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Newsletter Week 8, Term 2, Week Ending 15 June 2012

Newsletter 17

15 June 2012

From the Principal

Staffing News

I am very happy to share with the College

community the good news we have received in

recent days about the arrival of staff babies. As

most people would be aware there are a number

of staff on maternity leave at the moment and it is

great to be able to share the following news:

• Congratulations to Ms Angela Nevin-Lewis

and her husband who welcomed a son, Will

Brian Ronald, on 23 May

• Congratulations to Mrs Catriona Byles and

her husband on the safe arrival of their second son, William Lawrence

born 1 June

• Congratulations to Mrs Tahlia Dahmes and her husband who happily

welcomed her new daughter, Aliyah Jade into the family on 7 June

• Congratulations to Ms Amy Peters and her husband on the very happy

arrival of their first child, a daughter by the name of Lucy Sophia who

arrived on 12 June and

• Congratulations to Mrs Sonya McAinsh and her husband on the birth of

their second son, Liam Arthur on 13 June.

PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE 421 Elizabeth Mitchell Drive

Thurgoona NSW 2640

Telephone: (02) 6049 3402

Facsimile: (02) 6049 3490

Email: [email protected]

ALBURY 421 Elizabeth Mitchell Drive

Thurgoona NSW 2640

Telephone: (02) 6049 3400

Facsimile: (02) 6049 3490

Email: [email protected]

WODONGA 34 Ellen McDonald Drive

Baranduda VIC 3690

Telephone: (02) 6049 3480

Facsimile: (02) 6020 9125

Email: [email protected]

Website After School Care - Albury Early Learning Centre - Wodonga 0423 845 646 6049 3485

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The arrival of any baby is certainly a momentous occasion in anyone’s family. On

behalf of the College I offer my sincere congratulations to these staff and their

respective families on their recent good news! I trust that the first weeks

continue to be very happy and that they are blessed with babies who are

healthy, content and who sleep well!

I take this opportunity to advise the College community that Mr Peter O’Neill,

the Deputy Principal of the College, will be on long service leave during the

course of next term. Mr O’Neill is leading the Study Tour to Europe with

Mrs Willis and Mrs Bradbury but will stay on at the completion of this tour and

commence his leave. I thank Mr O’Neill for his on-going work as Deputy

Principal of the College. I have worked with many Deputies in my career and

know that Trinity is indeed fortunate to have someone as hard working and

professional as Mr O’Neill.

During Term 3, I have asked Mr Malcolm Thomas to take on the role of Acting

Deputy Principal and Mrs Lorraine Willis to step up to the role of Acting Head of

Senior School. I am looking forward to working with both Mr Thomas and

Mrs Willis in their acting roles during Mr O’Neill’s long service leave.

Social Media – Facing up to Facebook!

At Trinity we have over the last few years adopted what we believe is a pro-

active approach to social media sites like Facebook. Via educating our students,

staff and parents through workshops conducted by the Australian

Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) we hope to provide some clear

guidelines on the positive and safe use of these sites. At Trinity, it is not about

discouraging our students in relation to their use of Facebook and other sites

but rather, we hope that we will encourage them to use these sites

constructively and safely.

The College continues to promote safe and appropriate use of these sites

amongst students. As the people from ACMA will not be coming to the College

this year, I provide you with an article from Michael Grose’s Parenting Ideas

website ( below. In this article, Michael touches on

a number of ways which parents can ensure that their sons and daughters can

use the internet and social media sites appropriately and safely.

Michael writes in his article:

You can tell a person’s generation by the questions their kids ask. Parents of the

1950’s thought long and hard over issues such as the age their kids left school

and when to get them their first bike. Parents raising their kids in the 1990’s

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pondered the age at which kids should receive regular pocket-money and their

children’s use of video games.

In the noughties issues surrounding communication technology keep many

parents guessing. The age when kids start using Facebook and other social

networking media is a burning issue for many parents of pre-teen and early

teenage children.

Kids know more than their parents when it comes to the Internet and social

media according to recent research. The Optus Family Communication survey

reveals that over half (55%) of Australian children outsmart their parents in

technology knowledge before they are 13 years old. A further 30% of parents

admit they are behind their children by the time they are 15 years old.

