Page 1: Minterne Junior School · Minterne Junior School Milestones Covered in this Topic Lead Subject: RE • Describe some examples of what Christians do to show their faith, and make connec-

Minterne Junior School

Unit Title: Modern Christianity

Key Question: What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?

Year Group:




Subject Focus: RE

Summary: In this topic, pupils will learn how Christians celebrate their faith within the home and the church. They will look at items from the faith and discuss their importance and will also describe some ways in which Christians express their faith through hymns and modern worship. Pupils will discuss links between the actions of Christians in helping others and ways in which people of other faiths and beliefs help others.

Hook into learning:

Play Kim’s game with a range of objects—some relat-ed to Christianity and some unrelated to the faith.

Opportunities for Home Learning

• Visit St Michael’s Church

Transferrable skills that will be developed in this unit:

• Discuss similarities and differences

New Key Vocabulary:

Holy communion, belief, community, worship, injus-tice, justice


• Ability to discuss and share thoughts and opinions

• A poster to show how Christians help the local com-munity.

Links to PSCHE / SMSC:

• Showing an understanding of people with differ-ent faiths and beliefs.

How does this unit reflect learning for a lifetime?

This unit enables pupils to understand the Christian faith in the modern world and will help them to question, share their opinions and engage in discussions with their peers. They will also develop their skills in discussing similarities and differences between a num-ber of different faiths and between their own lives and that of Chris-tians.

Sharing Success:

• Sharing their work during News-day Tuesday

• Photos and discussions to be put in the RE big book

Page 2: Minterne Junior School · Minterne Junior School Milestones Covered in this Topic Lead Subject: RE • Describe some examples of what Christians do to show their faith, and make connec-

Minterne Junior School

Milestones Covered in this Topic Lead Subject:


• Describe some examples of what Christians do to show their faith, and make connec-tions with some Christian beliefs and teachings.

• Describe some ways in which Christians express their faith through hymns and modern worship.

• Suggest at least two reasons why being a Christian is a good thing in Britain today, and two reasons why it might be hard sometimes.

• Discuss links between the actions of Christians in helping others and ways in which people of other faiths and beliefs, including pupils themselves, help others.

Other subjects:
