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March 2006 Vol 4

The Explorer is a regular publication of MSRA and is distributed via email. For more information visit

Over the past four years, the MSRA has made four majorshipwreck discoveries, three of which are steam-powered vessels, or steamers, and the last is anunpowered barge. Though MSRA members wereinvolved in the discovery and identification of the schoonerHelen, which lies just off the beach north of Muskegon,we have yet to find a schooner during our offshoresurveys. But we are confident we will discover andidentify the schooners in our area. It’s only a matter oftime.

There are a number of schooners which have a strongpossibility of being in MSRA search areas in the next fewyears. Here are their names, and their stories

The Lizzie Throop, a two masted,86-foot schooner was built in year1849, at Mill Point, Michigan. Todaywe know Mill Point as Spring Lake.The Throop was one of the firstships built in Ottawa County. Shehad a breadth of 21 feet, and wasconsidered a “beamy”, or wide boat.She spent many years carryingdiverse cargos to and from differentlocal ports.

In 1873, the aging schoonerfound herself in the lumber trade,regularly making the Muskegon toChicago run. On October 16, 1873,the Throop left Muskegon with aload of wood slabs, a little beforesunset. Just before 11pm, she wasstruck by a squall. At 3am, shesprung a leak, and started taking onwater.

The first mate later reported: “At 1pm, she filled withwater up to her decks. At this time we were away fromland about fifteen miles. At half past 6pm, she rolled over.The men took to the rigging except the mate, who steeredher until she rolled over. Three of the men got into theboat, the Captain and cook having before this washedoff and drowned. The three men, including the mate, leftthe boat and got into the hull and made a line fast to theboat and let her hang to the hull. The vessel began tobreak up and the three men were washed off of her.One was drowned, and the other two got ashore on apiece of the wreck.” The survivors came ashore ninemiles north of South Haven.

The schooner Hamilton suffered a similar fate, lessthan a month later. Traveling the Muskegon to Chicagocourse, and carrying a heavy load of board lumber, the

Hamilton was struck by heavy weather, and soon foundherself in trouble. The crew took to their yawl boat andtried to remain close to the dying vessel. The schoonercapsized and the yawl made for land. After eighteenhours, the yawl boat reached shore a mile north of SouthHaven. The lifeboat was reported to be “a mass of ice”when she finally reached shore, but all seven of theHamilton’s sailors were safe. The Hamilton wasreportedly painted blood red. The date of her loss wasNovember 12, 1873.

The schooner Monsoon fell victim to a fresh watermonsoon. This 105-foot long schooner sailed out ofMuskegon for Chicago, in November of 1881, anddisappeared without a trace. The Monsoon was builtin 1847, at Milan Ohio, which made her over 34 years oldat the time of her disappearance. She was rumored tobe rotted and in ill repair.

The Thomas Hume left Chicago with her fleet mate,the Rouse Simmons . Both were heading for Muskegon,to pick up another load of lumber. They encounteredheavy weather, and the Simmons turned back to port,the Hume did not, and became one of Lake Michigan’sgreatest mysteries, for over 100 years. A schoonerwas discovered off Chicago recently by A & T Recovery,of Chicago, in over 100 feet of water. While the wreckhas not been positively identified, many are leaningtowards it being the Hume.

The Ellen Stevenson foundered mid-lake on a run fromGrand Haven to Kenosha. When the schooner was 40miles off shore, she started taking on water at an alarmingrate. The crew took to the lifeboat, after rowing manyhours, arrived in Holland. The Stevenson was reported

Letter From the BoardGreetings MSRA supporters,

With the anticipation of spring, MSRA isin full swing with preparations for theupcoming search season. This time ofyear is traditionally the busiest for MSRA.

As we have done for the last sevenyears (including our pre-MSRA years),we will host our annual spring event-“Mysteries and Histories Beneath theInland Seas” Besides being our onlymajor fundraising event, we view thisprogram as a way to share with ourmembers and the general public theunique history that was and which isunfolding just off our shores. Last yearwe had an unprecedented 350 peopleattend the show, and we hope to reachas many, if not more people this year.The invitation can be found on page fourof this newsletter. Please plan to join usfor this unique event and please inviteyour interested friends.