Facebook, MSN and other forms of social networking media are here to stay, so

my advice for parents is to learn about social media, even if you don’t want to

embrace it. It can be confronting when your child knows more about technology

than you, but smart parents these days let their kids teach them what they

know about technology. So if you have a pre-teen or a teenager you need to

become familiar with Facebook and other technologies they are using.

Ignorance is no excuse these days.

Facebook doesn’t permit kids under the age of 13 to access the site for reasons

of personal safety. It doesn’t require proof of age to access the site, so it’s a

guideline only. Facebook’s recommendations however, may be useful reference

points if you are involved in negotiations with your child over using social

networking sites. More importantly, if young people are using Facebook and

other networking sites, they need to fully understand the rules of safe use. Here

are some tips:

1. Go through the set-up phase with your child, including establishing a

personal profile. Check out the homepage of Facebook and other sites, and use

their help sections to answer your questions.

2. Help your young person adjust the privacy settings so they suit their level of

comfort. Review them often.

3. Reinforce with your child the importance of never sharing their password,

not even with their best friend, a boyfriend or girlfriend.

4. Discuss other safety tips such as the types of information and pictures that

should and shouldn’t be placed on their pages, as well as what to do if someone

sends inappropriate information or initiates unsolicited communication.

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5. Monitor your child’s use by making sure the computer they use at home is in

a common area of the house.

6. It’s reasonable to expect that you should know your child’s password and log-

in details so you can keep a check on their friends from time to time. This type

of monitoring is age-related and may well not be suitable for older teens.

7. Consider getting your own Facebook page and use it as a way of

communicating with your child. This has the added bonus of enabling you to

keep one eye on what’s happening on your child’s Facebook.

Parents of past generations did their best to keep their kids safe as they

negotiated a wider world. I recall teaching my kids stranger danger, drilling

safety tips into them as they gained more independence.

As a parent you need to help kids navigate safely and securely in an online

world, just as you do in an offline world. Know what kids are doing; spend time

teaching them common sense, safety lessons and limit their use of technology

so that they stay connected to you and others in your family.


Published by Michael Grose Presentations. For more ideas please visit

Steven J O’Connor


From the Campus Coordinator

Write Around the Murray Competition

Entry forms for the ‘Write around the Murray’ competitions

are available for students wishing to test their short story

writing skills. This year there are two sections students can

nominate for:

Section 1: Nano Story Registration

Due: Monday, 30 July 2012 @ 5.00 pm Students need to write a story in 50

words exactly. They need to include the word ‘snap’ or a derivative from it, like

‘snappy’. There is a Year 3-4 and a Year 5-6 category for Junior School students.

Section 2: Short Story Registration

Students need to write a short story in 3000 words or less. It is an open genre

event, meaning you can write on any topic. This section is an open category.

Due: Friday, 20 July 2012 @ 5.00 pm. Note: There is a $10 entry fee for this

section of competition which is to be sent in with your registration and story.

Further details can be obtained from the Wodonga campus office.

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Absentee Notes

In a recent newsletter article Deputy Principal Mr O’Neill wrote about any

student absent from the College must be documented with a written note from

parents. Can I remind all parents of this obligation as often the College is being

advised verbally by parents or siblings. A note can be on a loose piece of paper,

or documented in the student’s College diary.


We are looking for a fish tank for the Year 4-6

classroom. If anyone has one that they no

longer need, please see Mr Fairall.

Campus Ski Trip

As in previous years, this year’s Ski trip is

proving to be hugely popular again, with a big

influx of bookings coming in last Friday. The bus

filled very quickly which has meant that we

have a number of families needing to drive up to Falls Creek in order to

participate. I thank those families for their understanding in this matter. A

reminder that final payments are due by WEDNESDAY, 25 JULY. Please note

that the payment date on the booking forms shows Friday, 20 July but as this

date falls in the Term break we have extended it out to the following week.

Trinity Kitchen Dinner

The campus’ ‘Trinity Kitchen Dinner’ is coming around quickly and

correspondence regarding this event will be going home to families this week. I

ask that any families interested in attending this evening reply by the desired

deadlines so that catering and seating can be organised. Last year a number of

families were late which made it difficult to arrange tables and meals at late


We need a number of slow cookers to use on the day of the dinner. If you have

one and are happy to lend it to us for the day, please let Mrs Phillips in the

office know.

