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Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

Welcome and congratulations on your choice to live WISE with Wisdom Intent and Self Empowerment! Your journey will be one filled with learning, experiences and a realization of just how Live WISE with Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

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powerful each of you are as individuals. This power is complimentary to all others and it's not a power of control over others. It's one where you embrace who you are born to be and through your actions, encourage all others to do the same.

Your experiences will test your understandings and patience of self and others, with a knowing that you are worth not giving up on. This is your opportunity to shine and allow others to shine within, as bright as each chooses to.

The intention of this booklet is as a guideline, resource and encouragement to be introspective at the power you have to make changes and shifts in your life. You will find some pages throughout that you can use to jot down thoughts and notes to review as part of your movement towards growing into who you were born to be.

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What is Pure Intent? Live WISE with Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

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Pure intent is defined as an acknowledgment and belief that we all have the right to be clean, whole and healthy with a deep respect for free will choice both our own and others and for each of our individual true pathways. Our pure intent also acknowledges that we all have our own truth, and that is to be respected providing it is not causing harm to another.

How can this help me?

Living with Pure Intent allows you to embrace who you truly are, even if you are different then someone else. Rather then feeling you don't fit in or are less then another, you are able to see that everyone is an individual with their own path to follow. This acknowledgement and acceptance can create the following within you:

• Acceptance of self• A feeling of excitement to learn and

understand yourself and others• Create a less stressful life for yourself• A realization that others

reactions/behaviours are not personal to you, but to their feelings of self • An understanding that your own emotions/filters actually contribute to how you perceive others

• An acknowledgement of self that you long for, but realize it needs to start within you

• A realization that every action, reaction and behaviour has a reason or underlying root cause

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• You develop a sense of self confidence that can have a positive effect on you and others

through your leading by example. Living with Pure Intent can free you from the chains of fear, peer pressure, stress, bullying and the effect that your triggers can have on you.


The Pure Intent Umbrella is a means for you to review and gage where your responses fall in relation to Pure Intent. Those responses that fall within Pure Intent will do so under the umbrella. Those responses that are outside of Pure Intent will fall outside the protection of the umbrella, which can and will lead to challenges in your life.

"My WISE MANIFESTO" is a useful tool to use to identify whether your response to situations falls under or outside the Pure Intent Umbrella.

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My WISE Manifesto

I believe in being open to new possibilities of understanding that don't interfere with my own free will choice.

I believe that we are all equal in life, each at our own place on our pathway.

I believe my past can affect my future and embrace the idea of healing it.

I believe I have the right to be clean, whole and healthy.

I believe that I am in control of my happiness.

I believe that when it comes to things I can't control, I have the right and desire to release the energies of them.

I believe in my own inner power and am excited to embrace it.

I believe that in life I am confronted by fear, but I refuse to live in fear.

I believe that I can have an affect on peace in the world and will do all within my control to create it within myself.

I believe in manifesting and nurturing unconditional love of self.

I believe in my own power to create the life I want to live.

I believe that knowledge and understanding of self and others is power.

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I believe in being true to myself and allowing others to be the same, even if I don't agree with their choices.

I believe in managing my emotions.

I believe that when faced with challenges, I can change the situation through my own understanding and actions.

I am committing to myself to do all that is appropriate for me to do, to embrace who I truly am, regardless of what others say.

What are triggers?

Triggers are the emotions and experiences that you hold within you that you have not resolved and/or released. The result of not doing so holds you in a victim mentality. When someone does or says something to you, and somewhere inside, you hold the feelings that the person makes you feel, then you will get triggered and the hurt of the emotions/situations will cause you to lash out.

For example, if you are feeling that you are not smart enough. The minute you make a mistake or someone calls you a name like 'dummy', whether it be in jest or not, you will automatically feel the hurt of those words because they are basically confirming what you already feel inside to be true. As a result, you will lash out in some way either with tears or with anger. When you react as suggested above, while it is a normal way to react to the pain of the words, really what it is doing is putting you in a victim mentality. You begin to blame others for how you are feeling, when the truth is, how you choose to experience a Live WISE with Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

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situation is all within your own choice. That is the power you have within, the power that recognizes Pure Intent and that allows you to grow into who you are born to be.

When you begin to play the blame game, it is like you are sinking in quick sand. Continuously blaming others for your own choice response, holds you in the quick sand with no where to go. When you can take responsibility for your actions/reactions and behaviours, through an understanding that your response is based on something you feel about yourself already, and then you are on a path of personal growth that is limitless.

Being honest with yourself about what your triggers are is your first step to being able to clear them, and to step forward on your WISE path. The truth is that on your best day you couldn't imagine yourself as great as you truly are.

Take some time to look honestly at yourself and identify your triggers, using the space below. Regardless of how many you may find you have, take one step at a time. There is no time limit on your growth, and each dealt with is another forward step on your path. There is no

need for judgement, any triggers you may have, you have for a reason. Having said that, just because they exist doesn't mean you have to react to them in a way that keeps you from standing in your power. Use this opportunity to learn about

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yourself and with that an understanding of your true power.

