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Submitted as Minor Training Report in Partial fulfillment for the award of Graduate Degree in Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology.

Submitted to: Submitted By:

Mrs. Asmita Moghe Ankit Saxena

IT Semester VII


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June – 2009


This is to certify that the Training Report being submitted by Ankit Saxena, student of the

Seventh Semester, Degree in Information Technology has done his work as MINOR TRAINING

REPORT for the Partial fulfillment of the degree from RGPV, Bhopal (M.P.) is a record of

bonafide work done by him under our supervision.

Prof. Asmita Moghe Prof. Roopam Gupta

Reader Head

Information Technology Information Technology


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I take the opportunity to express my cordial gratitude and deep sense of indebtedness to my guide Mr Tilak Raj Kapoor for the valuable guidance and inspiration throughout the project duration. I feel Thankful to him for his innovative ideas, which led to successful completion of this training. I feel proud and fortunate to work under such an outstanding mentor in the field of Software Development Life Cycle. He has always welcomed my problem and helped me to clear my doubt. I will always be grateful to him for providing me moral support and sufficient time.

I owe sincere thanks to The HOD, Department of Information Technology, Prof. Roopam Gupta Madam, who gave us this opportunity to go out and explore the real industrial experience.

At the same time, I would like to thank Prof. Asmita Moghe Madam and all other faculty members and all non-teaching staff in Information Technology Department for their valuable co-operation.

Ankit Saxena



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Table of Contents

Sr. Contents Page

1. Software Development Life Cycle 5

2. Software Development Methodology 8

2.1 Waterfall Model 9

2.2 Prototyping 11

2.3 Spiral Model 16

2.4 Rapid Application Development 18

3. Agile Software Development 19

4. Feature Driven Development 21

5. Scrum 23

6. Extreme Programming 24

7. Adaptive Software Development 25

8. Rational Unified Process 25

9. Dynamic System Development Method 26

10. References 29

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1. Software Development Life Cycle

The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), or Software Development Life Cycle in systems engineering and software engineering, is the process of creating or altering systems, and the models and methodologies that people use to develop these systems.

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is any logical process used by a systems analyst to develop an information system, including requirements, validation, training, and user ownership. Any SDLC should result in a high quality system that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within time and cost estimates, works effectively and efficiently in the current and planned Information Technology infrastructure, and is inexpensive to maintain and cost-effective to enhance.

Computer systems have become more complex and often (especially with the advent of Service-Oriented Architecture) link multiple traditional systems potentially supplied by different software vendors. SDLC models can be described along a spectrum of agile to iterative to sequential. Agile methodologies, such as XP and Scrum, focus on light-weight processes which allow for rapid changes along the development cycle. Some agile and iterative proponents confuse the term SDLC with sequential or "more traditional" processes; however, SDLC is an umbrella term for all methodologies for the design, implementation, and release of software. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) adheres to important phases that are essential for developers, such as planning, analysis, design, and implementation.

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Some argue that the SDLC no longer applies to models like Agile computing, but it is still a term widely in use in Technology circles. The SDLC practice has advantages in traditional models of software development that lends itself more to a structured environment. The disadvantages to using the SDLC methodology is when there is need for iterative development or (i.e. web development or e-commerce) where stakeholders need to review on a regular basis the software being designed. Instead of viewing SDLC from a strength or weakness perspective, it is far more important to take the best practices from the SDLC model and apply it to whatever may be most appropriate for the software being designed.

