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Farnborough Police Neighbourhood Watch

Monthly Newsletter - April 2014

Welcome to the April issue of the Farnborough Police Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter!

Your Neighbourhood team has been very busy in the last few months actively combating issues highlighted in previous Newsletters. I start with a quick update of some of our recent activities.

Most beats in Farnborough were suffering from nuisance and dangerous drivers, speeding around the roads. Sergeant Jamie O’BRIEN with his expert knowledge of roads policing working with all the beat teams, Traffic Division and colleagues from the Patrol teams has managed a dramatic decrease in incidents, multiple vehicles have been seized, with prosecutions pending for offences ranging from dangerous driving to no insurance. Over a dozen warnings for anti social driving have been issued meaning if offenders are caught again they will have their vehicle seized. This operation continues at this time.

This week Farnborough Officers have been working with West Mercia Fraud squad locating and arresting persons involved in high value scams which target elderly and vulnerable residents and de-frauded them of huge sums of money. Several persons were arrested. The arrests will help prevent further offences and aid in protecting our residents, the investigation continues but charges are expected in the near future.

All beats of Farnborough (including the Farnborough main railway station) continue to suffer thefts & burglaries to garages and sheds, the offenders are currently targeting bicycles. Farnborough Beats have run several surgeries and advice clinics with the aim to help you protect your bike.

Even an everyday non specialist bicycle can cost several hundred pounds and is a costly investment. Please ensure that you take a full description bike including photos of your bicycle, note any unique features, ensure that you know the serial

number and add it to your immobilise account. If you do not have an immobilise account please see the adverts linked to this newsletter for details, it is the only website used by all Constabularies to check for stolen property. If you’re unsure or are a bit of a technophobe please contact your beat Officer who will happily assist. Please ensure that your bike is secured with a good quality lock at all times including when it is in your garage or shed!

PCSO James CHARLTON will be running a series of demonstrations around Farnborough on how to secure a bicycle with a D-lock + loop cable combination (see photo) to help prevent its theft.

James has managed to secure a quantity of ABUS Ultimate 420 D-lock and loops which he is selling at only £20 (usually £40).

Numbers are limited and sold at cost. James restocks when the supply is exhausted. If you want to purchase one please contact James or PCSO Jenni LAWRENCE via email.

PS Kevin Futers

How to contact us...

999 - for emergencies or 101 for non emergencies E-mail Farnborough SNT at [email protected]

Suspicious Activity - Rectory Road

There has been a recent report of suspicious males in the area of Rectory Road.

A male travelling in a white van knocked on a resident's door stating that he would be pressure washing his neighbour's drive-way and so would be quite noisy. The male then went away, but did not do any work any of the neighbours' houses.

We encourage people to be wary of anyone knocking on doors

who are not expected. Make sure you never hand over money or allow them in to your property.

If you are unsure or believe them to be suspicious call 101. If possible take down the license plate number of any suspicious vehicles, as this is the easiest way for us to be able to find out who the driver is and why they were in your area.

Immobilise is a free online property register enabling users to create a secure record of personal possessions such

as laptops, mobile phones, cameras and various other items.

Protecting personal property is extremely important and registering it on Immobilise can assist in reuniting you with

your possessions if stolen or in deterring an offender from stealing them in the first place.

Click here to visit the Immobilise website or go to

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Your SNT team is PC Rob Dunster, PC David Carpenter, PCSO

James Charlton and PCSO Durga THAPA.

PCSO Durga THAPA has currently been transferred onto the Empress Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team. Durga has come over from Yateley SNT where he was based in and around Blackwater and Hawley. He is looking forward to working in Farnborough on the Empress Ward and working in the Town Centre and the new challenges that will bring.

Summary: We had the Empress Ward Community Forum on the 16th Apr which was well attended and thank you to all who attended. Police and Councillors updated on the previous 6 months work on the priorities, some of which have changed which will be updated in the next section below. Unfortunately there has been an increase in Criminal Damage, mainly to vehicles in around the Town Centre. This is still being looked into by police. We would advise to make sure you park your vehicle in areas covered by CCTV and that are well lit at night. Also to make sure you do not keep any valuables in your vehicles as well.

Beat Priorities:

Burglary (Continued as a Priority). We are still conducting regular high visibility patrols by your local SNT officers as well as our targeted patrol officers, in order to try and help reduce burglaries across the ward. The CCTV van has been used in various hot spot locations also. Unfortunately there was 1 burglary last month in Marrowbrook Lane but this is a reduction in the number of burglaries in the previous month. The number of suspicious incidents that have been reported has gone up which

is good as we have been advising residents to let us know of suspicious persons and vehicles. If you do see anything suspicious then please call us.