In addition to our own show, MSRA willbe presenting the story of the discoveryof the SS Michigan at three other nationalvenues: Chicago’s Our WorldUnderwater in February, New Jersey’sBeneath the Seas, & Milwaukee’sGhostship Festival, both in March.

This spring has also kept us busyplanning not one, but two search efforts.Clive Cussler has asked Ralph Wilbanksto return to West Michigan for a thirdseason of searching for the missingNorthwest Flight 2501 during the monthof May. MSRA’s board is diligentlycontinuing to research and develop amore probable search area for the lostairliner.

David Trotter is scheduled to work withMSRA in mid June to continue our pursuitof the lost steamer Chicora. As wedevelop the refined search area, ourresearch indicates the possibility oflocating the Hennepin, SeaMar III or thefishing tug Richard H., lost in 1940, inthat same area. This could prove to be avery exciting search season.

We appreciate your continued supportand hope to see MSRA’s membership turnout for the May event!

Valerie Olson VanHeest

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By now everyone should be familiar with the story of the loss of the 32-foot Trojan F32yacht SEA MAR III. (See MSRA’s web site for the full story) This pleasure craft was lostwith four local men aboard while enroute from Chicago to Holland on September 25,1980, During the search effort in 1980, Holland attorney Jack Coté discovered whateveryone believed was the vessel’s only life ring floating in the water along with otherdebris.

The life ring was just one piece of evidence in a trial during which Coté won a settlementfor the families of the missing men. But who would have thought a major update to thestory would be needed 25 years later?

In January 2006, MSRA board member Craig Rich discovered a second Sea Mar III lifering! This discovery, however, was not made during a shipwreck search but, rather, at a

West Michigan antique store. Rich spotted the life ring at Depot Antiques in Spring Lake. Its authenticityhas been verified by Jack Coté as the hand written boat name is identical, as well as the stamped dateon the USCG approval tag.

After investigating the life ring’s history, Rich discovered that it was found on a Lake Michigan beach,just south of M-45 by Clinton Bekins of Grand Haven about a week after the sinking of the SeaMar III. Mr.Bekins simply stored it away for 25 years before his brotherClifford Bekins sold it to a man who placed it onconsignment at the antique store. It was fate that led CraigRich to the store that weekend. This new piece of evidencecould shed some new light on the location of the lostvessel and its four occupants.

The two life rings were brought back together for the firsttime in 25 year, 4 months on January 21, 2006. It was anemotional moment as Jack Coté held the two life ringsfrom the lost vessel that captured his heart decades ago.

MSRA is dedicated to locating the remains of the SeaMarIII and will continue to include potential locations in itsannual shipwreck search.

An Amazing Discovery!!

MSRA’s research into Northwest Flight 2501 continuesto grow and expand. First it was the discovery of Navaland Coast Guard log books, then 1950 weather records,

then a 1950 aeronautical chart showing the flightpath of Flight 2501 across Lake Michigan, andmost recently the actual photo of the DC-4 usedin Flight 2501!

Now we have discovered a pilot, 93 year oldRetired Captain Freddie Stripes, who was flyinga Capital Air (Now United) passenger plane onJune 23, 1950 just ten minutes behind, and onthe same course, as Captain Robert Lind whopiloting Flight 2501.

As Freddie approached the Lake Michiganshoreline over Glenn at about midnight, he sawthe ominous sign of a severe thunderstorm andlightning storm beginning to separate from thethick cloud cover. Knowing it would be toodangerous to fly through the storm, Freddiebelieved the only way to bring his passengerssafely to their destination in Minneapolis was toturn back to Detroit to wait out the storm.

