
Mobile Marketing Handbook Series

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1. Introduction and mobile advertising spend

2. Mobile ad formats

3. How to brief mobile advertising

4. Planning and buying mobile

5. Using mobile to engage consumers

6. Mobile search

7. Measuring the success of mobile ad campaigns

8. Success stories

9. Directory









and mobile advertising spendintroduction

Advertising on mobile phones? Whatever next!

Mobile advertising is big business. I remember at the start of my media career the industry was awash with skeptics who simply couldn’t see how marketing, on a mobile, could possibly work ... “It’s too small!” ... “It’s too personal, surely?”. And in the early to mid noughties when the medium wasn’t yet fully formed, these were reasonable doubts to have.

By Jon Mew, Head of Mobile, IAB


However, in the past few years what has emerged is an engaging, targetable and effective communications tool that enables brands to interact with consumers, but on the consumer’s terms. It’s polite, relevant and constantly evolving, and this is why advertisers are now integrating mobile in their marketing plans.


Around 23% of internet time is now spent on a mobile device as consumers opt for the convenience and entertainment value that mobile media offers. And whilst mobile revenues are still only around 1% of the size of digital, it’s growing quickly. In 2009, the IAB and PwC’s mobile adspend study found that the market is worth £37.6 million. A impressive year-on-year growth of 32%, even during the most brutal recession to hit the advertising industry to date. Within this total, paid-for search advertising on mobile accounted for 54% of the market at £20.2m. Whilst mobile display – including banners, text links and game advertising on mobile was worth £17.4m in 2009.

At the IAB we’ve also been working to increase understanding around mobile advertising and recently ran two research studies around actual campaigns with KitKat and Nationwide. We’ve published a range of learnings from each which are on our site but 2 things come through very clearly on each:

1. You can use mobile to raise awareness

Mobile is an effective platform for building brand awareness. For KitKat the mobile campaign increased spontaneous awareness levels by 36% and for Nationwide 50%. The mobile campaigns also had an even bigger impact on first mention, for example people spontaneously mentioning KitKat before any other brands rose by 267%.

2. The user experience and environment are key

People that enjoyed the site they were surfing were 76% more likely to remember the KitKat advert. And 112% more likely to remember the Nationwide advert. The ad itself and the environment you place it in are absolutely critical to its success.

This book, sponsored by the lovely Google, has been designed to give you practical ‘how to’ advice with case studies and all the tools necessary to crack on with some smartly executed, successful campaigns, as well as silencing those last few remaining skeptics, who probably don’t even own a mobile phone anyway…

02 MOBILE advertising


mobileFrom the second you decide to integrate mobile into your communications strategy, advertising formats should be your first priority. Should you run a banner advert on the mobile web, or would an in-application advert perform better? Perhaps an interstitial advert shown before a mobile game would better suit your target audience. Whatever you decide, where the advert takes your potential customer is of utmost importance. What will happen when they click on the advert? Non-rendered mobile sites can be hard to navigate, and inputting information is often difficult. The resulting poor user experience has often been found to generate a bad campaign performance. Below is a breakdown of the most common mobile advertising formats to ensure that whichever format you choose, you will increase the engagement of your potential audience.

Mobile banner adverts

Still the most popular form of mobile advertising today, banner adverts on the mobile internet have long been used by advertisers. Similar in format and style to those on the traditional internet, banner adverts are uncomplicated, easy to execute and can provide excellent results as long as the landing page is optimised for mobile.

By Christian Louca,

Managing Director,YOC


ad formats

Expandable mobile banners

Customising mobile banner adverts is essential, better still make them interactive. Expandable banners sit at the top of the mobile web page or application and can display more than one piece of information at once. Brands can deliver high quality, interactive content and drive customers to a dedicated microsite.

In-app advertising

Whether you use in-app banner ads, in-app sponsorship or in-app expandable adverts, applications are becoming an increasingly popular means of advertising, providing a platform for rich, interactive content. Brands are beginning to expand their marketing presence by creating compelling, relevant applications that can be accessed via a wealth of application stores from numerous devices.

Multimedia advertising

As yet not a common format for mobile, but multimedia advertising campaigns utilising video adverts on mobile are both engaging to the user, and can increase brand awareness by means of viral advertising. This could be a stand-alone advert on a mobile site or an interstitial advert before a user plays a mobile game.

