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Management System Manual | University of Coimbra


Version 19 | 2021 Page 1

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Prepared by

Approved by

Sílvia Santos

António Figueiredo

Head of Unit

Quality Promotion Office

Vice-Rector in charge of Quality



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Table of contents


Table of contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2

List of figures ........................................................................................................................................... 3

List of tables ............................................................................................................................................. 3

I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 6

II. PRESENTATION OF THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL .................................................................... 7

1. Objectives .......................................................................................................................................... 7

2. Structure ............................................................................................................................................ 7

3. Preparation and approval ...................................................................................................................... 8

4. Content revision and version protocol ..................................................................................................... 8

5. Scope of application ............................................................................................................................. 8

III. PRESENTATION OF THE UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................. 9

1. Mission, Values and Vision .................................................................................................................... 9

2. Structure and governing bodies ............................................................................................................ 10

3. Educational, scientific, and cultural project ............................................................................................. 11

IV. UC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 14

1. Guiding documents ............................................................................................................................. 14

2. Quality Policy ..................................................................................................................................... 14

3. Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 15

i. Scope of the ISO 9001:2015 Certification ............................................................................................ 16

4. Process Map ....................................................................................................................................... 16

5. Institutional strategy for improvement .................................................................................................. 18

6. Stakeholders ...................................................................................................................................... 19

7. Structures and levels of responsibility ................................................................................................... 21

8. Documents of the SG.UC ..................................................................................................................... 24

9. Application of SIGQ frameworks and ISO 9001 requirements ................................................................... 24

10. Process approach, risk and opportunity management and improvement cycle ........................................... 27

11. Articulation between the SG.UC and management subsystems ............................................................... 29

12. The PDCA cycle ................................................................................................................................. 30

i. Planning .......................................................................................................................................... 31

ii. Carrying out activities ...................................................................................................................... 32

iii. Monitoring, analysis and assessment ................................................................................................. 32

iv. Improvement ................................................................................................................................. 34

13. Meta-assessment of the SG.UC ........................................................................................................... 34

14. Management documents .................................................................................................................... 34

V. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 36

VI. APPENDIXES ..................................................................................................................................... 37

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List of figures


Figure 1: UC process map ........................................................................................................... 17

Figure 2: UC stakeholders ........................................................................................................... 19

Figure 3: UC stakeholders - power/interest analysis ....................................................................... 20

Figure 4: SG.UC organisation chart .............................................................................................. 23

Figure 5: SG.UC document structure ............................................................................................ 24

Figure 6: SG.UC processes according to the PDCA cycle ................................................................. 30

List of tables


Table 1: Guiding documents of the SG.UC .................................................................................... 14

Table 2: Classification of SG.UC processes .................................................................................... 17

Table 3: Articulation between Quality Policy guidelines and the pillars, axes and areas of the PEA.UC... 18

Table 4: SG.UC structures and levels of responsibility .................................................................... 21

Table 5: Articulation between SIGQ references, ISO 9001 requirements and SIGQ Processes .............. 25

Table 6: Main interactions between SG.UC Processes ..................................................................... 28

Table 7: Main monitoring and assessment mechanisms applied in each SG.UC Process....................... 33

Table 8: Main management documents of the SG.UC ..................................................................... 35

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Abbreviations and acronyms


A3ES - Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation

of Higher Education Institutions)

AS – Área Sensível (Sensitive Area)

AUC – Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra (Archive of the University of Coimbra)

BCSUC – Biblioteca das Ciências da Saúde da Universidade de Coimbra (Health Sciences Library of the

University of Coimbra)

BGUC – Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra (General Library of the University of Coimbra)

BP – Boa Prática (Good Practice)

CAUC - Colégio das Artes (College of Arts)

CD25A – Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril (25th of April Documentation Centre)

DCom – Divisão de Comunicação (Communication Division)

DPGD – Divisão de Planeamento, Gestão e Desenvolvimento (Planning, Management and Development


DRI – Divisão de Relações Internacionais (International Relations Division)

EUC – Estádio Universitário de Coimbra (Coimbra University Stadium)

EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

FCDEFUC - Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física (Faculty of Sports Science and Physical


FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology)

FCTUC - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (Faculty of Science and Technology)

FDUC - Faculdade de Direito (Faculty of Law)

FEUC - Faculdade de Economia (Faculty of Economy)

FFUC - Faculdade de Farmácia (Faculty of Pharmacy)

FLUC - Faculdade de Letras (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)

FMUC - Faculdade de Medicina (Faculty of Medicine)

FPCEUC - Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências de Educação (Faculty of Psychology and Education


GAJ – Gabinete de Apoio Jurídico (Legal Support Office)

GAPRG – Gabinete de Auditoria e Prevenção de Riscos de Gestão (Management Risk Prevention and

Auditing Office)

GPQ – Gabinete de Promoção da Qualidade (Quality Promotion Office)

IUC – Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra University Press)

ICNAS - Instituto de Ciências Nucleares Aplicadas à Saúde (Institute of Nuclear Sciences Applied to


I&D - Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Research and Development)

IES – Instituição de Ensino Superior (Higher Education Institution)

IIIUC - Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar (Interdisciplinary Research Institute)

IQNet – The International Certification Network

JBUC – Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Coimbra (Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra)

MCUC – Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra (Science Museum of the University of Coimbra)

MCTES – Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher


MSG - Manual do Sistema de Gestão (Management System Manual)

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NC – Não Conformidade (Nonconformity)

NMAR – Núcleo de Marketing (Marketing Unit)

NUPE – Núcleo de Promoção da Empregabilidade (Employability Promotion Centre)

OM – Oportunidade de Melhoria (Opportunity for Improvement)

PDCA – Plan, Do, Check; Act

PEA.UC – Plano Estratégico e de Ação da Universidade de Coimbra (Strategic and Action Plan of the

University of Coimbra)

PI – Parte(s) Interessada(s) (Stakeholder(s))

PPRGCIC – Plano de Prevenção de Riscos de Gestão, Corrupção e Infrações Conexas (Plan for the

Prevention of Management Risks, Corruption and Related Infractions)

RJAES - Regime Jurídico da Avaliação do Ensino Superior (Legal Regime of Assessment of Higher


RJIES - Regime Jurídico das Instituições do Ensino Superior (Legal Regime of Higher Education


SASUC - Serviços de Ação Social da Universidade de Coimbra (Social Services of the University of


SGA – Serviço de Gestão Académica (Academic Management Service)

SGESA – Serviço de Gestão do Edificado, Segurança e Ambiente (Building, Security and Environmental

Management Service)

SGF – Serviço de Gestão Financeira (Financial Management Service)

SGRH – Serviço de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (Human Resources Management Service)

SGSIIC – Serviço de Gestão de Sistemas e Infraestruturas de Informação e Comunicação (Information

and Communication Systems and Infrastructures Management Service)

SG.UC - Sistema de Gestão da Universidade de Coimbra (Management System of the University of


SIGQ – Sistema Interno de Garantia da Qualidade (Internal Quality Assurance System)

SPGI – Serviço de Promoção e Gestão da Investigação (Research Promotion and Management Service)

TAGV – Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente (Gil Vicente Academic Theatre)

TUJE - Tribunal Universitário Judicial Europeu (University, Judicial and European Court)

UC - Universidade de Coimbra (University of Coimbra)

UECAF - Unidade de Extensão Cultural e Apoio à Formação (Cultural Extension and Training Support


UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UO - Unidade Orgânica (Organic Unit)

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The University of Coimbra (UC) has been developing a system that supports the institution’s

global management by aligning planning, monitoring, assessment and improvement

processes, in order to produce information that supports decision-making, therefore fostering

a culture of quality.

The University of Coimbra’s Management System (SG.UC) encompasses an articulated set of

policies, processes, documents, information systems and other instruments to support the

planning, execution, monitoring, assessment, analysis and improvement of the activities

carried out by the University, with a view to achieving the overall satisfaction of the different

stakeholders (PI), and excellence in all of the institution’s areas of activity.

This system ensures that process improvement is fostered internally, while externally

seeking to meet the requirements for reporting performance to society, an essential aspect

in the operation of higher education institutions (IES).

After a long journey, initially limited to administrative processes and monitoring teaching

activities, the SG.UC has evolved, especially since 2008, to gradually become the support

system to the UC’s strategic and operational management, common to all of the UC’s


This system is aligned with the guidelines for internal quality assurance systems in IESs and,

particularly in the processes supporting the central governance of the UC, with the

requirements of ISO 9001:2015. The system further promotes a process approach,

supported by the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act), as well as the application of risk-based


The SG.UC is certified by:

• The International Certification Network (IQNet), in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015

standard, with regard to processes managed by structures supporting the UC’s central


• The Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (A3ES).

1 Since 2020, it includes structures integrated in the University of Coimbra’s Administration and Rectory.

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1. Objectives

The Management System Manual (MSG) has as its general objectives:

• To describe the SG.UC’s organisational model, based on process approach, the PDCA

cycle and risk-based thinking;

• To describe and communicate the UC’s Quality Policy, highlighting its alignment with the

institution's strategic management;

• To describe the commitment of the UC’s top management toward the SG.UC’s

implementation and improvement;

• To describe in general terms the cycle of planning, monitoring, assessment, analysis and

improvement applied to institutional processes;

• To define the guidelines for the implementation of the strategy for the institution’s

improvement, in order to globally foster a culture of quality.

