

ARISE  High  School  ensures  that  our  community  RISES  UP!  to  become  intellectual  leaders  of  the  world  so  that  they  can  create  a  more  healthy,  equitable,  and  just  society.      ARISE  is  located  in  the  heart  of  the  Fruitvale  neighborhood  of  Oakland.    95%  of  our  260  students  are  low-­‐income  students  of  color.  Our  students  are  immersed  in  a  challenging  college-­‐prep  curriculum  that  emphasizes  knowledge  of  self,  critical  consciousness,  and  performance  assessment.  The  curriculum  is  enacted  in  the  context  of  a  highly  personalized  and  supportive  environment,  which  provides  wrap-­‐around  services  through  our  socio-­‐emotional  counselors,  college  advisors,  and  teachers.    We  are  thrilled  that  90%  of  our  graduating  seniors  have  been  accepted  to  a  4-­‐year  college.  

In  this  LCAP,  we  restructured  our  goals  from  last  year  to  focus  on  larger,  more  ambitious  goals  that  better  reflect  how  we  want  to  move  forward.    We  attempted  to  expand  the  scope  of  our  goals,  AMOs,  actions,  and  expenditures  to  align  them  with  the  mission  and  vision  of  our  school.    Last  year,  we  found  that  by  separating  our  goals  into  smaller  components  in  2014-­‐15,  it  was  more  difficult  to  see  how  they  fit  together  to  create  the  school  that  we  are  working  toward.    We  wanted  to  have  goals  that  were  challenging  and  goals  that  helped  inform  medium-­‐term  action  planning  in  order  to  meet  our  mission  and  vision.  

Our  mission  and  vision  statements  are:  

  The  MISSION  of  ARISE  High  School  is  to  empower  ourselves  with  the  skills,  knowledge,  and  agency  to  become  highly  educated,  humanizing,  critically  conscious,  intellectual,  and  reflective  leaders  in  our  community.    At  ARISE  we  nurture,  train,  and  discipline  our  school  community  to  engage  in  a  continuous  practice  of  developing  mind,  heart,  and  body  towards  a  VISION  where  we  actively  rise  up.  Agency  and  self-­‐determination  drive  our  struggle  to  improve  our  own  material  and  social  conditions  towards  a  more  healthy,  equitable,  and  just  society.  

It  was  important  that  our  goals  embody  our  mission  and  vision  while  also  being  specific  and  actionable  in  the  short  and  medium  term.      We  thought  deeply  about  what  we  wanted  to  achieve  over  the  next  three  years  and  we  decided  that  our  goals  should  revolve  around  three  key  themes.  

1.)  Continue  to  develop  capacity  to  prepare  our  students  for  college  and  careers.    We  have  always  focused  intensely  on  college  preparation.    In  this  LCAP  we  also  set  out  to  explore  how  we  might  expand  to  focus  on  career  preparedness  as  well.  

2.)  Continue  to  build  a  rigorous  curriculum  and  instruction  that  aligns  with  state  standards  and  with  our  mission  and  vision.  

3.)  Ensure  that  our  students  and  community  create  a  culture  that  embodies  our  core  values  

The  measurable  outcomes  listed  in  each  of  our  three  goals  below  are  those  that  ARISE  has  identified  as  aligning  to  our  Mission,  Vision,  Core  Values  and  our  charter  document.    We  recognize  the  importance  of  the  other  goals  identified  by  the  state  as  mandated  Mandated  Metrics.    The  metrics  that  we  have  not  listed  here  will  be  monitored  each  year  by  ARISE  High  School  with  the  intention  of  maintaining  current  metric  levels.      


LEA:  ARISE  High  School          Contact  (Name,  Title,  Email,  Phone  Number):  James  Baldwin,  Business  Manager,  [email protected],  510.436.5487                        LCAP  Year:2015-­‐16    

Local  Control  and  Accountability  Plan  and  Annual  Update  Template  

The  Local  Control  and  Accountability  Plan  (LCAP)  and  Annual  Update  Template  shall  be  used  to  provide  details  regarding  local  educational  agencies’  (LEAs)  actions  and  expenditures  to  support  pupil  outcomes  and  overall  performance  pursuant  to  Education  Code  sections  52060,  52066,  47605,  47605.5,  and  47606.5.  The  LCAP  and  Annual  Update  Template  must  be  completed  by  all  LEAs  each  year.  

For  school  districts,  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  52060,  the  LCAP  must  describe,  for  the  school  district  and  each  school  within  the  district,  goals  and  specific  actions  to  achieve  those  goals  for  all  pupils  and  each  subgroup  of  pupils  identified  in  Education  Code  section  52052,  including  pupils  with  disabilities,  for  each  of  the  state  priorities  and  any  locally  identified  priorities.  

For  county  offices  of  education,  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  52066,  the  LCAP  must  describe,  for  each  county  office  of  education-­‐operated  school  and  program,  goals  and  specific  actions  to  achieve  those  goals  for  all  pupils  and  each  subgroup  of  pupils  identified  in  Education  Code  section  52052,  including  pupils  with  disabilities,  who  are  funded  through  the  county  office  of  education  Local  Control  Funding  Formula  as  identified  in  Education  Code  section  2574  (pupils  attending  juvenile  court  schools,  on  probation  or  parole,  or  mandatorily  expelled) for  each  of  the  state  priorities  and  any  locally  identified  priorities.  School  districts  and  county  offices  of  education  may  additionally  coordinate  and  describe  in  their  LCAPs  services  provided  to  pupils  funded  by  a  school  district  but  attending  county-­‐operated  schools  and  programs,  including  special  education  programs.