SMS and MMS advertising

For companies wanting to target a specific user base, SMS and MMS can offer real engagement and provide an opportunity to deploy targeted collateral, notifications and information updates. They’re also one of the most accessible channels for consumers of all ages, mobile proficiency and handset types.

The post-click experience

No matter which format(s) you choose to use to target your audience and what specific result you’re after, the post-click experience will strongly define how your customer not only views your brand but also the level of engagement they choose to demonstrate. Optimise the site for all handsets to ensure that the content is clear, any multimedia content functions and information inputting information is a straightforward process.

04 MOBILE Advertising


How to brief

12 months ago the COI wrote a piece about how to brief a mobile campaign. Fast forward a year and I’m faced with the challenge of thinking what’s changed. Mobile has come along way in a year but one thing remains the same, the foundation to a good campaign is a good brief.

By Paul Taylor, Interactive Services,

Team Head,COI

mobile advertising


The impact of mobile and tools now available mean that we have more to work with and consider when thinking about the role that mobile plays within communications. With the operator collaboration and roll out of the GSMA Mobile Media Metrics data we have greater insight into the role that mobile plays in the lives of the individual and crucially the role that it plays as a communications channel. So the one piece of advice this year is to consider what role mobile is going to play in your business. Is it playing a communications role to help deliver a message, a generic role to interact with other media or a delivery role to provide the platform for a service application? Before you brief, work out what that is.

06 MOBILE Advertising

10 easy steps to creating a great mobile brief

1. Take time to craft the brief. It is the foundation that all activity is built upon so invest significant time up front to save yourself time down the line.

2. Think early – planning and implementation take time. You’ll get a better, more considered, planned response if you allow enough time between the brief being provided and the solution/response being presented.

3. Be clear on the communication requirement and articulate it. Be transparent about what needs to be achieved – avoid ambiguity and assumption.

4. Objectives and KPIs need to be defined, as does the evaluation metrics required to measure the performance against these. Ensure that all parties involved in taking the brief forward have signed up to and agree that the objectives are SMART. The evaluation should be able to track effectively against the KPIs. Ask yourself what will success look like and how you’ll know when it’s been achieved.

5. As mobile is likely to play one part of the communications mix, you should encourage collaboration. Don’t treat mobile as a special case but consider what parts of the overall mix it will touch and bring those parts into the discussion. This could include media buying, CRM and PR, among others.

6. Invest both time and budget. Yes, the barriers to enter are lower but be realistic about what needs to be invested. Great mobile work doesn’t have to be expensive, but be flexible and invest accordingly.

7. Use a mobile specialist or those with specialist mobile experience – get the most of what can be achieved by using those who know how to maximise the potential.

8. Recognise the unique attributes of mobile. What other medium or channel plays such a large part of everyday life? As such, make sure that what is developed is both useful and timely. Both these elements are by-products of the mobile brief, but it’s worth reiterating that priority upfront.

9. Be clear on the subject of data handling – this supports the importance of collaborative working as those handling the data are perhaps unlikely to be those building the mobile communications.

10. Consider whether the mobile activity is looking to build a relationship over time and therefore an on-going dialogue between brand and consumer, or if the activity is a one-off.

By Andrew French, Head of Sales,



and buying Mobile PlanningBy Andrew French,

Head of Sales, Somo


Getting Started:

Planning and buying a mobile advertising campaign follows the same principals as with any other media channel. Whilst there are a number of unique attributes to mobile devices it is essentially another route for a brand to reach its prospects and engage with its customers. For that reason the starting point to any campaign should be to answer the following questions:

1. Who are the target audience? 2. What outcome is to be achieved?3. What will be the customer journey?4. How to optimise the campaign?

08 MOBILE Advertising

Who are the target audience?

Over the past year the mobile industry has come a long way in enabling increased intelligence & insight based planning. The census level data from the GSMA and the new comScore tools have enabled more robust campaign planning. This information, when combined with previous campaign data, enable a picture to be built of which content your customers are consuming and thus where to most effectively target your message.

