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Page 1: My masthead analysis

My Masthead Analysis

Page 2: My masthead analysis

These are four Mastheads I created on Photoshop and I got people in my class to analyse them. Few people said that ‘Beat Drop’ looks more like Hip-Hop and Rap genre so I changed it to ‘Bass’ as you can see on the next page. People said that the shaded ones look more better and that they stand out more and the 2nd and 4th mast heads is a more appropriate fonts style for an R&B music. I like the idea of the shading so it starts with a light blue and gets darker which you can use different colours to go with your magazine or back ground and can use it with different fonts as well but for a longer masthead it wouldn’t go with a short masthead as it would give the same affetct.

Page 3: My masthead analysis

These are the new Mastheads I created on Photoshop. I changed the name of my masthead of my magazine as the other one was more for a Rap and Hip-Hop magazine so now is going to be ‘BASS’. The 3rd one I like a lot as its quite similar to ‘VIBE’ and I want my magazine that style. I chose a shorter one this time and it goes with my music genre more now. I can use it in different colours so it goes with my background but I probably use plain colours like white, black , grey and then a more colourful back ground. I like the 4th mast head but I didn’t like the size of the letters so I‘m going to stay with the 3rd one all in capital letters and the last three letters bit italic.