Page 1: Neighborhood Network Draft Letter

Steve Gurney11128 Timberhead Lane, Reston, VA 20191 Phone: 703-966-6182 Email: [email protected]

Dear Neighbor,

It’s been several months since our community yard sale and I wanted to follow up on some other projects that might add value and connections in our community.

I have volunteered to serve as a neighborhood coordinator for the Reston for a Lifetime initiative (see attached article or visit Along with several other neighborhoods in Reston we are piloting different approaches to make connections in our community. Since single-family neighborhoods in Reston traditionally don’t have formal cluster associations, it makes our neighborhood particularly interesting and challenging.

Here are a few projects that could be helpful to our neighborhood of Timberhead/Burgee/Spinnaker:

Neighborhood Phone Book – I have attached a draft copy of a community phone book, I have included a few names. If you are interested in being included and receiving a copy of this, please fill out your information and drop it by 11128 Timberhead Lane by August 31 or email me the information at [email protected]. I will add all the information and distribute a final copy in early September. If you provide an email address I will also send you an electronic copy. IMPORTANT: Your information will not be posted online or shared with anyone outside those receiving the phone book in our neighborhood.

Bus Stop Network – With school starting and many more kids in the neighborhood, lets all meet to see if we might be able to create a system to share responsibilities or offer us all backup in the event you might have an early meeting, be working late or . . . . get stuck in the snowstorm of 2012!!

Neighborhood Watch – Successful Neighborhood Watches are not established in reaction to crime, they are established to prevent crime from occurring and provide a platform for communication when you see something that concerns you. I have volunteered to coordinate Neighborhood Watch on our streets.

Other Ideas: There are neighborhoods that have set up systems to share trusted vendors (plumbers, handymen, etc.), babysitting, pet sitting, snow shoveling, systems for sharing tools and lawn equipment; these are other concepts that might develop out of a better connected neighborhood.

Do these projects sound interesting to you?I would like to invite you to a gathering at my house on September ?? at 7 p.m. to discuss and brainstorm. I have invited Officer Katy Defoe, who will talk briefly about Neighborhood Watch. I will have coffee and drinks, just bring yourself!

Please contact me at [email protected] or 703-966-6182 if you can attend. If you can’t attend but would like to be included in the dialogue, I look forward to hearing from you too!


Steve Gurney, 703-966-6182 [email protected]