The challenge, in a fragmented market that is split by handsets, operating systems, applications and mobile websites is translating this insight into actionable media decisions. For example; do my customers always request a brochure before purchase? Do these customers only purchase products at the weekend? What handsets correlate highly with my audience? Use existing research on customer behaviour and demographics to build a targeting layer into the media plan.

What outcome is to be achieved?

Decide what outcome is to be achieved from the campaign before briefing any mobile activity. If the objective is to generate Android application downloads from a broad audience, then buying from a blind network with only handset targeting is likely to work. If however, you are trying to reach 35-44 year old males with an annual income above £50,000 then more specific media placements and targeting is required.

Consider how the ROI will be calculated from the campaign and define some measurable targets. For example, if iPhone application downloads are required, calculate the maximum cost per lead based on an assumed lifetime value of a customer. If selling products is the objective, then you should consider a target cost per order. If your objective is to raise brand awareness the ‘cost per eyeball’ or potentially the ‘cost per video view’ become more significant performance indicators.

What will be the customer journey?

What will the customers have to do once they have clicked on the advert or engaged with your creative?

If the objective is to generate telephone calls, then ensure that it is easy for a customer to make that call. Check that the allocated phone number works on the most common handsets across all networks.

Ensure the creative is consistent, is the messaging on the banner, text link or search advert the same as the landing page? Is the copy or your brand’s logo legible on a mobile handset? Ensure you sign off creative assets that are the actual size and not blown up to make them look good on a PC screen.

How to optimise the campaign?

When the campaign goes live it is essential to track the performance. Does it generate lots of clicks but no consumer action? Will it deliver enough clicks at the targeted price? Do some creative formats work better? Check these factors on a regular basis and optimise the campaign whilst it is running. Benchmarking has shown that changing creative regularly can increase effectiveness by up to 110%, and so, by also changing other targeting parameters, better results and ultimately an increased ROI can be achieved.

Once the campaign has finished produce a full report and campaign analysis. Mobile is a rapidly evolving channel and campaigns should be treated as building blocks to longer term mobile advertising success. Employing a “test and learn” strategy around which media placements, handsets, and creative works best will fuel future planning and help your brand to get the best possible results from your investment in mobile.


to engage consumers using mobile FIVE

By Britta Anderson,

Account Director, Candyspace


10 MOBILE Advertising

What every user wants is to seamlessly interact with a brand without feeling hampered by their device. Accessing a site that has not been correctly optimised creates an unpleasant experience and forces the bitter realisation of a device’s limitations. The greatest mistake that can be made on mobile is to deliver a scaled down version of a website and expect users to be forgiving despite missing out on key features and functionality. The traditional realms of mobile and online are merging, especially now users are no longer consciously accessing the mobile internet. Users should be able to engage with brands via multiple devices and media placements, unaware of any restrictions. This is why it is imperative to have a dedicated mobile user journey that is both engaging and enjoyable.

How to create an engaging experience

Tailored Tailored Tailored

The mobile phone is a truly distinct platform therefore delivering a tailored experience is of the upmost importance when compared with other mediums. For everyone accessing your mobile campaign, device recognition relays a wealth of information such as usable screen size and handset capabilities; thus allowing you to deliver the right content to the right person every time.


Providing the user with visually rich creative and interesting points of interaction will lengthen session times and generate higher response rates. Share the love

A compelling creative solution will result in organic growth of reach; such is the viral nature of mobile. Users may voluntarily forward content via Email, Bluetooth & SMS or use their handset for showcasing content to their peers. However in order to fully capitalise on content’s potential to be shared, the tools must be proactively placed in the users’ hands. Simple send to a friend functions are available on most good mobile sites & apps.

Social mediums are the ultimate viral marketing tool; now readily accessible through mobile, users can update and share at the point of impulse. There are few reasons not to incorporate social media within your mobile experience, as it could enable you to be more intimately involved with a user and their friends. Be it using Facebook connect; Twitter integration or a simple “become a fan” button, social media can raise awareness.

The more creative the experience the more likely a user is to share; users taking a quiz could be empowered with the ability to publish their results to Facebook.

Mobile should no longer be primitive

A good experience on mobile need not be a basic one, as devices become more advanced you’re able to be more imaginative with layout, content and coding. Developing a site for mobile from the ground up allows you the freedom to create a bespoke and highly engaging experience.