2. Structure

This manual is organised into 6 parts, as follows:

• Chapter I. Introduction – briefly describes the institutional commitment to implement a

quality management system and the SG.UC’s trajectory;

• Chapter II. Presentation of the Management System Manual – presents the

document’s structure, as well as the responsibilities for its preparation and approval. It

also explains the model for content revision and version control, as well as the MSG’s

scope of application;

• Chapter III. Presentation of the University – describes the Mission, Vision and Values

of the UC, its organisational structure and governing bodies. It briefly presents the UC’s

educational, scientific and cultural project;

• Chapter IV. UC Management System – describes the institutional policy for quality and

the SG.UC’s organisation, management and operation model, based on the PDCA cycle,

process approach and risk-based thinking;

• Chapter V. References – includes the bibliography mentioned throughout the MSG;

• Chapter VI. Appendices – includes: 1) the table of SG.UC Processes, with the

identification of the reference and name of each Process, Process Manager(s), and its

objectives; 2) the table illustrating the articulation between the Strategic and Action Plan

(PEA), the general lines of the Quality Policy and the SG.UC’s Processes; 3) the table

illustrating the articulation between the actions of the Quality Plan and the SG.UC

Processes; 4) the MSG’s table of revisions, indicating the approval date and the motives

for the document’s revision.

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3. Preparation and approval

The Management System Manual is prepared/updated by the head of the Quality Promotion

Office (GPQ) and approved by the member of the Rector’s team responsible for quality.

During the preparation and approval of the MSG, several units/services of the UC may be

consulted, whenever necessary.

The provisions of the MSG will come into effect on the date of its approval.

4. Content revision and version protocol

The MSG is reviewed annually, preferably during the first semester. This regular revision

notwithstanding, and bearing in mind that the SG.UC is under permanent development and

improvement, the MSG may be revised extraordinarily whenever needed, namely following

changes/developments in terms of: 1) internal and external policies and guiding documents;

2) the UC’s organic structure; 3) the SG.UC’s Process Map; 4) the UC’s external assessment

processes; 5) the management of risks and opportunities; 6) the internal reflection and

improvement processes.

Content revision implies issuing a new version of the document, duly identified and approved

by the member of the Rector’s team responsible for quality.

There is only one controlled original of the Management System Manual, under the

responsibility of the GPQ. All printed copies are considered uncontrolled copies.

This Manual is freely accessible and available for consultation on the UC’s website. The GPQ

is responsible for its publication.

5. Scope of application

The provisions of the MSG must be applied across the whole University of Coimbra, and are

therefore compulsory for all units of the institution, as they constitute a solid basis for their

global improvement. The implementation of these provisions shall be ensured by the

University’s management and directors, as well as by all teaching, research and technical

staff, with the involvement of other stakeholders whenever appropriate.

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The University of Coimbra is a public institution of higher education. With more than seven

centuries, the University material and immaterial heritage is unique, a fundamental piece in

the history of European and world scientific culture, recognised by the United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as world heritage.

The main historical milestones of the institution are summarised at

1. Mission, Values and Vision

Under the terms of Article 2 of its Statutes (MCTES, 2019) the UC’s Mission is as follows:

1 - The University of Coimbra is an institution of creation, critical analysis, transmission and

dissemination of culture, science and technology which, through research, teaching and the

provision of services to the community, contributes to economic and social development, to

the defence of the environment, to the promotion of social justice and enlightened and

responsible citizenship, and to the consolidation of sovereignty based on knowledge.

2 - The University has the duty to contribute to:

a) The public understanding of humanities, arts, science and technology, promoting and

organising actions to support the dissemination of humanistic, artistic, scientific and

technological culture, by providing the necessary resources for these purposes;

b) Developing activities connecting to society, namely the dissemination and transfer(s)

of knowledge, as well as boosting the economic potential of scientific knowledge;

c) Promoting the effective mobility of teachers and researchers, students and graduates,

both nationally and internationally, namely within the European Higher Education Area

and within the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries.

The Values, identified in the Strategic and Action Plan (UC, 2019), are the following:

Freedom of opinion; Tolerance; Excellence; Equality; Freedom; Scientific humility;

Sustainability; Right to difference and non-discrimination; Recognition and promotion of

merit; Cooperation; Openness to the World; Innovation; Dialogue; Stimulation of creativity;

Interaction of cultures; Independence; Social responsibility; Inclusion; Ethics; Valuing

people; Tradition; Intellectual rigour; Contemporaneity; Academic solidarity.

The Vision, evident in the Strategic and Action Plan (UC, 2019), advocates:

To be internationally recognised as a research university, where the production of high

quality knowledge influences the educational process and increases the sharing of knowledge

with society, responding to the problems that belong to each and every one of us and

unreservedly contributing to sustainable development.

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2. Structure and governing bodies

With its facilities distributed across three different centres, the UC’s structure includes

organic units of teaching and research, organic units of research and units and services

essentially aimed at supporting the University’s scientific, pedagogical, cultural, sports,

administrative, social and community relationship activities.

The organic units of teaching and research include the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

(FLUC), the Faculty of Law (FDUC), the Faculty of Medicine (FMUC), the Faculty of Science

and Technology (FCTUC), the Faculty of Pharmacy (FFUC), the Faculty of Economics (FEUC),

the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (FPCEUC), the Faculty of Sports Sciences

and Physical Education (FCDEFUC), the Interdisciplinary Research Institute (IIIUC) and the

College of Arts (CAUC). These may include Research and Development (R&D) units, which

may or may not be their own legal entities.

The organic units of research include the Institute of Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health

(ICNAS) and the University, Judicial and European Court (TUJE).

The Cultural Extension and Training Support Units (UECAF) include the General Library

(BGUC), the Archive (AUC), the Press (IUC), the Science Museum (MCUC), the 25th of April

Documentation Centre (CD25A), the Gil Vicente Academic Theatre (TAGV), the University

Stadium (EUC), the Health Sciences Library (BCSUC) and the Botanical Garden (JBUC).

The Administration is the central support service to the UC's governance. The University

also has the support of Social Services (SASUC) and several direct support

offices/structures to the governing bodies, namely: 1) the Rector's Office, which

includes the Secretariat, the Support Centre for the Rector’s team, the Communication

Division (DCOM), the Employability Promotion Centre (NUPE), the Marketing Centre (NMAR)

and the Management Risk Prevention and Auditing Office (GAPRG) ; 2) the Special

Projects; and 3) Other Bodies, including the Quality Promotion Office (GPQ), the

Observatories, the Councils, the Coordinators, the Ombudsmen and the Ethics Commission.

Detailed information on the organic structure can be found at:

• UC -

• Rectory -

• Administration -


The organisation charts of other UC units/services are also available in the respective


The governing bodies of the University are: the General Council, the Rector and the

Management Council.

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Governing body Summary of the main responsibilities

General Council Electing the Rector; assessing the Rector's and the Management Council's acts; proposing initiatives it

deems necessary for the UC's proper operation; approving changes to the UC's Statutes, after hearing

the Senate.

Rector Preparing and presenting proposals to the General Council for the medium term strategic plan, general

guidelines, annual activities plan and report, consolidated budget and annual accounts, and for the

creation, transformation or extinction of organic units; taking the necessary measures to guarantee the

quality of teaching, research, development and innovation; supervising the management of academic

and pedagogical affairs and human resources, as well as the administrative and financial management

of the UC and the Social Services; exercising disciplinary power.

Management Council Carrying out the University’s administrative, patrimonial, financial and human resources management.

Detailed information on these bodies can be consulted at

Additionally, the detailed composition and competences of the UC’s governing bodies and its

units is contained in the Statutes of the University of Coimbra (MCTES, 2019), available at

3. Educational, scientific, and cultural project

Considering the mission stipulated in its statutes, the UC has as its strategic guidelines

research & innovation, teaching, societal challenges and internationalisation.

Research and innovation take place within the scope of the R&D units and projects and

are located in the fields of Health Sciences, Exact Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering

and Technology Sciences, Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences. Information about the

R&D units can be consulted at

In order to bring together teams and promote interdisciplinarity with multidisciplinary

approaches, capable of responding to societal challenges in alignment with the priorities of

Horizon Europe and the United Nations Agenda 2030, the UC defined a set of strategic areas

that bring together critical mass and existing capacity for the development of research

excellence, based on the capacity of the R&D units. There are 5 strategic areas: Health;

Climate, energy and mobility; Natural resources, agri-food and environment; Digital,

industry and space; Heritage, culture and inclusive society. Additional information on the

strategic areas may be consulted at Additionally,

the UC’s R&D units evaluated by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) actively

contribute to the production of knowledge that originates scientific publications in leading

journals in various specialties. In terms of research & innovation, the UC's vision in the

Strategic and Action Plan (UC, 2019) is: ‘Investing judiciously and unequivocally in the

conditions necessary to increase the quality and quantity of international level knowledge

production with high impact on society.’

Regarding teaching, the UC's mission is to ensure an educational offer that provides

excellent academic training, and fosters the development of scientific and technical skills, as

well as the capacity for design, innovation and critical analysis by students and graduates,

supported by the constant creation of knowledge. The training provided in the 10 teaching

and research units encompasses all university training and teaching activities, aimed not

only at conferring academic degrees (bachelor, integrated master, master, doctorate), as

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well as non-degree training. Teaching is adapted to the demands of the labour market, it is

internationalised, and maintains research & innovation at its core. The UC’s scientific quality,

based on the work developed in the R&D units, is reflected in a broad, up-to-date and

certified offer of training programmes, at all levels of higher education. Information on the

UC's educational offer can be found at In teaching, the UC's

vision in the Strategic and Action Plan (UC, 2019) is: ‘Rationalising the pedagogical offer in

light of “Bologna” in a logic of efficiency and close coordination with research, by promoting

student-centred teaching for the acquisition of skills, developing innovative pedagogical

projects capable of increasing the quality of the teaching-learning process and promoting the

attraction of new audiences’.

The strategic guideline concerning societal challenges is comprehensive, and favours the

sharing of knowledge and effective contribution in providing answers to any problems and

concerns for society at large. In addition to the activities developed in the Organic Units

(UO), the Rectory and the UECAF have an essential role in fostering a connection to society,

by promoting initiatives and projects for the UC’s community and for the community in

general, by making peerless bibliographic and museological collections available to all, and

by actively contributing to the promotion of sports, culture, heritage and knowledge, in close

articulation with the world of business, with the UC’s alumni, and with the numerous national

and international collaborative networks in which the UC participates. Information on the

activities and projects aimed at answering societal challenges can be found at,

specifically in the UC News area. In terms of societal challenges, the UC's vision in the

Strategic and Action Plan (UC, 2019) is: ‘Creating conditions to act, react and interact with

society in its different aspects by means of knowledge sharing and open science, thus

contributing to the sustainable development in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda’.

