
Presentation on Mobile/Tablet

By Kimberly J. Mathis

For Fundamentals of Web Design

with Instructor Theresa Weber


DID YOU KNOW? In 2012, Apple sold 340,000 phones per day.

More people in the world have mobile phones than toilets.

China has more internet users on mobile devices than on PCs.

Your mobile phone has more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 moon landing.

Why It Matters…It matters because web sites contain a wide range of content while mobile sites usually include only the most important functions and features.

Mobile devices allow you to connect with your customers more directly, allowing you

to share your most important content.

MOBILE IMPACTBy 2013, more people accessed websites through mobile

phones than through desktop computers.


The design of most websites are now taking the “Mobile First” approach.

What is the Mobile First approach?In the traditional web design process, a designer would start by building

a desktop site and then scaling it down to suit a small mobile device screen.


Mobile first design takes the opposite approach, beginning with the smallest screen and adding content and new styling features as the screen

space expands.


NO BUENO! Bad examples of websites that don’t work well on mobile/tablet devices.

Multiple types of contextual navigation on the Best Buy Web site.

No contextual navigation on the Best Buy mobile site.

NO BUENO! Bad examples of websites that don’t work well on mobile/tablet devices.

Dell Webpage with lots of graphics Dell mobile page with very minimal graphics

YES! Good examples of websites that work well on mobile/tablet devices.

Amazon makes it easy to shop through your mobile device.

Auto detection of geographical location to suggest an airport on Kayak

It’s Not About Being Mobile-Friendly, It’s About Being Mobile First!

Businesses that have maximized their mobile experience have seen dramatic increase in their

Revenue Conversion Rates

Retention Rates

ReferencesAuthor Unknown. Mobile Phone Facts. Retrieved from -

Ma, Shanshan. (2011)

Wentworth, Tom. (2011)

Dawson, Alexander. (2010)

Brickles, Paul. norther_light-mobile-optimisation/