryl Coon 3

FASCU 647(800) MS: Directed Study John Fick 3

Fall JEM 608 MS: Wax Model Making for Jewelry Alexis Pavlantos 3


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Thesis Summary

Before my midpoint, my work was a mixed style that was cartoony and realistic, because before the

MFA program, I was focused on foundation skills and development. Therefore, I could make whatever I

wanted. After I was through the midpoint, my work developed, Focused and evolved. My current work still

reveals an obsession with line, angle, color, fun subjects, and 3D modeling. But, now it is focused on

recreating my memories and experiences from a positive perspective.

People have happy memories and unhappy ones. However, most people easily forget sweet

memories, and sometimes we only remember hard and difficult times. In my opinion, we should be more

optimistic. Life is beautiful, not miserable. Thus, I create fun, cute, humorous, colorful and interesting

sculptures that people can relate to and that hopefully help them appreciate their past. I would like

everybody to be able to look back and enjoy their sweet memories.

The visual language of my thesis work is based on the cube form. Every piece is expressed as a

series of cubes, transformed into different sizes and shapes. My sculptures are made in a pixilated style, that

are cute, chubby, and colorful, created by folding and cutting sheet metal, or stacking plywood. I have used

the cube based pixelated style because I like to clean, organize, simplify and focus on geometric forms. For

these reasons I am attracted to cubes, corners and flat surfaces. Cube are an obsession in my work,

representing my character and style.


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Thesis Project

My concept is the same as in my mid-point review, but the subjects have changed as well as my

approach. I have tried to create a unique style, so that when people see my work they recognize it.

Pixel Deer. 2013.

Mild steel - Body, Real antler, Plywood - backboard, Paint.

42" x 22" x 25"

The pixel deer represents my first hunting prize. When I was

a kid, around 10 years old, I was shy, quiet, and a skinny little boy.

During that time, I normally stayed at home, and did not do many

outside activities. My grandfather and uncle always wanted me to be

more active. One cold winter day, we went on a hunting trip. I did

not want to go, I just wanted to stay at home and play video games.

We went to a hut in the forest, and stayed overnight. It was very cold, not fun. We did not catch anything. It

is one of my unhappy memories. I recreate that memory with an optimistic view I made my own first hunting

trip prize, made out of mild steel, in 8 bit retro video game style with real antlers. In this way I can celebrate

an unhappy hunting trip in a positive way.

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White Pixel Deer. 2014. Mild steel - Body, Real antler, Wheels, Paint

48" x 40" x 18"

The white pixel deer also

comes from the same memory -

that failed winter hunting trip. I

just wanted to stay at home and

play games. In the winter forest, it

was difficult to find any animals

camouflaged in the snow.

My Land Speeder. 2014

Birch Plywood, Natural Danish oil finish

45" x 45" x 22"

STARWARS is a huge part

of my life. In "STARWARS", The

land speeder is one of the iconic

vehicles in the movie. It is also

Luke Skywalker's first vehicle. Thus,

I chose it for my first woodworking project. When I started this project, I was very interested in 3D printing.

The machine prints 2D layers which overlapped each other to become a 3D object. I got the idea from there.

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I stacked plywood and made a 3D pixelated form. The plywood already had beautiful layers. The plywood

shows repeated layers that became one big block of wood in pixelated and layered form.

Pink Rhino. 2015 "We are NOT MONEY" Series No.01

Mild steel sheet - Body, Basswood - Horn, Paint.

41" x 20" x 42

This project was inspired by a short

advertisement about a documentary on the work of

retired NBA player Yao Ming who is trying to protect

the elephants and rhinos in Africa. The documentary

showed the illegal hunting of these animals, which is

horrible, and showed how cruel human beings can be

just for money. A rhino's horn can cost approximately

$45,000 per pound and ivory costs approximately $1,000

per pound. The rhino’s horn was used as a medicine like

a natural "Viagra", especially a northern white rhino, of which there are only 5 left in the world. In the

documentary, the baby elephant looks small and weak compared to Yao Ming who is 8 feet tall. These

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animals are physically bigger and stronger than human beings, however they still need to be protected.

Before I saw that documentary, I had zero interest in wild animals or Africa. I was too busy and exhausted to

care. However, after the documentary, I have changed my mind. Illegal hunting is a huge issue and that

connects the whole world. It was a huge emotional shock to me. People need to focus on this problem.

Therefore, I created a steel rhino, and elephant with wooden horns and paint. Both animals are considered an

icon of power and strength, but need to be protected. They should not be used as medicine for money.

