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Learning Aim B

coursework guide. This is your step by step guide for your assignment. Use this to

type up your next coursework assignment.

I have also attached at the bottom of this document 3 case

studies. You MUST pick ONE of these to base your assignment


1) Parenthood

2) Accident/ injury

3) Marriage

Your deadline for this MONDAY 18th May.

Please feel free to email Miss Hunter if you have any questions

or want example paragraphs:

[email protected]

Other resources that are helpful:

Sources of support table

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Human Lifespan Development Title: Coping with Life (L2.P3, P4, M2 and D2)


You need to start off by writing your introduction paragraph. You need to make sure

you answer each bullet point below.

The term “life events” means…

Give a list of specific examples of life events both unexpected and expected

One life event which might affect development could be…

This could happen at (life stages)…….

This could affect development because……. (link to life stages)

Formal support means…

An individual can get formal support from…

Informal support means …

Informal support can come from…

The types of support can include things like…

You now need to write this paragraph and fill in the gaps.

For the purpose of this report, I have chosen to investigate how……………can affect an

individual’s development. I have interviewed 2 people, …………………….. And ……………………….

I have chosen to write about …………………………… which both of my individuals have

experienced. …………… can affect people in many ways, affecting some people differently to

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others, and sometimes the same. For same. For example …………………… can affect physical

development because………It can affect other areas of development too, for example………

Write some information about the events that you are discussing (use your questionnaire)

Here you need to tell me what this assignment is about. You will be looking at 2

individuals who have experienced the same life event. You will be describing the

impact on their development

Explain how they coped with the life event with the support they received and

compared how they reacted and adapted to the life event

The Impact of your first person (P3)

Give an introduction about PERSON A and explain what life-event he went through.

Was it expected or unexpected?

Describe whether the life event was Physical, Relationship change or a Life


Describe and explain how PERSON’S A PIES were affected by this life-event.

➢ How did it impact David negatively?

➢ How did it impact David positively?

➢ How did it impact each of his PIES?

Sentence examples: “David was 16 when he lost his mum suddenly. This was an

unexpected life event. This affected his emotional development because…”

The Impact on PERSON 2 (P3)

Give an introduction about PERSON 2 and explain what life-event she went through.

Describe whether the life event was Relationship Change, Physical, or a Life

Circumstance. Was it expected or unexpected.

Describe and explain how PERSON 2 PIES were affected by this life-event.

➢ How did it impact PERSON 2 negatively?

➢ How did it impact PERSON 2 positively?

➢ How did it impact each of her PIES?

How PERSON 1 Adapted to THE LIFE EVENT using Support (P4)

How did PERSON 1 adapt to the life event? Give at least 4 examples showing how

they tried to adapt to the life event.

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Explain what type of support and who supported PERSON 1 had (Types - emotional,

financial, practical or information/advice. Sources - Informal, Formal, Voluntary)

Explain how each person adapted to the life-event, e.g. if it was a physical life event,

did they get specialist equipment?

How did the support help them adapt to the life event?

Sentence examples:“David had informal support from his family who tried to provide

for his emotional needs.”

How PERSON 2 Adapted to LIFE EVENT using Support (P4)

How did PERSON 2 adapt to the life event? Give at least 4 examples showing how

they tried to adapt to the life event.

Explain what type of support and who supported PERSON 2 had (Types - emotional,

financial, practical or information/advice. Sources - Informal, Formal, Voluntary)

Explain how each person adapted to the life-event, e.g. if it was a physical life event,

did they get specialist equipment?

How did the support help her adapt to the life event?

Sentence examples:“She adapted to the life-event by having a chair-lift fitted to help

her get up the stairs.”

Outlining the Impact of LIFE EVENT ON PERSON 1

What impact did the life event have on each development?

Then look at the 4 areas of development and explain which area it affected the most

and which area of development it affected the least.

Outlining the Impact of LIFE EVENT ON PERSON 2

What impact did the life event have on each development?