Charter  schools,  pursuant  to  Education  Code  sections  47605,  47605.5,  and  47606.5,  must  describe  goals  and  specific  actions  to  achieve  those  goals  for  all  pupils  and  each  subgroup  of  pupils  identified  in  Education  Code  section  52052,  including  pupils  with  disabilities,  for  each  of  the  state  priorities  as  applicable  and  any  locally  identified  priorities.  For  charter  schools,  the  inclusion  and  description  of  goals  for  state  priorities  in  the  LCAP  may  be  modified  to  meet  the  grade  levels  served  and  the  nature  of  the  programs  provided,  including  modifications  to  reflect  only  the  statutory  requirements  explicitly  applicable  to  charter  schools  in  the  Education  Code.  

The  LCAP  is  intended  to  be  a  comprehensive  planning  tool.  Accordingly,  in  developing  goals,  specific  actions,  and  expenditures,  LEAs  should  carefully  consider  how  to  reflect  the  services  and  related  expenses  for  their  basic  instructional  program  in  relationship  to  the  state  priorities.  LEAs  may  reference  and  describe  actions  and  expenditures  in  other  plans  and  funded  by  a  variety  of  other  fund  sources  when  detailing  goals,  actions,  and  expenditures  related  to  the  state  and  local  priorities.  LCAPs  must  be  consistent  with  school  plans  submitted  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  64001.  The  information  contained  in  the  LCAP,  or  annual  update,  may  be  supplemented  by  information  contained  in  other  plans  (including  the  LEA  plan  pursuant  to  Section  1112  of  Subpart  1  of  Part  A  of  Title  I  of  Public  Law  107-­‐110)  that  are  incorporated  or  referenced  as  relevant  in  this  document.      

For  each  section  of  the  template,  LEAs  shall  comply  with  instructions  and  should  use  the  guiding  questions  as  prompts  (but  not  limits)  for  completing  the  information  as  required  by  statute.  Guiding  questions  do  not  require  separate  narrative  responses.  However,  the  narrative  response  and  goals  and  actions  should  demonstrate  each  guiding  question  was  considered  during  the  development  of  the  plan.  Data  referenced  in  the  LCAP  must  be  consistent  with  the  school  accountability  report  card  where  appropriate.  LEAs  may  resize  pages  or  attach  additional  pages  as  necessary  to  facilitate  completion  of  the  LCAP.  

State  Priorities  

The  state  priorities  listed  in  Education  Code  sections  52060  and  52066  can  be  categorized  as  specified  below  for  planning  purposes,  however,  school  districts  and  county  offices  of  education  must  address  each  of  the  state  priorities  in  their  LCAP.  Charter  schools  must  address  the  priorities  in  Education  Code  section  52060(d)  that  apply  to  the  grade  levels  served,  or  the  nature  of  the  program  operated,  by  the  charter  school.  

A.  Conditions  of  Learning:    

Basic:  degree  to  which  teachers  are  appropriately  assigned  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  44258.9,  and  fully  credentialed  in  the  subject  areas  and  for  the  pupils  they  are  teaching;  pupils  have  access  to  standards-­‐aligned  instructional  materials  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  60119;  and  school  facilities  are  maintained  in  good  repair  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  17002(d).  (Priority  1)  

Implementation   of   State   Standards:   implementation   of   academic   content   and   performance   standards   and   English   language   development  standards  adopted  by  the  state  board  for  all  pupils,  including  English  learners.  (Priority  2)  

Course  access:  pupil  enrollment  in  a  broad  course  of  study  that  includes  all  of  the  subject  areas  described  in  Education  Code  section  51210  and  subdivisions  (a)  to  (i),  inclusive,  of  Section  51220,  as  applicable.  (Priority  7)  

Expelled  pupils  (for  county  offices  of  education  only):  coordination  of  instruction  of  expelled  pupils  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  48926.    (Priority  9)  

Foster  youth  (for  county  offices  of  education  only):  coordination  of  services,  including  working  with  the  county  child  welfare  agency  to  share  information,  responding  to  the  needs  of  the  juvenile  court  system,  and  ensuring  transfer  of  health  and  education  records.    (Priority  10)  



B.  Pupil  Outcomes:    

Pupil  achievement:  performance  on  standardized  tests,  score  on  Academic  Performance  Index,  share  of  pupils  that  are  college  and  career  ready,  share  of  English  learners  that  become  English  proficient,  English  learner  reclassification  rate,  share  of  pupils  that  pass  Advanced  Placement  exams  with  3  or  higher,  share  of  pupils  determined  prepared  for  college  by  the  Early  Assessment  Program.  (Priority  4)  

Other  pupil  outcomes:  pupil  outcomes  in  the  subject  areas  described  in  Education  Code  section  51210  and  subdivisions  (a)  to  (i),  inclusive,  of  Education  Code  section  51220,  as  applicable.  (Priority  8)        

C.  Engagement:    

Parental  involvement:  efforts  to  seek  parent  input  in  decision  making  at  the  district  and  each  schoolsite,  promotion  of  parent  participation  in  programs  for  unduplicated  pupils  and  special  need  subgroups.    (Priority  3)  

Pupil  engagement:  school  attendance  rates,  chronic  absenteeism  rates,  middle  school  dropout  rates,  high  school  dropout  rates,  high  school  graduations  rates.  (Priority  5)  

School  climate:  pupil  suspension  rates,  pupil  expulsion  rates,  other  local  measures  including  surveys  of  pupils,  parents  and  teachers  on  the  sense  of  safety  and  school  connectedness.  (Priority  6)  


Section  1:    Stakeholder  Engagement  

Meaningful  engagement  of  parents,  pupils,  and  other  stakeholders,  including  those  representing  the  subgroups  identified  in  Education  Code  section  52052,  is  critical  to  the  LCAP  and  budget  process.  Education  Code  sections  52060(g),  52062  and  52063  specify  the  minimum  requirements  for  school  districts;  Education  Code  sections  52066(g),  52068  and  52069  specify  the  minimum  requirements  for  county  offices  of  education,  and  Education  Code  section  47606.5  specifies  the  minimum  requirements  for  charter  schools.  In  addition,  Education  Code  section  48985  specifies  the  requirements  for  translation  of  documents.  

