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Page 1: Mangrove World Atlas

World Atlas of MangrovesLaunching ceremony atLaunching ceremony at

CBD COP 10, Nagoya

Page 2: Mangrove World Atlas

Why are mangroves important?

Mangroves are growing in 123 tropical and subtropical

Why are mangroves important?

Mangroves are growing in 123 tropical and subtropical countries; 73 species recognized as “true” mangroves20% decline in last 25 years due mainly to conversion and coastal development 3-4 times faster than terrestrial forestcoastal development, 3 4 times faster than terrestrial forest types, lengthy recovery periods requiredHigh economic values and benefits, especially to coastal peoplepeople

Estimated economic value of US$2,000-9,000/ha/year where mangroves are extensiveForest products (timber, charcoal, firewood, etc.) and non-timber productsSustaining fishery resourceCoastal protection Providing recreation and environmental education sitesReducing carbon emissionseduc g ca bo e ss o s

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Details of project implementationFunded by ITTO (Japanese Government grant; in-kind

t ib ti f t )contributions from partners)Implemented by ISME 5 partner organizations

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB)UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)United Nations University-International Network on Water, yEnvironment & Health (UNU-INWEH)With support of The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

AuthorsDr. Mark Spalding (TNC)Dr. Mark Spalding (TNC)Dr. Mami Kainuma (ISME)Lorna Collins (TNC)

Map preparationFAO (Geospatial Unit of the Land and Water Divison (NRL);FAO (Geospatial Unit of the Land and Water Divison (NRL); support from Global Land Cover Network (GLCN) and the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS))UNEP-WCMC

Contributions and inputs by more than 100 mangroveContributions and inputs by more than 100 mangrove experts from around the world

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Importance of the AtlasImportance of the AtlasFirst recent global assessment of mangrove status (extent and management)

Accurate data from satellite imagery analysis compiled to serve as a baseline for the future gain/loss assessmentserve as a baseline for the future gain/loss assessment

Recent reliable coverage of 99% of world mangroves

Besides distribution maps assessment for use threatsBesides distribution maps, assessment for use, threats, management, etc. in each country

Shrimp ponds in Ecuador

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Contents of the AtlasIntroduction

Mangrove Ecosystems Case studies: 10 caseMangrove EcosystemsMangroves and PeopleMapping Mangroves

Regional chapters

Case studies: 10 case studies covering regional issues usages and sustainable

Eastern and Southern AfricaThe Middle EastSouth AsiaSoutheast Asia

sustainable managements

Maps: 129 full colored maps including 65 fullSoutheast Asia

East AsiaAustralia and New ZealandPacific IslandsNorth and Central America

maps including 65 full page maps

Photos: over 200 photosNorth and Central America and the CaribbeanSouth AmericaWest and Central Africa

Length: total 319 pages

Annexes Species descriptions and range maps N ti l i li tNational species listsNational statistics


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Mangrove distribution by region

World Mangrove DistributionTotal 150,000 km2

North and CentralAmerica2240214.7%

South America2388315.7%



West and CentralAfrica

South East Asia5104933.5%


km2East Asia215

0.1%A t li /N

South Asia

2004013.2% Middle East





103446.8% East and South


Pacific Ocean57173.8%





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Diversity of mangrove species

S th t A i i t diSouth-east Asia is most diverse mangrove region

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Example of distribution map:Example of distribution map: Borneo Island

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Future workt d F h d S i h i f•to produce French and Spanish versions for

wider dissemination of the information; possible publication of policy brief and website p p p yfor updates; funds required

•to produce Atlas summary through specialto produce Atlas summary through special issue of ITTO Tropical Forest Update (TFU)

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