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Page 1: Malin Kundang

Malin Kundang

Scenario by: fikreatif

     the cast

         Louise: You Malin Kundang / Upik         Dedi: Pak Haji         Fikri: Jambrong         Destri: Mrs. Malin Kundang         Akin: Malin Kundang         Inda: wife Malin Kundang         Diana: bodyguard

Once, at a mosque in the Solo area, lies the pilgrim who lived in a mosque. He had a disciple named, Jambrong. The mosque has a laboratory that can carry a person's imagination to the past or future. Laboratory was closed to the public and known only by Pak Haji and his students only. And labortorium called time tunnel. Mr. Hajj is often invited his students to gain experience while studying in the hall.

That afternoon, Mr. Haj intend to take his students, Jambrong to go for a walk in the hall. Mr. Hajj was about to take his students to go to an age to learn about a story.

Jambrong: (when a pack was sweeping the Hajj, which was about to greet passes)

"Assalamualaikum Pak Haji, Haji Pak mo doing? Was looking for money yes, really .. see below continues? "(Mocking smile)

Pak Haji: (with a face mounted angry, then quiet for a moment) "oh hell how many years you studied here, Mbrong? Parents can not sich ngormatin you? OK if so, it looks like you pengin streets yes. Mbrong, here come with me to the lab! "

Jambrong: (with a pleading face and a little scared) "yes sir Hajj"

(After arriving at the lab. Then pack pilgrimage to operate computers and preparing joint Jambrong who'd still looks scared.)

Pak Haji: "you ready yet?"

Jambrong: "Ready Pak Haji"


Page 2: Malin Kundang

Settings change to the time of Malin Kundang

Malin Kundang mother: "it's really no what-do, O Upik?

Upik: "oh it's in the harbor there is a merchant who was docked for a while I did not try to find out first yes Mak .... Who knows Malin's brother.

(Sound of waves and sea breezes with gentle welcoming a merchant ship that was about to close)

{In other situations, it turns Pak Haji and Jambrong have reached the future home of an elderly grandmother (mother Malin Kundang) just when his son (Upik) go from house to find out about the existence of ships coming}

Pak Haji: "Assalamualaikum wr wb"

Jambrong: "Assalamu'alakum wr wb"

Mother Malin Kundang: "wa'alaikum salam wr wb. Who are ya? Mr. Hajj huh?

Jambrong: "Grandma, we are from Solo here, laper nek, so we're here to eat. (Jambrong replied with a smile)

Pak Haji: "oh no we are going to Grandma silaturrahmi course, maybe I should sit here Nek. My name Hussin and this is my student Jambrong, Grandma.

Mother Malin Kundang: "ooo ... .. please sit down.

Jambrong: "Grandma's on the coast of what is sich, really crowded really there for-for what a treasure it Grandma?

Malin Kundang mother: "I do not know son, it was my child find out what happened? He says there is sich a merchant who was docked in the harbor. He find out whether the merchant's brother?

Jambrong: "emangnya grandmother had a son who became merchants ya Grandma?

Mother Malin Kundang: "no sich. Cuman first I had a son named Malin Kundang that go wander into town.

Jambrong: "Malin Kundang, Grandma? Well sure he's nek rebellious child? (With surprise)

Page 3: Malin Kundang

Pak Haji: "heh you can not pause to honor this berceritera grandmother?" (With a little facial expression memeperlihatkan angry) Nek .. please continue!

Malin Kundang mother: "He said he wanted pengin become a merchant and he had not come home nearly 10 years. In addition, I also sometimes dream if my child had become a wealthy merchant. Well who knows it my son? I already miss once.

Pak Haji: "oo so yes Nek"

(Then Upik come up with a joint population of the merchant. They look're fighting. Then they came in front of the house mother Malin Kundang)

Upik: "Madame, this is bang Malin mak. This proves the first Mother necklace given to him there, but do not want to admit Mak.

Mother Malin Kundang: "ah my son, you've come home son? where have you been boy? Mother missed. Now you have become so wealthy merchant.

Malin Kundang: "I do not have a mother who is old like you. You know me this is a rich man who came from distant lands. So, you do NOT admit, admit it ... so my mom! I am disgusted to see you "

Guard: "yes this prince may not have a mother like you. I had known the prince for a long time so it's impossible prince never lived here. Prince's mother was from Holland. Not so the prince?

Malin Kundang: "yes you're right guard"

Malin Kundang wife: "Dad, try to see first! Who knows that person really your mother? Looks like he really mengganggapmu son. "

Malin Kundang: "my wife is not impossible. times more likely to trust you with that ugly old man than I am this cool. Khan you are my wife. "

Malin Kundang wife: "then what about the necklace?