In a visit to the Stripes home in Lake Forest, IL inDecember last year, Jack and Valerie VanHeestwere able to talk with Freddie about the weatherconditions that night, and his theories about whatmay have happened to Flight 2501.

Freddie believes that when Captain Lind approached thestorm front near the Lakeshore with the intent of crossingover to Milwaukee, the worst of the storm was “imbedded”behind cloud cover. Captain Lind may have unknowingly

proceeded into the storm, but once “inside”, he mayhave realized the danger and deviated his course. Whilepilots back then had no GPS by which to navigate, theycould stay on course by following pulse tones emittedfrom airline beacons located in major cities. CaptainLind could turn any way necessary to avoid the storm,feeling confident that he could tune into the MilwaukeeBeacon to get back on course. It would be dangerous,however, to alter his altitude without consent of airtraffic controllers as that was the only way to avoidmidair collisions.

Experienced in flying DC-4’s and familiar with LakeMichigan crossings, Freddie described many scenariosthat could have caused Flight 2501 to crash. A lightningstrike near the cockpit has been known to blind pilotslong enough to loose control of their planes. Wind shearcan rocket a plane thousands of feet up or down. Ineither of these cases, considering Captain Lind wasflying at about 3000 feet, he would not have had muchroom to maneuver.

Freddie himself was once caught in a storm while flyinga DC-4. Hail damage to the rear “elevators” caused hisplane to loose altitude quickly. Had it not been for hisquick thinking in which he purposely acelerated causinghis plane to catch wind and head up, he would not bealive today to give us his thoughts. Freddie believesthat if something similar happened to Flight 2501, CaptainLind would not have had enough altitude to pull up.

The research continues to build, and as the third searchseason fast approaches, MSRA feels confident thatthe discovery of the plane and answers to why itcrashed are not far away. Stay tuned....Jack & Valerie VanHeest

And Yet Another Discovery!

to be 61 feet inlength. The dateof her loss isrecorded asOctober 6, 1897.

In October 2003,the owner of ascuba store inHolland, relocatedthe wreck o f aschooner of fSaugatuck. Actingon information given him from a marinecontractor, he relocated the wreck inslightly less than 300 feet of water, buthas not been able to determine theschooner’s identity. Based upon photosof the wreck, MSRA believes it may bethe Lizzie Throop, or the Monsoon.Measuring the wreck will reveal thename of the long lost vessel. Hopefullythis will be done in the summer of 2006.

These are the stories of the schoonerswe know are out there. But as the AnnArbor No. 5 has shown us, there ismore out there than we know about. Sowhen will the MSRA find one of thesedeep water mysteries? Schooner orlater, of course! Ross Richardson

Schooner or Later Con’t Page 2

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MSRA Board of Directors

Jan MillerValerie Olson VanHeestCraig RichRoss RichardsonJack VanHeestGeoffrey Reynolds

Michigan Shipwreck Research Associates,is a Michigan nonprofit corporation, whosemission is to Preserve Mich igan ’ssubmerged maritime history. To that end,the organization’s work includes research,exploration, documentation and educationregarding historic shipwrecks within Michiganwaters, with an initial emphasis on the area offWest Michigan. MSRA works in cooperationwith State Agencies. As a Holland-basedvolunteer-driven organization, MSRA relieson memberships, fundraising events andgrants to continue its work.

Join MSRA$25 Annual Individual MembershipIncludes two free admission to Mysteries and Histories event,daily search emails and MSRA newsletters.$50 Annual Family MembershipIncludes two free admissions to Mysteries and Historiesevent, daily search emails and MSRA newsletters.$100 Supporting MembershipIncludes two free admissions to Mysteries and Historiesevent, daily search emails and MSRA newsletters,plus a complimentary documentary in video or DVD.$250 Supporting MembershipIncludes two free admissions to Mysteries and Historiesevent each year, daily search emails and MSRA newsletters,plus two complimentary documentaries in video or DVD.$500 Sustaining MembershipIncludes the above plus the opportunity for you to join theMSRA search crew on a side scan expedition for one dayduring the June 2006 “Wreck Quest”.$1,000 Lifetime MembershipIncludes the above plus opportunity for you and a friend tojoin the MSRA search crew on a side scan expedition forone day during the June 2006 “Wreck Quest”.