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Strength and Weaknesses of SDLC

Strengths Weaknesses

1. Control. 1. Increased development time.

2. Monitor Large projects. 2. Increased development cost.

3. Detailed steps. 3. Systems must be defined up front.

4. Evaluate costs and completion targets. 4. Rigidity.

5. Documentation. 5. Hard to estimate costs, project overruns.

6. Well defined user input. 6. User input is sometimes limited.

7. Ease of maintenance.

8. Development and design standards.

9. Tolerates changes in MIS staffing.

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2. Software Development Methodology

A software development methodology refers to the framework that is used to structure, plan, and control the process of developing an information system. A wide variety of such frameworks have evolved over the years, each with its own recognized strengths and weaknesses. One system development methodology is not necessarily suitable for use by all projects. Each of the available methodologies is best suited to specific kinds of projects, based on various technical, organizational, project and team considerations.[1]

The framework of a software development methodology consists of:

A software development philosophy, with the approach or approaches of the software development process

Multiple tools, models and methods, to assist in the software development process.

These frameworks are often bound to some kind of organization, which further develops, supports the use, and promotes the methodology. The methodology is often documented in some kind of formal documentation.

Every software development methodology has more or less its own approach to software development. There is a set of more general approaches, which are developed into several specific methodologies. These approaches are:

1. Waterfall: linear framework type.

2. Prototyping: iterative framework type

3. Spiral: combination linear and iterative framework type

4. Rapid Application Development (RAD): Iterative Framework Type

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2.1 Waterfall model


The waterfall model is a sequential software development process, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of Conception, Initiation, Analysis, Design (validation), Construction, Testing and maintenance. The waterfall development model has its origins in the manufacturing and construction industries; highly structured physical environments in which after-the-fact changes are prohibitively costly, if not impossible. Since no formal software development methodologies existed at the time, this hardware-oriented model was simply adapted for software development.

The first formal description of the waterfall model is often cited to be an article published in 1970 by Winston W. Royce (1929–1995), although Royce did not use the term "waterfall" in this article. Royce was presenting this model as an example of a flawed, non-working model (Royce 1970). This is in fact the way the term has generally been used in writing about software development—as a way to criticize a commonly used software practice.

In Royce's original Waterfall model, the following phases are followed in order:

1. Requirements specification

2. Design

3. Construction (AKA implementation or coding)

4. Integration

5. Testing and debugging (AKA Validation)

6. Installation

7. Maintenance

To follow the waterfall model, one proceeds from one phase to the next in a purely sequential manner. For example, one first completes requirements specification, which is set in stone. When the requirements are fully completed, one proceeds to design. The software in question is designed and a blueprint is drawn for implementers (coders) to follow — this design should be a plan for implementing the requirements given. When the design is fully completed, an implementation of that design is made by coders. Towards the later stages of this implementation phase, separate software components produced are combined to introduce new functionality and reduced risk through the removal of errors.

Thus the waterfall model maintains that one should move to a phase only when its preceding phase is completed and perfected. However, there are various modified waterfall

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models (including Royce's final model) that may include slight or major variations upon this process.

Figure 1: Waterfall Model


The waterfall model is argued by many to be a bad idea in practice. This is mainly because of their belief that it is impossible for any non-trivial project to get one phase of a software product's lifecycle perfected, before moving on to the next phases and learning from them. Designers may not be aware of future implementation difficulties when writing a design for an unimplemented software product. That is, it may become clear in the implementation phase that a particular area of program functionality is extraordinarily difficult to implement. If this is the case, it is better to revise the design than to persist in using a design that was made based on faulty predictions and that does not account for the newly discovered problem areas. Even without such changing of the specification during implementation, there are the possibilities of either to start a new SW project from a scratch, "on a green field", or to continue some already existing, "a brown field" (from construction again). The waterfall methodology can be used for

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continuous enhancement, even for existing SW, originally from another team. As well as in the case when the system's analyst fails to capture the customer requirements correctly, the resulting impacts on the following phases (mainly the coding) still can be tamed by this methodology, in practice: A challenging job for a QA team. The idea behind the waterfall model may be "measure twice; cut once", and those opposed to the waterfall model argue that this idea tends to fall apart when the problem being measured is constantly changing due to requirement modifications and new realizations about the problem itself. As a solution can serve some "investment of man-time", ordering some experienced developer to spend time on refactoring, to consolidate the SW back together. Another approach is to prevent these needs by a predicting design, targeting modularity with interfaces.