Instructions:    Describe  the  process  used  to  consult  with  parents,  pupils,  school  personnel,  local  bargaining  units  as  applicable,  and  the  community  and  how  this  consultation  contributed  to  development  of  the  LCAP  or  annual  update.  Note  that  the  LEA’s  goals,  actions,  services  and  expenditures  related  to  the  state  priority  of  parental  involvement  are  to  be  described  separately  in  Section  2.    In  the  annual  update  boxes,  describe  the  stakeholder  involvement  process  for  the  review,  and  describe  its  impact  on,  the  development  of  the  annual  update  to  LCAP  goals,  actions,  services,  and  expenditures.  

Guiding  Questions:  

1)   How  have  applicable  stakeholders  (e.g.,  parents  and  pupils,  including  parents  of  unduplicated  pupils  and  unduplicated  pupils  identified  in  Education  Code  section  42238.01;  community  members;  local  bargaining  units;  LEA  personnel;  county  child  welfare  agencies;  county  office  of  education  foster  youth  services  programs,  court-­‐appointed  special  advocates,  and  other  foster  youth  stakeholders;  community  organizations  representing  English  learners;  and  others  as  appropriate)  been  engaged  and  involved  in  developing,  reviewing,  and  supporting  implementation  of  the  LCAP?  

2)   How  have  stakeholders  been  included  in  the  LEA’s  process  in  a  timely  manner  to  allow  for  engagement  in  the  development  of  the  LCAP?  3)   What  information  (e.g.,  quantitative  and  qualitative  data/metrics)  was  made  available  to  stakeholders  related  to  the  state  priorities  and  

used  by  the  LEA  to  inform  the  LCAP  goal  setting  process?  How  was  the  information  made  available?  4)     What  changes,  if  any,  were  made  in  the  LCAP  prior  to  adoption  as  a  result  of  written  comments  or  other  feedback  received  by  the  LEA  

through  any  of  the  LEA’s  engagement  processes?  5)   What  specific  actions  were  taken  to  meet  statutory  requirements  for  stakeholder  engagement  pursuant  to  Education  Code  sections  

52062,  52068,  and  47606.5,  including  engagement  with  representatives  of  parents  and  guardians  of  pupils  identified  in  Education  Code  section  42238.01?  

6)   What  specific  actions  were  taken  to  consult  with  pupils  to  meet  the  requirements  5  CCR  15495(a)?  7)   How  has  stakeholder  involvement  been  continued  and  supported?    How  has  the  involvement  of  these  stakeholders  supported  improved  

outcomes  for  pupils,  including  unduplicated  pupils,  related  to  the  state  priorities?    

Involvement  Process   Impact  on  LCAP    ARISE note on the involvement process of this LCAP and the Annual Update: The involvement process in the current year combined the review of the Annual Update, and the creation of the 2015-16 LCAP simultaneously. Our 2014-15 LCAP was a learning process for us. We learned much about how to use the LCAP to better communicate our goals and success to our stakeholders as well as help ARISE plan for the future. In that learning process we discovered that we needed to wholly redesign this LCAP to be a better communication and planning tool. Our involvement process reviewed the Annual Update, reflected on what we learned and then focused primarily on designing a better LCAP for 2015-16. As such, you will find out involvement process and feedback to focus on the 2015-16 LCAP and minimally on the Annual Update. Involvement Process and Actions:

• Instructional Leaders Circle (committee of teachers, admin, students, parents and support staff) reviewed our Charter, Mission, Vision, Core Values, current year LCAP, prior WASC reports, school-wide data, and other evidence throughout the 2014-15 year. They analyzed these pieces of evidence to form a discussion around school wide goal setting, action planning, MPO identification and strategic planning. These analyses and discussions took place in weekly meetings.

Overview of feedback from stakeholders of 2014-15 LCAP: • The goals/AMOs attempted to address each state priority independently and

created too many goals. An excessive number of goals lead to ambiguity of overall focus of the organization and unclear prioritization. (We believe that this was primarily a symptom of the last LCAP template, which seemed to imply that we needed have at least one goal per priority in order to be in compliance.)

• Stakeholders advised that combining small goals into larger goals would allow the organization to be more focused and create clearer priorities.

• Stakeholders advised that combining goals would acknowledge the interdependent nature of our actions.

• Instructional Leaders Circle reviewed current year LCAP goals, actions and AMOs over three strategic planning sessions on 11/11/14, 2/2/15 and 3/7/15.

• LCAP update shared with parents at school-wide parent meeting on 4/16/15. Parents provided feedback on comments on current year Goals, actions, AMOs and expenditures.

• Administrator team reviewed curent year LCAP and stakeholder feedback to plan for next year’s LCAP over 4/27/15- 5/8/15.

• Focus group of students provided feedback and comments on current year LCAP and revisions to be made in next year’s LCAP on 5/13/15.


• Stakeholders advised that the current year LCAP Goals should be redeveloped with the intention of clearly delineating between goals, AMOs and actions.

• Stakeholders advised that our goals should better reflect our mission and vision.  Stakeholder involvement and Impact #1: The Instructional Leaders Circle drove the revision of the current year LCAP and the

creation of this LCAP through their strategic planning discussions in weekly meetings throughout 2014-15. They strategic priorities they identified in 2/2/15 are the foundation of the 2014-15 LCAP. All of the priorities they identified were incorporated into the original drafts of this LCAP.

Instructional Leadership Circle reiterated the importance of using the language and intent of our Mission, Vision, and Core Values to revise LCAP goals and identified three areas of focus for our goals: providing high quality standards aligned instruction, making all graduates college and career ready, and creating a school culture that embodies our core values.