We will be making costumes for the students’ performance. If you are able to

lend us a hand with this, please let Mr Fairall know. Any assistance you could

give us would be greatly appreciated.

The evening should be a great occasion for us to celebrate the efforts of the

children with a meal, choir and band performances and dance items.

Simon Fairall Campus Coordinator

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Junior School News

Head Lice

I write to inform parents that there have been

several cases of head lice reported to me from across

the Junior School within the last week. Can I ask that

all parents check their children’s hair for any sign of

head lice and treat accordingly. In some instances

repeated treatment may be required.

The NSW Department advises that:

Head lice are only found on the human head. They

are not found on any other part of the human body, although there are other

types of lice that do infest other parts of the human body. Nor are they found

on any other animal. Head lice do not live on furniture, hats, bedding, carpet or

anywhere else in the environment. Treating anything other than the human

head does not eradicate head lice.

Before you choose a treatment for head lice, consider the following:

• Make sure that the heads you treat actually do have head lice and do not

treat unless they do!

• Do not treat babies or a scalp that is irritated or inflamed.

• Do not let product into eyes.

• There is no preventative treatment available. While it is tempting to "do"

the whole family, unless they actually have head lice you may be

contributing to the problem of resistance.

• Any product applied to the head should be used with caution, particularly on

young heads. READ THE LABEL.

• Use your common sense when selecting a head lice treatment. There is

nothing natural about pouring a product on a head!

• Some essential oils, including tea tree oil, can trigger a reaction in some

people. Tea tree oil is a proven antiseptic, however, its efficacy as a head lice

treatment has not been demonstrated.

• Many products have a very strong smell. A strong smelling substance left on

the hair for any length of time may trigger a reaction.

• Certainly try a commercial head lice preparation, but read the label first and

apply strictly as directed. Again, in desperation it can be tempting to change

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the dose in an effort kill the lice. However,

increasing the dosage does not enhance

efficacy of treatment products.

• Apply product to every strand of hair and

work through, leave for 20 minutes, and

comb out with a good quality lice comb.

• If dead lice are found, the product has

worked. But you must re-treat in seven days to catch nymphs that have

emerged from unhatched eggs.

• If you find live lice, the treatment probably hasn't worked. Either use

another product with a different active ingredient (read the label) OR try the

comb and conditioner method.

• Reduce transmission by tying hair back and braiding.

• Regularly check your children's hair. Young girls growing up often become

very independent about their hair care and it can become difficult to

convince them that it's important for you to continue checking their hair. Try

to persist or show them how they can check their own hair when they wash

it in the shower or bath.

• Keep a good quality head lice comb in the shower so that every time anyone

washes their hair they use the comb. The more folk know about simple

management methods the easier it will be to reduce the problem. But it

takes time!

• Do not use insecticides, methylated spirits or kerosene on your child's


School Banking

There will be no interruptions with School banking this term –

which also breaks for 3 weeks and will coincide with our

Semester break. Last banking will be collected Wednesday

Week 10, Term 2 and will resume Wednesday Week 1, Term 3.

Take your passbooks into a Hume branch during the holidays to

update your balance and see how much money you have saved during the term!

Further enquires about banking may be made to Kate Shanahan at Hume

Building Society on 6051 3308.

Chris O’Loan Head of Junior School

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Junior Production News

Sponsorship opportunities are now open for this year’s Junior Production.

Gold Sponsorship (2 available) $500

Full page Colour advertisement in the Programme + 8 complimentary front row tickets.

Silver Sponsorship $200

Business “logo” on sponsorship page in the Programme + 6 complimentary tickets.

Family Sponsorship $100

Family name Recognition in the Programme + 4 complimentary tickets.

Vacation Care

For those parents that are interested, Vacation Care permission forms are ready

for collection. They can be collected from the Front Office (both campuses) or at

the After School Care room located in the Kinder pod. The programme will be

operating from 16-20 July, which is the third week of the holidays. We can only

accept a maximum of 30 students per day so you need to get your permission

form back, either to the Front Office (at both campuses) or to the After School

Care room. Please remember to complete one form per student, per day. Please

return your permission forms before the 29 June to secure a place. Bookings

made after this date will incur a $5.00 late fee. We have many exciting and

engaging activities for the students to be involved in. We look forward to seeing

you all there! If you have any concerns regarding Vacation Care or After School

Care please contact Stace on 0423 845 646.

