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    What Is A Migraine?

    To most people, headaches appear as a mild inconvenience that may or may not briefly interrupt

    their day. Many are able to take a few aspirin and no more than 20 minutes later they are back on

    track. Unfortunately, not everyone experiences such mild symptoms. Millions of men and

    women of all ages suffer from an intense headache, also known as a migraine, which can literally

    leave them temporarily immobilized. For those that have never experienced a migraine, it is

    difficult to imagine just how painful one can be.

    Migraine headaches are a chronic neurological disorder caused by an enlargement of blood

    vessels in the brain. This results in a release of a series of chemicals which attack the arteries in

    the brain. The effect of these swollen arteries

    manifests as painful symptoms which

    continue to magnify until the arteries have

    stopped expanding, indicating some form of

    relief has been found.

    Migraine headaches are often spurred by daily

    activities that seem small and insignificant but

    can actually increase the onset of a migraine,

    such as cleaning or doing yard work. Migraine

    headaches often start revealing signs several

    hours and even days before attacking in full force. Many find that a dark room and quiet bed are

    the first steps necessary to feeling better, which lessens effects of the activated sympathetic

    nervous system.

    The sympathetic nervous system is associated with the desires, feelings and emotions that come

    naturally to humans as a way of dealing or coping with stress and pain. Once activated, the

    sympathetic nervous system develops symptoms that hinder ones functionality at work and at


    Migraines inflict more than twenty million people in the United States alone. The sufferers

    family tends to suffer as well; affected both financially and emotionally. Due to the loss of

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    income from a person unable to work due to illness, the productivity around the home lessening,

    and valuable time being cut short as a result of the painful symptoms associated with migraine

    headaches; it is a family affair.

    What Are The Symptom Of A Migraine?

    Symptoms of a migraine headache can vary from moderate to intense and can affect people

    differently, however, listed below are the more common symptoms associated with and

    described by migraine headache sufferers.

    An intense throbbing, pounding feeling typically located on one side of the forehead (often

    referred to as unilateral pain, meaning it is felt on one specific side)

    Pain in the back of the head

    Pain right above one eye

    Reports have shown that about one-third of migraine headaches are described as being felt on

    both sides of the head, also referred to as bilateral

    Migraine pains often alternate sides from one attack to the next

    If you have frequent migraine attacks on the same side of the head please speak with your

    doctor immediately as this could imply something more serious is occurring. Nausea




    Coldness in the hands and feet

    Sensitivity to light and sound

    The pain associated with a migraine is so intense that the inflicted person is increasingly

    sensitive to light and sound. It can be painful to open ones eyes, performing tasks with a

    migraine intensifies the symptoms, and nausea is also very common. Most sufferers find

    themselves debilitated; utterly unable to function or work while dealing with a migraine. Taking

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    necessary measures before the symptoms get bad often help lessen the effects associated with a

    migraine. Being aware of the signals that a migraine is about to occur will help with these

    measures, and a shocking 40% of most migraines have preemptive signs.

    Preemptive Warning Signs

    Migraine headaches are often a recurring condition. It can be very helpful to the individuals who

    suffer from frequent migraines to become familiar with the warning signs that a migraine is in

    the process of developing. By recognizing the warning signs or symptoms commonly related to a

    migraine, the sufferer is better able to prepare emotionally and physically for the onset of intense

    head pain. Preparation can limit the immobilizing effect that a migraine headache can have by

    allowing preventative measure to be taken for migraine relief. If left untreated migraines can last

    up to seventy-two hours. Preventative steps can help limit the amount of time taken away from

    work and family.

    Since most migraines sufferers experience migraines on a recurring basis, it is important to be

    aware of what the preemptive warning signs are. This is the most effective way to lessen the

    chances of suffering from an intense migraine that will render one immobile. The warning signs

    are often and easily overlooked or explained away. However, if these warning signs are noted

    and charted migraine symptoms can become less apparent and sometimes migraines can even be

    stopped before they get started.


