  • 8/13/2019 MLA Demo - 23 Questions With Robert Anton Wilson



    A New Interview

    by jody franklin

    Robert Anton Wilson "is" one who is not "is." Perhaps we may describe him as a psychedelic philosopher, a postmoderntrickster, an intellectual comedian, a twister ripping through the psyche. He first came to prominence as an editor of Playboyin the 1960s. During that time of magick he got involved with the Discordians, a "new religion disguised as a complicated

    joke," or "a complicated joke disguised as a new religion." Along with Robert Shea, he co-authored the Illuminatus! trilogy of

    novels, a work of mind-bending (fiction?) that weaved together multiple conspiracy theories and elevated Discordianism totrue cult status. A close friend of Timothy Leary, he shared Dr. Leary's passions for radical psychology and futurism. His bookPrometheus Rising melded model agnosticism to Leary's 8-circuit model of the brain to create a system that taught peoplehow to deconstruct dogmatic personal belief systems. His numerous other books explored topics such as quantum mechanics,alternate universes, non-Aristotelian logic systems, sex magick, Wilhelm Reich, James Joyce and Orson Welles. His modelagnostic approach to inquiry makes him a unique writer, one of few who can slip seamlessly from rationalist scientificthinking to non-materialist metaphysical speculation.

    While he has struggled with post-polio syndrome in recent years, he remains active in propagating his various passions. LanceBauscher, Cody McClintock and Robert Dofflemyer's 2003 film Maybe Logic explored and presented Wilsonian conceptswrapped in subtle yet explosive color and rhythm, a fitting tribute to his ideas. This project spun off into the Maybe Logic

    Academy, a learning institute that is"grounded in the philosophy and perspective of maybe logic, an approach which emphasizes the fallibility and relativity of

    perception and tends to approach information and observations with questions, probabilities and multiple perspectives ratherthan absolute truths." New Falcon Publications will soon be releasing his new book Email To The Universe.

    (Editor's note: This interview was conducted in two parts, in August 2004 and March 2005.)

    You have a new book coming out called "Tale of the Tribe." What's that all about?

    [RAW] I changed the title to EMAIL TO THE UNIVERSE. It's about James Joyce, Daoism, Internet and Aleister Crowley, plus myusual craziness.

    [MB] It seems a lot of your writings have really connected with people, and perhaps even influenced their thinking andactivities. Because of this effect on your fan base, some have suggested you to be a "cult figure." To make a clever little RAW-like slide here, this seems appropriate, given your early participation in the Discordian Society and your many writings on theIlluminati (a secret cult that may or may not exist.) Surfing the web one may find Discordian groups and references to Eris,golden apples, the Law of the Fives, the number 23, as well as other related ideas. Memes you sent out into the world twenty,thirty years ago continue to thrive and flourish. How do you feel about this legacy of having seeded such a diversity of eclecticmemes?

    [RAW] It's both pleasing and flattering, of course, but I'll feel much happier when Maybe Logic, the Snafu Law and the CosmicSchmuck Law get seeded just as widely, or even more widely.

    [MB] Let's seed them more widely right here! Can you explain to our readers what (Maybe Logic, the Snafu Law and the CosmicSchmuck Law) are?

    [RAW] Maybe Logic is a label that got stuck on my ideas by filmmaker Lance Bauscher. I decided it fits. I certainly recognize thecentral importance in my thinking -- or in my stumbling and fumbling efforts to think -- of non-Aristotelian systems. Thatincludes von Neumann's three-valued logic [true, false, maybe], Rappoport's four-valued logic [true, false, indeterminate,meaningless], Korzybski's multi-valued logic [degrees of probability.] and also Mahayana Buddhist paradoxical logic [it "is" A. it"is" not A, it "is" both A and not A, it "is" neither A nor not A]. But, as an extraordinarily stupid fellow, I can't use such systemsuntil I reduce them to terms a simple mind like mine can handle, so I just preach that we'd all think and act more sanely if wehad to use "maybe" a lot more often. Can you imagine a world with Jerry Falwell hollering "Maybe Jesus 'was' the son of Godand maybe he hates Gay people as much as I do" -- or every tower in Islam resounding with "There 'is' no God except maybeAllah and maybe Mohammed is his prophet"?

    The Snafu law holds that, the greater your power to punish, the less factual feedback you will receive. If you can fire peoplefor telling you what you don't want to hear, you will only hear what you want. This law seems to apply to all authoritariancontraptions, especially governments and corporations. Concretely, I suspect Bozo knows factually less about the world than

    any dogcatcher in Biloxi. The Cosmic Schmuck law holds that [1] the more often you suspect you may be thinking or acting likea Cosmic Schmuck, the less of a Cosmic Schmuck you will become, year by year, and [2] if you never suspect you might think oract like a Cosmic Schmuck, you will remain a Cosmic Schmuck for life.