The instructional Leaders Circle also reflected on the current year LCAP and came up with a revised list of high need priority actions and expenditures on 2/2/15. They listed the following actions and expenditures for 2015-16. • Teacher coaching • Data driven instruction – particularly in student progress monitoring • College and career advising/readiness • Coherence in curriculum, assessment, and teacher training • Culture building around core values • Credit recovery opportunities • Intervention • Facility planning • Teacher evaluation framework • Advisory Curriculum

Stakeholder Involvement and Impact #2: Parents strongly expressed that having quality teachers should be the top priority for the school. This drove the creation of goal #2 and the related AMOs, actions and expenditures.

Stakeholder Involvement #2: Student feedback focused on revising the actions that

would be used to achieve each goals. Actions that they highlighted included: offering credit recovery, having all classes with codified learning targets and performance assessments, implementing a teacher evaluation process, tracking students falling behind in their graduation plan, and communicating early when a student is at risk of not graduating in 4 years. All of these actions were thus included in this LCAP.

Teacher notes: Teacher feedback focused on the AMOs we use to track our goals. They

highlighted the need for each goal to have AMOs that fully capture the spirit of the goal. In further discussion, they suggested that we add several more AMOs in this LCAP. They suggested that we include AMOs related to the following: • Student participation in the various programs that we offer • Students’ ability to embody our core values • Students success in their bridge presentations

Annual  Update:  • Instructional Leaders Circle (committee of teachers,

admin, students, parents and support staff) reviewed our Charter, Mission, Vision, Core Values, current year LCAP, prior WASC reports, school-wide data, and other evidence throughout the 2014-15 year. They analyzed these pieces of evidence to form a discussion around school wide goal setting, action planning, MPO identification and strategic planning. These analyses and discussions took place in weekly meetings.

• Instructional Leaders Circle reviewed current year LCAP goals, actions and AMOs over three strategic planning sessions on 11/11/14, 2/2/15 and 3/7/15.

• LCAP update shared with parents at school-wide parent meeting on 4/16/15. Parents provided feedback on comments on current year Goals, actions, AMOs and expenditures.

• Administrator team reviewed curent year LCAP and stakeholder feedback to plan for next year’s LCAP over 4/27/15- 5/8/15.

• Focus group of students provided feedback and comments on current year LCAP and revisions to be made in next year’s LCAP on 5/13/15.


Annual  Update:  Overview of feedback from stakeholders of 2014-15 LCAP:

• The goals/AMOs attempted to address each state priority independently and created too many goals. An excessive number of goals lead to ambiguity of overall focus of the organization and unclear prioritization. (We believe that this was primarily a symptom of the last LCAP template, which seemed to imply that we needed have at least one goal per priority in order to be in compliance.)

• Stakeholders advised that combining small goals into larger goals would allow the organization to be more focused and create clearer priorities.

• Stakeholders advised that combining goals would acknowledge the interdependent nature of our actions.

• Stakeholders advised that the current year LCAP Goals should be redeveloped with the intention of clearly delineating between goals, AMOs and actions.

• Stakeholders advised that our goals should better reflect our mission and vision.  Stakeholder involvement and Impact #1: The Instructional Leaders Circle drove the revision of the current year LCAP and the

creation of this LCAP through their strategic planning discussions in weekly meetings throughout 2014-15. They strategic priorities they identified in 2/2/15 are the foundation of the 2014-15 LCAP. All of the priorities they identified were incorporated into the original drafts of this LCAP.

Instructional Leadership Circle reiterated the importance of using the language and intent of our Mission, Vision, and Core Values to revise LCAP goals and identified three areas of focus for our goals: providing high quality standards aligned instruction, making all graduates college and career ready, and creating a school culture that embodies our core values.

The instructional Leaders Circle also reflected on the current year LCAP and came up with a revised list of high need priority actions and expenditures on 2/2/15. They listed the following actions and expenditures for 2015-16. • Teacher coaching • Data driven instruction – particularly in student progress monitoring • College and career advising/readiness • Coherence in curriculum, assessment, and teacher training • Culture building around core values

• Credit recovery opportunities • Intervention • Facility planning • Teacher evaluation framework • Advisory Curriculum

Stakeholder Involvement and Impact #2: Parents strongly expressed that having quality teachers should be the top priority for the school. This drove the creation of goal #2 and the related AMOs, actions and expenditures.

Stakeholder Involvement #2: Student feedback focused on revising the actions that

would be used to achieve each goals. Actions that they highlighted included: offering credit recovery, having all classes with codified learning targets and performance assessments, implementing a teacher evaluation process, tracking students falling behind in their graduation plan, and communicating early when a student is at risk of not graduating in 4 years. All of these actions were thus included in this LCAP.

Teacher notes: Teacher feedback focused on the AMOs we use to track our goals. They

highlighted the need for each goal to have AMOs that fully capture the spirit of the goal. In further discussion, they suggested that we add several more AMOs in this LCAP. They suggested that we include AMOs related to the following: • Student participation in the various programs that we offer • Students’ ability to embody our core values • Students success in their bridge presentations

   Section  2:    Goals,  Actions,  Expenditures,  and  Progress  Indicators    Instructions:    

All  LEAs  must  complete  the  LCAP  and  Annual  Update  Template  each  year.    The  LCAP  is  a  three-­‐year  plan  for  the  upcoming  school  year  and  the  two  years  that  follow.    In  this  way,  the  program  and  goals  contained  in  the  LCAP  align  with  the  term  of  a  school  district  and  county  office  of  education  budget  and  multiyear  budget  projections.    The  Annual  Update  section  of  the  template  reviews  progress  made  for  each  stated  goal  in  the  school  year  that  is  coming  to  a  close,  assesses  the  effectiveness  of  actions  and  services  provided,  and  describes  the  changes  made  in  the  LCAP  for  the  next  three  years  that  are  based  on  this  review  and  assessment.  