My Personal Triggers___________________________________________________








How do you define success? This is a good question to ask yourself. There are many defined definitions for you, created by others as to what success is, but the most important definition is what you personally define as success. When defining it for yourself, don't forget to include your dreams.

When defining success be aware of the potential effect of fear on your definition. Fear will affect you, including your definition in various ways including:

not living up to others expectations or definitions of success

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fear that your dreams have no validity and may result in you not meeting your basic needs

feeling unworthy of living your dreams fear that you aren't able to make your

dreams happen

The above list is not conclusive and you will be able to identify more fears that may be holding you back. No matter what the fear, it all stems from you not recognizing your own power. Life is full of challenges, which truly are opportunities for learning, and embracing life as such, will allow you to push past the fear and know that whatever you choose to create you can and will.

Take some time to write down your definition of success at this time and use it in comparison to those times where you are embracing your power, see if the definition changes. Feeling inner peace and standing in our power is truly a success that you are capable of and is the foundation for all other individual successes.

Creating a mind set where you can see your successes daily will also help to put you on a road of true success. As easy as it may be to find your faults, a shift to focusing on successes is much more powerful and pleasurable. Each of you has success daily and the ability to recognize and build on that is exciting and contagious.

A WISE success journal is a wonderful way to focus on, acknowledge and embrace your daily successes. Consider the analogy of a grain of sand on a beach representing an individual success. It may be a small one but none the less is one. Each Live WISE with Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

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grain of sand is as important as the next in creating a beach and all are needed for a beach to be a beach. You are the beach!! Using that same analogy, there are many that benefit from a beach. There are species that a beach is their livelihood and there are those, like you, who enjoy the relaxation and pleasure a beach has to offer. You too can have the same effect on others simply by being true to yourself.

Our personal success, while it begins within you, there are occasions when to reach our dreams, you get assistance from others. The others involved may be consciously assisting you or they may be reacting to your approach to life living with Pure Intent.

Whatever assistance you receive or give, is a "win win" scenario for all involved. Each of you has a shared success as well as an individual success. There is an overlap which allows you to be happy for others successes and vice versa others being happy for your success. When a "win win" scenario is created, it's worth the focus and energy of everyone to assist in others success.

A good example is in the workplace or in your personal life. The person you feel most inspired by, is using their own personal feelings of success in their daily life. At the same time, you are also feeling inspired which is a personal success of your own. They are feeling increasedsuccess in having been able to engage you in learning and in doing so you too are inspiring them.

My WISE Success Journal Live WISE with Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

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Use this space as a starting point to acknowledge and grow your successes on a daily basis. Again, you define your successes and with each success you acknowledge, your list will grow. Success can come in all sizes, be sure to include those that may seem insignificant, in the big picture, they are invaluable.___________________________________________________







The Power of Thought

In a world that is ever shifting, it takes increased focus to not only ensure you focus on understanding why you act or behave or react as you do, but also be aware that as you do that for yourselves, you are also gaining valuable insights into others behaviours, actions and reactions. You don't have to like the behaviour of another person, but when you are able to understand where it is coming from, it is easier to acknowledge your own responsibilities

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within a given situation, i.e. choosing if you want to respond seeing the situation through understanding eyes, or through your emotions eye glasses, where the emotions you choose to hold onto cloud and filter the situation.

As you grow within yourself and are able to manage your emotions, choose how you will react to various situations, then and only then will you be able to see all situations for what they are; learning opportunities. This will also bring about balance for you and your natural state will be a positive one.

If you feel that you must always be positive and it is a forced positivity, meaning it doesn't flow naturally, then at some point, you will be overwhelmed with frustration, and having or developing intent that falls outside the pure intent umbrella.

Another important understanding, in relation to the power of thought relates to the mirror effect. What you see in others, particularly the more negative attributes, are those things within you that you need to work on within yourself. Every person you meet is a mirror reflection of you. Pay close attention to what you are seeing in the mirrors you call friends, family and acquaintances. There is valuable knowledge within each and every relationship you have.

Experiences and Emotions

There are 2 main exercises that you can use to help you to deal with the emotions as they are triggered. This will allow you to manage your Live WISE with Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

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emotions rather then them being in control resulting in words or behaviours that would take you outside your Pure Intent Umbrella.

There are a few key understandings needed in fully benefitting from the exercises. Our past experiences, no matter how painful they may feel, are an important part of making you who you are today. The memories are important to embrace, so you are able to learn what you need to from any given situation, which in turns allows you to grow. To ignore or bury a memory, while you may not feel it on a daily basis, the emotions attached to the memory act as a filter to how you perceive and view every situation in your life on a daily basis. To be able to embrace the memory, allows you to learn from each and every experience you have, and prevents you from repeating it.

Embracing the pain attached to the memory is not a requirement. In fact, it's that pain that can make you want to push down and bury hurtful experiences in your life. The exercise shared below, will actually help to clear the emotional energy so you are then able to embrace the memory and learning without the pain.