Internationalisation is part of the UC's identity matrix, and common to the other mission

pillars. Consequently, the UC promotes internationalisation in research & innovation, in

teaching and in societal challenges through a strategic and massive investment in three key

aspects - political, scientific, and people. Information on the UC's internationalisation

strategy can be found at

Regarding internationalisation, the UC's vision in the Strategic and Action Plan (UC, 2019) is:

‘Asserting the global position of the University of Coimbra concerning the different mission

pillars, by intensifying its presence in international networks, seeking strategic partnerships

and maintaining its leadership within the scope of the Lusophone community’.

In short, the UC’s educational, scientific and cultural project responds to the challenges IESs

are currently facing. Through its units and services, the UC ensures the: a) production and

dissemination of scientific knowledge conducive to its affirmation as a centre of excellence in

its fields of knowledge; b) promotion of quality training that favours the subsequent insertion

of graduates into working life, as well as the integration of new audiences within the

paradigm of lifelong learning; c) provision of quality services, through the application of the

knowledge produced, with the aim of strengthening the capacity for intervention with the

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community; d) promotion of conditions for educational success and social development of its

students, with special attention paid to diversity and integration.

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The SG.UC encompasses an articulated set of policies, processes, documents, information

systems and other instruments supporting the planning, execution, monitoring,

assessment, analysis and improvement of the activities carried out at the University of

Coimbra, with a view to achieving the overall satisfaction of the different stakeholders, and

excellence in all of the institution’s areas of activity.

1. Guiding documents

The SG.UC is guided by European standards concerning quality in higher education, while

naturally complying with the other national determinations regarding IESs and their


It has as its reference the recommendations and provisions contained in the following


Table 1: Guiding documents of the SG.UC




Legal Regime of Assessment of Higher Education (RJAES), approved by Law no. 38/2007, of 16 August and amended by Law

no. 94/2019, of 4 September

Legal Regime of Higher Education Institutions (RJIES), approved by Law no. 62/2007, of 10 September

Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, EURASHE, Brussels, 2015

Framework for Internal Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education Institutions, A3ES, Lisbon (October 2016 version,

adapted from the European Standards and Guidelines 2015)

NP EN ISO 9001:2015 – Quality management systems - Requirements, Portuguese Institute of Quality, Caparica, 2015

NP EN ISO 9000:2015 – Fundamentals and vocabulary, Portuguese Institute of Quality, Caparica, 2015

NP EN ISO 9004:2019 – Quality management. Quality of an organisation. Guidelines to achieve sustained success, Portuguese

Institute of Quality, Caparica, 2019

NP ISO 31000:2018 – Risk management. Guidelines, Portuguese Institute of Quality, Caparica, 2018




Statutes of the University of Coimbra, published in the appendix to Normative Order No. 43/2008, in the Diário da República,

II Series, no. 169, of 1 September, 2008 and amended and republished by Normative Order No. 8/2019, in the Diário da

República, II Series, no. 55, of 19 March, 2019

Regulations of the University of Coimbra, available at

2. Quality Policy

Article 8 of the Statutes of the University of Coimbra (MCTES, 2019) reflects the relevance of

Quality Management for the institution, which is expressed as one of its principles of


Consequently, the Strategic and Action Plan (UC, 2019) establishes as a vision for the

Quality axis ‘Consolidating the high quality standards of the University of Coimbra in its wide

range of fields, by simplifying and modernising procedures and improving efficiency in all the


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When defining the Quality Policy, the UC takes as its reference the applicable legislation and

the institution’s mission, as well as taking into account the needs and expectations of

stakeholders, risks and opportunities, and material and human resources at its disposal.

Thus, the Quality Policy currently in effect, approved in September 2015, is structured

around seven lines that represent the UC’s commitment, namely its top management, with

the improvement and promotion of a culture of quality common to the whole institution, with

the effective involvement of the most relevant stakeholders:

1 | To foster the involvement of the whole academic community, namely the students, in a

strategy of differentiation through quality, ensuring the efficacy of the Quality Management


2 | To experience the UC as a premier European university where knowledge and innovation

are built, in an alliance oriented towards new societal challenges, opening its centuries-old

heritage and traditions to the world;

3 | To ensure the quality and continuous improvement of its offer of education and training,

by bringing students' skills in line with the demands of advanced training and the labour


4 | To reinforce the connection between Teaching - Research - Transfer(s) of knowledge, by

promoting collaboration between the University and society’s economic, social and cultural


5 | To provide the UC with the most advanced forms of specialised services to the

community, by recognising the value of knowledge, economic and social development, and


6 | To foster the commitment between the organisation and its workers, by promoting

participative internal communication and reinforcing individual skills;

7 | To foster the organisation’s sustainable management of resources, the well-being of its

people, and its social responsibility.

The adequacy of the Quality Policy is regularly evaluated by the UC’s Quality Council.

3. Scope

The SG.UC is implemented through the action of all units and services of the University of

Coimbra, with the aim of promoting a culture of quality across the various organisational

processes, and contributing to excellence in all areas of activity.

The scope of the SG.UC includes the following Processes:

International Relations Management; Academic Management; Human Resources

Management; Innovation Management; Financial Management; Infrastructure Management;

Sustainability Management; Information Systems Management; Social Action Management;

Research and Development Management; Teaching and Learning Management;

Communication Management; Project Management; Open Science Management;

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Administrative Information and Data Protection Management; Networks and Partnerships

Management; Legal Support Management; Sports Activity Management; Cultural Activity

Management; Strategies for the Promotion of Employability Management; Educational

Innovation and Distance Learning Management; Heritage and Tourism Management;

Document Management; UC Governance; Planning, Assessment and Improvement.

i. Scope of the ISO 9001:2015 Certification

The scope of the ISO 9001:2015 certification, narrower than the scope of the SG.UC,

corresponds to the following Processes2 currently managed by the Rectory3 and the UC’s


International Relations Management; Academic Management; Human Resources

Management; Financial Management; Building and Safety Management; Environmental

Sustainability Management; Information and Communication Systems and Infrastructures

Management; Project Management; Technical-Legal Management; Document Management;

Planning, Assessment and Improvement.

Regarding the functional limits of the scope of certification, these currently correspond

to the following structures: Academic Management Service; Financial Management Service;

Human Resources Management Service; Information and Communication Systems and

Infrastructures Management Service; Building, Security and Environment Management

Service; Research Promotion and Management Service; Legal Support Office; International

Relations Division; Planning, Management and Development Division; Quality Promotion


As for the physical limits of the scope of certification, these are located at UC Pólo I, in

Coimbra, and are:

• Headquarters - Former FMUC building, Rua Larga;

• Santa Rita College, Rua da Ilha;

• S. Jerónimo College / College of Arts, Largo D. Dinis;

• Information Systems Building, Rua do Arco da Traição.

4. Process Map

The Process Map4 presented in the following figure globally represents the structure of the

SG.UC, and is in line with the guiding strategic reference framework of the UC’s Strategic

and Action Plan (UC, 2019). Therefore, at the UC, Processes are classified as follows:

2 The designation of the Processes corresponds to the designation used in the external audit report carried out in November 2020 and,

therefore, preceding to the implementation of the new UC Process Map. The description of the scope of the ISO 9001:2015 certification will be adjusted after the conclusion of a new external audit, in 2021. 3 With the publication of the amendment to the Rectory and Administration regulations, in January 2020, the Division of Assessment and

Continuous Improvement, a structure previously part of the Administration, was extinguished.

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Table 2: Classification of SG.UC processes

Management Processes They define the strategic guidelines to be applied by the Core and Support Processes; they

include the UC's governance activities, as well as the planning, monitoring, assessment, analysis

and improvement of all the institution's activities.

Core Processes

(service provision)

They ensure the fulfilment of the missions of the University of Coimbra - research & innovation,

teaching and societal challenges – taking into account the needs of students, teachers,

researchers, technicians and society.

Support Processes They support the implementation of the management and service provision Processes, by

ensuring the availability of the necessary resources.

Figure 1: UC process map

4 A Process comprises a set of interrelated activities that, through the use of resources, transform input elements into output elements, i.e.,

contribute to achieving a common goal, translated into a good or service that adds value and contributes to the achievement of the UC’s


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5. Institutional strategy for improvement

At the UC, the institutional strategy for improvement is an integral part of the institution’s

strategic management. The initiatives of the Strategic and Action Plan are aligned with the

Quality Policy and the Processes of the SG.UC, in turn, contribute towards achieving these

initiatives. Table 3 presents the articulation between the lines of the Quality Policy and the

pillars, axes and areas of the Strategic and Action Plan (UC, 2019).

Table 3: Articulation between Quality Policy guidelines and the pillars, axes and areas of the


For a better description of the institutional strategy for improvement, Appendix 2 presents

how each of the 46 strategic guidelines of the PEA (UC, 2019) is articulated with the 7

Quality Policy guidelines and with the 25 Processes of the SG.UC.

This governance model stimulates an alignment between the strategic, management and

operational aspects, promoting a process approach, the PDCA cycle and the management of




h &





tal Challenges













inability a

nd S





1 | To foster the involvement of the whole academic community,

namely the students, in a strategy of differentiation through quality,

ensuring the efficacy of the Quality Management System;

2 | To experience the UC as a premier European university where

knowledge and innovation are built, in an alliance oriented towards

new societal challenges, opening its centuries-old heritage and

traditions to the world;

3 | To ensure the quality and continuous improvement of its offer of

education and training, by bringing students' skills in line with the

demands of advanced training and the labour market;

4 | To reinforce the connection between Teaching - Research -

Transfer(s) of knowledge, by promoting collaboration between the

University and society’s economic, social and cultural fabric;

5 | To provide the UC with the most advanced forms of specialised

services to the community, by recognising the value of knowledge,

economic and social development, and innovation;

6 | To foster the commitment between the organisation and its

workers, by promoting participative internal communication and

reinforcing individual skills;

7 | To foster the organisation’s sustainable management of resources,

the well-being of its people, and its social responsibility.