Charter  schools  may  adjust  the  table  below  to  align  with  the  term  of  the  charter  school’s  budget  that  is  submitted  to  the  school’s  authorizer  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  47604.33.  

 For  school  districts,  Education  Code  sections  52060  and  52061,  for  county  offices  of  education,  Education  Code  sections  52066  and  52067,  and  for  charter  schools,  Education  Code  section  47606.5  require(s)  the  LCAP  to  include  a  description  of  the  annual  goals,  for  all  pupils  and  each  subgroup  of  pupils,  to  be  achieved  for  each  state  priority  as  defined  in  5  CCR  15495(i)  and  any  local  priorities;  a  description  of  the  specific  actions  an  LEA  will  take  to  meet  the  identified  goals;  a  description  of  the  expenditures  required  to  implement  the  specific  actions;  and  an  annual  update  to  include  a  review  of  progress  towards  the  goals  and  describe  any  changes  to  the  goals.        To  facilitate  alignment  between  the  LCAP  and  school  plans,  the  LCAP  shall  identify  and  incorporate  school-­‐specific  goals  related  to  the  state  and  local  priorities  from  the  school  plans  submitted  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  64001.  Furthermore,  the  LCAP  should  be  shared  with,  and  input  requested  from,  schoolsite-­‐level  advisory  groups,  as  applicable  (e.g.,  schoolsite  councils,  English  Learner  Advisory  Councils,  pupil  advisory  groups,  etc.)  to  facilitate  alignment  between  school-­‐site  and  district-­‐level  goals  and  actions.  An  LEA  may  incorporate  or  reference  actions  described  in  other  plans  that  are  being  undertaken  to  meet  the  goal.      

Using  the  following  instructions  and  guiding  questions,  complete  a  goal  table  (see  below)  for  each  of  the  LEA’s  goals.  Duplicate  and  expand  the  fields  as  necessary.  

Goal:    Describe  the  goal:    

When  completing  the  goal  tables,  include  goals  for  all  pupils  and  specific  goals  for  schoolsites  and  specific  subgroups,  including  pupils  with  disabilities,  both  at  the  LEA  level  and,  where  applicable,  at  the  schoolsite  level.    The  LEA  may  identify  which  schoolsites  and  subgroups  have  the  same  goals,  and  group  and  describe  those  goals  together.  The  LEA  may  also  indicate  those  goals  that  are  not  applicable  to  a  specific  subgroup  or  schoolsite.  

Related  State  and/or  Local  Priorities:  Identify  the  state  and/or  local  priorities  addressed  by  the  goal  by  placing  a  check  mark  next  to  the  applicable  priority  or  priorities.  The  LCAP  must  include  goals  that  address  each  of  the  state  priorities,  as  defined  in  5  CCR  15495(i),  and  any  additional  local  priorities;  however,  one  goal  may  address  multiple  priorities.  

Identified  Need:  Describe  the  need(s)  identified  by  the  LEA  that  this  goal  addresses,  including  a  description  of  the  supporting  data  used  to  identify  the  need(s).    

Schools:  Identify  the  schoolsites  to  which  the  goal  applies.  LEAs  may  indicate  “all”  for  all  schools,  specify  an  individual  school  or  a  subset  of  schools,  or  specify  grade  spans  (e.g.,  all  high  schools  or  grades  K-­‐5).    

Applicable  Pupil  Subgroups:  Identify  the  pupil  subgroups  as  defined  in  Education  Code  section  52052  to  which  the  goal  applies,  or  indicate  “all”  for  all  pupils.    

Expected  Annual  Measurable  Outcomes:    For  each  LCAP  year,  identify  and  describe  specific  expected  measurable  outcomes  for  all  pupils  using,  at  minimum,  the  applicable  required  metrics  for  the  related  state  priorities.  Where  applicable,  include  descriptions  of  specific  expected  measurable  outcomes  for  schoolsites  and  specific  subgroups,  including  pupils  with  disabilities,  both  at  the  LEA  level  and  at  the  schoolsite  level.      

The  metrics  used  to  describe  the  expected  measurable  outcomes  may  be  quantitative  or  qualitative,  although  the  goal  tables  must  address  all  required  metrics  for  every  state  priority  in  each  LCAP  year.  The  required  metrics  are  the  specified  measures  and  objectives  for  each  state  priority  as  set  forth  in  Education  Code  sections  52060(d)  and  52066(d).  For  the  pupil  engagement  priority  metrics,  LEAs  must  calculate  the  rates  specified  in  Education  Code  sections  52060(d)(5)(B),  (C),  (D)  and  (E)  as  described  in  the  Local  Control  Accountability  Plan  and  Annual  Update  Template  Appendix,  sections  (a)  through  (d).    

Actions/Services:  For  each  LCAP  year,  identify  all  annual  actions  to  be  performed  and  services  provided  to  meet  the  described  goal.    Actions  may  describe  a  group  of  services  that  are  implemented  to  achieve  the  identified  goal.  

Scope  of  Service:  Describe  the  scope  of  each  action/service  by  identifying  the  schoolsites  covered.    LEAs  may  indicate  “all”  for  all  schools,  specify  an  individual  school  or  a  subset  of  schools,  or  specify  grade  spans  (e.g.,  all  high  schools  or  grades  K-­‐5).    If  supplemental  and  concentration  funds  are  used  to  support  the  action/service,  the  LEA  must  identify  if  the  scope  of  service  is  districtwide,  schoolwide,  countywide,  or  charterwide.        

Pupils  to  be  served  within  identified  scope  of  service:  For  each  action/service,  identify  the  pupils  to  be  served  within  the  identified  scope  of  service.    If  the  action  to  be  performed  or  the  service  to  be  provided  is  for  all  pupils,  place  a  check  mark  next  to  “ALL.”    

For  each  action  and/or  service  to  be  provided  above  what  is  being  provided  for  all  pupils,  place  a  check  mark  next  to  the  applicable  unduplicated  pupil  subgroup(s)  and/or  other  pupil  subgroup(s)  that  will  benefit  from  the  additional  action,  and/or  will  receive  the  additional  service.  Identify,  as  applicable,  additional  actions  and  services  for  unduplicated  pupil  subgroup(s)  as  defined  in  Education  Code  section  42238.01,  pupils  redesignated  fluent  English  proficient,  and/or  pupils  subgroup(s)  as  defined  in  Education  Code  section  52052.  


Budgeted  Expenditures:  For  each  action/service,  list  and  describe  budgeted  expenditures  for  each  school  year  to  implement  these  actions,  including  where  those  expenditures  can  be  found  in  the  LEA’s  budget.  The  LEA  must  reference  all  fund  sources  for  each  proposed  expenditure.  

Expenditures  must  be  classified  using  the  California  School  Accounting  Manual  as  required  by  Education  Code  sections  52061,  52067,  and  47606.5.  


Guiding  Questions:  

1)   What  are  the  LEA’s  goal(s)  to  address  state  priorities  related  to  “Conditions  of  Learning”?  2)   What  are  the  LEA’s  goal(s)  to  address  state  priorities  related  to  “Pupil  Outcomes”?    3)   What  are  the  LEA’s  goal(s)  to  address  state  priorities  related  to  parent  and  pupil  “Engagement”  (e.g.,  parent  involvement,  pupil  

engagement,  and  school  climate)?  4)   What  are  the  LEA’s  goal(s)  to  address  any  locally-­‐identified  priorities?    5)   How  have  the  unique  needs  of  individual  schoolsites  been  evaluated  to  inform  the  development  of  meaningful  district  and/or  individual  

schoolsite  goals  (e.g.,  input  from  site  level  advisory  groups,  staff,  parents,  community,  pupils;  review  of  school  level  plans;  in-­‐depth  school  level  data  analysis,  etc.)?    

6)   What  are  the  unique  goals  for  unduplicated  pupils  as  defined  in  Education  Code  sections  42238.01  and  subgroups  as  defined  in  section  52052  that  are  different  from  the  LEA’s  goals  for  all  pupils?  

7)   What  are  the  specific  expected  measurable  outcomes  associated  with  each  of  the  goals  annually  and  over  the  term  of  the  LCAP?  8)   What  information  (e.g.,  quantitative  and  qualitative  data/metrics)  was  considered/reviewed  to  develop  goals  to  address  each  state  or  

local  priority?  9)   What  information  was  considered/reviewed  for  individual  schoolsites?  10)  What  information  was  considered/reviewed  for  subgroups  identified  in  Education  Code  section  52052?  11)  What  actions/services  will  be  provided  to  all  pupils,  to  subgroups  of  pupils  identified  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  52052,  to  

specific  schoolsites,  to  English  learners,  to  low-­‐income  pupils,  and/or  to  foster  youth  to  achieve  goals  identified  in  the  LCAP?  12)  How  do  these  actions/services  link  to  identified  goals  and  expected  measurable  outcomes?    13)  What  expenditures  support  changes  to  actions/services  as  a  result  of  the  goal  identified?    Where  can  these  expenditures  be  found  in  the  

LEA’s  budget?      

LCAP Goal #1  

GOAL: Graduates of ARISE will be empowered to continue to become highly educated, critically conscious, and reflective leaders in college or a career.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2_X 3__ 4__ 5_X 6__ 7_X 8_X

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Identified Need :

All graduates need to be prepared and empowered to succeed in college and careers. ARISE has collected feedback from ARISE Alumni through interviews and surveys. Through this data collection and our EAP data, we have found large numbers of our students need additional remediation and support when they enter college. Alumni data has also helped us to understand that students need additional skills and work experience in order to be prepared to enter a career directly after graduating from college.

Goal Applies to: Schools: ARISE High School Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All: EL, RFEP, FRPM, Hispanic, IEP, Foster Youth

LCAP Year 1: 2015-16

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

Measureable Outcome Baseline in 2014-15 Goal in 2015-16 CAHSEE Pass Rate of 10th graders 78% ELA & 73% Math 75% Rate of Students scoring college ready on EAP Data not yet available Baseline data to be established Rate of graduating seniors meeting UC/CSU entrance requirements

97.2% 90%

Rate of Acceptance to 4-year universities by Graduating Seniors

88.9% 90%

Rate of Matriculation by Graduating Seniors to 2-year and 4-year colleges.

Data not yet available 90%

Rate of students participating in a cultural immersion program, summer program, or youth development program.

Data not available in 2014-15 Baseline data to be established

Rate of 11th graders completing mock college admission

Data not available in 2014-15 Baseline data to be established

Actions/Services Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

Expenditures Provide opportunities for credit recovery opportunities through summer school and elective periods

For students falling behind on

_X_ALL Additional summer school instruction: $10,400 (LCFF Supplemental

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

graduation track

and Concentration)

Continue a daily intervention period called “Morning Boost” where students get more individual support in high need areas.


_X_ALL Included in existing teacher Salaries: $0

OR: _XLow Income pupils _XEnglish Learners _XFoster Youth _XRedesignated fluent English proficient _XOther Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Conduct strategic planning and program development for expanding career readiness and college access at ARISE.


_X_ALL Strategic Consulting: $5,000 (LCFF Base)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Expand use of data driven instructional practices and implement a more robust standards-based tracking tool.