Sharing content could also benefit the user, the ‘Enjoy Nintendo’ campaign Candyspace recently delivered enabled users to create their own Christmas wish list and send it to their parents, partners and friends via email or SMS.

User behaviour has changed. If a user feels they want to interact with your brand, their device of choice should not be a barrier to entry. Sites should determine the capabilities of a device and immediately accommodate it; thus no matter where or how a user is browsing they receive a friendly user experience.


12 MOBILE Advertising

By Ian Carrington, Mobile Advertising

Sales Director, Google

The number of people using their mobile phones to access the web is growing. At Google we’ve seen mobile web search traffic multiply five times over the past two years so there is a fantastic opportunity now to stake your claim in this dynamic space.

This new decade brings exciting developments in the world of smartphones which will have a long-standing impact on the industry. Thanks to full internet browsers on today’s phones, the gap is closing between desktop and mobile search.

In fact, we’ve seen rapid growth over the last six months. Every week, tens of millions of people search on Google from their mobile phones and generate hundreds of millions of searches.

By the end of Q3/09 we saw over 30% Q/Q growth in mobile searches on Google. In some countries, greater numbers search on mobile devices than on PCs.

Thus, as with general web advertising, being present on search is vital to any mobile advertising campaign. Make sure you can be found when users need to find you. Often, people using their phone for search need information immediately and this can lead to an instant conversion.

Targeting is another significant aspect to mobile advertising. You can make your messages relevant to each person by taking advantage of device and operator targeting. Perhaps you want to tailor your ad to reach users on a particular network; you can now do it easily and at scale.

When it comes to ROI, many advertisers find they have higher conversions and basket sizes on phone orders than through the web. Therefore, unique channel features such as Click to Call are great for connecting users with advertisers when they are ready to take action. In that dialogue there’s a greater opportunity to upsell products to the customer. Advertisers who participated in our Click to Call beta trial saw a 5-30% increase in CTRs, without losing clicks on URLs through to their sites.

Our best performing mobile advertisers have content that is simple to view on a mobile; however that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to build a mobile-specific site. For example, easyJet tested their desktop site on mobile users and saw ROI of 11:1 on flight bookings. Downloaded apps are another invaluable way to offer a good user experience, incentivising repeat purchase.

In summary, mobile can be a more powerful converting channel then desktop search. Ensure you understand what every click from mobile and desktop is worth. Think about the devices they are using to tailor messaging accordingly and encourage interaction.

Experiment now, don’t get left behind!


the Success of Mobile Ad Campaigns Measuring

Like any marketing campaign, it’s important to have clear objectives at the beginning of any activity so that it can be post-evaluated and lessons can be learned for the future. Like its PC ad campaign cousin, mobile is eminently measurable, which can be a missed blessing for marketers – there’s no room to hide or fudge results if the objectives haven’t been achieved.

By Russell Buckley,

Vice President ofGlobal Alliances,



The very basic tools for measurement apply to all mobile ad campaigns and these relate to impressions and click-through rates (CTRs). As we’ve learned from the PC ad environment, this is simply how many times the ad has been seen and how many of the target audience engaged with the ad by clicking it – it’s really measuring the success of the messaging contained in the banner. This functionality should be supplied in real-time by the publisher or network you’re using to run the campaign.

It’s worth noting that these tools shouldn’t just be examined after the campaign has finished, as with more traditional media. Successful mobile marketers monitor these data on an ongoing basis, constantly optimising both the creative execution and ad placement to ensure the very best results from start to finish.

If that’s the GCSE of the mobile ad world, let’s look at some more advanced techniques. When a consumer clicks on an ad, best practice dictates that they should be taken to a landing page, that is both optimised for mobile and designed with this campaign in mind. Too often mobile ad campaigns focus on the initial banner creative and forget that this is only 50% of the challenge. The landing page is equally important as if this doesn’t perform as planned, the click and thus the opportunity to engage with the target audience, will have been wasted.