Then look at the 4 areas of development and explain which area it affected the most

and which area of development it affected the least.

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Compare the ways that two individuals adapted to a life event and the role that

support played (M2)

The Support Given to PERSON 1

Using the section above, you have discussed the support PERSON 1 would have


➔ How effective was the support that was given to the individual?

➔ Which support was the best and most effective?

➔ Which support was the least effective?

The Support Given to PERSON 2

Using the section above, you have discussed the support PERSON 2 would have


➔ How effective was the support that was given to the individual?

➔ Which support was the best and most effective?

➔ Which support was the least effective?

The Comparison of Two Individuals Adapting to LIFE EVENT

Here you are discussing both PERSON 1 AND 2 and you are to COMPARE how

each individual coped with the life event.

For example, did one person cope better than the other? How do you know? Give

relevant examples from the case studies.

➔ As a result of the support that was given. Who adapted to the life event more?

Give evidence from the case study that proves your opinion

➔ Also include evidence to show how effective the support was with helping the

individual to adapt to the life event.

Sentence examples:

“Naheem coped better with the death of her husband because she accepted help

from her family, whereas David didn’t want to accept the help from his family or the

therapist at first.”

➔ Explain with examples what role (job) the support played in helping the

individuals cope. For example, HOW did the therapists help each person?

Which of the PIES did the support help with?

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Assess how well two individuals adapted to a life event and the role and value

of support in this (D2)

How well PERSON 1 Adapted and the Value of Support they received

➔ How important was it that that PERSON 1 had the support he received?

➔ How valuable was it that PERSON 1 had this support?

➔ Assess which form of support was the most valuable and helped PERSON 1

the most.

How well PERSON 2 Adapted and the Value of Support they received

➔ How important was it that that PERSON 2 had the support she received?

➔ How valuable was it that PERSON 2 had this support?

➔ Assess which form of support was the most valuable and PERSON 2 them

the most.

Comparison of which type of support was most/least valuable and helpful

(with evidence from case study)

You have to ASSESS which person adapted better to each life-event and provide

evidence to back this argument up.

e.g. “the therapist was the most valuable to David, because she allowed him to

express his emotions, whereas the family support was least valuable because…”

e.g. “She coped better than David because she allowed her parents to support

her, this meant she was more able to cope with the bereavement. You can see

this is true from the case study because…”

You should also explain why someone might say something different to you.

E.g “someone might say that the medication was the most valuable

because….however I disagree with this idea as the evidence suggests family

support was more valuable because…”

You have to write an overall conclusion summarising your findings.

E.g. “In conclusion, it is clear that people deal with life-events in different


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What the command word ‘assess’ means:

“Weigh up to what extent something is true. Persuade the reader of your

argument by giving relevant research but also remember to point out any

flaws and counter-arguments as well. Conclude by stating clearly how far

you are in agreement with the original idea.”

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CASE STUDY 1 – Parenthood

Choose two people that have experienced the same event (e.g. marriage, redundancy,

accident) and investigate how it affected them.

Interview the two people and ask specific questions and draw out their experiences first-


Choose a life event from the list below – circle the life event that you have chosen

accident/injury bereavement. ill health. Life circumstances, to include: Relationship changes, to include: moving house, school or job entering into relationships exclusion from education marriage redundancy divorce imprisonment parenthood retirement.

Questionnaire - person 1

Section 1

Zara is 22. She is a single mother to an 18 month old boy. She lives in a council flat and is

studying nail technology at college. He former boyfriend was imprisoned for theft after the

baby was born and she has since ceased contact with him.

1P3 Identify relevant information about a life event experienced by two individuals.

How old were you when you experienced this life event. 21

Did it involve anyone else? Yes, my partner at the time

Describe briefly what happened I became pregnant with my first baby. This was planned because we hoped to settle down


Did you consider it to have been a serious event? Why / why not? Yes because it is life changing to have a baby and I had to think about someone else now

Did what happen affect anyone else, even if it didn’t involve them directly? It affected my boyfriend as he was now going to become a father.

