Page 1: My Power Point For My Three Favourite Music Videos


By Casey Brown.

Page 2: My Power Point For My Three Favourite Music Videos

Sweet like chocolate-Shanks and BigfootI chose this video because it is legendary and takes me back to my childhood. A lot of people recognise this song and video simply because it is a different and eye catching video and the lyrics correspond to the graphics i.e. Everyone and everything is made of/sweet like chocolate.

The mise-en-scene shows a dark town covered in chocolate . So there is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals. The artist is not present in the video, instead there are cartoon people and the main character seems to be a little girl with pink hair exploring the new town full of chocolate . It is not a typical music video.

I do not think this video was taken from any other video or film, it just shows a lot of imagination, creativity and originality. It is very clever and must have taken ages to produce. The genre of music is pop/garage , so the video is not very stereotypical.

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•There is a variety of camera angles e.g. Long shot, close up (to the girl), pan shot.• I think the little girl represents the artist as she mimes the song lyrics.•The video is just like a great big adventure and I think the target audience would probably be children to late teens mostly.•A lot of garage and dance tunes use cartoons and graphics in their video to build up a different persona and surreal world. It is a lot more entertaining then just watching the artist on a DJ set.•The edits are not particularly quick as it flows just like a cartoon and as the video goes on, the lighting becomes much brighter and they seem to be escaping from somewhere. •The animations are fairly old-school now but are still effective and eye-catching.•The little girl is the only one who is not made of chocolate so this suggests she has just come form the real world and entered the chocolate world and us (the viewers) have come along for the ride!

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Ain’t no other man By Christina Aguilera. This is one of my favourite videos because it is

classy and sophisticated and is inspired by old fashioned, glamorous films which was the image Christina was going for when releasing this song and video. Christina is definitely the centre of attention in this video and she is very good at looking right into the camera when there are close-up shots of her. With a number of outfit changes, the representation of women in this video is sexy and seductive. She is an entertainer surrounded by women dancers and lots of men ‘lusting’ after her. I think the song goes well with the video. She is performing in an old bar and miming to her song whilst dancing in a number of mise-en scenes e. g stage, dressing room and pool room. Lots of people are dancing and having a good time so it is very upbeat and the first shot of her stepping out of the car so you can just see her shoes is very traditional and stereotypical and really works for this style of video. The genre is classic pop. The old style micro-phone and head-phones are key props in this video to re-instate it is going back into the 50s era/genre. There is lots of make-up, glitzy outfits and jewellery so she looks glamorous and so everyone knows she is a star and a hot topic. She stands out and it is hard to take your eyes off her. That is why i like this video.

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Christina video continued...

I think the video would appeal to men because it would be entertaining to watch her and I think it would be inspiring to women as they could get some fashion or dancing ideas. The edits are not particular quick the scene seems to change when there is a new verse.

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I love this video because it is all about Kelly getting revenge on her ex-boyfriend. The video portrays exactly how she is feeling so the lyrics definitely have a relationship with the visuals. She starts off by miming the words and getting more and more angry. She begins to trash the place and many viewers and fans can relate to this. I think the video helps to explain a bit more about the song. The camera then pans down to a shot of a club (presumably to make it look like her flat is above it) and she is singing on stage and having an amazing time with loads of fans. This would suggest that ‘since you been gone, I’ve been stronger than ever’. When the song speeds up the edits get quicker between her trashing the flat and her performance to show a massive build up of tension and drama.

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She is represented as being strong and independent. I think the smashing off the photograph at the camera does a close –up of it is a sigh that she has moved on with her life. Music videos are very interesting in that you get a sense of the artist’s thoughts, feelings and creativity. They definitely help you get a better feel for what the artist is all about.