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2.2 Prototyping

Software prototyping, an activity during certain software development, is the creation of prototypes, i.e., incomplete versions of the software program being developed.

A prototype typically simulates only a few aspects of the features of the eventual program, and may be completely different from the eventual implementation.

The conventional purpose of a prototype is to allow users of the software to evaluate developers' proposals for the design of the eventual product by actually trying them out, rather than having to interpret and evaluate the design based on descriptions. Prototyping can also be used by end users to describe and prove requirements that developers have not considered, so “controlling can be a key factor in the commercial relationship between solution providers and their clients.

Prototyping has several benefits: The software designer and implementer can obtain feedback from the users early in the project. The client and the contractor can compare if the software made matches the software specification, according to which the software program is built. It also allows the software engineer some insight into the accuracy of initial project estimates and whether the deadlines and milestones proposed can be successfully met. The degree of completeness and the techniques used in the prototyping have been in development and debate since its proposal in the early 1970s.[6]

This process is in contrast with the 1960s and 1970s monolithic development cycle of building the entire program first and then working out any inconsistencies between design and implementation, which led to higher software costs and poor estimates of time and cost. The monolithic approach has been dubbed the "Slaying the (software) Dragon" technique, since it assumes that the software designer and developer is a single hero who has to slay the entire dragon alone. Prototyping can also avoid the great expense and difficulty of changing a finished software product.

The process of prototyping involves the following steps

Identify basic requirements

Determine basic requirements including the input and output information desired. Details, such as security, can typically be ignored.

Develop Initial Prototype

The initial prototype is developed that includes only user interfaces.

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The customers, including end-users, examine the prototype and provide feedback on additions or changes.

Revise and Enhance the Prototype

Using the feedback both the specifications and the prototype can be improved. Negotiation about what is within the scope of the contract/product may be necessary. If changes are introduced then a repeat of steps #3 ands #4 may be needed.

Software prototyping has many variants. However, all the methods are in some way based on two major Types of prototyping: Throwaway Prototyping and Evolutionary Prototyping.

Figure 2: Prototyping Model

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Advantages of Prototyping

There are many advantages to using prototyping in software development – some tangible, some abstract.

Reduced time and costs: Prototyping can improve the quality of requirements and specifications provided to developers. Because changes cost exponentially more to implement as they are detected later in development, the early determination of what the user really wants can result in faster and less expensive software.

Improved and increased user involvement: Prototyping requires user involvement and allows them to see and interact with a prototype allowing them to provide better and more complete feedback and specifications. The presence of the prototype being examined by the user prevents many misunderstandings and miscommunications that occur when each side believe the other understands what they said. Since users know the problem domain better than anyone on the development team does, increased interaction can result in final product that has greater tangible and intangible quality. The final product is more likely to satisfy the users desire for look, feel and performance.

Disadvantages of Prototyping

Using, or perhaps misusing, prototyping can also have disadvantages.

Insufficient analysis: The focus on a limited prototype can distract developers from properly analyzing the complete project. This can lead to overlooking better solutions, preparation of incomplete specifications or the conversion of limited prototypes into poorly engineered final projects that are hard to maintain. Further, since a prototype is limited in functionality it may not scale well if the prototype is used as the basis of a final deliverable, which may not be noticed if developers are too focused on building a prototype as a model.

User confusion of prototype and finished system: Users can begin to think that a prototype, intended to be thrown away, is actually a final system that merely needs to be finished or polished. (They are, for example, often unaware of the effort needed to add error-checking and security features which a prototype may not have.) This can lead them to expect the prototype to accurately model the performance of the final system when this is not the intent of the developers. Users can also become attached to features that were included in a prototype for consideration and then removed from the specification for a final system. If users are able to require all proposed features be included in the final system this can lead to conflict.