How did you feel about events at the time? I was very happy about becoming a mummy

Did anything change in the short term (immediate days / weeks/months) Everything changed after I had the baby. I had to learn to feed and care for a tiny infant. I had

lived with my parents and I now qualified to get a flat so I moved into there. I didn’t go out very

much at first.

Did anything change long term (years / decades)

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The baby is only 18 months old but I have gone back to college and he goes into nursery. I have

learned about weaning and how to look after him properly. I have become independent since I

moved out of my parent’s house.

B.2P3 Explain the impact of a life event on the development of two individuals.

How do you think this event affected you?

Did it affect you physically, ie weight loss or gain, disability, mobility problems, diet, energy, ? Explain

When I was pregnant I became very tired, grew very large, my legs ached. When I had the baby I

lost a lot of weight but still had a lot of weight to lose. Looking after a baby is tiring because you

are up all night feeding. I felt sore after having the baby and I was breast feeding.

Did it affect you intellectually – eg concentration, memory, ability to problem solve, education, judgement

I had baby brain at first because I was so tired. I couldn’t concentrate on much but just thought

about what the baby needed and how to keep him safe and well. I had to learn lots of new things

about how to care for an infant.

Did it affect you emotionally? Feelings, self esteem, confidence, anxiety, worries, depression

I was worried that I was going to be able to manage. My boyfriend moved in to the flat with

me to help but I was still anxious. But I was also very excited to be a new mummy and I was

filled with love.

Did it affect you socially – relationships, friendships, isolation, It meant that I couldn’t go out and socialise but friends came to see me at home and in hospital.

My family were around me for some of the time but in hospital this was only at visiting times

and at home when they went to work and school I was quite lonely.

Section 2

B.2.p4 explain how 2 individuals adapted to a life event with support

Who supported you? – formal support? (eg doctors, hospitals, clinicians, counsellors, other professionals)

Formal – hospital staff, GP, housing, benefits office

Who were they and what did they do? Hospital and GP – medical checks, practical support with having a baby, information and advice

about how to look after myself and a baby, help getting a flat and information about what

benefits I could claim

What about informal support (family, friends, neighbours) Informal – family and friends

Informal – emotional support and moral support especially after my boyfriend went to prison. Also

practical support like babysitting and taking me out and about.

Do you think that support played an important part in what happened to you

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Why do you think this? It would be dangerous to have a baby without medical checks and to see if everything was alright. I would have been lonely and depressed without the support of my family and friends especially after my boyfriend went to prison. I would not have been able to get a flat if the housing people had not supported me and helped me to get somewhere to live and I would not have known what benefits to claim if they had not supported me at the benefits office.

MERIT – look at the writing frame for ways that you can compare your 2 individuals and the support that they had

2D2 Assess how well two individuals adapted to a life event and the role and value of

support in this.

How did you cope with what happened to you? I think I coped really well because my little boy is happy and healthy and I have now gone back to

college to learn nail technology so that I can work and build a future for him. My boyfriend went to

prison for theft which upset me a lot and I don’t want him in my life.

What were your reasons for seeking support? Because I couldn’t have a bay without support

How did you adapt to the event (what did you do / change to meet your circumstances?) I had to get new equipment to care for the baby. I had to learn how to feed and dress him

and how to care for him and look after him properly. We moved into our flat and I had to

learn how to do things like cook meals for myself and how to pay bills and care for a home.


Questionnaire – Person 2

Section 1

Ben is 30, is married with 2 children and works as an advertising salesman.

1P3 Identify relevant information about a life event experienced by two individuals.

How old were you when you experienced this life event. I was 25

Did it involve anyone else? Yes my wife

Describe briefly what happened My wife had a baby

Did you consider it to have been a serious event? Why / why not? Yes because we had to start thinking about somebody else now and not live such selfish lives.

Did what happen affect anyone else, even if it didn’t involve them directly?

