Minterne Junior School Unit Title: Gumptious Greeks Key Question: Why should we thank the Ancient Greeks? Year Group: 5 Term: 3 Subject Focus: In this topic children will explore life in Ancient Greece. They will analyse a range of historical sources to help them understand and explain life in Ancient Greece. Greek mythology was a large part of Ancient Greek life and the children will explore some of the most famous stories, such as Odysseus, which is used in English lessons. Also, they will research and discover how famous Greeks still influence our way of life and thinking today and find out how Gods and Goddesses were a large part of Ancient Greek life. Hook into learning: Artefact/research lesson, using QR codes Rainbow Theatre—A Child in Ancient Greece Horrible Histories song Opportunities for Home Learning BBC website KS2 History Family Holidays/relatives living in Greece MyOn Learning Horrible Histories Groovy Greeks Transferrable skills that will be developed in this unit: Geographical knowledge Research using secondary sources Writing in role New Key Vocabulary: ancient civilisation myths legend god goddess Sparta Athens Olympics Minoan culture Greece Outcome: Greek Clay Pot Olympic Programme Seascape Collage Greek Stuffed Peppers Newspaper Report/diary/descriptive writing Links to PSCHE / SMSC: Community Goals Diversity Equality Relationships Keeping safe Assessing risk Moral Dilemmas Changes Separation How does this unit reflect learning for a lifetime? Children will learn research skills, questioning the validity of sources and to give reasoned conclusions about their findings. They will also learn to work collaboratively with their peers in a variety of activi- ties. They will begin to understand how different cultures have influenced our lives in Britain today. Children will learn about food groups and what makes a healthy diet, as well as learning how to prepare a nutritious meal. Sharing Success: Parents on Newsday Tuesday. Seascape displays in corridors Greek Clay Pots to take home

Minterne Junior School - Amazon Web Servicesunderstand and explain life in Ancient Greece. Greek mythology was a large part of Ancient Greek life and the children will explore some

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Page 1: Minterne Junior School - Amazon Web Servicesunderstand and explain life in Ancient Greece. Greek mythology was a large part of Ancient Greek life and the children will explore some

Minterne Junior School

Unit Title: Gumptious Greeks

Key Question: Why should we thank the Ancient Greeks?

Year Group:




Subject Focus:

In this topic children will explore life in Ancient Greece. They will analyse a range of historical sources to help them understand and explain life in Ancient Greece. Greek mythology was a large part of Ancient Greek life and the children will explore some of the most famous stories, such as Odysseus, which is used in English lessons. Also, they will research and discover how famous Greeks still influence our way of life and thinking today and find out how Gods and Goddesses were a large part of Ancient Greek life.

Hook into learning:

Artefact/research lesson, using QR codes

Rainbow Theatre—A Child in Ancient Greece

Horrible Histories song

Opportunities for Home Learning

• BBC website KS2 History • Family Holidays/relatives living in Greece • MyOn Learning • Horrible Histories Groovy Greeks

Transferrable skills that will be developed in this unit:

• Geographical knowledge

• Research using secondary sources

• Writing in role

New Key Vocabulary:

ancient civilisation myths legend

god goddess Sparta Athens Olympics

Minoan culture Greece


• Greek Clay Pot Olympic Programme

• Seascape Collage

• Greek Stuffed Peppers

• Newspaper Report/diary/descriptive writing

Links to PSCHE / SMSC:

Community Goals Diversity Equality Relationships Keeping safe Assessing risk Moral Dilemmas Changes Separation

How does this unit reflect learning for a lifetime?

Children will learn research skills, questioning the validity of sources and to give reasoned conclusions about their findings. They will also learn to work collaboratively with their peers in a variety of activi-ties. They will begin to understand how different cultures have influenced our lives in Britain today. Children will learn about food groups and what makes a healthy diet, as well as learning how to prepare a nutritious meal.

Sharing Success:

• Parents on Newsday Tuesday.