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Developer misunderstanding of user objectives: Developers may assume that users share their objectives (e.g. to deliver core functionality on time and within budget), without understanding wider commercial issues. For example, user representatives attending Enterprise software (e.g. PeopleSoft) events may have seen demonstrations of "transaction auditing" (where changes are logged and displayed in a difference grid view) without being told that this feature demands additional coding and often requires more hardware to handle extra database accesses. Users might believe they can demand auditing on every field, whereas developers might think this is feature creep because they have made assumptions about the extent of user requirements. If the solution provider has committed delivery before the user requirements were reviewed, developers are between a rock and a hard place, particularly if user management derives some advantage from their failure to implement requirements.

Developer attachment to prototype: Developers can also become attached to prototypes they have spent a great deal of effort producing; this can lead to problems like attempting to convert a limited prototype into a final system when it does not have an appropriate underlying architecture. (This may suggest that throwaway prototyping, rather than evolutionary prototyping, should be used.)

Excessive development time of the prototype: A key property to prototyping is the fact that it is supposed to be done quickly. If the developers lose sight of this fact, they very well may try to develop a prototype that is too complex. When the prototype is thrown away the precisely developed requirements that it provides may not yield a sufficient increase in productivity to make up for the time spent developing the prototype. Users can become stuck in debates over details of the prototype, holding up the development team and delaying the final product.

Expense of implementing prototyping: the start up costs for building a development team focused on prototyping may be high. Many companies have development methodologies in place, and changing them can mean retraining, retooling, or both. Many companies tend to just jump into the prototyping without bothering to retrain their workers as much as they should.

A common problem with adopting prototyping technology is high expectations for productivity with insufficient effort behind the learning curve. In addition to training for the use of a prototyping technique, there is an often overlooked need for developing corporate and project specific underlying structure to support the technology. When this underlying structure is omitted, lower productivity can often result.

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2.3 Spiral Model

The spiral model is a software development process combining elements of both design and prototyping-in-stages, in an effort to combine advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts. Also known as the spiral lifecycle model (or spiral development), it is a systems development method (SDM) used in information technology (IT). This model of development combines the features of the prototyping model and the waterfall model. The spiral model is intended for large, expensive and complicated projects.

The steps in the spiral model iteration can be generalized as follows:

1. The new system requirements are defined in as much detail as possible. This usually involves interviewing a number of users representing all the external or internal users and other aspects of the existing system.

2. A preliminary design is created for the new system. This phase is the most important part of "Spiral Model". In this phase all possible (and available) alternatives, which can help in developing a cost effective project are analyzed and strategies are decided to use them. This phase has been added specially in order to identify and resolve all the possible risks in the project development. If risks indicate any kind of uncertainty in requirements, prototyping may be used to proceed with the available data and find out possible solution in order to deal with the potential changes in the requirements.

3. A first prototype of the new system is constructed from the preliminary design. This is usually a scaled-down system, and represents an approximation of the characteristics of the final product.

4. A second prototype is evolved by a fourfold procedure:

a) evaluating the first prototype in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, and risks;

b) defining the requirements of the second prototype;

c) planning and designing the second prototype;

d) Constructing and testing the second prototype.

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Figure 3: Spiral Model

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2.4 Rapid Application Development

Rapid Application Development (RAD) refers to a type of software development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping. The "planning" of software developed using RAD is interleaved with writing the software itself. The lack of extensive pre-planning generally allows software to be written much faster, and makes it easier to change requirements. The shift from traditional session-based client/server development to open session less and collaborative development like Web 2.0 has increased the need for faster iterations through the phases of the SDLC. This, coupled with the growing utilization of open source frameworks and products in core commercial development, has, for many developers, rekindled interest in finding a silver bullet RAD methodology.

Although most RAD methodologies foster software re-use, small team structure and distributed system development, most RAD practitioners recognize that, ultimately, there is no single “rapid” methodology that can provide an order of magnitude improvement over any other development methodology.