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If affected my wife more than me because she was the one having a baby, evn though we were

both becoming parents.

How did you feel about events at the time? I was excited about having the baby but nervous about being a daddy for the first time to a tiny

baby. I was concerned about my wife because she didn’t feel very well for quite a lot of the time

and I felt guilgty that she was having to suffer for us both to be parents.

Did anything change in the short term (immediate days / weeks/months) Immediately after the baby was born my wife was in hospital with an infection so I was at home

alone. Then the baby came home with my wife and we had to learn how to care for it, change

nappies, feed, get up in the night etc so we were very tired.

Did anything change long term (years / decades) I had to learn to be a parent with my wife and all the things about looking after a small child.

B.2P3 Explain the impact of a life event on the development of two individuals.

How do you think this event affected you?

Did it affect you physically, ie weight loss or gain, disability, mobility problems, diet, energy, ? Explain

IT didn’t affect me physically much apart from being tired from being woken up by the baby for

his feeds.

Did it affect you intellectually – eg concentration, memory, ability to problem solve, education, judgement

Yes – I was tired for a long time so it affected my concentration at work

Did it affect you emotionally? Feelings, self esteem, confidence, anxiety, worries, depression

I was very happy, excited and full of love but also a bit nervous

Did it affect you socially – relationships, friendships, isolation, No because I was still working and seeing my friends all the time and we saw lots of family and

friends when they came to see the baby.

Section 2

B.2.p4 explain how 2 individuals adapted to a life event with support

Who supported you? – formal support? (eg doctors, hospitals, clinicians, counsellors, other professionals)

Health visitor, Gp, for practical support and advice and information, employer for practical support

How did they support you?

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I went with my wife to the health clinic for check ups for the baby and when he went for his first

lot of injections. My employer let me have 2 weeks off.

What about informal support (family, friends, neighbours)

Informal – family and friends

Emotional support when sharing our excitement. Practical support with babysitting

Who were they and what did they do?

See above

Do you think that support played an important part in what happened to you yes

Why do you think this? The health visitor made sure that we were doing the right thing for the baby and that he was developing normally. I had 2 weeks off that meant that I could also spend time bonding with my baby and support my wife. Family and friends helped us with babysitting so that we could have some time off.


Section 3

.2D2 Assess how well two individuals adapted to a life event and the role and value of

support in this.

How did you cope with what happened to you? I coped very well as I went back to work after 2 weeks and adapted to being a daddy very well. My

wife did most of the work with the new baby to be honest.

What were your reasons for seeking support? To make sure the baby was alright and to support my wife after she had given birth

How did you adapt to the event (what did you do / change to meet your circumstances?)We bought equipment to look afer the baby like a crib and pram. I tried to make sure that I wasn’t working late and could come home on time. I got up in the night sometimes to help with feeding.

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Case study 2 – Accident/ Injury Change and how people cope with it.

Choose two people that have experienced the same event (e.g. marriage, redundancy,

accident) and investigate how it affected them.

Interview the two people and ask specific questions and draw out their experiences first-


Choose a life event from the list below – circle the life event that you have chosen

accident/injury bereavement. ill health. Life circumstances, to include: Relationship changes, to include: moving house, school or job entering into relationships exclusion from education marriage redundancy divorce imprisonment parenthood retirement.

Questionnaire - person 1

Section 1

Janine is in middle adulthood, has four children, is married and works in a supermarket


1P3 Identify relevant information about a life event experienced by two individuals.

How old were you when you experienced this life event. I was 45

Did it involve anyone else? Not at the time, but afterwards, yes

Describe briefly what happened I was leaving my house in a hurry and I lost my footing as I stepped out. I fell down the steps and

onto the concrete forecourt. I was in a lot of pain. My husband found me on the floor and

carried me to the car then took me to hospital.