    Sudden irritability or changes in mood


    Bouts of depression

    Obsessive yawning

    Cravings for foods high in sugar or salt

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    It is very easy to overlook many of these symptoms and they do go unnoticed by most. Those

    that suffer with frequent migraine headaches should take note of the warnings signs, chart them

    and prepare for the onset of a migraine headache.

    How Can I Tell The Difference Between A Headache And A Migraine?

    Headaches and migraines both have similar painful symptoms, so how do you differentiate

    between the two? Though both a headache and a migraine have certain similarities, there are a

    few distinct characteristics that set the two apart.

    Headaches attack quickly and with no warning

    Headaches typically do not render one immobile or unproductive

    Migraines can last up to three days, headaches tend to go away after a few hours

    Headache pain is less intense and is generally felt all over the head

    Pain and irritability do occur with a headache but typically reside after over the counter

    medicine is consumed; migraine sufferers do not have such a quick and easy rebound,

    even with medicine

    Feelings of nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound are all characteristics of a

    migraine and will not be present with a headache

    Most headaches are short lived and present no cause for real concern. There are cases when a

    headache causes severe tension in the facial muscles, putting a strain on the neck, shoulders and

    eyes. Such headaches are called tension headaches and can be treated with over the counter

    medication. Headaches and the associated pain effect around forty million people in the United

    States yearly, making headaches a common complaint and ailment.

    Diagnosing Migraines

    Migraines are not yet fully understood. Scientific research is constantly unveiling new

    information evolving around the topic of migraines and new data is regularly tested and

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    recorded. The diagnosis of migraines is often marked by recurring symptoms that appear often

    and are strong enough to warrant concern. Other factors taken into consideration are gender, age

    and family history.

    Headaches and migraines tend to follow a pattern. If you are experiencing any kind of pain or

    symptom which causes home and work life to become unmanageable, see your physician to

    ensure that there is not something more complex going on with your nervous system. Hearing

    loss, vision impairment and any other sensory issues are not commonly related to headaches and

    migraines alone, and can indicate a much more serious problem.

    Common Migraine Triggers

    There are various factors that can trigger a migraine and each individual persons t rigger is

    different. Though many clinical studies and much research has been done to understand what

    causes chronic migraines, doctors and scientists have found no pinpoint to the exact cause.

    Migraine triggers differ from person to person, as well as from male to female. For example, a

    woman may experience a migraine during her monthly menstrual cycle as a result of the

    decrease in estrogen which affects her normal blood levels. These migraines are often referred to

    as menstrual migraines, and obviously do not inflict men.

    Other common migraine triggers are environmental influence or physiological upset. Factors

    such as stress, sleep, smells and food can all have a vast effect on the onset of a migraine. Take

    note of the migraine triggers listed below; clinical studies have shown that being aware of the

    triggers can help lessen the risk and effects of a migraine.


    Stress:It makes little difference whether it is stress from daily routines or stress caused

    from a traumatic event, any stress on the body or mind can easily upset a migraine


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    Sleep: Sleep habits have a big effect on migraine sufferers. Whether it is too much sleep,

    broken up sleep, or sleep deprivation, all are greatly connected to the onset of a migraine.

    Studies have shown that when sleeping habits are improved, migraine headaches become

    less frequent and intense, and occur for shorter periods.

    Fasting: Those prone to headaches and migraines should always heed caution when

    taking part in any form of fasting. A lack of nutrients to the body can reduce blood sugar

    levels, which quickly sets off a series of stress-related hormones, often leading to

    migraines and headaches.

    Hormones: As previously discussed, many women experience menstrual migraines,

    migraines caused by a chemical imbalance due to the loss and fluctuation of estrogen.

    The women who experience these migraines can actually predict a migraine coming on,

    and can prepare accordingly.