_X_ALL Data Software: $5,100 (LCFF Base) OR:

__Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Expand offerings of community college courses on site at ARISE and off-site at Merritt College in partnership with Merritt College.

For students in grades 10-12

_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Expand Access to learning technology by purchasing additional computers for another laptop cart.


_X_ALL Computers and IT equipment: $26,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

LCAP Year 2: 2016-17 Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Measureable Outcome Baseline in 2014-15 Goal in 2015-16 Goal in 2016-17 CAHSEE Pass Rate of 10th graders

78% ELA & 73% Math 75% 75%

Rate of Students scoring college ready on EAP

Data not yet available Baseline data to be established

Baseline data to be established

Rate of graduating seniors meeting UC/CSU entrance requirements

97.2% 90% 90%

Rate of Acceptance to 4-year universities by Graduating Seniors

88.9% 90% 90%

Rate of Matriculation by Graduating Seniors to 2-year and 4-year colleges.

Data not yet available 90% 90%

Rate of students participating in a cultural immersion program, summer program, or youth development program.

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline data to be established

TBD after baseline established

Rate of 11th graders completing mock college admission

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline data to be established

TBD after baseline established

Actions/Services Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

Expenditures Expand our school-wide Response to Intervention and Literacy Programs.


_X_ALL RTI Direction: $93,800 (LCFF Base) OR:

__Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Implement a career pathway option for students and provide opportunities for workplace learning through partnership with local employers.


_X_ALL Career Readiness Management: $73,800 (LCFF Base)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Expand data driven instruction to drive school School- _X_ALL Academic

wide instructional practices and student specific intervention.

wide OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Track and engage ARISE Alumni to drive college readiness practices.

ARISE Alumni, school-wide

_X_ALL Alumni Tracking tools and Alumni events: $5,000 (

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Conduct school-wide PD on preparing students for the EAP test.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

LCAP Year 3: 2017-18

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

Measureable Outcome

Baseline in 2014-15 Goal in 2015-16 Goal in 2016-17 Goal in 2017-18

CAHSEE Pass Rate of 10th graders

78% ELA & 73% Math 75% 75% 77%

Rate of Students scoring college ready on EAP

Data not yet available Baseline data to be established

Baseline data to be established

Baseline data to be established

Rate of graduating seniors meeting UC/CSU entrance requirements

97.2% 90% 90% 90%

Rate of Acceptance to 4-year universities by Graduating Seniors

88.9% 90% 90% 90%

Rate of Matriculation by Graduating Seniors to 2-year and 4-year colleges.

Data not yet available 90% 90% 90%

Rate of students participating in a cultural immersion program, summer program, or youth

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline data to be established

TBD after baseline established

TBD after baseline established

development program. Rate of 11th graders completing mock college admission

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline data to be established

TBD after baseline established

TBD after baseline established

Actions/Services Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

Expenditures Continue to refine data driven instructional practices for school-wide strategies and student specific interventions.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Expand workplace learning opportunities and partnerships with local employers.


_X_ALL Career Readiness Management: $73,800 (LCFF Base)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Continue to refine school-wide Response to Intervention and Literacy Programs.


_X_ALL RTI Direction: $93,800 (LCFF Base) OR:

__Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

LCAP Goal #2

GOAL: Our students will be immersed in common-core aligned curriculum and instruction which prepares students for college while emphasizing knowledge of self, humanizing love, and performance assessment.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1_X 2_X 3__ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7_X 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Identified Need :

ARISE has found there is a significant variation in the instructional quality, curriculum, performance assessment, scope and sequence, and learning targets between some departments and some courses. We have found this through teacher coaching cycles, classroom observations, and teacher survey data. This variation leads to inconsistent learning outcomes for our students.

Goal Applies to: Schools: ARISE High School Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All: EL, RFEP, FRPM, Hispanic, IEP

LCAP Year 1: 2015-16

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

Measureable Outcome Baseline in 2014-15 Goal in 2015-16 Rate of courses with CC/NGSS Aligned:

• scope and sequence, • learning targets, • Performance Assessments, and • Examplar Performance Assessments

Scope and Sequence: • Scope and sequence: 32% • Learning targets: 32% • Performance Assessments:

20% • Exemplar Performance

Assessments: 0%

Scope and Sequence: • Scope and sequence: 35% • Learning targets: 35% • Performance Assessments:

35% • Exemplar Performance

Assessments: 5% Number of teachers improving their average rubric score on ARISE teacher evaluation

Data not available in 2014-15 Baseline data to be established

Rate of teachers returning 86% 80% Rate of 10th graders completing Bridge 72.6% 75%

Actions/Services Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

Expenditures All teachers participate in a coaching cycle to develop their practice.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

ARISE pilots the Marzano Teacher Evaluation framework in the coaching cycle to give teachers feedback on their practice.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient

__Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________


Continue to use departmental structures to align Scope and Sequence, Curriculum, Performance Assessments with Exemplars to state standards.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Raise teacher salaries to recruit and retain experienced quality teachers


_X_ALL Raise to teacher salaries: $5,000 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

LCAP Year 2: 2016-17

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

Measureable Outcome Baseline in 2014-15 Actuals in 2015-16 Goal in 2016-17 Rate of courses with CC/NGSS Aligned:

• scope and sequence, • learning targets, • Performance

Assessments, and • Examplar Performance


Scope and Sequence: • Scope and

sequence: 32% • Learning targets:

32% • Performance

Assessments: 20% • Exemplar

Performance Assessments: 0%

Scope and Sequence: • Scope and

sequence: 35% • Learning targets:

35% • Performance

Assessments: 35% • Exemplar

Performance Assessments: 5%

Scope and Sequence: • Scope and

sequence: 38% • Learning targets:

38% • Performance

Assessments: 38% • Exemplar

Performance Assessments: 10%

Number of teachers improving their average rubric score on ARISE teacher evaluation