Stace Thompson After School Care & Vacation Care Coordinator

Music News - Albury

“Rising Stars” is our mid-year concert to be held in the

MPH on Friday 3 August. It is a way for students to

showcase their talents and love of the Arts. Many of the

groups performing at the concert will be preparing for the

2012 Albury Wodonga Eisteddfod. It is a wonderful night

where parents and friends can see these groups perform

at their best. We ask for your support by bringing friends

and family along for a wonderful night’s entertainment.

Helena Brennan Head of Music

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Careers News

The Career Wall at Trinity

I would like to take this opportunity to let parents and students know about

some new careers initiatives at Trinity. The Career Wall, has been set up in the

Library. It is the red and grey wall on the western side of the Library.

Information has been divided into career areas. Students or parents interested

in a particular career area, say Health Careers, can find all of the courses

connected to Health Careers together on the wall. Related areas are grouped

together. For example, engineering and science careers are on the same “wing”

of The Career Wall. There is a strong overlap in careers in multimedia (IT) and

creative arts and these are located next to each other. Likewise, the areas of

Business, Law and IT all have careers in common, and these are located next to

each other as well.

Careers on SIMON

SIMON has been set up with a careers folder. You can access SIMON from

home. Click on the section RESOURCES at the top right hand bar of SIMON, go

to KNOWLEDGE BANKS, then CAREERS. You will then see folders for Years 10 –

12, Current Careers Events, and CAREERS NEWSLETTER. Open any of these

folders for information about careers, university applications, open day dates,

scholarship information, toolkits for work experience, and more. Please let me

know if there is other information you would like to have included.

University Open Days

A list of Open Days for NSW and Victoria has been posted on SIMON, in each of

the Careers Folders for years 10 – 12. Please check the RESOURCES/Knowledge

Banks/Careers/Current Careers Events.

University of Melbourne Open Day Subsidised Travel

Students who would like to purchase a return train ticket for $10.00 should

apply to Ms Widdicombe by Wednesday, 20 June. Please note this is not a

College Event. Students will travel on their own. Parents are also entitled to

purchase a ticket at the subsidised rate.

Experience UTS (University of Technology Sydney) Year 10 – 12

A great way to find out if you want to go to university, or to find out about what

a university has to offer is to be involved in an activity like this one. Dates : 3 & 4

July, Register on

Army Careers Day

Wednesday 22 OR Thursday 23 August. For students in Year 10. Details on

SIMON/Resources/Careers/Current Careers Events. Students must complete the

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parent permission form and return to Ms Widdicombe by Wednesday, 20 June,

to be included in this event.

All students in years 11 and 12 students will attend the Tertiary Information

Service (TIS) Day, at the Albury Performing Arts Centre, on Wednesday, 20 June

leaving The College at 10.45 am. The students will travel by bus to the venue,

returning to The College at approximately 12.15 pm. They will then have a short

lunch break before returning to Long Pastoral Care Group.

Coffee Shop

Coffee shop is open every Tuesday and Friday Morning from

7.30 am – 8.30 am. We sell coffee, hot chocolate, chai on lite, full

cream and soy milk. You will find us at the back of the MPH.

Mary Widdicombe Careers

Sports News - Albury

Basketball Success

Congratulations to Trinity students: Will Evans, Hamish Cameron,

Jeremy Smith, Matt Mutton, Conor Little and Nash Brady who were

part of the Albury U 14’s Cougars team who were runners up in the

NSW Country Championships last week.

Trinity Basketball

• The Albury Junior Basketball Association are currently in the process of

switching the timing of the basketball seasons. This means that the current

basketball season (Summer) will not finish until the end of Term 3. At this

time all finals will also be played.

• During the week of 16 – 27 July all Trinity teams will have a bye week from

basketball. This will occur due to this time being our final week of the mid

year school break.

Upcoming Events

8 August, BIPSA Athletics Carnival

Coles Sport for Schools

The Coles Sports for Schools programme is starting again. Collect your vouchers

from any Coles supermarkets. All vouchers earned goes towards purchasing

new sports equipment for the school. Bring your vouchers into school and place

them in the box at the front office or return to Mr Payne.