    Lighting: Neon lights, bright lights and flashing lights along with any other visually

    stimulating high intensity lights can all play a factor in the development of a migraine.

    Smells: Cigarette smoke, smoke in general, perfumes, foods and other potent smells can

    all trigger a migraine.

    Alcohol: Alcohol is dehydrating and also contains different chemicals which can easily

    trigger a migraine attack. Tyramine is a chemical found in wine that has been proven to

    activate the sympathetic nervous system, often resulting in a migraine.

    Foods: Aged cheese, chocolate and dairy products have been linked to migraines in some

    people. Different foods will have the same negative effect on certain people dependent on

    a case by case circumstance.

    Caffeine: Caffeine can have several effects on those prone to migraines. Too much

    caffeine can induce a migraine. People who drink caffeine daily can also have the

    opposite effect, and too little caffeine might also spur a migraine.

    Risk Factors and Commonalities

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    frequency of migraines, options for medication offered for migraine relief and safe alternative


    Are Migraines Preventable?

    The options for migraine prevention are limited. As discussed, there are certain preemptive signs

    that a migraine is approaching, and an individual can attempt to take it easy in the days prior.

    There are also a few steps one can take to reduce the chances of developing a migraine such as

    avoiding migraine triggers as much as possible, and preventative medication.

    To avoid all possible migraine triggers is not 100 percent effective and can become a tedious task

    on a daily basis. Figuring out your own personal migraine triggers and learning more about

    migraine prevention is a good first step, and new information has surfaced regarding migraine

    relief so the chances of finding relief are becoming more and more possible.

    Approaches to Migraine Prevention

    Chronic migraine sufferers can take several approaches to lessen the intensity and pain level of

    their migraines. Individuals that suffer from mild migraines on rare occasions tend to treat their

    migraine with over-the-counter medications. Caffeine, Aspirin and Acetaminophen are common

    ingredients in these OTC medications and taken occasionally work well for temporary relief.

    Though after years of chronic migraines many sufferers find these medication lose their

    effectiveness, and also take a toll on their liver and kidneys.

    Over-the-counter medication can help relieve migraine pain temporarily and should be

    administered as instructed by the manufacturer. There are two types of over the counter


    1. Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol)

    2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

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    Acetaminophen is often taken to help reduce mild pain such as: headaches, backaches, muscle

    aches, toothaches and even mild cold symptoms. Acetaminophen lowers the bodys core

    temperature just enough to reduce and temporarily relieve pain. Be sure to use caution when

    taking Acetaminophen becauseif taken in large doses over a long period of time damage can be

    caused to the liver and the kidneys.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID)

    NSAID is typically used in conditions where chronic pain is felt. The purpose of NSAID is to

    relieve pain where inflammation has occurred. There are two forms of NSAID:

    1. Aspirinexamples of over the counter medication that have aspirin would be:

    a. Aleve

    b. Motrin

    c. Excedrin

    2. Non-Aspirinexamples of non-aspirin over the counter pills would include:

    a. Ibuprofen

    b. Advil

    c. Motrin IB

    Aspirin is a blood thinner that prevents the platelets from becoming blocked and forming blood

    clots. It is often used among those with heart problems to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

    Taken in large doses it increases blood flow and can be dangerous if one is inflicted with an open

    wound as bleeding out is a risk.

    Occasionally medicating with over-the-counter medicine can be an ideal way to treat a migraine

    for those that dont suffer from them chronically. As stated, these medications do take a toll on

    certain organs and have long term effects if too much is taken. There are cases that need a more

    drastic approach for the treatment of chronic migraines. These approaches could include

    prescription medication, migraine surgery or nerve muscle removal.