14 MOBILE Advertising


With so many brands and their differing objectives, it’s hard to generalise about what a good landing page might consist of. But it’s important to think through what you want the customer journey to consist of. As an example, a successful car landing page might invite the consumer to watch video footage of the car in action. Then provide details of their nearest dealer, as well as a more concrete call to action, such as a click-to-call icon, enabling them to arrange a test drive. In this case, reasonable and measurable objectives might be how many consumers watched the video, how many did a dealer look up and how many initiated a test drive.

A much more straightforward example might be for the many brands who have currently launched apps for Apple and Android and want to generate downloads by advertising directly in the mobile channel. In this case, the measurable objective would obviously be how many downloads of the app were generated.

Finally, many brands are used to employing post-evaluation research to measure marketing activity and have continued this discipline into mobile marketing too. Companies such as Dynamic Logic compare consumers who have been exposed to the advertising with a control group and thus can measure variables such as brand awareness, ad recall, message association and purchase intent as a direct result of the campaign.

Mobile advertising is a rapidly evolving channel, so it’s also worth taking a brief look into the immediate future and the impact on measurability this will have. Right now, the market is experimenting with various mobile coupon-driven campaigns, which will offer advertisers the ability to “close the loop” and track from the original ad right through to physical in-store purchase. At that point, mobile will become the most measurable of all media and will have a fundamental impact on how many brands, especially in the FMCG and Impulse sectors, come to view media in the future.

AdMob - Same Publisher Dashboard

Stories SuccessEIGHT

Case Studies

photobox’s use SMS to deliver a seasonal campaign to drive customer acquisition through O2 More

Objectivephotobox wanted to generate new members to their online photo printing service.

Target audienceTarget audience was families and holiday travellers. Based on O2 More opted-in personal preferences O2 Media reached photobox’s target audiences after the Christmas holidays in a relevant and timely manner. The strategyO2 Media sent photobox’s target audience an offer exclusive to O2 customers for 100 free photo prints.


Results7.4% response rate from SMS to landing page55% of those who responded joined photobox 17% of those who responded redeemed the offer

The customer journey

Target audience receives text message from O2 More with “Get 100 free photo prints offer.”Users went through to photobox website and redeemed their unique voucher.The voucher was delivered as a unique alpha-numerical code which the users enter during the offer registration process.

16 MOBILE Advertising


AdMob - Capital FM

Target audience95.8 Capital FM is London’s best known and most popular radio station reaching 1.8 million listeners per week. Their free iPhone application includes real-time radio and visual display of the song being played on air, allows users to access web-cams placed throughout London, and provides news, weather, and travel information.

AdMob increase ranking of 95.8 Capital FM app with geo-targeting

The campaign aimed to increase listeners across the UK.


• Promote application downloads • Increase the ranking of their app within the UK App Store • Help define CPA of listeners

StrategyGeo-targeting accessed more than one million unique iPhone and iPod Touch users in the UK each month. AdMob’s CPC banner ad enabled easy discovery and downloads of the app, taking users direct to the App Store. AdMob’s online Download Tracking service allowed 95.8 Capital FM to measure downloads of their app and determine a clear measurement of the cost per listener acquisition. The campaign was optimised using real-time results.

Results • App rose from 10 to five in the UK App Store music category• CTR 1.35% on average• Conversion rates (clicks resulting in app downloads) of 8% on average• 24,000+ visits to app’s download page• CPA of listener quantified

Emirates Airlines work with Sky to increase exposure as the official FIFA World Cup 2010 airline.

The BriefAs the official airline of the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa, Emirates Airlines approached SDM looking for a fresh, engaging and bespoke opportunity that highlighted their existing partnership 6 months ahead of the tournament and ultimately drove sales of their high end World Cup Package Trips to various games throughout the competition.

Target audience: Males who are affluent, upmarket and hardcore sport fans with a high disposable income.

StrategyTo ensure mass reach and maximum exposure, Emirates road-blocked the following mobile channels for 36hrs...

• Sky Sports Football Score Centre iPhone App • Sky News iPhone App (Sports Channel) • Sky Sports Mobile Site (all handsets) Off-Portal • Sky Sports Mobile Site On-Portal (T-Mobile)

Capitalising on the runaway success of Sky’s iPhone applications along with our leading standard mobile sites this combined to ensure Emirates were the sole sponsor of all World Cup related news along with being the only advertiser around the official draw as it played out live on 2m people’s mobile phones across the country.