    [MB] Can E-prime revolutionize the English language?

  • 8/13/2019 MLA Demo - 23 Questions With Robert Anton Wilson


    [RAW] I sure hope so, but it needs help, like more computers online and more pot. LOTS more pot.

    [MB] What is the purpose of your Maybe Logic Academy, and who else is involved? Just what the heck is going on there?

    [RAW]I want to use Internet to accelerate human evolution by replacing faith-based decisions with research-based decisions.The others have similar or compatible goals. Our class leaders include R.U. Sirius, cyber-philosopher; Patricia Monaghan,goddess researcher; Alan Clements, activist and former Buddhist monk; Peter Caroll, mathematician and inventor of Chaosmagick; Douglas Rushkoff, media maven; and others will join up soon.

    [MB] You've written extensively on (and found new applications for) various scientific theories, particularly in the field of

    quantum mechanics. Yet you've maintained a critical distance from the scientific establishment, a kind of heretical voice and asceptic of scepticism. You often cite Dr. Wilhelm Reich's story as an example of authority run amok. The US governmentdestroyed much of Dr. Reich's controversial work, and nobody, particularly fellow scientists, stepped forward in protest ordefence. Science is supposed to be about innovation, yet few scientists seem able to revise their pet theories once they'vebeen accepted. I think this is why many found it shocking when Stephen Hawking recently stepped out and said, "I was wrongabout black holes." Nobody is used to respected figures revising or chucking out their strongly-held beliefs. What is theimportance of heresy, scepticism and unorthodox ideation to the advancement of science?

    [RAW] Let me differentiate between scientific method and the neurology of the individual scientist. Scientific method hasalways depended on feedback [or flip-flopping as the Tsarists call it]; I therefore consider it the highest form of groupintelligence thus far evolved on this backward planet. The individual scientist seems a different animal entirely. The ones I'vemet seem as passionate, and hence as egotistic and prejudiced, as painters, ballerinas or even, God save the mark, novelists.My hope lies in the feedback system itself, not in any alleged saintliness of the individuals in the system.

    [MB] You're a self-described model agnostic, and you've deconstructed all manner of belief systems (BS) in your books. InPrometheus Rising, you encouraged people to consciously enter as many different reality tunnels as possible, to examine theirbeliefs from multiple viewpoints. Human culture is filled with people zealously attached to various orthodoxies and ideologies.The clash of fundamental belief systems has often proven destructive to humankind. What will it take to shake people fromtheir dogmas?

    [RAW] In a word, Internet. Ever since I read Wiener's Cybernetics: Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machineback in 1948 I've thought of "intelligence" as a function of feedback. The more feedback, the higher the measurable"intelligence," and the less feedback, the less "intelligence." As the computer gave birth to the Net and the Web, feedback hasincreased exponentially. As R.U. Sirius wrote recently, "The rise of the Net and the Web represents a victory for thecounterculture and the subculture. The next generation, raised on the Net as their primary medium, won't even know whatconsensus reality is." In other words, feedback and Maybe Logic form a circle that spins faster and faster. The Tsarists fear andhate it -- they call it "flip-flopping" -- but it characterizes all high intelligence systems, electronic or protoplasmic.

    [MB] I agree that the internet seems to be a product of such an accelerated feedback system. This is something we can witnesswith every single online interaction. Now, there has been a lot of talk post-9.11 of an ominous totalitarian spectre looming overus, that Orwell's Big Brother is finally here. There are conspiriologists who believe that the internet, having risen from thePentagon, has never been anything more than a Big Brotherist plot, and that folks like RU Sirius, John Perry Barlow and otherInformation Age philosophers are dupes (un)knowingly(?) providing a libertarian faade for this vast conspiracy. What if theinternet is nothing more than the latest Tsarist method of control and information gathering?

    [RAW] Well, then we're sunk, ain't we? Fortunately, there exists no logical or factual reason to believe that paranoid fantasy,and it is directly contradicted by the hard mathematics of Wiener and Shannon on "redundance of control" in feedback systems.What Juang Jou said of the universe 2400 years ago is even more true of the 4,285,199,774 computer URLs online today - [21August 2004] -"there is no governor anywhere."

    [MB] Speaking of 9.11 and the Pentagon, the day after the airplane split a hole in the side of the building, I immediatelythought of yours and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! novel. In it, the five-sided Pentagon imprisons a supernatural beast called YogSothoth. If this ghoul were to escape, humankind would witness the immanentization of eschaton. This seems to be as apt ametaphor for the current millenarian cultural climate as I've ever seen. So, in a sense, did Yog Sothoth bust out on that day?

