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The Mathematics of MagicVariation Distances and the Cutoff Phenomenon in Card Shuffling

Megan Poole

Senior TalkFebruary 24, 2015

Megan Poole Card Shuffling


Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Types of Shuffles

Perfect Shuffle

Perfect interleaving of a deck.


Top card inserted into the deck at random.

Riffle Shuffle

Random interleaving of two halves of a deck.

Megan Poole Card Shuffling

To begin...

We must know:

Deck order

Deck size

Type of Shuffle

Measure of Randomness

Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Top-in-at-Random Shuffle

Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Measure of Randomness: Variation Distances

d(k) ≡ ‖Qk∗ − U‖ → 0 as k →∞

Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Variation Distances and the Cutoff Phenomenon


d(n log n + cn) ≤ e−c ; all c ≥ 0, n ≥ 2

d(n log n − cnn)→ 1 as n→∞; all cn →∞

Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Variation Distances and the Cutoff Phenomenon


d(n log n + cn) ≤ e−c ; all c ≥ 0, n ≥ 2

d(n log n − cnn)→ 1 as n→∞; all cn →∞

Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Coupon Collector’s Problem


Given n coupons, how many coupons do you expect you need todraw with replacement before having drawn each coupon at leastonce?

Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Coupon Collector’s Problem


Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Proving Theorem 1


d(n log n + cn) ≤ e−c ; all c ≥ 0, n ≥ 2

d(n log n − cnn)→ 1 as n→∞; all cn →∞

Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Basic Math of Card Shuffling

GSR Model of Shuffling

Cut: Binomial Distribution

Shuffle: Probability determined by number of cards in eachhalf of the cut

Cutoff Phenomenon: 3/2 log2 n

Rising Sequences

Megan Poole Card Shuffling

Rising Sequences

Rising Sequences

Megan Poole Card Shuffling


Magic Tricks!

Gambling and Card Counting

Megan Poole Card Shuffling


Megan Poole Card Shuffling


M. Aigner & G. Ziegler: Proofs from the book, (4th ed.). Berlin:Springer. (2010), 185-194.

D. Aldous & P. Diaconis: Shuffling cards and stopping times,Amer. Math. Monthly 93 (1986), 333-348.

D. Bayer & P. Diaconis: Trailing the dovetail shuffle to its lair,Annals Applied Probability 2 (1992), 294-313.

Megan Poole Card Shuffling