To join, please send your check, made out to MSRA, tothe address at the left. Please indicate if you plan toattend the event on May 6th, and how many tickets youneed held for you.

Flight 2501 Relatives FoundAt the Spring program last May, MSRA had not yet heardfrom any relatives of victims of Flight 2501, but expected,with the large amount of publicity due to Clive Cussler’sinvolvement, that we would eventually hear from them.As announced in Volume 3 of this newsletter, the son andgrandson of victim Ken Skoug and the son and daughterof victim Mrs. Winfield Kaufmann contacted us last summerto express their interest and support of the search effort.

We are pleased and honored that both sets of familymembers will be joining us at the May 6th event! MSRAwould like to take them out to the site of the search effortwhere a memorial ceremony will take place to honor andremember their parents and the other 56 victims, as well.

MSRA is currently seeking the participation of an individualwith a boat large enough to ferry at least 12 individuals outto the site about 18 miles west of South Haven on May 7th,with a weather date of May 8th. Please contact an MSRAboard member if you or anyone you know would be willingand able to help with this very important undertaking inearly May.

MSRA members with their own boats are invited toparticipate in this ceremony. Please let us know if you

wish to join the team, so that we can make arrangements.

1134 Goodwood CourtHolland, Michigan 49424


Brendon BaillodHistorian/Writer

Arthur AllenOceanographer, U.S. Coast Guard

Dr. Guy MeadowsUniversity of Michigan

Kenneth PottMaritime Archaeologist

Dr. David SchwabOceanographer, GLERL

She served as its President for over six yearsthrough its official dedication in 1999.

Valerie then linked up with fellow divers andhistorians (pictured and named at far left) tocofound MSRA in 2001.

During these years, she served two terms onthe State of Michigan’s Underwater Salvage

and Preserve Committee, has writtenarticles for Michigan History Magazine,

has written and directed numerousshipwreck documentaries and

regularly speaks at shipwreck-related events.

Valerie wil l accept theaward during a banquet

at the MeadowlandsExposition Center inSecaucus, New

Jersey on March 25 atthe 30th annual

“Beneath the Sea” exposition where she also will

present MSRA’s documentaryon the discovery of the S. S.


Van Heest is one of only about 150 womento be named to the Women Divers Hall of Fame

and only the third Midwest diver. She lives inHolland with her husband Jack. After 25 years inarchitectural project management and marketing,Valerie now focuses her efforts on the work ofMSRA as well as serving as a graphic designconsultant while raising two young daughters,Cella and Taya, who hail from China. Article Submitted by Craig Rich

MSRA’s own Valerie Olson VanHeest, originallyfrom Chicago and now a 10-year Michigan resident,has been elected to the Women Divers Hall ofFame for her volunteer work in documenting andpreserving Great Lakes Shipwrecks over the last20 years.

Members of WDHOF are an elite group thatincludes the most notable women leadersand innovators in the scuba divingcommunity. The goal of its founders isto recognize and honor thesewomen whi le raising publ icawareness of theirexceptional contributions.V a n H e e s t w a snominated by 2001inductee JoyceHayward of Ohio, whowas a presenter at lastyear’s Mysteries andHistories Program, and JoanForsberg, a diver and historianfrom Illinois.

Valerie began scuba diving in theChicago area at age 16. After becomingfascinated with shipwrecks and maritimehistory, she cofounded the UnderwaterArchaeological Society of Chicago in 1989,serving as Director for eight years, and leadingthe documentation efforts on over two dozenshipwrecks.

In 1995 she married and relocated to HollandMichigan, where she joined the SouthwestMichigan Underwater Preserve Committee just asthe grass-roots organization was beginning effortsto establish Michigan’s 10th Underwater Preserve.

