Page 1: Linkages between Agriculture and Water Quality – LARA Overview

LLinkages between inkages between AAggrriculture and iculture and WWaater Quality –ter Quality – LARALARA


Page 2: Linkages between Agriculture and Water Quality – LARA Overview


• Policy needs

• Framework action LARAobjectives, structure, cooperations

• Envisaged products and results

• Further steps

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Water qualityAgricultural Management

UWW Industry

WFD+ Nitrate Dir,Bathing-,Drinking Water Dir.

CAP, Market organisation,Rural development

impact of land use management

Support implementation

Costs of implementation

Needs for achie-ving quality

Policy background -Nutrients and water qualityPolicy background -Nutrients and water quality

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Agriculture and water quality in the Agriculture and water quality in the DPSIRDPSIR

Driving Forces





Quality: concentr. of nitrate in groundwaters, nitrogen and phosphorous compounds in surfacewaters and subsequent eutrophication

Health, ecosystems:Nitrate in ground and drinking water, eutrophication: algae blooms; disturbed ecosystems; possible species shift. Lack in ecological and biological quality of water bodies according WFD

Causes: agricultural land use and management , - fertiliser and manure, quantity; spreading practice, design of cropping systems and , cultivation methods

Pollutants: Nitrogen: leaching via soil path + surface run off, Phosphorus: surface run off and particulate removal from soils

Policies and targets: WFD, CAP, aspects of open market, rural (economic and social) development

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What is LARAWhat is LARA

• Framework action–Several activities/projects coordinated, partly started–Contribution from different actors at EEA and JRC

• Modular approach --- 5 modules–Flexibility in time and resources

–Integration of running actions

–Open for further planning

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Objectives and purposeObjectives and purpose

• Objective of proposal: To provide a framework for specific projects for the assessments of diffuse nutrients inputs and water quality to be performed on large scale catchment level covering the EU- 31

• Purpose of action:

• To foster the cross-sectoral and cross-institutional cooperation in the field of water quality issues in Europe.

• To enable evaluation of effectiveness of existing European policies relevant for the input and impact of nutrients, and to identify gaps in these policies.

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5 Modules5 Modules

Preparatory phase partly started

I expert meeting, overview; lit. study on secto-ral source apportionment;

III spatial assess-ment of pressure information and water quality with available data


Data preparation EWN sites into CCM and validation

IV spatial assess-ment/cause effect relations incl. soil, climate, mana-gement practice

V scenario based implementation into policy cycle

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Actual risk of nitrate leaching or N-surplus, due to management

Actual erosion risk due to managementModule 4 incl. Land cover (CORINE), agri statistical data, soil characteristics or potentials; modeling approach for risk-assessments

Catchment areas; CCM, JRC

Contribution of point sources as provided from EPER

Data from EWN, monitoring of water quality

Riverine input data (OSPAR/INPUT-RID; HELCOM/LAND

Module 3

GIS reallocation is needed between catchment and NUTS

CORINE 3rd step including CORINE data to the layer of the 2nd step

Geographical information layer needed for the assessment

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Link to other partners and activitiesLink to other partners and activities

LARA Framework Action

Data/ Activity e.g. from MS or

research projects

Activities Commission

ImplementationWFD; CAP

DG Env +Agri JRC;

Agri-stat EUSTAT

Data/ Activity e.g. from


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(external) Advisory Group to start (external) Advisory Group to start with expert meetingwith expert meeting

• From EEA project team• JRC • DG/ENV• EUROSTAT• Scientific experts from interested

member states

1-2 per year

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Envisaged (End) - Results/ProductsEnvisaged (End) - Results/Products

• Assessment on agricultural contribution to water eutrophication on catchment basis and their spatial distribution. including individual shares of selected agricultural sectors /activities

• Analysis how and where changes in land use practises would influence the water quality in the basin. This could be focused on catchments in “problem areas” identified above.

• Prospective analysis of effects of different scenarios developing the CAP including an analysis where measures related to specific changes in land

use practices would be most effective.

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Further developmentFurther development

Draft LARA proposal

EEA kick off

Final structure for LARA action


A p


ct t

eam DG ENV / Sept

Strategic coordination Group WFD

Work on GIS in WFD

WG WFD and Agriculture

JRC / 1. Oct. JRC action on Agri/Env and Development of catchment data base.

Expert meeting Feb 2005 Structured overview on methodologies

on market on EU and national level

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Further stepsFurther steps

• Full integration of EWN data into JRC catchment DB incl. Spatial landscape and statistical data, to make full use for EU-level assessments

• Structured overview on methodologies for proxy pressure derivation and modelling on pressure/impact linkages

• Implementation of spatial assessments and development of scenario analysis (2006)

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Module I - Module I - Preparatory phasePreparatory phase

• 1a: Overview on information available on source apportionment with respect to different sectors – literature study;taking into account recent JRC results

• 1b: expert meeting - Review and further development of the outline of the assessments needed to achieve all results envisaged for the framework action

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Expert meetingExpert meeting

• 1½ day meeting held at EEA, Conference room. December or medio January.