Did you consider it to have been a serious event? Why / why not? I wasn’t sure at the time but it turned out to be very serious and I could have lost my leg. It was a

very serious break at the back of the knee and they had to cut through nerves and tissue to try

to repair it. I was in hospital for 2 weeks, then back in again, then in a wheelchair and then on

crutches. I still cant walk properly without a walking stick. Then the skin wouldn’t heal properly

so I had to go back into hospital and have skin grafts so this made it worse.

Did what happen affect anyone else, even if it didn’t involve them directly? It affected my husband and children. My husband had to do everything at home. When I came

home he had to look after me as well. My children had to help him and do things like help to tidy

up and make meals. We had to cancel our holiday because the doctors said I couldn’t fly so it

affected the whole family in that way too. It also affected work because I couldn’t go so they had

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to work extra shifts to cover my duties in the office. All my family were worried that I might lose

my leg.

How did you feel about events at the time? I was very upset. I was in pain, I didn’t like leaving the children, even though they are growing

up, I was sorry for my husband having to do everything. I felt guilty about work but I was really

most upset about us having to cancel our holiday because I knew the kids and my husband were

upset about that too.

Did anything change in the short term (immediate days / weeks/months) I couldn’t do anything but as weeks went by I was able to use crutches and could get about a bit

so I could help at home. I was off work for 4 months and it gradually got better but I still have a

walking stick.

Did anything change long term (years / decades) It just continued to get better but I still have pins in my leg and nerve damage and they will stay

there for ever

B.2P3 Explain the impact of a life event on the development of two individuals.

How do you think this event affected you?

Did it affect you physically, ie weight loss or gain, disability, mobility problems, diet, energy, ? Explain

I was in a lot of pain. I was on a lot of drugs and some of these made me feel very ill. I lost a lot

of weight because I couldn’t eat. I had 2 long operations. Then I couldn’t walk for weeks so it had

affected my mobility. I couldn’t walk so I count get myself to the toilet so I had to use the bed

pan at first, then the wheelchair and eventually a walking frame. I couldn’t sleep.

Did it affect you intellectually – eg concentration, memory, ability to problem solve, education, judgement

It didn’t affect my brain apart from the fact that I couldn’t stop thinking about what I should be

doing and worrying about jobs at work. But my concentration was alright. I did some reading and

watched TV to stop myself from being too bored. When I came out of hospital and was on the mend

I asked work to send me some stuff to do at home to keep my mind on the job and not lose touch

with what was going on at work.

Did it affect you emotionally? Feelings, self esteem, confidence, anxiety, worries, depression

Yes, I was very worried at first about the operations and what was going to happen to my

leg. I was anxious about what was happening to me but also sad and upset about being

away from the kids, very upset about having to cancel the holiday, I felt guilty and for a

while felt a bit depressed.

Did it affect you socially – relationships, friendships, isolation,

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It meant that I couldn’t go out and socialise but friends came to see me at home and in hospital.

My family were around me for some of the time but in hospital this was only at visiting times

and at home when they went to work and school I was quite lonely.

How did you adapt to the event (what did you do / change to meet your circumstances?)

I had to learn to get about first in a wheelchair with my husbands assistance, then on crutches. I

had to learn to shower and do other things with appliances from the hospital. I had to learn to

accept what had happened and move forward.



B.2.p4 explain how 2 individuals adapted to a life event with support

Who supported you? – formal support? (eg doctors, hospitals, clinicians, counsellors, other professionals)

Formal – hospital staff, GP,

Who were they and what did they do? I had formal support from the medical team at the hospital – in A and E at first, the nurses,

clinicians and my surgeon. Then I had another lady who did skin grafts, my GP. This was all

practical support but also information and advice about what to do to help my leg to heal.

What about informal support (family, friends, neighbours)

Informal – family and friends

I had informal support from family who looked after me with practical things like washing and dressing, bringing meals etc. Emotional support by talking to me and being encouraging when I was getting better. My friends visited me a lot and this was emotional support

Who were they and what did they do?

