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OpenSTA quick start guide

Monday, 25 May 2009 09:35 Ajay Majgaonkar  Software Testing - Test Automation

Four years ago, I was given a task of setting up performace testing lab for one of the projects. I

had no clue about performace testing. So I stated with the basics, I read through thedocumentation I can get my hand on. Next task was to suggest a tool we would use for  performace testing of a web based application. After trying numerous free tools, I settled on

OpenSTA as it offered me what I was looking for. I was looking for customizable and smart

script. It is little difficult to script in OpenSTA initially but once I got a hand, it went real

smooth. Here is a quick start guide I have prepared on OpenSTA. I have taken most of thedocumentation from documentation 

This article covers


  Creating scripts

  Script modeler 

  Recording and Modeling scripts

  Creating and editing Tests

  Result Analysis

OpenSTA as we all know is a Load and performance monitoring tool for web application

environment. It works on http/s requests and not on UI, like many other free tools as well as big


OpenSTA has two sub components you should be aware of 

  OpenSTA Commander   OpenSTA Script Modeler 

Per OpenSTA documentation, HTTP/S Load is an ideal tool for performance testing Web

Application Environments (WAEs). It supplies versatile software that enables you to create andrun HTTP/S load Tests and production monitoring Tests to help evaluate target systems. Use it to

assess the performance of WAEs before launch or after modifications to Web services.

HTTP/S Load enables you to run Tests against the same target system within both load testing

and production monitoring scenarios. Tests can include an HTTP/S load element to help you

evaluate the performance of WAEs during development. Tests can also be used to monitor andcollect performance data from WAEs after they go live within a production scenario. Results

data is collected during Test-runs and can be displayed for analysis during or after a Test-run,enabling you to directly compare the performance of a target system within these two


Having a reliable Web site is an absolute requirement to compete in the e-market place and theonly way to ensure this is to thoroughly test it before launch. HTTP/S Load provides you with a

versatile solution to this requirement.

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OpenSTA Commander 


SNMP collector An SNMP Collector allows an SNMP Server(s) to be queried regularly (at specified timeintervals) throughout the run of your test for specified numerical counter data it is exporting. The

data collected is monitorable during the test and stored as part of that Tests result set to provide

comparisons and a better overall picture of what is happening to the various systems involved inyour Test.

NT Performance An NT Performance Collector allows Windows NT Performance monitoring statistics to bequeried regularly (at specified time intervals) throughout the run of your test for specified

numerical counter data. The data collected is monitorable during the test and stored as part of 

that Tests result set to provide comparisons and a better overall picture of what is happening to

the various systems involved in your Test.

Scripts This part contains the actual scripts developed. We can add these scripts to the tests


This defines the test configuration. We can add scripts and collectors to the test. The no of iterations for the test, virtual users for the test can be set in the “test”  

An OpenSTA Test is a set of user controlled definitions that specify which Scripts and Collectors

are included and the settings that apply when the Test is run. Scripts define the test conditionsthat will be simulated when the Test is run. Scripts and Collectors are the building blocks of a

Test which can be incorporated by reference into many different Tests.

Creating Scripts 

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  In Commander select File > New Script > HTTP. Or: In the Repository Window, right-

click Scripts, and select New Script > HTTP.

  After you have created an empty Script it appears in the Repository Window, Scriptsfolder.

  Double-click the new Script FINDBYNAME , to launch Script Modeler.


Script pane When you record Web activity using Script Modeler a .HTP file and a .ALL file are produced.

The .HTP file, or Script, is displayed in the Script Pane and represents the browser requestsrecorded during the Web session. It contains the HTTP/S data written in SCL that is designed to

 be modeled and incorporated into a Web performance Test.

Use the Script Pane to view and model the HTTP/S traffic recorded in your Scripts. The recordedHTTP/S traffic is represented using SCL which gives the recorded data structure and enables you

to model the Script if required.

A Script records HTTP/S requests issued by a browser during a Web session. It is dynamicallylinked to the HTML information represented in the Query Results Pane which records the WAE

responses, the Web pages that are returned, in a .ALL file.

Query result pane The Query Results Pane displays HTML and other data relating to the current Script that is

stored in a .ALL file. This file is created at the same time and is directly related to, thecorresponding Script, which is saved as a .HTP file during the original Web session recording.

Some of the HTML information it contains, including Structure, Document Object Model

(DOM) and Server Header are dynamically linked to the Script, which enables additionalmodeling capabilities.

The data is organized into five categories represented by tabs at the bottom of the pane. Click ona tab to view the data corresponding to a selected URL command. The five categories are:

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  The HTML tab presents a browser view. It displays the Web page that corresponds to the

URL command you selected in the Script Pane.

  The Structure tab displays the structure the selected Web page, including links, frames,images and other components which make up the page.

  The DOM tab displays Document Object Model, information URL composition and

structure of a Web page. It presents a more detailed structural display of the diverseelements that comprise a Web page.

  The Server Header tab displays the HTTP/S response header fields sent from a WAE to

the browser. Including the date the HTTP/S information was recorded, the kind of 

connection used and which Web pages were contacted.

  The Client Header tab displays the HTTP/S request header fields sent by the browser to a


Output pane The Output Pane is used to display results of Script compilation and to report the progress during

the replay and compilation of a Script. This includes any errors and other status

messages. Output Pane information is organized into four categories which are represented bythe Query Pane Tabs at the bottom of the pane.

Click on the tabs to view the information they contain. The categories are:

  Check: This tab displays compilation progress and results.

  Replay: Click replay , in the Capture/Replay Toolbar to replay a Script. The replay

 progress is displayed here. Replay data is retained until you close the Script file. Duringthis time you can view the replay data at any time by clicking on the Replay tab.

  Find In Files: Displays search results generated after using the Find In FIles button , in

the Standard Toolbar.

Recording scripts Click the Record button , in the Capture/Replay Toolbar, or select Capture > Record, to begin the HTTP/S capture process.

After you have completed the browser session, either close the browser window to end the

recording, or switch back to Script Modeler and click the Stop button , in the Capture/ReplayToolbar.

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 Modeling script After creating a Script you can model it by using variables to more accurately simulate the

 behavior of real users when the Test that references the Script is run.

Test pane Use the Test Pane to create and edit a Test, then apply the Task Group settings you require tocontrol how they behave during a Test-run. Run and monitor the Test-run then display your 

results for analysis.

Result Pane 
