
Neural Communication: The Neural Chain

Module 7: Neural and Hormonal Systems

Receptor Cells

• Specialized cells in the sensory systems of the body that can turn other kinds of energy into action potentials that the nervous system can process

• EX. Receptor cells in the eye turn light into a neural impulse the brain understands.

• Examples from other senses?

Sensory Nerves

• Nerves that carry information to the central nervous system

• The receptor cell is the beginning of the chain

• Connect the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord


• Nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord responsible for processing information related to sensory input and motor output

Motor Nerves

• Nerves that carry information from the central nervous system

• Carries messages from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of your body

A Neural Chain

A Neural Chain

A Neural Chain

A Neural Chain

A Neural Chain

Personal example

• Think of an example when you were in physical discomfort, but you “toughed it out” because you didn’t want people to make fun of you or think less of you.

• Share it with a partner.

Reflex vs. thought process

• Your example• Touch a hot burner on a stove – what do

you do?• A baseball is coming quickly right at you –

what do you do?• Blow in your face?

Neural Chain Activity