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risks and opportunities as broad-reaching elements common to the workings of the entire


6. Stakeholders

The mapping of UC stakeholders (PI) is regularly reviewed as part of the definition of a new

PEA and, if necessary, reviewed annually when the SG.UC Processes are updated. Currently,

the stakeholders in the SG.UC are considered to be those shown in the following figure.

Figure 2: UC Stakeholders

The UC intends to meet the expectations of these PIs by periodically evaluating their needs

(explicit and implicit) and satisfaction.

In order to properly manage this process, an analysis was carried out to ascertain the power

that each of these PIs has on SG.UC Processes (power), and the capacity they have to

influence them (interest).

Figure 3 illustrates the result of this exercise.

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Figure 3: UC Stakeholders - power/interest analysis

Graduates from other higher education institutions

Teachers from other higher education institutions

Students from other higher education institutions

Higher education institutions

Trade unions

Other units in which the UC participates

Tourists and visitors

UC Administration

Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education

Central, local and regional administration authorities

Coimbra Academic Association

Clients providing specialised services



Employers of UC graduates


Supervising entities

Funding bodies

Partners in consortiums, protocols, etc.

Subsidiary private law entities

Students under the International Student Statute

Foreign students

Students in IN and OUT mobility programmes

National students

External suppliers


Researchers in charge of projects

Associated Laboratories

UC governing bodies (General Council, Rector and Rector’s Team,

Management Council)

Other UC bodies (Senate, Student's Ombudsman, Single Auditor)

Technical staff

Special Projects and Observatories

UC Old Students Network

UC Social Action Services

Direct support services to UC governing bodies

Cultural Extension and Training Support Units

Research Units

Teaching and Research Organic Units

Former students

Salaried staff

Scholarship students

International Student applicants

National student applicants

Applicants to public functions/fellowships at the UC

Student mobility candidates

Pre-university students

Families of pre-university students

Secondary education institutions


Retired staff (teachers, researchers and technicians)







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The responsibility for promoting a culture of quality in the UC is shared by the various PIs,

especially by those in the ‘Actively manage’ quadrant, who are involved in defining,

implementing, evaluating, analysing and improving the SG.UC in different ways. The PIs also

help determine risks and opportunities, which helps define not only the scope of the SG.UC

and the institutional strategy, but also each requirement that needs to be fulfilled for each


7. Structures and levels of responsibility

The definition, implementation, management and improvement of the SG.UC presupposes

the following levels of responsibility:

Table 4: SG.UC structures and levels of responsibility

Level of responsibility

Structure Composition Competences


Senate Rector, presiding; directors of

all the UOs; 1 student from

each teaching and research

UO; 2 representatives of the

technical staff.

A consultative body tasked with assisting the Rector in the management

of the University of Coimbra, namely quality management.


Quality Council Rector, presiding; vice-rector

in charge of Quality; student

ombudsman; UC

administrator; SASUC

administrator; directors/sub-

directors of the UOs and

UECAFs; GPQ head of unit and

senior technician; 2 student


Ensuring the strategic coordination of the SG.UC by defining and

approving the Quality Policy, disseminating it to the whole academic

community and to other PIs which it considers necessary and adequate.

Responsible for promoting a culture of quality common to the whole



Vice-Rector in

charge of Quality

Not applicable. Defining and communicating the SG.UC strategic guidelines, ensuring

that they are understood and that they materialise into the

implementation and improvement of Processes. Promoting the awareness

of PI requirements and the importance of improvement. Appointing UC

Quality Facilitators, at the behest of the respective directors. Approving

the Management System Manual. Validating the UC Quality Plan, before

its presentation to the General Council. Approving the annual self-

assessment report of the SG.UC. Approving the internal audit

programme and the planning of consultation processes.


Top Management Rector’s team; directors of UOs

and UECAFs; UC administrator;

SASUC administrator.

Implementing the UC's strategy for quality, as well as the provisions of

this Manual, while taking the legal and normative requirements into

account. Assigning responsibilities and authorities for the

implementation, management and improvement of Processes. Approving

and following up on those Processes under its management, ensuring the

necessary conditions for their adequate implementation. Promoting the

sharing of organisational knowledge.


Observatory of



Coordinating Committee (Vice-

rector/s responsible for

academic affairs, research,

quality and external relations

and alumni; student

ombudsman; 2 teachers'

representatives; 2 students'

representatives; head of the

DPGD division; head of the

GPQ unit); Technical support

Supporting the UC in the development of its strategy for pedagogical

quality, innovation and good practices across the different levels and

study cycles on offer. Following up on and monitoring the students'

academic career in order to promote equal opportunities, academic

success, and the acquisition of consolidated knowledge. Developing

systems for monitoring, tracking and analysing pedagogical activities at

the UC. Following up, monitoring and promoting interaction dynamics

between teaching, research and societal challenges at the UC.

Contributing to national and international reflection on educational

policies in higher education.

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Level of responsibility

Structure Composition Competences

Committee; Specialised

Committees; External advisory



Scientific Council Director of the UO, presiding;

representatives of career

teachers and researchers;

representatives of recognised

and positively evaluated

research units, under the

terms of the law.

Deciding on teaching service assignment. Proposing the composition of

juries for academic examinations and competitions. Performing the other

acts established in the law regarding the teaching and research career

and the recruitment of teaching and research staff. Reviewing the UO's

scientific activities plan and report. Pronouncing itself on the creation of

study cycles and approving the plans of study cycles being taught.

Proposing, after a favourable two-thirds majority vote of its members in

full exercise of their functions, the granting of honorary doctoral degrees

and other honorific titles or distinctions. Proposing or pronouncing itself

on the creation of school prizes. Deciding on proposals for the removal of

the Director, before its submission to the Rector. Drawing up its own



Pedagogic Council

Director of the UO, presiding;

teachers and students'


Approving the student achievement assessment regulations. Promoting

regular surveys on the pedagogical performance of the UO, as well as

their analysis and dissemination. Promoting the assessment of teaching

staff pedagogical performance, as well as its analysis and dissemination.

Pronouncing itself on the creation of study cycles and the plans of the

study cycles being taught. Pronouncing itself on the prescriptions regime.

Pronouncing itself on the academic calendar and on exam timetables.

Pronouncing itself on the creation of school prizes. Assessing complaints

regarding pedagogical issues and proposing the necessary measures.

Pronouncing itself on pedagogical guidelines and teaching and

assessment methods. Assisting the Director in defining and implementing

an active policy of pedagogical quality, with the purpose of: providing a

favourable environment for teaching and learning; promoting school

success. Assisting the Director in the promotion of the students'

participation in scientific research activities, in the organisation and

support of professional training stages, in the preparation of international

mobility programmes for students, and in the integration of new



UC Self-assessment


Vice-rector in charge of

quality; head of the GPQ unit;

head of the DPGD division; 2

representatives of teaching

and research staff; 2 student


Managing and strategic follow-up of the institutional assessment

processes and the SG.UC. Approving the planning and methodology to be

applied in self-assessment, promoting the involvement of PIs. Approving

the self-assessment guide and following up on subsequent phases of the

institutional assessment processes and of the SG.UC.


Study cycle's self-



Coordinator of the study cycle;

2 student representatives; 2

teacher representatives.

Following up on the annual cycle of monitoring and assessment of the

study cycle’s pedagogical quality. Preparing and following up on the

study cycle’s self-assessment and external assessment.


GPQ Elements of the QPG team,

including the head of unit.

Functionally coordinating the application of the SG.UC principles,

accompanying the implementation of the quality strategy across the

whole of the UC. Promoting and following up on the implementation of

existing quality management requisites. Realising the articulation

between the SG.UC and the management subsystems of the remaining

units. Raising awareness for quality management, its improvement and

its application in the UC’s daily existence. Managing the network of

quality facilitators of the SG.UC. Providing technical and administrative

support to the UC's Quality Council and to the UC's Self-assessment

Commission. Reporting to top management on the performance of the

SG.UC and its Processes.


Middle managers

and equivalent



Coordinators of study cycles

and R&D units; directors;

heads of division and

coordinators of the rectory,

administration and SASUC,

coordinators of special projects

Functionally managing Processes, developing planning, monitoring,

assessment and improvement activities within the scope of the units they

coordinate. Promoting the sharing of organisational knowledge.

Safeguarding the integrity of the SG.UC when faced with changes in

context. Monitoring the Processes they coordinate in order to achieve the

planned results.

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Level of responsibility

Structure Composition Competences

and of the management

support services of the UOs.

(These are defined for the SG.UC in the attached table, and in this case

the manager is assumed to be the manager of the area indicated).


Quality Facilitators Elements of the DQ network.

Supporting the head of the respective unit/department as part of

activities contributing to the promotion of a quality culture in the UC -

planning, monitoring, assessment and improvement of Processes, in the

mission and support areas.


Internal auditors Elements of the internal

auditors’ group. Carrying out internal quality audits, integrated in the audit programme

approved by higher entities.


UC students,


researchers and

technical staff

Not applicable. Applying the quality policy. Identifying and implementing improvement

proposals, carrying out the several activities assigned to them in that

regard, in accordance with what is described in this Manual and other

SG.UC documentation.

Implementation External


Not applicable. Participating, whenever appropriate, in the planning, assessment,

analysis and improvement processes of the SG.UC.

Figure 4: SG.UC organisational chart

The previous figure, the organisational chart of the SG.UC, schematically represents the

main structures responsible for the strategy, management and implementation of the UC

Management System.

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The responsibilities and authorities applicable to each SG.UC Process are defined in the

internal regulations, in the delegation of responsibilities and in the procedures, work

instructions and guidelines available in the Services Organisation Manual (MOS|UC5).