Anti-Social Vehicles in Car Parks in the Town Centre(Continued as a Priority). This priority was put into place by the Farnborough Inspector due to a increase in reported ASB Vehicle in Pinehurst Car Park and ASDA Car Park and the surrounding roads in the Town Centre. A number of Operations were put in place by Police to target Anti-Social vehicles in Pinehurst and ASDA Car Parks and also vehicles using the Southwood Area as a race track area. During these operations 5 vehicles seized by Police. 9 Drivers issued with Section 59 ASB vehicles warnings for 12 months. These warnings mean that if they are caught again in the next 12 months driving in an Anti-Social manor then the vehicle they are driving will be seized.

Theft of Pedal Cycles (Raised as a new Priority). Due to there being an increase in Cycle Thefts in the Empress Ward and Town Centre and the fact that Farnborough Rail Station is the 5th highest

Drugs offences in residential premises (This has now been dropped as a Priority).

Cycling on Pavements and in the town centre (This has now been dropped as a Priority).

Upcoming Events:

The next surgery after that will be on Saturday 7th June 2014 at Princesmead again.

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Your SNT team is PC Mark Ranola, PCSOs Lynn Anderson, Gordon Pengilley and Nilam Rai.

Summary: Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) has highly reduced by 70% when compared to the figure from April 2013. Typical incidents involved groups of young people gathering and causing some kind of nuisance to the residents. Thus leasing with the Anti Social Behaviour team, councillors and relevant partner agencies has helped reduce the ASB problem in the area. Beat Priorities: Cherrywood beat officers have been working on the new priorities that were set by the residents and the other relevant members of the community from the last month’s meeting. Burglary. Your beat officers would like to make you aware that there were four burglaries that occurred this month. Some of these intruders were believed to be entering the property by using implements via letter box. Make sure your doors are double locked and your letter box is well secured. For more advice on how to secure your property, please contact your Safer Neighbourhood Team on 101. In addition to this, a male has been arrested for the following burglaries and is currently being dealt by the police.

Litters/Fly tipping. Your local beat officers have also been working closely with the local Rushmoor team in order to deal with the litters and fly tipping in the area. Littering and fly tipping are taken very seriously and people could be fined if found dropping and leaving the litters. Please help us keep Cherrywood clean by reporting litters and fly tipping either to your local councillors to us directly. Promotion of Diversionary Action Groups. If you would like to promote any local clubs and societies or would like to know about one, you can contact your Safer Neighbourhood Team or your local community support officer who are based on your local council office.

Up coming events: Beat Surgery. Where: At the junction between Cherrywood Road and Aldwick Close. When: 9th May 2014; 5pm – 6:30pm Why: in order to give out crime prevention advices regarding vehicle crimes and burglaries. And also a place for the residents to raise any issues or concerns they may have in the community. Monthly Statistics:

The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward

are shown below.

ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime

8 9 1 12 0 3

ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime

10 13 4 7 0 1

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Your SNT team is PC Lee Jeffers and PCSO Michelle Curtis.

Summary There are still sporadic reports of burglaries and whilst these have been far less this month, it is encouraging that more and more residents are calling in with suspicious activity. We would continue to urge you to call in anything suspicious; people, vehicles etc on 101. It is due to the vigilance of our Neighbourhood Watch schemes that we have had some good results this month. Operation Jacobsen has commenced and officers on late duties are carrying out early intervention at previously known hotspots. This operation will continue throughout the Summer months now until September. For Cove and Southwood, we will keep an eye out on the parks that have ocassionally caused us issues in the past, Dene Road playpark, The Lawns playpark, the football clubs and Southwood fields. Please let us know if there are any emerging locations that we should be aware of. Beat Priorities Speeding on Southwood Road - Our Speedwatch volunteers have conducted two Speedwatch operations on Southwood Road during April 2014. On 10th April 2014, Speedwatch checked the speed of 304 vehicles and recorded the details of 34

vehicles travelling above the enforcement speed. On 23rd April 2014, Speedwatch checked the speed of 300 vehicles and recorded the details of 25 vehicles travelling above the enforcement speed. Speedwatch has planned to conduct a further two operations on Southwood Road during May 2014. Vehicle nuisance - Refer to front page summary for updates. During the month of April, we have only received one call from a resident in Southwood who heard a couple of vehicles thought to be speeding around the Ively Road area. We will continue to monitor this but are glad to be seeing some very positive results. Neighbourhood Watch - Marrowbrook Lane and The Shrubbery are now up and running and Fowler Road is still being canvassed. Upcoming events Beat surgeries continue on the first Sunday of every month between 10 - 12am in Morrison's café. Please come along and have a chat if you have any concerns. Next crime prevention event is also planned for Morrisons on Thursday 5th June from 10am for a couple of hours.