    [RAW] Let's not take metaphors too literally. I'll admit Bozo has a lot in common with Yog Sothoth, and that he even has thesame initials as GWB666 in Schrdinger's Cat, but I regard those as accidental hits. I don't think of myself as a sleeping prophet.

    [MB] How close are we to immanentizing eschaton?

    [RAW] It got immanentized 5 years ago when the Supremes called off the election and appointed GWB --the Great Wild Beast--to the white house.

    [MB] You wrote a compelling piece following the 2000 US presidential election, in which you pointed out one of those obviousthings that most people missed: while 50% of eligible voters split their votes between Bush and Gore, the other 50% consciouslychose to vote for Nobody. (I've actually been arguing that, since children, prisoners, aliens and other disenfranchised peoplewere unable to vote, Bush only really got a mandate from about 14% of the American people. So much for "half the country"supporting him, as the media played it.) You've also theorized that a nefarious, neo-autocratic "Tsarist Occupation

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    Government" (TSOG) controls the apparatus of the State. Screw the old Democrat versus Republican debate. Tell me, how doyou think both Nobody and the TSOG will fare in the upcoming presidential election?

    [RAW] I assume most intelligent people will continue to vote for Nobody, and the moron majority will split their votes aboutevenly, depending on which of the two multi-millionaire Skull-and-Bones-men has the most sex appeal. It doesn't really seem tomatter: if the people marginally prefer the "wrong" candidate, the Supreme Court will assuredly "correct" them again. TheTSOG seems a comfortable disease, like death by sleeping sickness. After 7000 years of Authoritarian Patriarchy, most peopleaccept Tsarism and, in America, resent that pesky constitution imposed on them by a few intellectual freemasons.

    [MB] This statement recalls Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism. It seems that there is massive, widespread public mistrust anddisgust in politics and government, not only in the USA but in many parts of the world. Why are citizens so loyal to systems and

    leaders they admittedly have no respect for?

    [RAW] Raymond Chandler, who served as a lieutenant of infantry in World War I, pointed out the same paradox on a smallerscale: in charging an enemy, troops are statistically safer if scattered broadly, but they all show a tendency to bunch togethernear the lieutenant, thereby increasing their risk. This seems a hardwired [even premammalian] vertebrate program. On top ofthat we've got the 7000+ years of authoritarian conditioning documented by Reich. Seems rather bleak, doesn't it? My optimismrests on the fact that, historically, in emergency, people often mutate in unpredictable and creative ways. As John Adams said,the American Revolution took place "in the minds of the people in the 15 years before the first shot was fired." I suspect asimilar revolution is occurring in the minds of educated people worldwide.

    [MB] Across the post-election landscape, there has been much talk of a "divided America," with pundits drawing a hard linebetween "blue states" and "red states." Is this line illusory?

    [RAW] I suspect all lines exist only in our minds -- especially political lines. Universe seems more like waltzing chaos than likean account book.

    [MB] Are we living in Phillip K. Dick's Rome?

    [RAW] Well, Phil certainly lived there. I feel more like I live in Tsarist Russia. Sometimes I think of myself as the lastDecembrist - and if that seems obscure or too kooky, just set your search engine for "Decembrists + Illuminati" and grok in theirfullness the URLs that come up. Anyway, we certainly don't live in a constitutional democracy. I feel almost99.999999999999999999999999999999% sure about that.

    [MB] When I've been severely depressed, or severely stoned, I've been able to actually *feel* Dick's Rome, not just grok it as anintellectual concept. For me this reality tunnel is filled with emotion, paranoia, delusion, synchronicity, symbology, metaphor,heightened awareness. Does it ever go beyond theory for you? Do you *feel* Tsarist Russia?

    [RAW] Frequently--- especially when I test my Buddhist detachment by trying to listen to "our" leaders without growling orcussing under my breath. I feel like the Decembrists, very poignantly. But I also identify a lot the founders of this moribundRepublic. They knew the Constitution alone could not restrain the power lusts of Certain Types and warned that we neededeternal vigilance - - but they could only give us the Constitution, not the vigilance. Alas!

    [MB] It would seem, then, that democracy is a cloak for autocracy. Has that all it's ever been? Or is history cycling backwards,have we collectively betrayed the Enlightenment?

    [RAW] First, my passion turns toward CONSTITUTIONAL democracy, not just "democracy" in general, which I fear as much as ourfounders did. I want LIMITS on government, clearly defined and virtually "graven in stone." As John Adams wrote "My credo isthat despotism or absolute power is the same in a majority of a popular assembly, an aristocratic council, an oligarchical juntaor a single emperor --equally arbitrary, bloody and in every respect diabolical." I agree totally. Yeah, I think we have lost a lotof light lately - and by "we" I mean both the suidaen politicos and the masses.

