
McGill University School of Architecture

ARCH 201: Communication Behaviour and Architecture David Covo, Bassem Eid, Robert Mellin, Tania Gutierrez Monroy, Julia Tischer

Assignment 1: field survey and analytique

This assignment calls for the documentation of a particular location in the City of Montreal. You will work individually but you may collaborate with classmates for the purpose of sharing basic information (city maps, photography, measuring…). Note that this first project is integrated with the first assignment for ARCH 201, and involves two required components: 1) sketches in your Moleskine notebook (graded for ARCH 201), and 2), and 2), an “analytique” (graded for ARCH 221) on one sheet of white Arches watercolour paper (22” x 30”, hot pressed surface, 140lb., portrait orientation). Using your Moleskine sketchbook, prepare quick, annotated analytical sketches using pencil and/or watercolour(possible topics: details, materials, light, assemblies, colour, form, procession, scale). On your Arches paper, prepare an analytique using pencil and/or watercolour (no ink or felt pens), keeping in mind the analogical purpose of such drawings in analyzing form, construction, details, and materials. The analytique may include perspective sketches and orthographic drawings at various scales (for example, a site plan, site elevations, building elevations), as well as details or larger scale fragments. You make work freehand or with instruments, but please do not glue or tape anything to the Arches paper. Note: make sure your name appears clearly on the inside cover page of your Moleskine, and also on the front of your analytique. Your notebooks and analytiques are due on Tuesday, September 11 @ 6:00pm. References for Assignment #1: Moleskine/sketching online resources:

Analytique online resources:

See also: Steven Holl, Written in Water, (Lars Muller). NA2707 H65 A4 2002

‘Serial vision’, from Townscapes, by Gordon Cullen
