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Page 1: New reports

Costa Concordia collapsed – Rescuers are still trying to find

missing people/ survivors. This news is about, A crew ship that sank with more than 4200 passengers on it, with still more than 20 people missing. This values as “news” because :Currency: 13th January – so it recently happened.Impact- Affects people, because some people are missing and died which makes us vulnerable to go in a shipHuman Interest – People are still missing and some have died, affecting us.Prominence – It is important and famous, because the ship sank with people on board who were in danger/ desperate for help – similar event to the Titanic, which made a massive impact to everyone.Conflict- The captain is arrested and some people are still missing which creates a devastation to everyone. This news appeal to me, because I think its very important to everyone, how some people are still missing and how it will affect everyone. The fact that this is a similar event to the titanic, will attract people, because it is a well known situation. Its also devastating to see an accident that affected so many people’s lives makes you feel sad and shocked.

Page 2: New reports

Sites go offline due to US piracy laws protest This news is about internet sites protesting/ on strike about US piracy law.This values as news because :Prominence – It is important and well known, because all the sites go on strike for internet freedom.Currency – Black Wednesday – Happened recently.Conflict- There is agreements that everyone should have internet freedom and shouldn’t

Impact/ human interest – This has a massive impact on everyone, because its loosing their freedom/ internet rights which is not fair.

This news appeal to me, because this will majorly affect teenagers more than adults. Its important that everyone has equal freedom, and we can do anything we want. The fact most common websites took part in blackouts affect teenager’s education as well as social activities.

be controlled by the US Government due to copyrights – unfair. But the US are trying to prevent everyone to copy sits e.g. downloading music illegal which affects the music industry.