MSRA ‘s VanHeest elected to Hall of Fame

Boat Owners-Your Help is Needed!

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Sign Up Early & Save! Tear Here and Mail. Support Local History in the Making. Admission: $10.00 Per Person in Advance.No tickets will be mailed, your name will be held at the door. Admission available at the door for $12.50 per person. All proceeds will be directed MSRA’s Shipwreck Quest 2006.

Name:_________________________________________Address:________________________________________________City, State, Zip:____________________________________

Phone:_____________________________________E-Mail_______________________________________No. of Children Under 12 free______________________________________

Annual MSRA Membership* includes 1 free Ticket @ $25.00 __________Number of tickets:_____________x $10.00 = Total enclosed___________________________________

Mail to:MSRA 1134 Goodwood Ct.Holland, MI 49424

Questions:Contact Valerie van Heest616-566-6009

Further Details and Directions to the Theatre:See MSRA’s website

Payment:Make Checks payable to MSRASorry, no credit cards accepted.

Icebound Found!Presented by MSRA“Difficulties are just things to overcome afterall.” This quote, made famous by CaptainErnest Shackleton when he & his crewreturned from Antarctica after his shipEndurance sank, could certainly have beenthe sentiment of Capt. Prindeville as a similardrama played out in 1885 on Lake Michiganwhen the S.S. Michigan became iceboundand sank after a 40-day ordeal. If youattended “Mysteries and Histories” in 2004,you saw a program about this ship which hadnot yet been found. Join MSRA’s search teamtonight as you experience how working withnoted shipwreck explorer, David Trotter, theteam persisted over three years and 50square miles to finally locate the wreck indeep water off Holland. The multifaceted taleis told through a riveting reenactment, anunfolding search effort punctuated withhighs and lows, and the camera lens of atechnical diving team, as MSRA explores theintact remains of this historic vessel, 275beneath Lake Michigan, and learns first-handjust how difficulties can be overcome!

The Search for theBonne Homme RichardPresented by Ralph WilbanksLast year’s highly acclaimed (and downrightfunny) keynote speaker returns to share withus the unfolding search effort that he andClive Cussler have been undertaking for JohnPaul Jones’ ship the Bonne Homme Richardlost in the North Sea in 1779 during theAmerican Revolution. After incurring a hugeamount of damage from enemy ship Serapis,Jones cried out the now famous reply “I havenot yet begun to fight”. He went on to win thebattle, but lost his ship. Wilbanks will sharehow he “has not yet begun to search!”

Phantoms of the DeepPresented by David TrotterShare the excitement of four uniquediscoveries in one year with the URA team,including the SS Michigan, the first airplaneto be discovered in Lake Huron, themysterious “A” frame and the SteamerA. Everett on her first, and final run, in 1895,when it met its demise in Lake Huron, incircumstances not unlike the Michigan whereon a brutally cold, April evening, ice stove inher bow planking, sinking her within an hour.It would be 110 years later that a team ofintrepid explorers were to touch the ship andbegan their “swim into history”. Share theexcitement of the exploration as we uncoverthe secrets of the “”ice water” mansion sittingupright, but not forgotten, in the floor of LakeHuron.

*Membership includes one free admission, special seating for members and guests, post show party, daily emails during the annual shipwreck search, and quarterly MSRA newsletters.

Of Planes, Trains &ShipsPresented by MSRAYou’ve read about it in the newspapers, seenit on the TV news and, if you were here lastyear, you saw the story of the disappearanceof Northwest Flight 2501 which crashed inLake Michigan in 1950 with the loss of all 58persons aboard. Join MSRA as they unveil theresults of the 2005 search effort , a jointventure with Clive Cussler’s NationalUnderwater Marine Agency, and the surprisingdiscovery of the Ann Arbor No. 5, amongother things. The search team will share thedetails of the the 2006 continued search forthe remains of the plane, and discuss thedifficulties of obtaining information to helppinpoint the epicenter of the crash.

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