• Expert meeting organised to present and discuss EEA activities on agri-water inter-linkages (LARA). Invited experts to present relevant results from their work (European scale) – research as well as institutional act..

• Outcome: Inputs to LARA and further refine the work plan and tasks of the framework activity for the next 3-4 years.

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Module 2: GIS preparatoryModule 2: GIS preparatory- Linking Eurowaternet sites to catchment - Linking Eurowaternet sites to catchment

areas and validationareas and validation • Positioning of EWN sites within the geometry of the

catchment areas given by the Catchment Data Base (CCM), provided by JRC; positioning EPER sites

Done by JRC; Positioning EPER sites possible in 2004? (ETC to give data and necessary analysis)

• Validation of Positioning, manual check including member states

Started by ETC-WTR (see progress report) – how to include MS ?

• Develop a continuous process for yearly update of EWN sites in CCM. - changing stations, updated river network; provide JRC with EWN data (flow; concentr.)

Started by ETC-WTR further discuccion necessary

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Module 3: first spatial assessment – water Module 3: first spatial assessment – water quality + pressures with available data quality + pressures with available data

• To derive pressures for a subset of “good quality” positioned EWN-sites by assessing spatial information from relevant data layers (land use, statistics, etc.) available for catchments or in simple procedures to be overlaid with the CCM.

• Activities, milestones:a) Identification of data layers available and/or relevant for

further assessments ETC (WTR+TE), contribution by JRC on overlays and

allocations made so far and/or planned IS.b) Description of the contribution from point sources with

data from EPER and other point sources, (based on analysis from 2004)

ETC (WTR); provide data to JRC as needed

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Module 3: first spatial assessment – water Module 3: first spatial assessment – water quality + pressures with available data IIquality + pressures with available data II

Activities, milestones continuedc) Improve use of data of FSS specially for point sources and

prep for mod.4.; check use of FADN data and others specially NUTS04/05

EEA (contract agent); results to JRC as needed (?)d)  First proxy explanation of the total concentrations of

nutrient from diffuse and point sources inputs into the respective catchment for a subset of “good quality” EWN-sites, where all necessary data are available. Methodologies checked with EUROHARP

EEA first check with/on water account method and/or other available methodology surface balances; JRC contribution with „statistical modelling“

e) Check use of additional layer of riverine input data as available from the Marine conventions (e.g. Moneris behind).


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Module 4: spatial assessment / cause effect relat. Module 4: spatial assessment / cause effect relat. incl. soil, climate, managementincl. soil, climate, management

• Refine the calculation/modelling of information on pressures from diffuse sources in an adequate spatial resolution, taking into account also precipitation, climate, soil characteristics and land management practices.

• Activities/milestones:a) Coordination and management; Based on module 3 the need of

more detailed results on European level have to be pointed out again. For steps b)-d) a work plan has to be established together with JRC to include relevant products ensure alignment.

EEA together with advisory group (JRC + DG ENV, EUSTAT, etc.)b) Evaluation of land management practice data from EEA-project

cross compliance indicators. EEA

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Module 4: spatial assessment / cause effect relat. Module 4: spatial assessment / cause effect relat. incl. soil, climate, management IIincl. soil, climate, management II

c) Models on nitrate leaching, input by soil erosion both incl. relevant water transport to be chosen out of existing model sets (e.g. tool box EUROHARP) and applied if necessary in form of piloting. Building up on first proxy explanation Mod. 3. With testing with best available data, consequences for extra data to be to be identified.

EEA including water account method; JRC contribution with SWAT (check if process based applicable)

d) Accompanying establishment of data layers needed (mod. 3 and 4) at EEA.

EEA- IDS2 as support to whole LARA - consultation with JRC concerning CCM and relevant overlays.

e) Report on recent trends in water quality per catchment and explanation of these trends from potential and actual risks of diffuse nutrient inputs from land based, agricultural sources assessed so far under a) – e).

EEA/ETC (WTR) in consult with partners

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Module 5: Scenario based implementation of the Module 5: Scenario based implementation of the assessments into the policy cycleassessments into the policy cycle

• Development of policy relevant scenarios on the impact of different land use and management practices for the support of policy cycle under WFD and CAP.

• Activities/milestones:a) Further scenario work done at EEA is only due for 2006.

- ongoing discussions under the Dutch presidency have to be awaited.

b) scoping study to to prepare the planning for 2006 and to keep track of ongoing developments in 2005.

EEA; Details to be discussed in EEA project team. Consultation with advisory group, JRC on input from SWAT modelling