    Prescription Medication
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    It is important that migraine sufferers realize that medication prescribed for migraine relief is not

    a cure for migraine headaches themselves but are used for one or both of two purposes:

    1. Relieve Symptoms

    2. Prevent Attacks

    Keep in mind that no prescription medication can prevent a migraine 100 percent but there are

    prescription medications available that can help reduce the number of migraine attacks

    experienced as well as lessen the level and intensity of the pain felt. A few commonly prescribed

    medications for migraine relief include:


    Anti-Seizure Medication

    Blood Pressure Medication

    Prophylactic Medication

    Prophylactic medicine is meant to be taken daily as a preventative medication. Prophylactic

    medication is not effective at subsiding symptoms once a migraine has developed. The main

    purpose of Prophylactic medication is to reduce the frequency of migraines. A few examples of

    Prophylactic medicines are:

    Beta Blockers

    Calcium-channel Blockers

    Tricyclic Antidepressants

    Antiserotonin Agents

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    A Closer Look at Prescription


    The experience of a migraine is brought

    on when the body undergoes a

    physiological change. The body begins to

    feel discomfort and unease when

    physiological changes occur creating a

    need inside the body for relief. Over-the-

    counter medication might help provide temporary pain relief, but this type of treatment does not

    fix the underlying physiological changes that repetitively create a migraine.

    Prescription medication should be used as one of the last treatment options attempted in helping

    relieve migraine headaches. However, until recent years, migraine sufferers had very few options

    in relieving their migraine pain. Many new prescription drugs are now being offered to migraine



    Triptans are used in certain new prescription medications geared toward relieving migraine

    pressure. Triptans have two important abilities:

    1. They are able to constrict blood vessels.

    2. They create an upset in the process leading into a migraine by disturbing the sequence of

    chemicals that inflict pain or irritation to the nerves.

    Triptans are a collection of tryptamine-based drugs. Tryptamine is a monoamine alkaloid that

    can be found in certain vegetation such as plants, fungi and animals. Triptans are used as a tool

    to prevent migraines from causing debilitating pain. Triptans consist of:

    Sumatriptan (Imitrex, Imigran, Cinie, Illument, Migriptan)

    Rizatriptan (Maxalt),
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    Naratriptan (Amerge, Naramig)

    Zolmitriptan (Zomig)

    Eletriptan (Relpax)

    Elmotriptan (Axert, Almogran)

    Frovatriptan (Frova, Migard, Frovamig)


    Because of the unique ability Triptans possess to attach to the serotonin receptors on the blood

    vessels and the surrounding nerves, they can help reduce and in some cases completely stop

    migraine headaches from occurring. The most commonly used Triptan is Sumatriptan, and it also

    has the longest history behind it backed with years of research and results. Sumatriptan can be

    taken orally, by injection or through inhalation.

    Triptans are typically prescribed to migraine sufferers who experience moderate to severe

    migraine pain which affects and inhibits their daily lives. Most doctors will not prescribe

    Triptans until other treatment options have been tested and ruled out as a feasible method.

    If used correctly, Triptans reduce the intense pain of migraine headaches and the associated

    symptoms. Triptans should be administered when the early signs and symptoms of a migraine

    begin to be felt. If the migraine pain is already at its peak, a Triptan medication generally

    relieves and reduces the pain as well as limiting the side effects associated with migraines.

    As with nearly all pharmaceutical medication, the risks and side effects of Triptans should be

    taken into consideration. The most common side effects associated with Triptans are as follows

    but not limited to:


    Facial Reddening


    Tightening In The Chest

    Tightening In The Throat

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    Triptans relieve migraine pain by restricting or narrowing blood vessels in the brain, preventing

    them from enlarging and creating a migraine headache. The downside and possible risk involved

    with Triptans is they cannot be targeted specifically to only one area of the body, meaning they

    can also create a narrowing of the arteries leading into and around the heart. This becomes

    increasingly dangerous for individuals that have already experienced some form of coronary

    narrowing and/or heart patients, possibly resulting in a heart attack or stroke. To prevent serious

    complications, your doctor will likely complete a full body evaluation before prescribing



    Ergots and Triptans have many similarities as both restrict and narrow blood vessels. Triptans

    tend to mainly constrict blood vessels in the brain, whereas Ergots are known to commonly

    restrict blood vessels in other parts of the body, meaning they are a more dangerous option

    treatment when compared to Triptans. Ergots have been known to induce nausea, vomiting and

    contractions in the uterus making them very unsafe for pregnant women especially.