All flavors of RAD have the potential for providing a good framework for faster product development with improved code quality, but successful implementation and benefits often hinge on project type, schedule, software release cycle and corporate culture. It may also be of interest that some of the largest software vendors such as Microsoft and IBM] do not extensively utilize RAD in the development of their flagship products and for the most part, they still primarily rely on traditional waterfall methodologies with some degree of spiraling.

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3. Agile Software Development

Agile software development refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams. The term was coined in the year 2001 when the Agile Manifesto was formulated.

Agile methods generally promote a disciplined project management process that encourages frequent inspection and adaptation, a leadership philosophy that encourages teamwork, self-organization and accountability, a set of engineering best practices that allow for rapid delivery of high-quality software, and a business approach that aligns development with customer needs and company goals. Conceptual foundations of this framework are found in modern approaches to operations management and analysis, such as lean manufacturing, soft systems methodology, speech act theory (network of conversations approach), and Six Sigma.

Agile methods are a family of development processes, not a single approach to software development. The Agile Manifesto states:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a planThat is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

Some of the principles behind the Agile Manifesto are:

Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software

Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)

Working software is the principal measure of progress

Even late changes in requirements are welcomed

Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers

Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location)

Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted

Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design

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Self-organizing teams

Regular adaptation to changing circumstances

The manifesto spawned a movement in the software industry known as agile software development.

The functioning principles of Agile can be found in lean manufacturing and six sigma. These concepts include error proofing, eliminating waste, creating flow, adding customer value, and empowering workers. The concepts were first formally espoused in the 14 principles of the Toyota Way, the two pillars of the Toyota Production System (Just-in-time and smart automation), the 5S methodology, and Deming’s 14 points. These have been summarized in the seven points of lean software development.

Figure 4: Agile SDLC Phases

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4. Feature Driven Development

Feature Driven Development (FDD) is an iterative and incremental software development process. It is one of a number of Agile methods for developing software and forms part of the Agile Alliance. FDD blends a number of industry-recognized best practices into a cohesive whole. These practices are all driven from a client-valued functionality (feature) perspective. Its main purpose is to deliver tangible, working software repeatedly in a timely manner.

FDD is a model-driven short-iteration process that consists of five basic activities. For accurate state reporting and keeping track of the software development project, milestones that mark the progress made on each feature are defined. This section gives a high level overview of the activities.

Develop Overall Model

The project starts with a high-level walkthrough of the scope of the system and its context. Next, detailed domain walkthroughs are held for each modeling area. In support of each domain, walkthrough models are then composed by small groups which are presented for peer review and discussion. One of the proposed models or a merge of them is selected which becomes the model for that particular domain area. Domain area models are merged into an overall model, the overall model shape being adjusted along the way.

Build Feature List

The knowledge that is gathered during the initial modeling is used to identify a list of features. This is done by functionally decomposing the domain into subject areas. Subject areas each contain business activities, the steps within each business activity form the categorized feature list. Features in this respect are small pieces of client-valued functions expressed in the form <action> <result> <object>, for example: ´Calculate the total of a sale´ or ´Validate the password of a user´. Features should not take more than two weeks to complete, else they should be broken down into smaller pieces.

Plan By Feature

Now that the feature list is complete, the next step is to produce the development plan. Class ownership is done by ordering and assigning features (or feature sets) as classes to chief programmers.

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Design By Feature

A design package is produced for each feature. A chief programmer selects a small group of features that are to be developed within two weeks. Together with the corresponding class owners, the chief programmer works out detailed sequence diagrams for each feature and refines the overall model. Next, the class and method prologues are written and finally a design inspection is held.

Build By Feature

After a successful design inspection a per feature activity to produce a completed client-valued function (feature) is being produced. The class owners develop the actual code for their classes. After a unit test and a successful code inspection, the completed feature is promoted to the main build.