See above

Do you think that support played an important part in what happened to you yes

Why do you think this? I may have lost my leg if I had not been seen by the medical team so quickly. I might not have recovered so well. I would not have known what to do to aid my recovery. Without emotional support I may have become much more depressed and I might have suffered this for longer. I would

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have been much more lonely. I would have been in a mess if someone had not done practical things like help me to the toilet and with bathing and changing, bringing me food etc.



Section 3

B.2D2 Assess how well two individuals adapted to a life event and the role and value of

support in this.

How did you cope with what happened to you? I thought I was coping quite well considering what had happened to me. I was annoyed more than

anything. But I didn’t cope very well with some of the drugs they gave me as they made me feel very

ill. Then I was very upset when they said we had to cancel the holiday and for a while I felt sorry for

myself and felt a bit depressed. I coped by talking things over with my husband and family and by

trying to keep myself distracted.

What were your reasons for seeking support? Because my accident was so severe that it needed professional assistance. Then I needed moral

support to help in my recovery.


Questionnaire – Person 2

Rik is 24, works for a sports company, is unmarried and has no children.

1P3 Identify relevant information about a life event experienced by two individuals.

How old were you when you experienced this life event. I was 23

Did it involve anyone else? Yes my girlfriend

Describe briefly what happened I was coming home from a trip to Scotland when a car hit mine from behind. I was sent into the

next car and I suffered cuts and bruises, some internal bruises, headache and shock. We were

taken to a hospital 50 miles away because the nearest one did not have room for us.

Did you consider it to have been a serious event? Why / why not? Yes because we could have been killed. The van that drove into the back of me wrote my car off

and the three cars in front of us. The whole of the back of my car was pushed into the front

seats. If anyone was in the back they would have been killed.

Did what happen affect anyone else, even if it didn’t involve them directly?

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Yes my girlfriend was in the car with me at the time. She broke 2 ribs and had internal bleeding.

She was in shock. She was kept in for 2 days for observation but then sent home.

How did you feel about events at the time? I was worried, anxious and quite frightened by the fact that we could have been killed. Then

I was angry with the driver who had gone into us and was worried about my girlfriend.

Did anything change in the short term (immediate days / weeks/months) I had to have a week off work as I was sore and felt nervous driving. I had no car and had to wait

until the insurance sorted things out so that I could get a replacement car for a while. After a

while though I began to feel better.

Did anything change long term (years / decades) I was fully recovered.

B.2P3 Explain the impact of a life event on the development of two individuals.

How do you think this event affected you?

Did it affect you physically, ie weight loss or gain, disability, mobility problems, diet, energy, ? Explain

I was in pain for about a week but had been checked out by the hospital and nothing was

broken. I felt a bit still and sore.

Did it affect you intellectually – eg concentration, memory, ability to problem solve, education, judgement

I couldn’t concentrate in the days after the accident as I was frightened by what had happened and I

was worried about my girlfriend.

Did it affect you emotionally? Feelings, self esteem, confidence, anxiety, worries, depression

I was anxious and nervous

Did it affect you socially – relationships, friendships, isolation, I didn’t have a car for a few days so I couldn’t get to work or out to see my friends. We were

away from home for a few days but in the long term, no. We had lots of cards and flowers from

friends and visits.


B.2.p4 explain how 2 individuals adapted to a life event with support

Who supported you? – formal support? (eg doctors, hospitals, clinicians, counsellors, other professionals)

Formal – police, ambulance crew , hospital staff, solicitor, insurance company

Who were they and what did they do? The police came to the scene to sort out what had happened. Ambulance crew took us to

hospital. hospital staff saw photographs of my car after the accident so gave me a full physical

check up to make sure that there were no internal injuries, which was practical support. The

insurance company sorted out details of the crash and blame, gave me a courtesy car and

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contacted a solicitor. Solicitor sorted out details and arranged compensation and arranged

advice and inforamtion.

What about informal support (family, friends, neighbours)

Informal – family and friends

Emotional support when I was talking about what had happened, sympathy and moral supoprt

Who were they and what did they do?