    [MB] You've had to fight for your right to use marijuana medicinally. How did you become an activist?

    [RAW] I've "activized" for various causes since 1959, because I have that sort of temperament. I got involved actively in themedicinal marijuana cause long before my post-polio symptoms made medical pot necessary in my own case. Now, stuck in awheelchair most of the day, I feel not just activated but super-activated. I supported a wife and four kids most of my life. Ihave 35 books in print. NEW SCIENTIST called my CAT trilogy "the most scientific of all science-fiction novels." Now, at 73, I'mtreated like a child by the TSOG -- and so is my doctor, a fully qualified M.D. Only the Tsar knows what's best for me,medically, and he knows without doing a medical examination even, just by consulting some faith-based organizations... Toquote George Carlin "stunningly, STUNNINGLY, full of shit." If you'd like the view of research-based organizations see

    [MB] You recently founded the Guns & Dope Party to combat the excesses of Tsarism. What are some of the central tenets of

    your party's platform?

    [RAW] Guns for those who want them; no guns forced on those who don't want them [Quakers, Amish, pacifists in general etc.]

    Drugs for those who want them; no drugs forced on those who don't want them [Christian Scientists, herbalists, homeopaths

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    Bipedal unity -- equal rights for ostriches

    Voluntary taxation: you pay for government programs you want; you don't pay a penny for any programs you don't want.

    [MB] Do you feel that Temporary Autonomous Zones or Pirate Utopias have the potential to be free havens from the TSOG?

    [RAW] Temporarily. Only Internet creates the real possibility of a Global Autonomous Zone. I think all problems have gottensolved and will get solved by [a] more information and [b] more rapid and ubiquitous transmission of information

    [MB] The concept of Conspiracy has loomed large in your writings for decades. What fascinates you most about the concept ofconspiracy theory?

    [RAW] My major interest remains, as I said, in the area of non-Aristotelian logics, and around 1969 Bob Shea and I got the ideaof writing a funny novel applying Maybe Logic to the arena of conspiriology. The result, ILLUMINATUS. went so far outsideconsensus reality-tunnels that it took us five years to get it published, and now, for 30 years, I keep receiving feedback fromtwo groups who cannot handle the concept of "maybe" at all, at all. The first group believes fervently, beyond all doubt, that Iendorsed the craziest ideas I've discussed and hence regards me as a dangerous nut. The second group has an equally ardentbelief that I work for the CIA's disinformation bureau and want to make all conspiracy theories look equally crazy. I've writtendozens of books on other subjects, but those two gangs continually provoke my stoned-out sense of humor, so I continuallysurrender to the temptation to have a little more fun with them......

    [MB] Conspiriology is really big these days. Why do you feel people are so drawn to leftfield speculative ideas?

    [RAW] As an admitted Cosmic Schmuck, I don't claim to "know" the answer to that -- or anything else -- but I do have certainpersistent suspicions. I suspect, for instance, that "the Establishment" -- i.e. the TSOG and the corporate media -- have told somany outrageous lies that nobody really fully trusts them anymore. The weapons of mass destruction in Iraq still remain hiddenfrom human perception. After that lie collapsed, the TSOG did not merely appear full of shit; it appeared, to quote Carlinagain, that seems STUNNINGLY full of shit. So naturally a market has grown for explanations of what the hell really motivatesBozo and his gang. I regard my job as applying the same scathing criticism to all models that try to imply the model-makerreally knows more than me and doesn't just guess, and speculate, and grope in the dark, like I admit I do.

    [MB] You are well known for your work exploring speculative theories and esoterica. In books like Sex and Drugs and the CosmicTrigger series, you wrote of experimentation with occult magick. Reflecting upon your numerous forays into these strangeworlds where Science fears to tread, what are the most interesting "secrets" you discovered?

    [RAW] The same that I simultaneously discovered in Buddhism and quantum physics: namely, the alleged "wall" between "me"and "the world" does not exist at all. Clearing thought and language of that fictitious split adds immeasurably to clarity. Oh,yes, and it improves your sense of humor, too!

    [MB] Let's wrap it up with a little humor. Can you tell me a good joke?

    [RAW] Three guys are drinking and arguing in a bar. "I tell you it should be spelled W-O-O-O-M," the first says dogmatically."And I still say W-H-O-O-M sounds right," the second counters. "No, no, no," says the third. 'It's definitely W-H-O-M-B-B." "You'veall got it wrong," offers a gynecologist at the next table. "It's W-O-M-B." They stare at her coldly. "Madam," the first says, "it'sobvious that you've never heard an elephant fart."

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