8. Documents of the SG.UC

The SG.UC applies a process approach which includes several levels in its document

structure, as shown in figure 5.

Figure 5: SG.UC document structure

9. Application of SIGQ frameworks and ISO 9001 requirements

The SG.UC follows the guidelines stipulated in the A3ES framework for internal quality

assurance systems (SIGQ) in higher education institutions, as well as the requirements of

the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. The following table identifies the SG.UC6 processes that

support the application of the guidelines stipulated in these documents.

5 Reserved access archive, requiring authentication with UC credentials. 6 The designation of the SG.UC Processes can be found in the appendices. Only their codification is shown in the following table.





Strategic and Action Plan

Quality Plan

Quality Policy

Management System Manual


Level 1 | Strategic documents

Defining policies, commitments, objectives and strategies to achieve

them, establishing the responsibilities of the organisation before its

regulatory authority and the stakeholders. Defining the organisation of

the SG.UC.

Plan for the Prevention of Management Risks,

Corruption and Related Infractions




Work Instructions



Level 2 | Management documents

Defining what, who, when, how and for what.

Supporting the planning, management,

operationalisation, monitoring, assessment and

improvement of activities, considering the need to

manage risks and opportunities.

Level 3 | Management documents

Evidence of the

implementation of the


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Table 5: Articulation between SIGQ references, ISO 9001 requirements and SIGQ Processes

SIGQ Framework ISO 9001

Requirements P013

























I. Policy for

quality assurance


Adoption of policy for

quality assurance and

the pursuit of quality


4. Context of the


5. Leadership

6. Planning

II. Quality

assurance in core

processes of the




Conception and

approval of the

training offer

8. Operationalisation

II. Quality

assurance in the

core processes of

the institutional




teaching, learning and


8. Operationalisation

II. Quality

assurance in the

core processes of

the institutional



Student admission,


recognition, and


8. Operationalisation

II. Quality

assurance in the

core processes of

the institutional



Ongoing monitoring

and periodic review of


9. Performance


10. Improvement

II. Quality

assurance in the

core processes of

the institutional


6 Research and

development 8. Operationalisation

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SIGQ Framework ISO 9001

Requirements P013

























II. Quality

assurance in the

core processes of

the institutional



Inter-institutional and



8. Operationalisation

II. Quality

assurance in the

core processes of

the institutional


8 Internationalisation 8. Operationalisation

II. Quality

assurance in the

core processes of

the institutional


9 Human resources 7. Support

8. Operationalisation

II. Quality

assurance in the

core processes of

the institutional


10 Material resources and


7. Support

8. Operationalisation

III. Information

management and


11 Information


8. Operationalisation

9. Performance


10. Improvement

III. Information

management and


12 Public information 7. Support

8. Operationalisation

IV. Periodic




The cyclical nature of

external quality


9. Performance


10. Improvement

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10. Process approach, risk and opportunity management and

improvement cycle

The SG.UC promotes the planning, execution, monitoring, assessment and improvement of

the activities of the University of Coimbra, in the mission and support areas, organising them

in interrelated Processes that work as a coherent system.

Consequently, the SG.UC ensures that the following are well identified:

1) the Processes necessary to carry out the UC’s activities, considering its missions, the

needs of the PIs, the strategic initiatives and the Quality Policy;

2) the risks and opportunities underlying these activities, seeking to avoid or minimise

the former and take advantage of the latter;

3) the sequence and interaction of these Processes, summarised in table 6.

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Table 6: Main interactions between SG.UC Processes




















































P013 International relations management

P026 Academic management

P061 Human resources management

P064 Innovation management

P066 Financial management

P068 Infrastructure management

P069 Sustainability management

P070 Information systems management

P074 Social services management

P076 Research and development management

P078 Teaching and learning management

P080 Communication management

P100 Project management

P107 Open science management

P137 Administrative information and data protection management

P171 Networks and partnerships management

P185 Legal support management

P192 Sports activity management

P193 Cultural activity management

P194 Strategies for the promotion of employability management

P196 Educational innovation and distance learning management

P197 Heritage and tourism management

P200 Document management

P201 UC governance

P202 Planning, assessment and improvement

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Table 6 allows us to identify the main interactions between SG.UC Processes by determining

the input Processes (i.e. Processes whose outputs are inputs to subsequent Processes) and

the output Processes (i.e. Processes whose inputs arise from the outputs of previous


The process approach endorsed by the UC is based on the PDCA cycle - Plan, Do, Check,

Act – as a means of improving efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the activities

developed in the institution. This means that for each Process of the SG.UC, the following are


• The objectives to be achieved and when they are to be achieved;

• The scope;

• The Process Managers;

• Responsibilities and authorities;

• The inputs and outputs;

• The activities necessary to achieve the defined objectives;

• The sequence and interactions between activities;

• The objectives/indicators to be monitored;

• The resources (means necessary to achieve results, including knowledge and


• The risks and opportunities;

• The actions to address risks and opportunities;

• The control, measurement and monitoring methodologies;

• The methodologies for assessment, reflection and improvement.

Risk-based thinking underlies the management of the Processes of the SG.UC. It makes it

possible to determine any factors that may cause deviations from planned results in terms of

strategic objectives and the operational objectives of each Process. Globally, at the level of

the SG.UC, it is an integral part of the planning, assessment and improvement cycle.

The intention behind this model is that risk management, applied in the context of each

SG.UC Process, contributes to the creation of value and to the adequate development of the

institution's activities, through the implementation of preventive controls, while minimising

negative effects and taking advantage of any possible opportunities.

11. Articulation between the SG.UC and management subsystems

Considering the size and complexity of the UC’s organisational structure, the SG.UC provides

for the possibility of management subsystems in UOs and the SASUC, whenever these are

deemed necessary for the proper functioning and management of these structures.

These management subsystems shall be aligned with the principles defined in the SG.UC,

and shall provide inputs for the overall analysis of the performance of the University of

Coimbra's Processes. They may have their own management manuals, appropriate to the

needs and specificities of the structures and activities they support, as long as they are in

line with the provisions of the UC’s MSG.

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12. The PDCA cycle

The implementation of the UC’s quality policy, with the involvement of various stakeholders,

is based on the PDCA cycle - Plan, Do, Check, Act, briefly described in the following points:

➔ Plan – establishing the objectives of the SG.UC and its Processes, as well as the

resources necessary to obtain results in accordance with the PI requirements, the

normative and legal requirements, and the organisation's policies. Identifying risks

and opportunities;

➔ Do – implementing what was planned, using the available resources and managing

risks and opportunities

➔ Check – monitoring and, where applicable, measuring the Processes and the

resulting products and services against planned policies, objectives, requirements

and activities. Reporting the results. Evaluating the effectiveness of actions to

address risks and opportunities;

➔ Act – analysing results, reflecting and undertaking actions to improve performance

as required.

The organisation of the SG.UC Processes in accordance with PDCA is shown in figure 6. The

cycle is applied to the system as a whole, and to each of the Processes individually.

Figure 6: SG.UC processes according to the PDCA cycle

To better understand the organisation of the SG.UC and the model used to implement the

quality policy, the following briefly describes the application of the PDCA cycle in the UC.

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i. Planning

Strategic Planning

The Strategic Plan (UC, 2019) is organised into pillars, axes and areas. For each pillar, axis

and area, its vision is explained and its strategic guidelines established, to be followed

through a set of initiatives in keeping with the defined goals. The Strategic Plan is carried out

through Action Plans, to be developed under the responsibility of the Rector’s Team and the

various units and services of the UC, bringing together their efforts in order to ensure the

transition from strategy to action. The Strategic Plan guides the outline of the Rector Team's

Action Plan and the Action Plans of the various units and services, including the Quality Plan.

The Action Plans, in turn, facilitate the alignment of resources, in order to satisfy the needs

and expectations of stakeholders. These plans, which are more operational, include the

definition of actions, timing, indicators, targets to be achieved, and those responsible for

their implementation. Additional information on the UC Strategic and Action Plan can be

found at

Quality Plan

The Quality Plan, prepared in line with the PEA.UC, includes the set of priority actions aimed

at the development and improvement of the UC’s quality policy.

For each strategic guideline defined in the PEA.UC, corresponding actions are defined in the

Quality Plan, with targets and indicators which aim to contribute to the improvement of

policies, procedures and instruments for planning, monitoring, assessment and improvement

of the 25 Processes of the SG.UC.

Operational Planning

How activities are to be carried out (what, who, when, how and for what purpose) is defined

and included in several SG.UC documents, namely in the regulations, delegation of powers,

procedures, work instructions, guidelines, project and activity schedules, among others.

These documents support the operational planning of the SG.UC’s Processes, their

implementation, monitoring and improvement, taking into account any risks and

opportunities that have been identified.

Plan for the Prevention of Management Risks, Corruption and Related Infractions

The UC’s Plan for the Prevention of Management Risks, Corruption and Related Infringements

(PPRGCIC) (UC, 2019) aims to identify the main areas where management failures may

occur, especially acts of corruption, the risks arising therefrom, and the controls that the UC

should institute in order to mitigate the probability of such occurrences. For each Process of

the SG.UC, this plan identifies its associated main risks, thus upholding risk management in

all areas of activity.

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ii. Carrying out activities

Considering the stipulations of the Strategic and Action Plan, the Quality Plan, the

Operational Planning and the PPRGCIC, the UC carries out a set of projects and activities as

part of its mission and support areas. These activities ensure the implementation and control

of the Processes of the SG.UC, taking into account the requirements of stakeholders,

observing the provisions of this Manual, and the legal and regulatory requirements, both

internal and external.

The execution of the activities organised in the SG.UC’s Processes is supported by

documented information (regulations, procedures, work instructions or guidelines), whose

level of detail depends on: 1) the criticality of the Process in reaching the intended results;

2) the degree of competence and autonomy of the people involved in its execution; 3) the

risks and opportunities identified; 4) the degree of automation of the Process; 5) the specific

requirements of ISO 9001 and of the references for internal quality assurance systems in

IESs; 6) the requirements of stakeholders and of relevant legislation.