Monthly Statistics:

The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward

are shown below.


Your SNT team is PC Andrea Shoetan and PCSO Mitch While

PC Andrea Shoetan has now joined the beat replacing PC Martin Cole who has transferred to the Met. Andrea has been a PC for 8 years covering the Hart and Rushmoor areas. Most of her time has been as a targeted patrol officer but she has spent most of the last year as a Temporary Sergeant for Hook and Yateley SNT and had a lot of interaction with NHW during that time. Andrea is enjoying her new role and looks forward to meeting you.


Operation Jacobsen is now underway, this entails local officers to regularly patrol hot spot areas which are known for anti social behaviour, we look to engage and educate the local youths. Anti social behaviour remains at a low level across the ward. There has been a slight increase in criminal damage, two incidents occurred at Pinewood Stores, whereby someone has thrown stones at the door causing damage. Police are still making ongoing enquiries to identify the offender.

A positive result saw a male arrested and charged for a theft incident that occurred outside The Co-Operative Store, Fernhill Road. The male stole money from a female as she withdrew cash from the cash point. The male was caught later the same day and arrested, good result.

Beat Priorities

Neighbourhood Watch

Ashbury Drive has been canvassed and is in the process of

being set up. The scheme will become active once a coordinator has been confirmed. We will be looking to set up new neighbourhood watch schemes within the Fernhill Ward over the coming months. If you would like to be part of neighbourhood watch then please contact us.

Road Traffic Offences

On 3rd Apr , Speedwatch checked the speed of 186 vehicles on Chapel Lane and recorded the details of 13 vehicles travelling above the enforcement speed. On 22nd Apr, Speedwatch checked the speed of 117 vehicles on Sandy Lane and recorded the details of 4 vehicles travelling above the enforcement speed. On 24th Apr, Speedwatch checked the speed of 203 vehicles on Chapel Lane and recorded the details of 7 vehicles travelling above the enforcement speed. On 30th Apr, Speedwatch checked the speed of 150 vehicles on Sandy Lane and recorded the details of 4 vehicles travelling above the enforcement speed. Speedwatch has planned to conduct a further operations on these two roads during May 2014.


Regular high visibility patrols have been carried out by your local SNT officers as well as targeted patrol officers, in order to reduce burglaries across the ward. The CCTV van has been used in various hot spot locations. There have been no reported dwelling burglaries.

Upcoming Events

Beat Surgery being held at The Fox Public House on Saturday

7th June 2014, between 10:00-12:00 hrs. Please come and see

us - everyone welcome.

ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime

2 3 0 7 0 0

ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime

3 4 1 6 0 2

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Your SNT team is PC David McDonald, PCSOs Jenni Lawrence and Matthew Tulett.

Summary: This month we have seen the number of ASB related incidents stay the same, most incidents relate to either children playing with footballs and noise associated with people leaving public houses.

We have seen an increase in Assaults this month however the majority of these are domestic related, we feel it is good that people can and are reporting this type of incident, we shall offer help and support to those effected.

We have two reported house burglaries, one where power tools were stolen from a utility room and the other where damage was caused within the property. However burglaries continue to occur in other areas of Farnborough and Aldershot. Please do not let your guard down, we would strongly recommend that many high value items are not stored within the home if possible, but instead kept in safety deposit boxes or in safes which are bolted in to the ground if they must be within the home.

Vehicle crime has gone up this month and these relate to car tyres being slashed, I can say that a male has been arrested and is currently on bail.

Beat Priorities:

Burglaries. We continue to carry out regular patrols in an effort to reduce burglaries in the area. The pre-planned Crime Prevention Surgeries have been well attended so far, we hope to see to see you over the next few months.

Parking Issues near to South Farnborough Junior School. Joint patrols continue with the Civil Enforcement officers, we have found that the problems in the area have reduced and there have been no further complaints.

Speeding on Reading Road, Salisbury Road & Sycamore Road. Speedwatch continue to carry out their excellent work to reduce the speeds in the area. Results are showing that a very low percentage of vehicles checked were travelling at or above the enforcement speed.

Upcoming Events:

We continue with our Mobile Crime Prevention Beat Surgeries where the team will be on hand to speak to residents about any issues that they might have and to provide crime prevention advice to homeowners.

We also have the Beat neighbourhood forum scheduled for Wednesday 14th May 2014 at The Baptist Church in Queens Road starting at 7.30pm.

Monthly Statistics:

The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward

are shown below.