Since features are small, completing a feature is a relatively small task. For accurate state reporting and keeping track of the software development project it is however important to mark the progress made on each feature. FDD therefore defines six milestones per feature that are to be completed sequentially. The first three milestones are completed during the Design By Feature activity, the last three are completed during the Build By Feature activity. To help with tracking progress, a percentage complete is assigned to each milestone. In the table below the milestones (and their completion percentage) are shown. A feature that is still being coded is 44% complete (Domain Walkthrough 1%, Design 40% and Design Inspection 3% = 44%).

5. Scrum

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Scrum is an iterative incremental framework for managing complex work (such as new product development) commonly used with agile software development. Although the word is not an acronym, some companies implementing the process have been known to spell it with capital letters as SCRUM. This may be due to one of Ken Schwaber's early papers, which capitalized SCRUM in the title.

Although Scrum was intended for management of software development projects, it can be used to run software maintenance teams, or as a general project/program management approach.

Scrum is a "process skeleton," which contains sets of practices and predefined roles. The main roles in Scrum are:

1. the "ScrumMaster", who maintains the processes (typically in lieu of a project manager);

2. the "Product Owner", who represents the stakeholders;

3. the "Team", a cross-functional group of about 7 people who do the actual analysis, design, implementation, testing, etc.

During each "sprint", typically a two to four week period (with the length being decided by the team), the team creates a potentially shippable product increment (for example, working and tested software). The set of features that go into a sprint come from the product "backlog," which is a prioritized set of high level requirements of work to be done. Which backlog items go into the sprint is determined during the sprint planning meeting. During this meeting, the Product Owner informs the team of the items in the product backlog that he or she wants completed. The team then determines how much of this they can commit to complete during the next sprint. During a sprint, no one is allowed to change the sprint backlog, which means that the requirements are frozen for that sprint. After a sprint is completed, the team demonstrates the use of the software.

Scrum enables the creation of self-organizing teams by encouraging co-location of all team members, and verbal communication across all team members and disciplines that are involved in the project.

A key principle of Scrum is its recognition that during a project the customers can change their minds about what they want and need (often called requirements churn), and that unpredicted challenges cannot be easily addressed in a traditional predictive or planned manner. As such, Scrum adopts an empirical approach—accepting that the problem cannot be fully understood

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or defined, focusing instead on maximizing the team's ability to deliver quickly and respond to emerging requirements.

There are several implementations of systems for managing the Scrum process, which range from yellow stickers and whiteboards, to software packages. One of Scrum's biggest advantages is that it is very easy to learn and requires little effort to start using.

6. Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development methodology which is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements. As a type of agile software development, it advocates frequent "releases" in short development cycles (timeboxing), which is intended to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints where new customer requirements can be adopted.

Other elements of Extreme Programming include: programming in pairs or doing extensive code review, unit testing of all code, avoiding programming of features until they are actually needed, a flat management structure, simplicity and clarity in code, expecting changes in the customer's requirements as time passes and the problem is better understood, and frequent communication with the customer and among programmers. The methodology takes its name from the idea that the beneficial elements of traditional software engineering practices are taken to "extreme" levels, on the theory that if some is good, more is better. It is unrelated to "cowboy coding", which is more free-form and unplanned. It does not advocate "death march" work schedules, but instead working at a sustainable pace.

Critics have noted several potential drawbacks, including problems with unstable requirements, no documented compromises of user conflicts, and lack of an overall design spec or document.

7. Adaptive Software Development

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Adaptive Software Development is a software development process that grew out of rapid application development work by Jim Highsmith and Sam Bayer. ASD embodies the principle that continuous adaptation of the process to the work at hand is the normal state of affairs.

ASD replaces the traditional waterfall cycle with a repeating series of speculate, collaborate, and learn cycles. This dynamic cycle provides for continuous learning and adaptation to the emergent state of the project. The characteristics of an ASD life cycle are that it is mission focused, feature based, iterative, time boxed, risk driven, and change tolerant.

