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Лахтионова Анастасия Андреевна

6-в класс

Гимназия №1

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New Year round the


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New Year In England England, a major part of United

Kingdom, celebrates New Year on the day of January 1, i.e. the first day of the first month of the Georgian calendar. The date was declared as the New Year in 1752. Before 1752, England celebrated its New Year on Christmas Day, i.e. 25th December. History of England celebrated different dates as New Year in different time periods. However, one common aspect is the great vigor and enthusiasm associated with New Year celebrations. People enthusiastically wait for the time of the New Year to arrive; more so because it offers them a chance to carry forward their celebration mood of Christmas ahead and higher with the New Year celebrations.

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Traditional Celebrations of New Year in England

In England, there is a traditional belief that whosever first arrives at the threshold of the household will be the one bringing good luck to the lives of the inhabitants of the household living in, for the entire coming year. The tradition is called as 'First Footing'. As a part of 'First Footing' tradition, England people pray for young, healthy, handsome, and a dark haired male to be their first arriver of the New Year. However, a woman, a blonde, or a red colored person is not welcome for the day, as they are considered to bring bad luck for the entire year.

More so, if that person carries coal, money, bread, salt, or holy mistletoe with him, then it is considered to be a sign of a good luck and prosperity for the rest of the year. Traditionally, the first footer is meant to follow and abide by certain customs and traditions. Few of them as mentioned in legends states that the first footer should always enter into the house from the front door, and should exit from the back door. Also, the first footer, without speaking or wishing to anyone or vice versa, should place the fuel (as carried along) on fire, should place loaf on the table, and should pour in water for the head of the household. Tradition also calls for gifting of the mistletoe by the visitor to any household member.

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Other New Year Traditions in England There is also a popular tradition of

exchanging New Year gifts while wishing each other. However, with Christmas day falling few days before the New Year day, this tradition of exchanging gifts is now less followed. Then, there is a tradition of 'burning of bush', which is considered to be a symbol of burning of all past evils and making a new beginning. Other than this, the New Year morning see young kids waking up early, and then making rounds of neighborhood while singing New Year celebration sings. Traditionally, whosoever does not sings before the noon of the New Year day is referred as a fool.

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History of New Year History of new year is not just impressive but a magnificent

one. The occasion of new year is one of the oldest festivals celebrated all over the world with great pomp and splendor. Ranging from the amazing fireworks to the new year traditional gift giving and receiving, the history of every aspect requires an extensive study and attention, if you really want to know more about the new year, dating back to the pre-historic period.

According to the history of new year, the celebration begins by the 1st of every January but celebrating new year on 31st December is a new phenomenon. If we trace back the history of New Year, the first time new year was celebrated was on January 1st in Rome in 153 B.C. although, the tradition of celebrating new year in every country is different but the theme and the purpose of celebration always remains the same.

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History of New Year The start of a new year was significant and the tradition of using

a baby to signify the new year was started in Greece around the 600 BC. Since then, new year baby is an important new year symbol on the special and celebratory occasion of new year. Additionally, one of the most popular new year tradition includes making new year resolutions, dating back to the early Babylonians time. New Year is one of the oldest holidays. Many believe it was first observed in very old Babylon about 4000 years before it marked the first new moon following the Vernal Equinox.

The Babylonian new year festivity lasted for eleven days. The Romans named the primary month of the year after Janus, the god of beginnings and the protector of doors and entrances Janus, who is depicted with two heads. One looks forward, the other one back, symbolizing a split between the old and new.

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По горизонтали2. Венок (вешают на двери), гирлянда4. Искры, блёстки, сверкания9. Снеговик, снежный человек12. Декорация, украшение, убранство14. Хлопушка16. Мандарин18. Кекс21. Украшение23. Весёлый, смешной

По вертикали1. Календарь 3. Дымовая труба 4. Хлопья снега 5. Просьба 6. Чулок 7. Христианин, христианка, христианский 8. Праздник 10. Рождество 11. Кустарник омела (украшение дома на рождество) 13. Христианство 15. Камин 17. Танцы, пляска 19. Северный олень 20. Вечер, вечеринка 22. Рождение, рел. рождество 24. Гирлянда, венок

New Year Crossword( write in English)

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New Year Symbols One of the most widely known

symbols of New Year’s Eve is the image of the Clock Tower at the Palace of Westminster, in London, counting down the last minutes of the old year. The first chimes of Big Ben, the bell housed in the Clock Tower, in the new year are broadcast live on radio and television. This is followed by a spectacular fireworks performance, often centered on the London Eye, which is claimed to be the largest Ferris wheel in Europe.

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Traditional New Year’s Eve Songs.

“Auld Lang Syne” is traditionally sung at midnight on New Year’s Eve as the clock strikes twelve. It is famous for two main reasons:

1.It’s famous for being sung on New Year’s Eve in English speaking countries around the world, from the USA, to the Philippines, Zimbabwe, India and to Singapore.

2.It’s famous for being one of the most popular songs whose words most people don’t know!

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English Christmas Customs Countdown to Christmas

The start of the Christmas season in England is known as 'Advent'. Advent calendars are a countdown to Christmas and start four Sundays before Christmas. The advent calendar is the first sign of Christmas in English homes and offers a reason to look forward to Christmas Eve.


People decorate their houses with lights during Christmas. Red and green are the common decoration colours where green symbolizes the belief of eternal life through Jesus Christ and red symbolizes the blood that Jesus shed for mankind. The traditional Christmas tree in England is the fir tree.

Caroling Away

Evening carol services and midnight masses are old English traditions that are upheld even today. People go carol singing from one house to another to collect money for charity. This singing starts from St Thomas day i.e. 21st December and lasts till Christmas day.


Mumming is one of the most popular English traditions which originated during the Middle Ages. It is when artists called mummers wear masks and enact Christmas plays in towns or villages. The plays depict the struggle between good and evil and are, in a way, based on St. George and the dragon.

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Quiz: New Year's Eve CustomsClick on the small box next to the word 'Answer" to find the answer to each question.

1.In which country do they eat 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve?

a. Canadab. Vietnamc. Spain

2. In which country do some people eat long noodles to wish for a long life?

a. Italyb. Japanc. Argentina

3.In which country do people go to the beach to jump seven waves and throw flowers in the sea while making a wish?

a. Italyb. Spainc. Brazil


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4. In which country is a bell struck 33 times?

a. Koreab. Puerto Ricoc. Colombia

5. In which country do people who want to travel take a suitcase and carry it around the house on New Year's Eve?

a. The United Statesb. Venezuelac. The Philippines

6. In which country do people wear white clothes in order to have good luck during the new year?

a. Franceb. Papua New Guineac. Brazil

7. In which country do people wear masks to burn on December 31 to drive away bad luck?

a. Spainb. Ecuadorc. Nigeria

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Can you find differences?

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