Your SNT team is PC Lee Jeffers and PCSO Lisa Attwood.


After a very in depth investigation into the spate of burglaries on the Herbs Estate at the end of March 2014, our divisional CID team have now arrested and charged a number of individuals. They are due to appear at Crown Court in the near future.

Beat Priorities:

Anti Social Behaviour in and around the Pyestock Estate. The new community building arrived on Thursday 24th April and was installed at the rear of Whetstone Shops. Proposals for the use of the new building include youth clubs, community meetings and private hire to local clubs / community groups. (see photo)

The reports of anti social behaviour on the estate remain very low with just two incidents reported in relation to neighbours.

Developing Neighbourhood Watch. Purmerend Close has now set up a new NHW scheme and canvassing is well underway to create two new schemes in Woodlands Road and Collier Close. At present St. John's Ward has 52 active schemes with 1366 members.

Upcoming Events:

St. John's Beat Surgeries. Beat surgeries are held on the 1st Saturday of each month between 10 am and Midday in the restaurant at The Plough & Horses public house, Fleet Road, Farnborough and on the 3rd Thursday of each month between 3 pm and 4 pm at The Partnership Building, rear of Whetstone Road Shops, Farnborough. Please come and see us if you wish to discuss any concerns in you neighbourhood.

Monthly Statistics:

The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward are shown below.

ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime

6 17 2 4 0 3

ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime

3 5 3 4 0 1

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WEST HEATH WARD Your SNT team is PC Lee Jeffers and PCSO Harry Collins-Hardman

Summary: A major incident in the ward this month resulting in five teenagers charged for assault in Farnborough Police have charged five teenagers following an assault on Shelley Rise in Farnborough at around 1am on Friday, April 25. Three teenage boys - a 15-year-old from Surrey and two 17-year-olds from Surrey - were assaulted resulting in numerous injuries, including broken bones, and all received hospital treatment. Marley Warner, 19, from Shelley Rise in Farnborough, a 16-year-old boy from Hook and two boys aged 15 and 16 from Farnborough have been charged with conspiring to commit grievous bodily harm and will appear at Basingstoke Magistrates Court on Monday, January 28. A 15-year-old girl from Farnborough was also charged with conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm and has been bailed to appear at Basingstoke Magistrates Court on May 14. A 17-year-old boy from Basingstoke and a 16-year-old girl from Farnborough were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm. They have been bailed pending further enquiries until May 27.

Anyone with information about this incident should contact Aldershot CID by calling 101 or call the charity Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111, where information can be left anonymously. Beat Priorities: Blunden Park ASB – Again this month there has been no reports of any Anti Social Behaviour in the area of Blunden Hall and surrounding park area. During patrols some groups have been found however there was no alcohol or untoward activity going on. Patrols will continue especially over the next few months as we start heading towards the warmer weather. Cycling on Pavements – The dedicated operation targeting cycling on the footpath and cycling with no lights has now come to an end with warnings and fines being given out throughout the operation. Although the operation has come to an end I will be continuing to patrol the areas highlighted as problem areas as will colleagues from Town Centre who also suffer from this issue. Upcoming Events: The Ward forum will be re-arranged in due course and will likely be held in June 2014. Monthly Statistics:

The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward are shown below.

Appeal for Witnesses after boys assaulted

Were you in the area near to Farnborough Rugby Club and

Shelley Rise around 1am on Friday, April 25?

Detectives are investigating an incident where three teenage boys

– a 15-year-old from Surrey and two 17-year-olds from Surrey -

were attacked with baseball bats by a group of up to eight teen-

age boys.

It is believed that the victims had met a group of girls at Farnbor-

ough Train Station earlier that night and were then confronted by

this group of teenage boys near to the playing fields at the rugby

club, who assaulted them. One boy also had cash and a bank

card stolen from him and another had a bag containing a tablet

device stolen.

The victims sustained numerous injuries, including broken bones,

and all received hospital treatment.

Detective Constable Sam Adcock said: “Were you in the area at

the time? Did you see groups of teenage boys or any altercation?

“It is believed these boys are all known to each other, so I would

like to reassure the local community that this is an isolated inci-

dent, and there is no wider threat to their safety.

“I’d like to hear from anyone who has information which may as-

sist this investigation.”

A 15-year-old boy from Farnborough has been arrested in

connection with this incident and is currently in police cus-


ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime

2 9 3 5 0 1

Newsletter Feedback:

We welcome your feedback and views on the style, layout and content of this newsletter.

Please e-mail your comments to Joe Conway, our Police Support Volunteer who coordinates our monthly

newsletter at [email protected]