An important part of releasing pain is the forgiveness aspect. Many believe that forgiveness is given for the benefit of others, but the truth is, that you being able to forgive others is really you taking your power back from others. To choose not to forgive, means that you are allowing others to make you feel the anger, hurt and pain. Any pain you feel in a situation, it is only you feeling it. Others have their own issues and emotions to deal with. To hold onto anger or hurt, results in you Live WISE with Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

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ultimately hurting yourself. Everyone acts, reacts and behaves

based on their own experiences and knowledge, and their behaviour is a reflection of how they feel about themselves inside. You have the right to be free of the pain so you can embrace your power and it is all within your control to do so.

Chain Release ExerciseWhen you find that you are feeling emotions that are making you feel anything but happy and content, step back for a moment and try the following exercise;

visualize all contributing to what you are feeling as chains

see yourself holding an energy sword (like a light sabre) created by you made of unconditional love.

use your sword to cut the chains and as the chains are cut they automatically change to diamonds of unconditional love

once all the chains are cut and you are seeing the diamonds, ask your true self to help you embrace and absorb all the diamonds.

as you are absorbing the diamonds its important that you give appropriate forgiveness ( i.e. to those who are in the memories the diamonds represent and to yourself for allowing others to make you feel as they did and for not trusting yourself)

you also want to accept appropriate forgiveness (this allows for an

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acknowledgement of an understanding of self)

your true self will ensure that all attached to the memories are dealt with appropriately and ask your true self to rebalance your energy appropriately.

For definition purposes, your true self is you that is at peace and happy, behind the wall of emotions. It is the part of you that is pushing you to be who you are born to be and to be true to you.

The chains are representative of the memories and emotions together that making you feel like you do. Once cut the emotions are cleared from the memories, allowing you to embrace the memory and the learning that comes from the memories. In doing this exercise, you will start to feel lighter and more your true self i.e. happy, fulfilled, and with an inner peace.

It's important to note that releasing the emotions is not a one time thing. Our experiences have been over a number of years, and it will take time to clear all. Be patient with yourself and persevere and you will find yourself with inner peace no matter what challenges you face.

In life, there are so many things beyond your control. The actions, reactions, behaviours, thoughts and feelings about you, etc, from others, you have no way to control. That lack of control often leads to you feeling angry, sad, lonely, frustrated, worried and fearful to name a few emotions. If you go back to the desire to live with Pure Intent, you realize that wanting to control Live WISE with Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

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others and your reactions based on that want does not keep you under the Pure Intent Umbrella. You realize you can only control your own actions, reactions, behaviours and have a responsibility to yourselves to do so. For those things you can't control, the following exercise is useful to help clear the emotions described. You do have support fromlife when you live with Pure Intent and are able to surrender your perceived need to control others. This will allow your life to play out appropriately. Holding onto the emotions actually can create blocks to you being supported as you deserve in life.

You have a responsibility to yourself to do all you can control within a situation, but also to release all that you cannot.

Freedom Star ExerciseThe freedom star exercise is one that can help you to release the energy of the emotions of those situations, people that you can't control;

visualize yourself sitting in your sun (which is representative of your own energy)

visualize the Freedom Star in the near distance

using your thought intent, send the energy of all those things you can't control to the Freedom Star

feel yourself getting lighter and lighter as you let go of the burden

your true self will replenish your energy with faith and trust of self

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if you are still feeling any of the emotions mentioned above, continue to surrender all to the Freedom Star.

An example of a situation where the Freedom Star can be useful; if you want to get a job, all you can control within that situation is to complete the proper paper work and ensure that it gets sent to the company or school. Once the resume or application is mailed or dropped off, then all is out of your control. Any worry, frustration, fear and

expectations that you have can be sent to the Freedom Star to ensure you aren't creating any blocks for yourself to having what is appropriate happen. Once you release the emotions and expectations, this clears the way for you to know that what is appropriate for you will happen. All things happen for a reason, and if you don't have the outcome you hope for, there is a reason. You may not know the reason right away, but another opportunity may present itself that will allow you to see and say "Oh, now I see why". Keep your eyes open to what is presented to you. Often the resolve of your issues, when using the Freedom Star, will be opportunities that never crossed your mind.

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The story of the butterfly

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.One day a small opening appeared.He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole.Then it stopped, as if it couldn't go further.

So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon. The butterfly emerged easily but it had a swollen body and shriveled wings.

The man continued to watch it, expecting that any Live WISE with Wisdom Intent Self Empowerment

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minute the wings would enlarge and expand enough to support the body, neither happened!In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around. It was never able to fly.

What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand: The restricting cocoon and the struggle required by the butterfly to get through the opening was a way of forcing the fluid from the body into the wings so that it would be ready for flight once that was achieved.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us. We will not be as strong as we could have been and we would never fly. So have a nice day and struggle a little and teach well!

Author unknown








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Gail [email protected]

Copyright © 2010 Gail M. BlackmanAll Rights Reserved

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