Regarding the execution and control of these activities, particularly those that refer to the

core processes, the UC ensures:

• That (core) service provision Processes are defined and made available, with its

respective supporting documentation, in order to clarify the activities to be carried out,

the results to be achieved, and those responsible;

• That relevant information is made available to stakeholders, with regards to service

provision activities;

• That the necessary resources are identified and provided;

• That equipment and infrastructures supporting the activity are well maintained, in order

to ensure their availability and reliability;

• That monitoring indicators are identified, characterised, and used, whenever


• That the services provided are traceable in relation to what has already been carried

out, and to the result of quality verification actions;

• That non-compliant services / in need of optimisation are identified, causes are

analysed, actions for correction / improvement and validation of actions undertaken are


iii. Monitoring, analysis and assessment

The UC applies several mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the performance of its

Processes. These mechanisms may be: i) Internal - developed and applied by the UC itself;

ii) External - developed and applied by external entities that regularly audit/evaluate the UC.

Following the development of these monitoring and assessment exercises, the UC collects

information to support decision making in order to ensure defined objectives are achieved

while managing risks and opportunities, with the aim of improving activities and satisfying


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Table 7: Main monitoring and assessment mechanisms applied in each SG.UC Process

7 Compliments, suggestions, and complaints. 8 IO – Improvement Opportunities; SA – Sensitive Areas; NC – Non Conformity; GP – Good Practices

Monitoring and assessment































Self-assessment of the SG.UC

Internal quality audits

Internal control audits

Monitoring C/S/C7

Monitoring IO, SA, NC, GP 8

Assessment of PI satisfaction

Monitoring the degree of execution of

PEA.UC actions

Self-assessment of the UC

Annual report of the R&D unit

Self-assessment of the course/study


Self-assessment of units/services

Monitoring and risk assessment

Self-assessment of the OU





A3ES – Assessment of study cycles

A3ES - Assessment of the SG.UC

A3ES - Institutional assessment

FCT - Assessment of R&D units

Audits by funding bodies

Audits by supervisory and judicial control


University rankings

External audits ISO 9001

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iv. Improvement

The data collected after applying the various internal and external monitoring and

assessment mechanisms is analysed by the structures responsible, as identified in the

Statutes, internal regulations and the organisational chart of the SG.UC. It is then used to

support the decision-making process, with a view to defining and implementing actions to

improve the Processes and the SG.UC itself. The intent is to globally promote the efficiency,

effectiveness and quality of the activities developed by the UC, taking into account the needs

of PIs, the risks and opportunities, and any internal and external requirements.

After improvement actions have been identified and recorded, an analysis of their criticality

and complexity of implementation is then carried out, to classify them as strategic,

management or operational actions, and to ensure their implementation according to defined

priorities, available resources and internal guidelines.

The University of Coimbra is thus committed to developing a culture of quality, based on

planning, monitoring and assessment methodologies. It aims to broaden the scope of use of

management tools and technological platforms that facilitate the effective fulfilment of its

missions, with the purpose of truly promoting an increase of efficiency, effectiveness and

quality of the Processes, as a means of achieving high levels of excellence in all fields of


13. Meta-assessment of the SG.UC

In addition to cyclical external assessments, the SG.UC’s performance is also evaluated by

the UC itself, on an annual basis. This assessment is based on the annual self-assessment

report of the SG.UC, which is prepared by the Quality Promotion Office and presented to top

management. Its main goal is to assess the System's ability to act as a catalyst for

improvement of the Processes and the institution.

In preparation for this annual self-assessment report, a critical analysis of the policies and

instruments for planning, monitoring, assessment and improvement of the activities of the

UC is carried out, in order to identify potential weaknesses and opportunities for

improvement. The objective of this analysis is to progressively optimise the Internal Quality

Assurance System, ensuring that it is capable of identifying risks and opportunities, to act

upon the root causes of weaknesses, and to implement any necessary improvements.

Following this self-assessment and analysis, actions may be carried out to improve the

performance of the SG.UC and its Processes.

14. Management documents

Various management documents are prepared in each of the Processes and in the SG.UC as

part of the application of the PDCA cycle. These documents support the planning, monitoring,

assessment and improvement phases, and ensure that pertinent information is reported to

internal and external interested parties.

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Table 8 shows the most relevant documents.

Table 8: Main management documents of the SG.UC

Document Responsible for


Responsible for


Frequency of



Strategic and Action Plan DPGD General Council Every 5 years UC website

Quality Plan GPQ / DPGD

General Council,

after having

consulted the

Quality Council

Every 5 years Restricted access website

Plan for the Prevention of

Management Risks,

Corruption and Related


GAPRG, with

contributions from

the GPQ


Senate hearing Annual Restricted access website

PEA Monitoring Report DPGD General Council Every semester Restricted access website

Monitoring report on the

Quality Plan GPQ / DPGD General Council Every semester Restricted access website

Monitoring Report on the

Plan for the Prevention of

Management Risks,

Corruption and Related

Infractions 10

GAPRG, with

contributions from

the GPQ


Senate hearing Annual Restricted access website

Management and

Accounting Report DPGD General Council Annual UC website

Consolidated Management

and Accounting Report DPGD General Council Annual UC website

Self-assessment report of


Vice-rector in

charge of quality,

after hearing the

Quality Council

Annual Website (summary) and restricted access


Self-assessment report of

the UO

Direction of the

teaching and

research UO

Vice-rector in

charge of quality Annual Nónio

R&D Unit’s self-assessment


Coordination of the

R&D unit n.a. Annual FCT Platform (restricted access)

Course/Cycle of studies self-

assessment report

Coordination of the

course/study cycle UO Direction Annual Nónio

9 Under implementation, with possible deviations in scheduling 10 Under implementation, with possible deviations in scheduling

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• Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (2019). Despacho Normativo n.º

8/2019, Diário da República, II series, no. 55, 19 March 2019

• Universidade de Coimbra (2019). Plano Estratégico 2019-2023. Coimbra. Available at:

• Assembleia da República (2019). Lei n.º 94/2019 de 04 de setembro: Primeira alteração à

Lei n.º 38/2007, de 16 de agosto, que aprova o Regime Jurídico da Avaliação do Ensino

Superior. Diário da República no. 157/2007, 1st series.

• Assembleia da República (2007). Lei n.º 62/2007 de 10 de setembro: Regime Jurídico das

Instituições do Ensino Superior. Diário da República no. 174/2007, 1st series.

• European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (2015). Standards and Guidelines

for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. Brussels.

• Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (2016). Referenciais para os

Sistemas Internos de Garantia da Qualidade nas Instituições de Ensino Superior. Lisboa.

• Instituto Português da Qualidade (2015). NP EN ISO 9001:2015 – Sistemas de gestão da

qualidade – Requisitos. Caparica.

• Instituto Português da Qualidade (2015). NP EN ISO 9000:2015 – Fundamentos e

vocabulário. Caparica.

• Instituto Português da Qualidade (2019). NP EN ISO 9004:2019 – Gestão da qualidade.

Qualidade de uma organização. Linhas de orientação para atingir o sucesso sustentado.


• Regulations of the University of Coimbra, available at

• Management System documents referred to throughout this Manual, available in the

restricted area of the UC website, at

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Appendix 1 – SG.UC Processes

Ref. Designation Pillar/Axis/Area



responsibility 11



Other parties

involved in




P013 International relations


Internationalisation VR JCS DRI

Rectory (IC;




Includes all activities that contribute to the internationalisation of the UC in its mission and

support areas, particularly through the mobility of students, teaching staff, researchers and

technicians, as well as through the establishment of partnerships and cooperation in international

networks the UC is part of.

P026 Academic

management Teaching VR CA SGA


(Student Hub;

UC_Regressa e


Includes all activities related to the management and organisation of degree and non-degree

training, as well as support to student recruitment activities. This includes the provision of

services to students, applicants and former students, as well as all academic acts carried out as

part of their studies at the University, from their application to the issuing of the diploma that

confirms their graduation or training, and activities aimed at the definition and implementation of

initiatives and strategies to combat school abandonment.

P061 Human resources

management People VR LN SGRH

Includes all activities involved in planning, selecting and recruiting human resources deemed

essential for the desired efficiency and effectiveness of the UC, ensuring the promotion of internal

policies that guarantee the conditions for continuous professional and personal development of workers, as well as their motivation.

P064 Innovation


Research and

Innovation VR LSS


(UC Business)

Includes all activities that contribute to promoting, stimulating and supporting the creation of

relations, projects and partnerships between the UC and the outside world, contributing to

reciprocal bonding and learning, as well as boosting the economic potential of scientific


P066 Financial

management Funding VR LN SGF

Includes all activities that contribute to financial management from a perspective of asset

management, budget management, procurement and internal control.

11 R – Rector Amílcar Falcão; VR LSS – Vice-rector Luís Simões da Silva; VR LN – Vice-rector Luís Neves; VR DL – Vice-rector Delfim Leão; VR CC – Vice-rector Cláudia Cavadas; VR AD – Vice-rector Alfredo Dias; VR CA – Vice-

rector Cristina Albuquerque; VR AF – Vice-rector António Figueiredo; VR JCS – Vice-rector João Calvão da Silva; PR JF – Pro-rector José Figueiredo; PR PPS – Pro-rector Patrícia Pereira da Silva; ER – Rector’s team

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responsibility 11



Other parties

involved in

operational management


P068 Infrastructure

management Facilities VR AD


SGSIIC Rectory (GNI)

Includes all activities that contribute to the planning, management and maintenance of

infrastructures and equipment, including the rehabilitation and upgrading of UC buildings and

equipment, with a view towards ensuring the management of technological infrastructures, spaces and security.

P069 Sustainability


Sustainability and

Social Responsibility ER Rectory

Includes all activities geared towards sustainability management in the UC, taking into account

the Sustainable Development Goals.