Creative execution was a simple yet effective mobile web page requesting users to either click to call or enter their name and email address with an email brochure being sent within minutes. Efforts were time targeted to reduce wastage.

18 MOBILE Advertising

Results • Traffic to the site was 130% higher than the previous Friday• Over 5.5m impressions were delivered (50% higher than predicted)• Average 1.12% CTR• 61,000 people clicked on banner placement• 1,100 calls and brochure requests• Cost per response was 24 times less than in daily and Sunday newspapers• Generated 4 times as many leads


Fitness First use an SMS campaign to target O2 customers who were not members of local Fitness First gyms

ObjectiveGenerate qualified leads for local clubs to follow-up for bookings.

Strategy: SMS campaign to 100,000 customers offering O2 customers an exclusive free 5 day trial for 2 people and a session with a personal trainer.

Targeting: O2 customers who were 15 minutes drive from their nearest Fitness First gym, between ages of 18 to 35 years, matched the Fitness First demographic profile; Ambitious Status Seeker, Fun Loving Socialiser and Free Thinkers.

Results: Fitness First had an impressive response rate of 8.6% (8,600 leads), of which 700 have become members.

O2 sent SMStext message to target audience

Consumer receivesFF voucher for a free 5 days FitnessFirst pass

Local FitnessFirst club ring O2customer to book an appointment

20 MOBILE Advertising

Target audienceAccor is a world leader in hotels and services. Accor’s free iPhone application leverages geo-localization and intuitive map search. Users can add the hotel contact details to their contact lists, find current promotions, book their hotel and check their current reservations. This campaign targeted hotel users in core markets, including UK, France and Italy.

AdMob maximise Accor Hotel’s app ranking with geo-targeting

Objective Maximize app ranking in App Stores with cost-effective downloads.

Strategy Geo-targeting of CPC banner ads on many of the most popular local iPhone apps and sites reached millions of users in AdMob’s network. Users were taken directly from the ad to the App Store download page with just one click for easy discovery and download of the app. PureAgency managed and optimised the campaign by monitoring CPA in real-time through AdMob’s robust `reporting and with their own download measurements.

Results Within the travel category, the app moved up to become one of the highest ranking apps in each App Store: France #2, Italy #4, UK #11. The two week campaign delivered:

• Click-through rates of 1.30% on average• Conversion rates (clicks resulting in app downloads) of 5% on average• Approximately 300,000 visits to app download page



Directory3Neil [email protected]

4th Screen AdvertisingZac Pinkham [email protected]

AdfonicPaul [email protected]

AdMobJonathan [email protected]

Amobee Media Systems Inc.Salem [email protected]

BangoAnil [email protected]

BlisMobileGregor [email protected]

Candyspace Media LtdBritta [email protected]

Central Office of InformationPaul [email protected]

Evolution Mobile PlatformCourtney [email protected]

ExperianAlex [email protected]

GoogleMichael [email protected]

IncentivatedRobert [email protected]

InMobiRob Jonas020 7470 7175

Lucidity MobileDavid [email protected]

MediaCom UK David Fieldhouse [email protected]

Microsoft AdvertisingPaul Lyonette [email protected]

Mindshare WorldwideAdam O’[email protected]

MoMac LimitedChris [email protected]

MovementClive [email protected]

OMDUKAlex [email protected]

O2Shan [email protected]

OpenMarketDavid [email protected]

Orange UKJulie [email protected]

Parrott & Miller David [email protected]

Rapid Mobile Ltd.Shankar [email protected]

Sky Digital MediaMike [email protected]

Somo LtdAndrew [email protected]

Taptu LtdBob [email protected]

TigerSpikeNic Newman020 7802 8005

T-Mobile International UK LtdJames Rowe [email protected]

UnanimisAlex [email protected]

Velti PlcStephen [email protected]

Yahoo! NetworkJohn Tigg,020 7131 1691

YOC GroupChristian [email protected]

Yodel Digital ltdMick [email protected]

For more information on mobile please contact the IAB or any of our members.

Jon Mew, head of mobile, [email protected], 0207 050 6969

With thanks to our sponsor

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