Malin Kundang: "necklace that I used to buy in the market senen with bodyguards. Yes khan bodyguard?

Guard: "right my lord. This necklace was purchased in the market right senen when buying fabric lord. "

Page 4: Malin Kundang

Malin Kundang wife: "right? You're not lying?

Guard: "no woman, I am not lying. True, I did not lie. "

Pak Haji: "heh you guard, you're not lying?

Guard: "no Pak Haji."

Upik: "the heart to do this once a brother on the mother. Mom has long been waiting for you and always pray for you to succeed. Why did you respond to this. Do not remember when the mother's brother was forced to ask for money here and there to eat our meal and my brother. Is the brother can not remember? Poor mother's brother? "

Pak Haji: "well if so. I try to mediate. What may not brothers? "

All: "Hajj should pack."

Pak Haji: "Okay so if my grandmother was the same mo nanya first. What are the characteristics of the child's grandmother's grandmother to know to prove that the child's grandmother?

Mother Malin Kundang: "mole. Malin Kundang have the mole on his right arm is red. "

Pak Haji: "ok. If this guy really have a mole means he is really the child's grandmother but kalu does not mean the child is not the child's grandmother. Agree? "

All: "agree ...."

Pak Haji: "good. Now try to open your arms?

Malin Kundang: "good." (And then opened lenngannya and right turns out the person has a red mole. Then she's truly the child's grandmother)

Pak Haji: "so if it is clear of all that ye are the children of this grandmother."

Malin Kundang: "not possible. This must be magic that you create, I do not believe it. Anyway he's not my mother. Let's get back to sailing bodyguard. I was not comfortable living here anymore.

Guard: "good lord."

Malin Kundang: "let my wife, we are back ...!"

Page 5: Malin Kundang

Malin Kundang wife: "no. I do not want to have a husband who rebel against her mother will stay here with my grandmother. "

Malin Kundang: "What did you say? You're going to live here? Okay I'll go alone. Let's bodyguard! "

Guard: "good lord"

Malin Kundang mother: "if you do not want to admit me as a mother. I curse you'll be a stone "

Malin Kundang: "whatever you say!"

Jambrong: "EIT wait. Malin Kundang Hey, you do not go. You'll be a rock you know. If you do not believe look at this! This book mencerikan about you. if you'll go. On the way you will see a big hurdle. Boat would be swayed by the waves and was struck by lightning and then you will be a statue. This is the book. (Holding up the book the story of Malin Kundang)

Malin Kundang: "I do not believe in this book. This must be a book pirate "

(Malin Kundang then go along with his bodyguard. While his wife chose to stay with the mother Malin Kundang.)

Malin Kundang wife: "Mother would accept me as your son?"

Malin Kundang mother: "You did good son does not like my son."

(In the sea. Malin Kundang with guards sailed to a place. And then the sky began to be enclosed by a thick black clouds, followed by heavy rain and lightning and storms are grabbed with a thundering voice. The whole boat was upset and confused. they had never received sedemiakian storm magnitude.)

Guard: "lord, lord repent it. This may be the punishment of iniquity lord! "

Malin Kundang: "silence you. let's get control of this ship. Do a lot of talk! "

Guard: "I am afraid if later I also joined a host rock."

Malin Kundang: "you do not believe in them!"

Guard: "try to think first host. When the host later became a rock meant lord will overheat the

Page 6: Malin Kundang

host will be forever hungry and masters will be forever in hell. Come lord repent. "

Malin Kundang: "good but how. Is this not too late? "Guard: "Just try to seek forgiveness, sir"

(Then the next day at the beach often found wood and corpses that float and plenty of treasures scattered everywhere. And the lies the human figure but a demigod, eh mean the statue. The man looked exhausted because they can not walk with either because some body has become a statue and can not be moved. As he limped toward the house he tried to walk grandmother who felt contempt yesterday. Accompanied by bodyguards, who were still survivors of the disaster the ship, Malin Kundang accompanied to his mother's house. He wanted to apologize)

Malin Kundang: "greetings wr wb"

All: "salam wr wb wa'alaikum"

Malin Kundang: "mak, I'm sorry I was wrong mafkan my mak mak. I admit I was wrong. Forgive me mak me so free from this curse, and then I will be kind to Mother.

Jambrong: "I told you so? I say if you've khan desperate, you'll be a stone, right, right? If you've gini continues what?

Mother Malin Kundang: "well, if so provided that you forgive mother must be loyal to the mother, sister, wife, and the entire population of this island. In addition you must be willing to build the island into a developed island. Are you willing? "

Malin Kundang: "yes mak."