The word “speculate” refers to the paradox of planning – it is more likely to assume that all stakeholders are comparably wrong for certain aspects of the project’s mission, while trying to define it. Collaboration refers to the efforts for balancing the work based on predictable parts of the environment (planning and guiding them) and adapting to the uncertain surrounding mix of changes caused by various factors – technology, requirements, stakeholders, software vendors, etc. The learning cycles, challenging all stakeholders, are based on the short iterations with design, build and testing. During these iterations the knowledge is gathered by making small mistakes based on false assumptions and correcting those mistakes, thus leading to greater experience and eventually mastery in the problem domain.

8. Rational Unified Process (RUP)

The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an iterative software development process framework created by the Rational Software Corporation, a division of IBM since 2003. RUP is not a single concrete prescriptive process, but rather an adaptable process framework, intended to be tailored by the development organizations and software project teams that will select the elements of the process that are appropriate for their needs.

9. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

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Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is a software development methodology originally based upon the Rapid Application Development methodology. DSDM is an iterative and incremental approach that emphasizes continuous user involvement.

Its goal is to deliver software systems on time and on budget while adjusting for changing requirements along the development process. DSDM is one of a number of Agile methods for developing software, and it forms a part of the Agile Alliance.

As an extension of rapid application development, DSDM focuses on Information Systems projects that are characterized by tight schedules and budgets. DSDM addresses the most common failures of information systems projects, including exceeding budgets, missing deadlines, and lack of user involvement and top-management commitment. By encouraging the use of RAD, however, careless adoption of DSDM may increase the risk of cutting too many corners. DSDM consists of

Three phases: pre-project phase, project life-cycle phase, and post-project phase.

A project life-cycle phase subdivided into 5 stages: feasibility study, business study, functional model iteration, design and build iteration, and implementation.

In some circumstances, there are possibilities to integrate practices from other methodologies, such as Rational Unified Process (RUP), Extreme Programming (XP), and PRINCE2, as complements to DSDM. Another agile method that has some similarity in process and concept to DSDM is Scrum.

DSDM was developed in the United Kingdom in the 1990s by the DSDM Consortium, an association of vendors and experts in the field of software engineering created with the objective of "jointly developing and promoting an independent RAD framework" by combining their best practice experiences. The DSDM Consortium is a not-for-profit, vendor-independent organization which owns and administers the DSDM framework. The first version was completed in January 1995 and was published in February 1995. The current version in use (as of April 2006) is Version 4.2: Framework for Business Centered Development, and was released in May 2003. In July 2006, DSDM Public Version 4.2[1] was made available for individuals to view and use; however, anyone reselling DSDM must still be a member of the not-for-profit consortium.

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Figure 5: DSDM Development Process


There are 9 underlying principles consisting of four foundations and five starting-points.

User involvement is the main key in running an efficient and effective project, where both users and developers share a workplace, so that the decisions can be made accurately.

The project team must be empowered to make decisions that are important to the progress of the project without waiting for higher-level approval.

A focus on frequent delivery of products, with assumption that to deliver something "good enough" earlier is always better than to deliver everything "perfectly" in the end. By delivering product frequently from an early stage of the project, the product can be tested and reviewed where the test record and review document can be taken into account at the next iteration or phase.

The main criteria for acceptance of a "deliverable" is delivering a system that addresses the current business needs. Delivering a perfect system which addresses all possible business needs is less important than focusing on critical functionalities.

Development is iterative and incremental and driven by users’ feedback to converge on an effective business solution.

All changes during the development are reversible.

The high level scope and requirements should be base-lined before the project starts.

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Testing is carried out throughout the project life-cycle.

Communication and cooperation among all project stakeholders is required to be efficient and effective.

10. References

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Software Engineering, Version 6

Roger Pressman, TMH Publishers

An Integrated Approach to Software EngineeringPankaj Jalote Online Encyclopedia

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