Includes all activities related to identifying the needs, planning and policies of Information

Systems, as well as their development, management and maintenance. These include technical

advisory activities for assisting in decision-making in these domains, as well as tech support.

P074 Management of

social services

Sustainability and

Social Responsibility VR AF; PR JF SASUC Rectory (LAC)

Includes all activities related to the provision of support to the university community in the sphere of social services, namely: attribution of social support to students (direct and otherwise); support

to sport and cultural activities; access to health services and occupational safety management;

access to psycho-pedagogical support and other educational support; access to housing; access to

child support services and access to food; other support services.

P076 Research and development


Research and

Innovation VR CC; PR JF


UOs; Teaching and Research

UOs; R&D


Rectory (R&D International


Includes all activities aimed at implementing the UC's research policy, namely those related to the creation, extinction and management of R&D units and the stimulation of scientific production, as

well as articulation activities between research, teaching, and ethics.

P078 Management of teaching and


Teaching VR CA Teaching and

research UO

Includes all activities that contribute to defining, planning and approving the training offer and to

the planning and management of the teaching activity.

P080 Communication

management Communication R


(DCom; NMAR)

Includes the activities centred on the improvement of an effective communication and marketing

policy, promoting transparency and creating feedback mechanisms for members of the UC

community and external partners, giving visibility to the achievement of the institution's statutory missions. These include activities of content production; press and media advisory services;

graphical editing; marketing and targeted communication.

P100 Project

management Funding VR CC; VR LN SPGI

Includes all the activities that contribute to the technical, administrative and financial

management of projects and activities developed at the University within the field of research.

These include research, identification and dissemination of funding programmes, community

support and otherwise; promotion and specialised support for competitive funding programmes as

part of research, development and institutional projects; specialised support for negotiating and

contracting approved applications.

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responsibility 11



Other parties

involved in

operational management


P107 Open Science

management Societal Challenges VR DL; VR CC Rectory

Includes all activities aimed at promoting the institutional policy of open science and promoting

the sharing of knowledge with the scientific community and with Society in general.




management and data protection

Quality VR AF Rectory


Includes all activities aimed at promoting compliance with General Data Protection Regulation as

well as access to administrative documents and administrative information.


Network and



Societal Challenges ER Rectory



Support Office

Includes all activities aimed at promoting and managing participation in networks and

partnerships, as well as monitoring third-party entities with which the UC has a close relationship,

namely Subsidiary Private Entities.

P185 Legal support

management Quality VR LN GAJ

Includes all activities that contribute to the provision of specialised legal technical support in the

various areas of activity of the Administration and, whenever requested, to the various governing

bodies of the University, its UOs and other services.

P192 Management of

sport activity Societal Challenges VR AF EU

Includes all activities aimed at promoting and managing sport for the UC community and for


P193 Management of

cultural activity Societal Challenges VR DL



Includes all activities aimed at promoting cultural and artistic action for the UC community and for



Management of

strategies to



Teaching VR CA Rectory

(NUPE) Includes all activities aimed at promoting the employability of UC graduates.


Management of


innovation and

distance learning

Teaching VR CA




Includes all activities that promote and stimulate pedagogical innovation and distance learning

training offer.

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Ref. Designation Pillar/Axis/Area



responsibility 11



Other parties

involved in

operational management



Heritage and



Societal Challenges VR DL; VR AD;





Includes all activities aimed at managing the University’s bibliographical, archival and

museological heritage and its dissemination to Society, namely through tourism.

P200 Documental

management Quality VR LN; VR DL



Includes all activities for the management of internal and external correspondence, as well as the

management of management and administrative process archives.

P201 UC governance Common ER


team; General

Council; Senate;



Rector's Office

– secretariat,

core and

support to the

Rector’s team

Includes all of the UC's governance activities, including the activities of the General Council,

Management Council and Senate. It also integrates the set of activities of the Rector’s Team and

its support team.



assessment and


Quality VR AF; VR CC;




Includes all activities that contribute to the application of the PDCA cycle in the UC, with a view to

promoting a culture of planning, monitoring, assessment, analysis and improvement of the

institution's processes, including assessment activities of normative, legal and regulatory

compliance, interface activities with the supervisory, inspection or jurisdictional control bodies,

stimulating process approach and risk management, all as a means to ensure compliance with the

stipulations of internal and external regulations, the Quality Policy and the Strategic and Action


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Appendix 2 – Articulation between the PEA.UC, the Quality Policy guidelines and the Processes of the SG.UC

Pillar/Axis/Area Strategic guidelines PQ Lines SG.UC Processes

Research & Innovation To promote interdisciplinarity through the creation of strategic areas, with multidisciplinary

approaches capable of responding to societal challenges

1; 2 P076; P201

Research & Innovation

To stimulate scientific activity by strengthening the presence of the University of Coimbra in

scientific networks, diversifying external funding and offering support in the search for

opportunities and partnerships, in the submission of applications and in the execution of


1; 2 P064; P076; P100; P171; P201

Research & Innovation To boost scientific production and promote its dissemination, valuing intellectual property and

creating incentive systems for teachers and researchers with high impact scientific activity

1; 2 P064; P076; P107; P201

Research & Innovation To map, update and guarantee the visibility of the scientific and technological capacity

installed in the University of Coimbra Group

1; 2 P064; P076; P201

Research & Innovation To consolidate the innovation ecosystem of the University of Coimbra, supporting

entrepreneurship, the incubation and acceleration of companies, based on research

1; 2 P064; P201

Teaching To innovate and adapt pedagogical models to Education 4.0, offering excellence in the

assimilation of knowledge and skills, and in the results achieved

1; 3 P078; P196; P201

Teaching To attract the best and to boost the transversal acquisition of skills, offering students a

preparation for excellence in preparation for research activities

1; 3; 4 P026; P076; P078; P201


To expand training opportunities, responding to the needs of new groups and offering

diversified and attractive programmes for lifelong learning and implementing options in the

micro-credentials format

1; 3 P026; P078; P196; P201


To strengthen permanent proximity and interaction with the business world and other entities,

adjusting and co-creating training offers, ensuring work-based learning and promoting


1; 3; 4 P026; P078; P171; P194; P201

Teaching To promote the quality of doctoral training and to recruit more and better PhD students, in

recognition of the third cycle’s importance in the production of knowledge

1; 3; 4 P026; P076; P078; P201

Societal Challenges To promote the interface and sharing of knowledge with businesses, other public entities and

society in general, actively contributing to the response to societal challenges

1; 2; 5 P064; P069; P107; P201

Societal Challenges

To develop and intensify synergies with the different agents of the city and the region,

reinforcing the presence of the University of Coimbra in the territory through partnerships and

collaborative networks that contribute to sustainable development

1; 2; 4; 5; 7 P069; P171; P201

Societal Challenges

To enhance the social and cultural value of heritage and tourism, to stimulate cultural and

artistic activity and to promote university sport as an element of cohesion between the

academy and the region

1; 2 P192; P193; P197; P201

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Pillar/Axis/Area Strategic guidelines PQ Lines SG.UC Processes

Societal Challenges To strengthen the bilateral relationship between the University of Coimbra and its alumni, as a

place where ideas and experiences are shared, reinforcing the presence of the alumni

1; 2 P171; P201

Societal Challenges To consolidate the institutional policy of open science, promoting good practices and the

sharing of knowledge with the scientific community and society in general

1; 2; 4 P076; P107; P201


To reinforce leadership in promoting Lusophony, its culture and identity matrix, and to

strengthen relations with CPLP countries, consolidating the University of Coimbra’s position as

a key institution for the Portuguese language

1; 2 P013; P171; P201

Internationalisation To maintain the international focus on emerging economies, boosting the Coimbra Group of

Brazilian Universities and deepening relations with other countries

1; 2 P013; P171; P201

Internationalisation To increase the attractiveness and international recognition of the University of Coimbra,

intensifying its presence in networks and establishing bilateral strategic partnerships

1; 2 P013; P171; P201

Internationalisation To review the University of Coimbra's geostrategic definition, deepening its participation in

relevant international organisations and attracting international events to the University

1; 2 P013; P171; P201

Internationalisation To give a strategic character to the mobility policy, promoting the academic community's

international mobility, and reviewing the conditions offered to international students

1; 2 P013; P201

People To stimulate dialogue, promote active participation and institute the Ombudsmen

1; 6 P201

People To dignify and reassess professional careers, recruiting in a perspective of progression and

rejuvenation of human resources

1; 6 P061; P201

People To promote professional and personal training, value individual skills and enhance the

functions performed

1; 6 P061; P201


Facilitate the reconciliation of professional, family and personal life, recognizing the efforts of

workers and promoting motivation

1; 6 P061; P201

People To be a safe and healthy university and promote the quality of life of the academic community

1; 6; 7 P068; P074; P201

Quality To promote the revision of the statutes and foster the strategic alignment of the entities that

constitute the University of Coimbra Group

1; 4 P171; P185; P201; P202

Quality To implement monitoring and assessment models and tools capable of responding to the new

institutional challenges

1 P201; P202

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Pillar/Axis/Area Strategic guidelines PQ Lines SG.UC Processes

Quality To implement innovation and modernisation projects that contribute to the simplification and

improvement of administrative procedures

1 P070; P201; P202

Quality To optimise the University of Coimbra's Management System, promoting the efficiency,

effectiveness and quality of its processes

1 P137; P185; P200; P202; P201

Facilities To map spaces and their use, as well as to draw up a long-term integrated development plan

for the University’s edifices, promoting efficient use

1; 7 P068; P201

Facilities To improve infrastructure conditions, recovering and modernising spaces and promoting

safety, health and quality of life

1; 7 P068; P070; P201

Facilities To qualify and enhance the value of outdoor spaces, promoting permanent maintenance and

improving accessibility

1; 7 P068; P201

Facilities To enhance the social and cultural value of the buildings, as well as the UC’s historical and

museological heritage

1; 2; 7 P068; P197; P201

Funding To strengthen fundraising and diversify funding, focusing on competitive financing and

generating revenue

1; 7 P066; P100; P201

Funding To enhance governance accountability, operational excellence and management tools