See above

Do you think that support played an important part in what happened to you yes

Why do you think this? The police recorded what had happened and took witness statements. Ambulance got us to hospital where I was checked out. I could have had internal bleeding which could have killed me. The insurance company and solicitor made sure that my car was replaced and that I was awarded compensation for the accident.

You need to compare these two people and how they coped using support.


B.2D2 Assess how well two individuals adapted to a life event and the role and value of

support in this.

How did you cope with what happened to you? I thought I was coping well but I had nightmares for several weeks and woke up crying a couple of


Did you seek support from anywhere or anyone? At the time we went to hospital but no support for my nightmares

What were your reasons for seeking support? A check up in hospital to see if I was injured

How did you adapt to the event (what did you do / change to meet your circumstances?)

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I didn’t really have to change anything. My injury wasn’t serious, I just had to get on with it so I

went back to work and this distracted me.

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Case study 3 – marriage - Change and how people cope with it. If you choose this one then

you need to interview one person yourself.

Choose two people that have experienced the same event (e.g. marriage, redundancy,

accident) and investigate how it affected them.

Interview the two people and ask specific questions and draw out their experiences first-


Choose a life event from the list below – circle the life event that you have chosen

accident/injury bereavement. ill health. Life circumstances, to include: Relationship changes, to include: moving house, school or job entering into relationships exclusion from education marriage redundancy divorce imprisonment parenthood retirement.

Questionnaire - person 1

Section 1

Kerry is 37 and has been married to her husband Joe for 13 years. They have their own home

and 2 children

1P3 Identify relevant information about a life event experienced by two individuals.

How old were you when you experienced this life event. I was 24 when I got married

Did it involve anyone else? Yes my new husband

Describe briefly what happened We had lived together for 2 years, then my husband proposed. We planned the wedding for 6

months then got married. We got married in a church then had a party at night to celebrate. My

little girl was a year old.

Did you consider it to have been a serious event? Why / why not? Yes because it meant that I was now part of a legal permanent relationship. If we decided not to

be together any more, we would have to get a divorce, have solicitors and find separate places to


Did what happen affect anyone else, even if it didn’t involve them directly? If I didn’t already live with my husband, then getting married would have affected my parents

because it would have meant that their child was leaving home and this might have been a bit

sad for them. But I had already left home so getting married didn’t really make any difference to

them at this point.

How did you feel about events at the time?

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I was very happy and content. I was a bit nervous about the wedding but not about being


Did anything change in the short term (immediate days / weeks/months) If I had been leaving my parents home then everything would have changed. It did when I left

home. But by the time I got married everything stayed pretty much the same. When I left home I

suddenly had t be a responsible adult and pay my own bills and do my own cleaning and cooking

and shopping etc.

Did anything change long term (years / decades) We just settled down to married life and raised a family. We had another child and have stayed

together with our kids. We moved house and things have just got better and better.

B.2P3 Explain the impact of a life event on the development of two individuals.

How do you think this event affected you? If I hadn’t already left home it would have meant that I now left home to go and live with my

husband so would have moved away from my parents.

Did it affect you physically, ie weight loss or gain, disability, mobility problems, diet, energy, ? Explain

I had to be responsible for my own diet because my mum was no longer cooking my meals so I

had to think about things like nutrition to keep healthy.

Did it affect you intellectually – eg concentration, memory, ability to problem solve, education, judgement

Getting married meant that I had to do lots of planning and problem solving, budgeting and

organising. Having my own home has meant that I have to do these things every day to look after my

home and my family.

Did it affect you emotionally? Feelings, self esteem, confidence, anxiety, worries, depression I felt very happy and content. It made me feel secure and quite confident to be in a legal permanent

relationship. Getting our first home was very exciting but it was a bit stressful as well because we

weren’t sure about lots of things.

Did it affect you socially – relationships, friendships, isolation, I was now independent and my biggest relationship was with my husband. We had joint friends

who we go to see together but I also keep in touch with some of my old friends and we go out

once a month. Sometimes though I felt isolated when I was at home all day looking after the

baby but this was because I was a parents of a small child, not because I had got married.