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Karate Success

Congratulations to Olympia

(5SM) and Alexander

Achillea (4TC) who are

pictured with their Karate

Instructor Sensei Sal Ebanez

(aka – Grandfather - Tutu

Sal) who had just presented

them both with their black

belts on 5 June 2012. Both

have been training for 7

years, and are the next

generation following in a

family tradition of black


Sal has trained a number of

former and present Trinity

students, including a couple

who have won National


PSSA – Week 4

Team Location Week 4

Senior AFL Urana Road

Junior AFL Team A Saints Jelbart Park

Junior AFL Team B Bombers Jelbart Park

Junior Netball A JC King

Junior Netball B JC King

Senior Netball Red JC King

Senior Netball White JC King

Senior Soccer Alexandra

Junior Soccer A Alexandra

Junior Soccer B Alexandra

Senior Hockey Hockey Centre

Junior Hockey Hockey Centre

Nick Payne Head of Sport

Olympia and Alexander Achillea

with their Grandfather Sal Ebanez

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Dragonfly's - Under 9's Netball

What did you enjoy about playing Netball for the first time?

Chloe D - I liked playing Goal Shooter.

Chloe M - I liked playing Goal Keeper.

Litia - I like it because you get fit, Netball rocks!

Lana - I liked playing Centre and Goal Attack.

Ava - I like it because I like shooting goals and it rocks.

Abby McD - It is just so cool!

Abby A - I like winning.

Penny - I liked my team.

Nylah - I liked shooting goals.

Dragonfly’s – Under 9’s Netball Team - Back Row L-R: Lana Heer; Nylah Kovacs; Abigail Awdjew; Litia Rawaqa & Penny McEachern.

Front Row L-R: Ava Howard; Chloe Miller; Chloe Davis & Abby McDowell

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From the Tutorial Centre

Answer - Week 7

Question – Week 8




1 4

2 9

5 1

7 8




3 2

9 8



7 3

5 7




8 6

5 1

4 3

4 5



Year 7 Maths Tutoring

Available on Tuesday mornings from 8.00 until 8:40 am with Mrs Maxwell. Tutoring only

scheduled by appointment. Contact: [email protected]

Lyn Maxwell

Head of Tutorial Centre

Coffee Shop

As mentioned in the Careers news, don’t forget that the Coffee Shop

is open every Tuesday and Friday from 7.35 am – 8.30 am. Come

and get your delicious coffee, chai, hot chocolate from The Coffee

Team. By the way, we have Soy!

Congratulations to

Week 7 Winner

Charlie Luke, Yr 8

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Canteen News

Thank you to volunteers Ruth Gormly and Ellen Uniacke. Remember: Pumpkin

soup on Tuesdays (dairy free, gluten free, vegetarian); Sushi on Wednesdays ($3).

End of Term BBQ Friday, 29 June.

Sausage in bread & soft drink. $1.50 each.

There will be no Canteen lunch orders on this day

Margaret Cochrane

Canteen Manager

Uniform Shop

You may ring the Uniform Shop directly on 6049 3440

Any uncollected items not collected by the end of term will be disposed of,

please come and check at the Uniform Shop if you are missing any items of

clothing. Please make sure all your child’s uniform items are labelled.

Canteen Roster - Week 9 Term 2


Monday 18 Linda Garoni

Tuesday 19 Volunteer Required

Wednesday 20 Ellen Uniacke

Thursday 21 Volunteer Required

Friday 22 Volunteer Required

Uniform Shop Operating Hours during School Terms

Mondays 8:30 – 10:00 am 2:30 – 4:30 pm Cathy Katsoolis

Tuesdays Closed

Wednesdays 8:30 – 10:00 am 2:30 – 4:30 pm Cathy Katsoolis

Thursdays 8:30 – 10:00 am 2:30 – 6:00 pm Cathy Katsoolis

Fridays 8.45 – 9.30 am Sam Baker

$1.50 EACH


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Mark your diary:

“Rising Stars” - Mid Year Concert

Friday 3 August

Multi Purpose Hall

----------------------����--------------------- Can you please assist us with keeping our records up to date by

completing and returning this slip to the College Office with any

changes. Thank you.

Family Name: ............................... Student Name: ...........................

Address: ............................................................................................

Other Changed Details (phone, email, emergency contacts etc)