    Migraine Surgery

    Migraine surgery is a treatment option for those individuals whom do not respond well to

    medication and whose quality of life is habitually hindered as a result of their migraine

    headaches. Deciding to undergo migraine surgery is a serious risk and should not be taken

    lightly. Migraine surgery entails a surgical cauterization of the superficial blood vessels in your

    scalp in order to limit and possibly remove all signs of migraine pain forever. Before a procedure

    this extensive is even considered, a highly trained specialist must first determine with absolute

    certainty that it is indeed the superficial blood vessels causing the intense migraine pain before


    Migraine Prevention Options

    Selecting a migraine headache treatment plan can be a challenge; there are several options to

    choose from and many can be life altering. Migraine treatment begins with trial and error and the

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    first several prevention methods may not work. Many people keep searching and testing out

    various therapies until something clicks and finally works. If a migraine sufferer feels strongly

    against the use of prescription medication, migraine surgery or any unnatural treatment, there are

    other treatment options available as well.

    For those searching for a safer and more natural approach to treating migraine headaches, the

    following therapies have shown significant results in many individuals.

    Chiropractic Manipulation


    Massage Therapy


    All Natural Supplements

    Migraine Support Formula

    Simple Daily Steps to Help Reduce Migraine Occurrences

    Individuals who suffer from moderate to intense migraine symptoms can take practical steps

    every day to reduce the occurrence of migraines. By simply making or adding a few changes and

    a normal routine, many will notice fewer migraine attacks by following some or all of these

    simple steps:

    A set scheduled time for going to bed and waking each morning.

    Having a daily exercise regime: Exercise has proven to help improve the quality of life

    for all individuals and especially those suffering from various conditions, from diabetes

    to migraine headaches. Individuals who are not physically fit are more prone to migraine


    Avoid skipping meals and long bouts of fasting.

    Avoid stress (as much as possible).

    o Deep breathing techniques help improve anxiety levels and lessen daily stress.

    o Tension relieving teas and magnesium supplements help lower stress levels.

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    Refrain from an over abundant use of caffeine. Do not consume more than two

    caffeinated beverages a day.

    Exercise can help release negative chemicals from the body and boosts endorphins,

    research has proven that daily exercise can help improve mood and improve clarity of


    Bright and flashing lights are often associated with migraines. Wear protective eyewear

    (sunglasses) in the sun and try to avoid places with flashing lights.

    Treating Migraine Pain Naturally

    Finding a natural way to treat migraine headaches is a safer and healthier alternative than

    prescription medication and other migraine treatment options. Prescription medication can be

    addictive and have a negative physiological effect on other parts of the body, certain risk factors

    can eventually and ultimately shorten ones life expectancy.

    For centuries pharmaceutical medications did not exist, modern western medicine is still

    relatively new. Our not-so-distant ancestors had to rely on natural methods and cures for a vast

    range of ailments, and many of these methods are actually more effective than modern drugs and

    surgeries. Herbs, flowers, seeds, leaves, roots, enzymes and even minerals have been used for

    centuries to treat and cure painful symptoms. All possess powerful natural ingredients to help

    increase good health and heal chronic conditions such as migraine headaches.

    Many look for a quick fix to help with pain, which is a big reason prescription medications are so

    popular. While prescription medication might provide instant relief to migraine sufferers, the

    temporary relief doesnt always outweigh the longer term side effects and the quick fix does not

    actually fix the problem. Natural alternative methods such as an all-natural supplement like

    Migraine Support Formula can actually heal the underlying problem and eventually cure a

    person from the debilitating effects of migraine headaches indefinitely.

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    Migraine Support Formula

    Considering a new product for any sort of ailment brings with it the fear of product failure and

    wasting money, preventing many from trying new things. Prescription medication and other

    alternatives such as acupuncture and massage therapy are expensive and might end in frustration

    with little to no pain relief. Migraine Support Formulacontains powerful natural ingredients

    that have been carefully researched and clinically tested to provide migraine sufferers the

    ultimate migraine relief.

    Migraine Support Formula is a product first formulated as a result of the love one man has for

    his wife. After years of watching his wife suffer from chronic migraines, Jim Sparling made the

    commitment to find a natural and effective relief for his wifes chronic migraine headaches. In

    hopes of finding a natural migraine relief formula different from the prescription medications his

    wife had been taking for years, he met with several researchers and scientists and together they

    set off on a journey that would eventually lead them to the Migraine Support Formula.

    This highly educated team of staff researched the medical world to understand what causes and

    triggers migraines. They looked even deeper into what medicines are available today, and what

    natural methods have proven effective. They researched and performed mass clinical trials and

    studies on migraine prevention in order to understand every in and out involved with migraine

    symptoms. They looked at the research involving both synthetic and natural supplements that

    had been tested to relieve migraine pain. Careful analysis was then conducted on the current

    claims from products on the market, and this dedicated team determined if the permanent relief

    these products were offering was in fact truthful. The collaboration between the researchers,

    scientists, doctors and universities led the migraine support research team to several natural

    ingredients that many solid clinical trials had proven to be most effective in relieving migraine

    pain. A year of intense research, interviews, and scientific experimentation paid off and the

    development of the Migraine Support Formulafollowed. The Migraine Support Formulaispacked full of natural ingredients with the sole purpose of healing and curing migraine pain, not

    just masking it with a temporary fix. This formula is highly backed by solid clinical studies and

    is currently aiding men and women of all ages with finding long lasting permanent migraine


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    The Formula

    Migraine Support Formulais composed of only all natural, water-soluble ingredients, making

    the supplement completely safe to take on a daily basis to prevent migraine headaches. There are

    absolutely no adverse side effects, unlike those commonly associated with other migraine

    treatments such as prescription medication. This formula contains only the natural ingredients

    that extensive clinical studies have shown and proven to be the most effective in treating

    migraine symptoms. The natural ingredients found in the Migraine Support Formulaare:

    Water-soluble riboflavin

    Magnesium citrate



    Coenzyme Q10

    Ginko Biloba

    White Willow Bark



    5Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)

    Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

    Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)


    Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is a crucial component in helping tissue

    respiration and the generation of energy metabolism from proteins, carbs and fats. The Migraine

    Support Formula contains 400 mg of riboflavin. No toxic or adverse effects of high riboflavin

    intake are known in humans.

    Magnesium citrate

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    Research has shown that many people who suffer from frequent migraine attacks tend to have

    lower magnesium levels. One can increase their intracellular magnesium levels by taking an oral

    magnesium supplement. Tests have shown that added magnesium citrate used effectively in

    combination with riboflavin can have a positive effect on migraine pain. If magnesium citrate is

    taken in a dosage higher than 300mg side effect such as diarrhea and gastric irritation may occur.


    Feverfew has commonly been associated with migraine relief due to its natural ability to obstruct

    the release of blood vessels which dilate substances from the platelets creating migraine pain.

    Feverfew also prevents inflammatory substances from developing and increasing migraine pain

    levels. When researched, information revealed that feverfew can help reduce vomiting when

    undergoing a migraine as well as decrease the severity of the migraine attack.


    Triptans have been successful in relieving migraine pain largely due to their innate ability to

    attach to serotonin receptors, helping aid in reducing the triggers that cause migraine pain.

    Triptans may temporarily help with migraine pain, but they are not a cure and there are unsafe

    side effects associated. Ginger on the other hand is purely natural, safe and has the ability to

    attach to human serotonin receptors to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain.

    Ginger has also been proven to help alleviate symptoms such as nausea and when combined with

    feverfew they are an effective tool against fighting off migraine symptoms.

    Coenzyme Q10

    Coenzyme Q10, also referred to as CoQ10, is a vitamin that helps generate energy in the body in

    the form of ATP.

    Ginko Biloba

    Ginko Biloba is a powerful antioxidant made popular by its ability to help improve blood

    circulation in both the body and the brain. Ginko Biloba is possibly one of most well-known

    herbal remedies. Ginko Biloba can be used in the treatment of migraine headaches because of its

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    ability to hinder platelet aggregation. This powerful antioxidant possesses flavonoids and

    terpenoids that help dilate blood vessels which in return surges blood flow. Clinical studies have

    shown Ginko Biloba drastically reduces migraine attacks and the associated symptoms.

    White Willow Bark

    White Willow Bark is an anti-inflammatory supplement that reduces pain caused by constraining



    Valerian is a root that is used as a muscle relaxer. The use of Valerian is helpful in reducing

    stress, anxiety and even insomnia.


    Butterbur is an herb. In a sixteen week long clinical study, the use of Butterbur was shown to

    reduce migraine attacks by half the amount and severity!

    5Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)

    5 Hydroxytryptophan also known as 5- HTP, is an amino acid found in food and is a

    forerunner to the neurotransmitter serotonin. 5-HTP raises the serotonin levels in the brain while

    also increasing the endorphin levels which helps aid in the overall improvement of mood and

    disposition. It has been clinically proven that people suffering with chronic migraines typically

    have low serotonin and low endorphin levels. Low serotonin and endorphin levels make it

    extremely challenging to tolerate or endure pain.

    Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

    Vitamin B3 helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol while regulating blood

    sugar levels. B3 causes the face and skin to flush, which in turn releases the pressure of a

    migraine headache. One study done on the benefits vitamin B3 has in relieving migraines

    revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine

    with B3.

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    Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

    Vitamin B6 works as a histamine and helps lessen histamine-induced migraines by increasing

    diamine oxidase activity.

    Migraine Free!

    After years of unsuccessful attempts at relieving migraine pain, most who choose to try

    Migraine Support Formula have had wonderful results. When taken daily as part of their

    migraine headache treatment plan, most patients claim that within four short months a drastic

    decline in their migraine occurrences and even complete elimination of their migraines have

    been reported. Thanks to the extensive research performed by the Migraine Treatment Group

    you can finally live migraine free! The Migraine Support Formulais a natural and safe way to

    find the migraine relief youve been seeking. Dont suffer through another debilitating migraine

    before making this choice to make a change. Men and women all across the country have already

    made the choice to give Migraine Support Formulaa chance and they are now enjoying life as

    it was meant to be lived.

    Our 1 Year 100% Money Back Guarantee

    We guarantee that if the Migraine Support Formulahasnt helped reduce and/or eliminate the

    frequency and intensity of your migraine headaches or you are not fully satisfied for any other

    reason (or for no reason at all)you will get 100% of your money back on your most recent

    order (this does not include the cost of S&H).

    There is no risk involved with giving the Migraine Support Formulaa try. If it doesnt work, it

    costs you nothing. When it does work, it will change your life forever!

    Right now, you have three choices

    You can continue living with migraine headaches.

    You can take the high risk medical approach to treat your condition.

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    Or you can take action today, right now, by looking at the research and clinical trials that have

    been conducted on the ingredients in the Migraine Support Formula and give it a try to find the

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    The choice is yours.

    Imagine getting on with your life without the fear of another migraine attack. You can start

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    prepared to regain your healthy life!

    To place a risk free order, just go to or click the link below:

    Order Now