1; 7 P066; P070; P185; P200; P201

Funding To defend the economic sustainability of higher education, so as to ensure the fulfilment of its

mission before society

1; 7 P066; P069; P201

Communication To develop an internal communication strategy, personalized and of proximity, that promotes

alignment, cohesion and involvement

1; 6 P080; P201

Communication To actively communicate the University of Coimbra’s global activity, in an integrated and

articulated way, reinforcing attractivity and notoriety

1; 2 P080; P201

Communication To make the UC brand a citizen of the world, promoting an adequate management of the

image and marketing actions that project its visibility and recognition

1; 2 P080; P201

Environment and Climate


To promote environmental and energy sustainability on the campuses of the University of


1; 7 P069; P201

Environment and Climate


To encourage behavioural change by fighting waste and promoting an environmentally

responsible campus

1; 7 P069; P201

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Pillar/Axis/Area Strategic guidelines PQ Lines SG.UC Processes

Environment and Climate


To adopt a green public purchasing policy and to ensure the financial sustainability of the

implementation of environmental measures

1; 7 P066; P069; P201

Citizenship, Equality and


To strengthen social action, ensuring equity and promoting academic success, improving the

living conditions of the student community and fighting inequalities

1; 7 P074; P201

Citizenship, Equality and


To combat gender inequality and ensure equal opportunities, eliminating imbalances and


1; 7 P069; P201

Citizenship, Equality and


To promote social inclusion and minority protection policies, guaranteeing the right to

difference and the right to have rights, ensuring equal access and conditions for success

1; 7 P069; P074; P201

Citizenship, Equality and


To promote enlightened and responsible citizenship, social cohesion and human rights,

defending civilised and ethical principles and contributing to the integral formation of citizens

1; 7 P069; P201

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Appendix 3 – Articulation between the actions of the Quality Plan and the Processes of the SG.UC

Actions of the Quality Plan


























To define and implement a model for the annual

monitoring and assessment of research by Strategic


To document and integrate in the SG.UC the

procedures for the promotion and dissemination of UC

scientific production

To document and integrate in the SG.UC the procedures for the creation, management and

extinction of R&D units

To optimise the model for the monitoring and

assessment of pedagogic quality in the 1st and 2nd


To optimise the model for the monitoring and

assessment of the pedagogical quality of non-degree

and distance learning courses

To optimise the model for monitoring the academic

and professional trajectory of UC graduates,

considering the specificities of each cycle

To optimise the pedagogical quality, monitoring and

assessment model in the 3rd cycle

To promote, by the end of 2021, the reformulation of

the Innovation Management Process

To ensure the annual participation of the UC in the

THE Impact ranking and prepare, after each cycle of

data submission / disclosure of results, a report with

proposals for improving the performance of the UC

To develop the Sport Activity Management Process

To develop the Cultural Activity Management Process

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Actions of the Quality Plan


























To develop the Heritage and Tourism Management


To define and implement the Management Process of

the Alumni Network

To define and implement a model for monitoring and

evaluating the level of compliance with the

institutional policy of open science

To promote at least one training action, through e-

learning, on quality management in higher education

institutions, for managers and technical staff of IESs in the CPLP

To promote the participation in actions for

international dissemination of the SG.UC, promoting

benchmarking and the sharing of good practices in

the scope of quality management in IESs

To implement and regularly update a web page

dedicated to quality management at the UC, in


To promote the translation into English of all the

questionnaires evaluating the satisfaction of members

of the academic community

To define and implement a model for mapping and

evaluating the impact of international networks and

partnerships in which UC is involved

To promote in Coimbra an international event

dedicated to quality management in higher education


To optimise the registration and monitoring model of

teachers and researchers in mobility IN and OUT

To optimise the satisfaction assessment model of the

academic community members who participate in

international mobility initiatives

To integrate the Ombudsmen in the UC Quality Council, promoting their participation in at least 75%

of the meetings held

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Actions of the Quality Plan


























To define and implement, by the end of 2021, a UC

human resources planning procedure

To optimise the procedures and support instruments

for the operational planning of human resource recruitment and selection activities in the UC

To promote annually at least one training action

within the scope of quality management, at the

initiative of the GPQ, dedicated to teaching and

research staff

To promote annually at least one training action

within the scope of quality management, at the

initiative of the GPQ, aimed at the UC's quality


To promote at least one annual workshop on quality management, at the initiative of the GPQ, dedicated

to technical staff

To collaborate in all welcoming and integration actions

for new workers, preparing the materials and

organising the framing session on quality

management in the UC

To develop and implement a study to evaluate the

satisfaction/comfort/fulfilment of the human

resources of the University of Coimbra

To include the Quality Council in the UC Statutes,

clarifying its composition, competences and

functioning model

To optimise and keep updated the characterisation of

the calculation of indicators associated with each of

the references for internal quality assurance systems in IESs, defining the model for their integration in the

UC business intelligence system

To ensure the annual monitoring and assessment of

the impact of the administrative innovation and

modernisation measures implemented in the

University, preparing the necessary information for

the management and accounts report and for the

SG.UC self-assessment report

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Actions of the Quality Plan


























To prepare an annual self-assessment report of the

UC's Internal Quality Assurance System, with a critical

analysis of the development level of each of the

dimensions considered by A3ES and a proposal for a

development plan

To prepare the proposal for the UC's SIGQ self-

assessment guide, so as to prepare the renewal of its

certification by A3ES

To annually define and implement an action plan to

put into practice the recommendations presented by

A3ES, within the scope of institutional assessment

To annually prepare at least 2 new processes for the

SG.UC, with the intent to integrate them in the scope

of ISO 9001 certification

To optimise the model of elaboration, verification,

approval and control for the documents published in


To annually define and implement an action plan in order to carry out the preventive measures stipulated


To promote the optimisation of the Building and

Safety Management Process

To develop the internal quality assurance system of

the UC in all its aspects, enhancing the application of the simplified assessment model of study cycles, with

positive financial impact for the UC

To promote the execution of at least 85% of the

internal audits planned, increasing the total % of

targeted units

To promote an Annual Meeting of the UC's Quality


To prepare and disseminate annually at least 4

newsletters for the DQ Network, with relevant issues,

as part of quality management in higher education

To optimise the Communication Management Process

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Actions of the Quality Plan


























To implement a new webpage dedicated to quality

management at the UC

To promote the participation of the UC in the QS Stars

rating, for the renewing of its global 5-star classification

To optimize the dissemination model of the UC results in the university rankings

To promote the definition and implementation of the

Sustainability Management Process

To optimise the model for monitoring academic

success, the lack thereof, and academic abandonment

To optimise the Social Action Management Process

To promote the application of inclusive language in all

processes, procedures, working instructions,

guidelines and forms of the SG.UC

To ensure the creation of a proposal for the UC Code

of Ethics

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Appendix 4 – Management System Manual – revision table

Version Date Motive

1.0 2010-12-15 Initial document.

2.0 2011-07-08 Update to the process matrix.

3.0 2011-09-01 Updated responsibilities of the Quality Facilitators.

4.0 2012-01-11 Text adjustment in light of the Novo Acordo Ortográfico. Specific changes to the wording, in order to make it clearer. Autonomy of Appendix I in

printed form (Im0772 - Matrix of Management System processes).

5.0 2012-06-29 Integration of additional details taking into account higher education reference documents. Alteration to the structure of the document.

6.0 2012-12-18 Revision following the Administration's restructuring.

7.0 2013-02-11 Integration of a new process map. Review of the designation of some procedures.

8.0 2013-07-01 Global revision of the MSG, namely the process map, the composition of the Quality Council, and clarification of some chapters.

9.0 2013-07-31 Integration of the new quality policy approved by the Quality Council.

10.0 2014-02-20 Specific changes to the wording of point IV.2.1 Research and Development.

11.0 2014-05-25 Integration of a new version of the process map. Changes resulting from the amendment of the Administration Regulation.

12.0 2014-09-30 Revision of the Quality Policy of the University of Coimbra.

13.0 2015-02-16 Integration of the reference to the existence of management subsystems. Integration of the Botanical Garden as UECAF. Update to the

Stakeholders map. Update to the chapter on structures and levels of responsibilities.

14.0 2016-02-25 Integration of adjustments following the publication of the new PEA and the adjustment of line 6 of the Quality Policy. Integration of the new

SG.UC processes map.

15.0 20-09-2018

Global revision of the Management System Manual in view of the adaptation of the SG.UC to the new references for internal qua lity assurance

systems in IESs and to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, namely the implementation of risk-based thinking. Revision to the SG.UC processes map and the structures responsible for quality.

16.0 18-02-2019 Update to the UC process map (P193 - Management of interaction with the community). Update to the Stakeholders map. Integration of text regarding the scope of ISO 9001:2015 certification. Integration of the reference to PPRGCIC. Update to tables and charts that refer to the

processes of the MS, in light of the revisions to the process map.

17.0 23-09-2019

Update to the UC processes map. Updating of all figures, tables and charts that refer to the processes of the MS. Updating of information

regarding the organic structure of the UC, given the changes in the Rector's Office and Administration regulations. Updating of the reference

documents (RJAES and ISO 9004). Other miscellaneous changes for clarification of content.

18.0 28-10-2020

Update to the information on the organic structure of the UC, following the publication of new versions of the Regulations of the Rectory and of

the Administration, throughout 2020, including the creation of the Quality Promotion Office. Update to the organisational chart of the SG.UC.

Update to the list of references, in order to integrate the new PEA. Integration of a note regarding the update to the UC Process Map, in progress,

following the approval of the new PEA, including the Quality Plan.

19.0 26-03-2021

Annual verification of the MSG for optimisation and occasional clarification of contents. Optimisation of the description of the structures

responsible for the SG.UC. Update to the MSG tables, including appendixes, after the approval of the new Process Map (which resulted from the

splitting of previously existing Processes) and new versions of the Rectory and Administration organisational charts. Alterations to the MSG
