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Who would be the audience for your media product?

Media Evaluation Part 4

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Social ClassThe audience for my magazine wouldn’t be specific, because I want to include all classes so my magazine, so it appeals to more people. It would be easier to target the middle class because this the class that is most conventional, and I believe my magazine would appeal to middle class people more anyway. Also, middle class people are the ones who are related most to Pop music. Upper class people can be much more posh so people might relate them to things like opera, however, not all people in upper class are like this. People in lower class can sometimes be related to hip hop or rap music because they usually have a harder lifestyle when growing up. However, I believe that if someone read my magazine who was in the lower class they could use my magazine as inspiration for there future.

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The age which I am aiming my magazine at is 14-17, so I used a model who was in that age range. I did this so that they could relate to the audience. Also, I used this age range because I believe that teenagers are the most likely source of pop magazines sales so I focused on targeting it to this specific audience. My style model which was Top of the Pops, use the same sort of age range for there audience so I thought it was appropriate to use a similar age for my audience. The age of my audience is important when using celebrities in my magazine to use as role models. For example, I wouldn’t use someone old who young people couldn’t relate to.

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I'm not really sure, if this would appeal massively to males, so obviously the gender I have chosen to be my audience for my magazine is females. Research shows that females buy pop magazines more frequently than males. My main model on my front cover and double page spread is a female and I used this so that my audience could use the model as inspiration. I also have used bright colours and bold shapes to attract it more to females, in particular the use of bright pink as this is a very feminine colour.

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I haven't targeted a specific ethnic group because I think that the genre Pop can be read by a variety of people. In my magazine there are no specific characteristics which suggest that it is aimed at a certain ethnicity. Pop music can be read by and listened to by anyone who wishes to, this gives me a greater market to aim my magazine at.

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My audiences lifestyle would be very stereotypical. My audience would be a very feminine girl who like shopping, makeup and fashion. Also, they will want to use the magazine as inspiration when there older and they will inspire to be like some of the pop stars featured in my magazine. The audiences lifestyle would involve them having plenty of friends and having a fun social life where they could talk about stories arising in my magazine.

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My audiences lifestyle would be very stereotypical. My audience would be a very feminine girl who like shopping, makeup and fashion. Also, they will want to use the magazine as inspiration when there older and they will inspire to be like some of the pop stars featured in my magazine. The audiences lifestyle would involve them having plenty of friends and having a fun social life where they could talk about stories arising in my magazine.