• Seascape displays in corridors

• Greek Clay Pots to take home

Page 2: Minterne Junior School - Amazon Web Servicesunderstand and explain life in Ancient Greece. Greek mythology was a large part of Ancient Greek life and the children will explore some

Minterne Junior School

Milestones Covered in this Topic

Lead Subject:


Understand that a timeline can be divided into BC and AD and BCE Order significant events, movements and dates on a timeline Place current study on a timeline in relation to other studies Ask a variety of questions about the time period studied Describe the main changes in a period of history in good detail Begin to make links between main events, situations and changes within and across

different periods / societies. Compare life in early and late times studied Begin to identify and give reasons for (causes of) results of great historical events or

changes, and the impact on people Begin to describe social, cultural, religious behaviour in Britain and the wider world. Relate current studies to previous studies and make comparisons between different

times in history Begin to understand that different versions of the past exist, giving some reasons for

this. Begin to identify primary and secondary sources Compare accounts of different sources. Fact or fiction. Use historical evidence to build up a picture of life in the time studied Record and communicate learning in a variety of ways Offer some reasons for different versions of events Identify historically significant people and events in situations.

Other subjects: Art

Seascape Collage—Add collage to a painted, printed or drawn background Use a range of media to create collages Use collage as a means of extending work from initial ideas Begin to experiment with a range of textiles to overlap and layer, creating interesting

colours, textures and effects Shape, form, model and construct from observation or imagination

Greek Pots—Develop skills in using clay: Slabs Coils Slips

Produce intricate patterns and textures in a malleable media


Describe how countries and geographical regions and interconnected and interde-


Page 3: Minterne Junior School - Amazon Web Servicesunderstand and explain life in Ancient Greece. Greek mythology was a large part of Ancient Greek life and the children will explore some

Minterne Junior School

Milestones Covered in this Topic Other subjects: English

Discuss and comment on themes and conventions in a variety of genres.

Provide straightforward explanation for the purpose of the language, structure and presentation of texts.

Discuss their understanding of the meaning of words in context, finding other words that are similar

Readily ask questions to enhance their understanding

Make comparisons within and across texts (Eg. Compare two ghost stories).

Draw inferences and justify these with evidence from the text.

Make predictions.

Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph, identifying key details which support these.

Participate in discussion about books:

Expressing and justifying opinions.

Building on ideas.

Challenging others’ views courteously.

Discuss and develop initial ideas in order to plan and draft before writing.

Write to suit purpose and with a growing awareness of audience, using appropriate features. May in-

clude humour or suspense.

Organise writing into sections or paragraphs; create cohesion by linking ideas within paragraphs. (Joins

between sections may need development; coverage within sections may vary.)

Use a range of presentational devices, including use of title, subheadings and bullet points.

Use dialogue to indicate character and event.

Describe characters, settings and plot, with growing precision.

Evaluate own and others’ writing; with direction, proof read, edit and revise.

Write a range of sentence structures which are grammatically accurate. Understand ‘relative clause’

which begins with relative pronouns: who, which, where, when, whose.

Speak audibly and fluently, being more confident to select and use appropriate registers for effective

communication, including an increasing command of Standard English

Perform their own compositions, using appropriate intonation and volume so that meaning is clear

Extend confidence and mastery of language through public speaking, performance and debate

Give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives for different purpose; express feelings


Explain their understanding of what they have read, including through formal presentation, maintaining

a focus on the topic

Gain, maintain and monitor the interest of the listenerConsider and evaluate different viewpoints

Initiate and respond to the comments of others

Maintain attention, being able to participate actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic

Participate in discussion about books, building on their own and others’ ideas, and challenging views


Ask relevant questions to extend their knowledge and understanding

Articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions with increasing confidence

Develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas

Understand and use the conventions for discussion and debate

Page 4: Minterne Junior School - Amazon Web Servicesunderstand and explain life in Ancient Greece. Greek mythology was a large part of Ancient Greek life and the children will explore some

New Key Vocabulary










Page 5: Minterne Junior School - Amazon Web Servicesunderstand and explain life in Ancient Greece. Greek mythology was a large part of Ancient Greek life and the children will explore some