
Dear Students

Exciting times are here again!

It is time for summer vacation and some fun filled activities. Let’s make

it an enriching experience….!!!!




General Instructions -

1. Do all your assignments on A4 size light coloured (plain or lined)


2. All the sheets should be compiled in a folder OR tie them using a


3. Please use your creativity and research skills to enhance your

project work.

4. Students can also use coloured pens or pencils, glitter pens and

decorative material to make their projects look attractive and


TASK - 1

Ruskin Bond is an eminent

contemporary Indian author of

British descent. The Indian Council

for Child Education has recognised

his role in the growth of children’s

literature in India.

His place of residence is Mussoorie

and he has been living there for

many years.

Select a book from his famous collection and read it.

Make a collage work based on him which includes pictures

related to him (optional), date of birth, birth place, education,

occupation, awards & achievements, list of famous works and

his style of writing.

TASK - 2

Parts of speech are the basic of

Grammar. No correct sentence

can be formed without the proper

knowledge of Parts of Speech.

Let us learn Parts of Speech with

loads of fun!!

Make a small project work covering up all parts of speech:

o Nouns

o Pronoun

o Adverb

o Verb

o Adjective

o Preposition

o Conjunction

o Interjection

Give all the details which include definitions and examples.

Pictures can also be drawn or pasted.

TASK - 3

Go through Chapter 1 of Course book ‘Çlytie’ thoroughly.

Make a flow chart or a circle map highlighting the major events

in the life story of Clytie, the beautiful water nymph.

TASK - 4

Write a conversation in the form of a dialogue between you and your

friend discussing the current situation on Covid 19 pandemic in the

country and suggesting him various precautionary measures that

one needs to take to safeguard oneself.


TASK - 5

Read newspaper daily.

Revise all the topics done before the commencement of Summer


'घर पर रिहए

सुरि�त रिहए'

�यू �ीन फ��ड �कूल, साकेत �ी�मकालीन अवकाश गृहकाय� (2020) क�ा-5 िवषय - सं�कृत

(1)1 से 10 तक क� सं�कृत सं�या याद करके �ल�खए व िच� बनाइए I

(2) धातु �प लट् लकार ( वत�मानकाल) 'पठ्' व 'अस्' धातु याद करके �ल�खए व धातु �प य�ं भी बनाइए।

(3)'बालक' व 'पु�तक' श�द �प याद करके �ल�खए I

(4) छुि�य� से पहले पिठत सभी पाठ� को याद क��जए और ��न उ�र का अ�यास क��जए I

िनद�श -*सभी ��न(1,2,3) A4 साइज शीट पर क��जए। *धातु य�ं काड� बोड� (ग�े )पर बनाइए I

आइए हम भी बच� देश को बचाएँ

िव�व को बचाएँ





Math is a subject, with numbers and games,

Running in our minds all day in pain.

There are so many equations and formulas to remember,

That we forget if it’s January or December!

Geometry and Algebra are washing our brains.

Integers and Fractions are giving us strain.

Struggling with numbers is not so cool,

You have to get it just right, else you’re

Considered a fool.

Dear students,

Summer Vacations are approaching us. Let us them a wonderful and interesting learning

experience with some fun activities.

Q.1 Write in figures. Match the corresponding letters to find the answer.

1) Four lakh thirty eight thousand forty: __________________ A

2) Twenty thousand three hundred sixty seven: ________ ___ D

3) Ninety eight thousand one hundred ninety:_____________ L

4) One lakh eighty one thousand: ____________ C

5) Seventy five thousand five: _____________ E

6) Four lakh thirty eight thousand one hundred fourteen:____ N

7) Ninety eight thousand one hundred nineteen: _________ O

8) One lakh eighteen: ___________ P

9) Seventy five thousand five hundred: ___________ T

10) Twenty one thousand three hundred seventy six:______ U

11) One lakh eighteen thousand:_________ Y

12) Four lakh eighty three thousand fourteen:__________ M

_______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______

181000 98119 483014 75005 98119 21376 75500

_______ _______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______

438040 438114 20367 100018 98190 438040 118000

Q.2 Fun with Numbers.

a) Which one will replace the ‘?’.

12 18 30


16 24 40


18 27 45


b) Sum of all numbers on a dice is: _________.

c) Interchange the position of 5 & 6 and 7 & 9 in 6, 78,589 and write

the new number formed:_______.



b) Count the number of triangle in the given figure.

Q.4 Mathemagic.

Each empty white square in the grid contains one of the numbers from 1 to 8. Each

horizontal and vertical equation must be true and each

number must be used exactly once.

÷ = 3

+ ×

+ 4 =

= =


Q.5 Number squares

Q.6 Collage work.

Make a beautiful collage using the following shapes:

I. Triangle

II. Rectangle

III. Square

IV. Circle

Give an interesting caption to your creation.

Q.7 Do practice papers 7, 8,9,10 in your Mental Maths Book.

Q.8 Learn tables thoroughly from 2 to 20.

Note: Practice 4-5 sums daily from chapters done in the month of April-May (Chapter-1,2).

Do question 1-6 on A4 size sheet and compile them in a file, Do write your name, class and

section on each A4 size sheet.

Happy Holidays everyone!! Stay Home! Stay Safe!




Hello students!

Holidays are approaching us and to make them a wonderful learning experience, let

us do the following activities:

Q1) During this COVID-19 lockdown most of us have developed unhealthy eating

habits. So find out about a BALANCED DIET and make an eating plan for

yourself like this:

S no Days Breakfast Lunch Dinner

1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday

Q2) ANIMAL KINGDOM-Classify the given animals in the following


Tadpole, Parakeet, Fish, Crocodile, Earthworm, Whale, Emu, Dolphin,

Peacock, Penguin, Ostrich.


Fly Cannot fly Stay on land Stay in water


As we all know that countries all over the world are endeavoring to find a vaccine for

the widespread pandemic- COVID 19. We all have vaccinations which protect us

from various harmful diseases. So children dig out your vaccination cards and

mention 10 diseases for which you get regular vaccinations and mention the vaccines.

Also tell the last time you got the vaccine for those diseases and the next time you will

get the vaccine.


Follow the three ‘Rs’ to protect the environment.

REUSE -Whenever possible reuse old things in an imaginative and useful way.

• Fold old newspapers on both sides and paste with glue. Fold inside from

the mouth of the bag. Punch holes and thread a colorful sturdy cord to

carry your bag. You can decorate the bag and gift it to your mother.

• Old envelopes and greeting cards may be used as bookmarks.

• Cover an old tin with colorful paper or fabric and make an attractive

‘waste paper basket’ for your room.


Our kitchen is a warehouse of edible seeds. Gather 6 seeds that we eat in our daily

lives and put them in small zip lock bag and paste them on your A-4 size sheets.


Note- All the work to be

done on A-4 size sheets and

submitted in a file folder.




My dear students,

Our summer vacations are just around the corner. Let us make this summer vacation interesting by

doing the following activities:

1. Maps and Globe

Two friends, Rahul and Rohit, were going back home from school. Rahul likes globe more than maps and

Rohit likes maps more than globe. Write down their dialogue highlighting the advantages and

disadvantages of maps and globe.

2. Latitudes and Longitudes

We have learnt about various latitudes and longitudes. With the help of Atlas, can you name 2 countries

that pass through the following:

Equator Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Arctic Circle

3. Weather Bulletin

We have learnt that the weather of a hilly region, coastal

region, plains and desert are different from each other.

With the help of internet, create a weather bulletin for the

following cities from 1st to 7th June 2020:

Shimla New Delhi Mumbai Jaipur

Maximum temperature

Minimum temperature

Relative humidity

4. Heat Zones of the Earth

On the world political map, mark and color the three heat

zones of the Earth:

Torrid Zone (Orange), Temperate Zone (Green) and Frigid

Zone (Pink).

5. India: Land of diversity

On the political map of India, mark 2 states falling in each cardinal direction.

On a sheet of paper, collect and paste pictures of the staple food, clothes worn,

festivals and wild animals found in any one state.

6. Democratic Republic of Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo is called as the “Natural Zoo of the


Justify this by collecting and pasting pictures of the wild animals found

in the dense forests of Congo.

7. Locations on a Grid

Use the map and key to complete the grid and answer the questions:

Name the location of each item on the map:

Play Area: Ice Cream:

Trash Can: Fountain:

Park Bench: Tree:

8. Build a City

You are a city planner. Please complete the city planning by drawing pictures on the map according to

the key below:

9. My Favorite Hill Station

New Delhi in summers can get scorching hot. To escape this heat, we all love to go to a hill station. This

year may be different but let us plan our next year’s vacation to a hill station. To complete this activity,

with the help of internet, please note the

following about your next hill station


• Summer vacation destination

• Country

• State

• State capital

• Altitude

• Staple Food

• Clothing

• Festivals

• Wild animals

• Local language

Learn answers to the questions of lesson 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Answer all questions of the holiday homework in A4 size sheets and make a folder.

Happy Holidays everyone!! Stay Home!! Stay Safe!!




1. Do learn and revise what is given in the worksheets.

2. Write down atleast any fifteen emergency helpline numbers.

3. Imagine you are living in 2050 and write down the all amazing scientific and

technological developments around you.

Note: Do your Holiday homework in GK notebook.


SESSON 2020-21



1. Create any two amazing art work by using pencil shavings

on A4 size coloured sheet you can take figures of birds like

owl, peacock and parrot on a branch, flowers and butterfly,

flowers in a vase, fish in a pond etc.

2. Create a composition using any vegetable, fork, and a leaf

impression block printing on A4 size light coloured sheet.

Other articles can also be used along like matchsticks,

comb, finger, ear bud, thermocol, tin foil, bottle cap, ice-

cream sticks, toothpick etc.

3. Create a composition using Origami sheets to create an

Under Water Scene showing fish, seahorse, crab, turtle,

octopus, sea corals, water plants etc.

4. Create an animal face - shaped pen stand craft, using toilet

paper roll (wrap a coloured paper around the waste paper

roll and create shape of animal face like:- rabbit, elephant,

penguin, fox, lion etc.) . You can make four pen stands with

different animal faces.

5. Draw and colour Mandala Design on A4 size white sheet.