Bright colors get people's attention very easily and say "I'm little and cute!" which is a stark contrast to the

real animal. In my opinion, Since human beings are able to hunt these animals, we should feel like they are

small and little, even though they are physically bigger and stronger than us.

Rhino, 2015.

"We are NOT MONEY" Series No. 02

Mild Steel - Body,

Hard maple plywood - Backboard,

Bass wood - Horn, Paint

12" X 19" X14"

Elephant, 2015.

"We are NOT MONEY" Series No. 03

Mild Steel - Body,

Hard maple plywood - Backboard,

Bass wood - Ivory, Paint

30" X 30" X 17"

Baby Elephant, 2015

"We are NOT MONEY" Series

No. 04

Mild Steel - Body, Paint

9" X 7" X 6.5"

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Infinity Box. Square & Circle. 2015 Maple plywood, Ceramic, Acrylic Mirror

28" x 28" x 24

(With a pedestal 28" x 76" x 24")

I have had experience in almost every

clay sculpting technique, except wheel throwing. I

never took a class in wheel throwing. I took Cheryl

Coon’s class and I learned to use the wheel. It was

very interesting and a fun experience, but I had a

huge problem. Basically wheel thrown forms are

circular or cylinder forms, and my work is based on cubes and squares. I struggled with how to use the wheel

to make cubes. I explored many ideas but was always frustrated. Usually I complete the design process

before starting. However in this case, while practicing at the wheel, I developed a solution. I changed my

perspective on the work and decided to combine the two shapes by building an infinity box to contain the

round forms. The infinity box creates countless virtual boxes that echo the struggle I had trying to use the

wheel in a project about cubes.

Internal lighting slowly

changes the light color and there

is relaxing music that comes

from a hidden speaker. The light

and sound elements help

recreate how I felt making this

sculpture after solving its main


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Thesis Progress

My project progress was simply 3 steps that were "Pre-production", "Production", and "Past-

production.” These three steps created a schedule and better time management. These three steps each had

a sub category, that are as follows:

1. Pre-production

1-1. Choose the Main subject.

1-2. Research; Reference images, Dictionary facts, Background stories.

1-3. Design process; Realistic drawing, Cartoon style, Toy style, combine those styles.

1-4. Choose design.

1-5. Make a Maquette; one for form Maquette, one for real size Maquette.

1-6. Surface planning; make blueprint of all angles.

1-7. Prepare materials.

2. Production

2-1.Measure and cut out materials.

2-2. Folding and welding.

2-3. Sanding and grinding


3-1. Recheck all surfaces, joints, and edges

3-2. Paint; Basically three layer of primer, two color layers,

3-3. Photo shoot

3-4. Ready for show

These are the basic steps, but of course sometimes there are more.

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Progress images

Concept drawings Concept drawings Blue prints

Maquette Prepare sheet metal Cutting and Folding

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Welding each part Collecting each parts Connecting parts

Connecting part Welding together Finished welding

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Horn Primer paint Primer paint

Color paint Photo shoot Photo shoot

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My ultimate goal is to become a one of kind artist like Jeff Koons, or Chuck Close. These artists have

a characteristic style to their work. When people see their work, they recognized their work clearly. Of course,

these artists have a huge career and are very famous. However, their work has unique characteristics that

make their artwork more exclusive and special.

They are not afraid to try new materials or techniques. They challenged themselves and created a

new style. I totally agree with their mindset. The final outcomes are always unpredictable. Sometimes it comes

out nice, sometimes it is awful. I believe the process is the best way to get a new and better idea for an

emerging artist.

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Promotional Materials

Website :


Business cards

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Statement of Future Plans

My plan has four parts. First, keep working; this is the most important and difficult. I will use the

schools facility for one more semester. Effectively it is an inexpensive and big place to work. During this time,

I plan to start a group studio with other friends and then develop a bigger studio. Second, connect to a

gallery. I plan to be a represented artist and do solo shows every year. Third, I plan to get a job in an art

school. I always wanted to be a teacher. It is part of my character to teach. I can see when other students

need some advice to develop their ideas. Fourth, study new things. I will try new material and techniques.

Actually, I have already started this part. Now I am working with machining hard wax and 3D printers. The

hard wax is very exciting. I can make sharp edges and flat surfaces easily. It is my favorite material right now.

The 3D printing sounds easy and fun but you need a budget and a lot of time to experiment. The 3D printer

is very sensitive and needs accurate numerical values. I am still studying and working on this machine.