Section 2.

B.2.p4 explain how 2 individuals adapted to a life event with support

Who supported you? – formal support? (eg doctors, hospitals, clinicians, counsellors, other professionals)

Who were they and what did they do? Formal support – for the wedding we had a vicar at the church. He gave us advice and

information about what to do when we were having the wedding. We had somebody at the pub

where we had a room for the party and they helped us with practical stuff like organising the

room and sorting out the food. We had things like invitations done and cars to organise and

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flowers and this was all done by professionals. When we got our first home we had formal

support from the bank because we had saved up some money for a deposit. Then an estate agent

helped us to find a house that we could afford and a solicitor helped us to buy the house. We

have insurances to pay and different bills so we have had formal support from places like energy

companies to give us information and advice about what to pay and when.

What about informal support (family, friends, neighbours)

Who were they and what did they do? We have had lots of support from family and friends. This has been emotional support when I

have been stressed about the wedding, or sometimes just stressed out by life and needed

somebody to talk to. For the weeding they gave us practical support too like giving people lifts to

the wedding. We had lots of advice about what house to buy, where to live, how much to spend,

how to budget and information from my mum about how to cook and what bills we would be


Do you think that support played an important part in what happened to you


Why do you think this? I couldn’t have got married if we hadn’t had the help from all the professionals who did the

wedding for us. I would have been really stressed out trying to do everything myself. We couldn’t

have got our house if we hadn’t had a mortgage advisor at the bank, or a solicitor or the estate

agent so we would still be living with my parents. My family were really helpful and people could

not have got to the wedding if they had not helped out to give them lifts. When we got our

house, I didn’t know how to cook, or what bills to pay. So I wouldn’t have been able to look after

my family properly and if we hadn’t paid all the right bills we would have lost the house.


Section 3.

b2D2 Assess how well two individuals adapted to a life event and the role and value of

support in this.

How did you cope with what happened to you? I coped very well. It was a happy time and we both settled down very well, but this might be

because we had already lived together before.

Did you seek support from anywhere or anyone? Yes when we planned the wedding and also before that when we got our first home.

What were your reasons for seeking support? Because we didn’t know what to do and needed support and advice.

How did you adapt to the event (what did you do / change to meet your circumstances?)

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When we first left home we had to think about how to look after ourselves, what to have in the

house, what to eat, how to budget, how to get things like a tv licence and what bills and

insurances we had to pay and when.



1P3 Identify relevant information about a life event experienced by two individuals.

• How old were you when you experienced this life event.

• Did it involve anyone else?

• Describe briefly what happened

• Did you consider it to have been a serious event? Why / why not?


• Did what happen affect anyone else, even if it didn’t involve them directly?

• How did you feel about events at the time?

• Did anything change in the short term (immediate days / weeks/months)

• Did anything change long term (years / decades)

B.2P3 Explain the impact of a life event on the development of two individuals.

• How do you think this event affected you?

• Did it affect you physically, ie weight loss or gain, disability, mobility problems, diet, energy, ? Explain


• Did it affect you intellectually – eg concentration, memory, ability to problem solve, education, judgement

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• Did it affect you emotionally? Feelings, self esteem, confidence, anxiety, worries, depression


• Did it affect you socially – relationships, friendships, isolation,

B.2D2 Assess how well two individuals adapted to a life event and the role and value of support in this.

• How did you cope with what happened to you?

• Did you seek support from anywhere or anyone?

• What were your reasons for seeking support?

• How did you adapt to the event (what did you do / change to meet your circumstances?)


B.2.p4 explain how 2 individuals adapted to a life event with support

• Who supported you? – formal support? (eg doctors, hospitals, clinicians, counsellors, other professionals)

• Who were they and what did they do?

• What about informal support (family, friends, neighbours)

• Who were they and what did they do?

• Do you think that support played an important part in what happened to you

• Why do you think this?