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline data to be established


Rate of teachers returning 86% 80% 80% Rate of 10th graders completing Bridge

72.6% 75% 77%

Actions/Services Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

Expenditures All teachers continue to participate in a coaching cycle to develop their practice.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Leverage feedback from the Marzano Teacher Evaluation framework in the coaching cycle to improve teacher practice.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Continue to use departmental structures to align Scope and Sequence, Curriculum, Performance Assessments with Exemplars to state standards.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Raise teacher salaries to recruit and retain experienced quality teachers


_X_ALL Raise to teacher salaries: $5,000 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

LCAP Year 3: 2017-18

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

Measureable Outcome

Baseline in 2014-15 Actuals in 2015-16 Actuals in 2016-17 Goal in 2017-18

Rate of courses with Scope and Sequence: Scope and Sequence: Scope and Sequence: Scope and Sequence:

CC/NGSS Aligned: • scope and

sequence, • learning targets, • Performance

Assessments, and

• Examplar Performance Assessments

• Scope and sequence: 32%

• Learning targets: 32%

• Performance Assessments: 20%

• Exemplar Performance Assessments: 0%

• Scope and sequence: 35%

• Learning targets: 35%

• Performance Assessments: 35%

• Exemplar Performance Assessments: 5%

• Scope and sequence: 38%

• Learning targets: 38%

• Performance Assessments: 38%

• Exemplar Performance Assessments: 10%

• Scope and sequence: 40%

• Learning targets: 40%

• Performance Assessments: 40%

• Exemplar Performance Assessments: 15%

Number of teachers improving their average rubric score on ARISE teacher evaluation

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline data to be established


Rate of teachers returning 86% 80% 80% 80% Rate of 10th graders completing Bridge

72.6% 75% 77% 78%

Actions/Services Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

Expenditures All teachers continue to participate in a coaching cycle to develop their practice.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Leverage feedback from the Marzano Teacher Evaluation framework in the coaching cycle to improve teacher practice.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Continue to use departmental structures to align Scope and Sequence, Curriculum, Performance Assessments with Exemplars to state standards.


_X_ALL Academic Coach: $81,230 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Raise teacher salaries to recruit and retain experienced quality teachers


_X_ALL Raise to teacher salaries: $5,000 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

LCAP Goal #3

GOAL: The ARISE community will nurture, train, and discipline our entire school to embody our core values of respect, build, persevere, and lead.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1_X 2__ 3_X 4__ 5_X 6_X 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Identified Need :

At ARISE, we are constantly analyzing and reflecting on causes of student success and failure. We have found that the students who come to ARISE and learn to embody our core values are nearly always successful academically and continue to fulfill the mission and vision of ARISE after graduation. Those who struggle to embody these values often fail to graduate, have poor attendance, are dissatisfied with their school experience or experience other challenges while at ARISE. This analysis has made clear to us that quality curriculum, instructions and postsecondary preparation does not explain everything makes a school successful. The values, culture, or climate of a school is also necessary to create a positive learning experience.

Goal Applies to: Schools: ARISE High School Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All: EL, RFEP, FRPM, Hispanic, IEP

LCAP Year 1: 2015-16 Expected Annual

Measurable Measureable Outcome Baseline in 2014-15 Goal in 2015-16

Outcomes: Retention Rate of last year’s 9th, 10th and 11th graders from May 1st prior year to May 1st current year

• Former 9th graders: 83% • Former 10th graders: 79% • Former 11th graders: 80%

• Former 9th graders: 85% • Former 10th graders: 85% • Former 11th graders: 80%

Rate of students on track to graduate in 4 years at beginning of their 10th, 11th, and 12th grade

Data not available in 2014-15 Baseline Data to be established

Cohort drop out rate Data not yet available [11.1% in 2013-14]

Less than 12%

P2 Attendance rate 96.63% 95% Parent Satisfaction – Rate of students who would recommend ARISE High School to another parent

96% 90%

Parent Participation rate – Parents participating in non-mandatory events or engagement opportunities

Data not available in 2014-15 Baseline to be established

Rate of temporary exclusions to number of students (# of suspensions/# of students) as of May 1st

4.8% 5%

Student satisfaction rate – rate of students who would recommend ARISE to a friend

Data not yet available Baseline to be established

Rate of students participating in student led mediation

Data not available in 2014-15 Baseline to be established

Actions/Services Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

Expenditures Case-manage student progress through the academic and personal development process using the structures of Advisory and Coordination of Services.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Hold weekly informal “Informative Monday” parent meetings and monthly formal Parent Meetings to engage parents in their students’ academic and personal development.


_X_ALL Parent Coordination: $45,800 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Hold regular Student Engagement Committee meetings to engage absentee students and students at risk of becoming absentees.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Use advisory, RISE Up Assemblies, Students Leadership structures to create a positive school climate and to guide a personal development process that help students embody ARISE’s core values.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

LCAP Year 2: 2016-17

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

Measureable Outcome Baseline in 2014-15 Actuals in 2015-16 Goal in 2016-17 Retention Rate of last year’s 9th, 10th and 11th graders from May 1st prior year to May 1st current year

• Former 9th graders: 83%

• Former 10th graders: 79%

• Former 11th graders: 80%

• Former 9th graders: 85%

• Former 10th graders: 82%

• Former 11th graders: 80%

• Former 9th graders: 86%

• Former 10th graders: 83%

• Former 11th graders: 81%

Rate of students on track to graduate in 4 years at beginning of their 10th, 11th, and 12th grade

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline Data to be established


Cohort drop out rate Data not yet available [11.1% in 2013-14]

Less than 12% Less than 11%

P2 Attendance rate 96.63% 95% 95% Parent Satisfaction – Rate of students who would recommend ARISE High School to another parent

96% 90% 90%

Parent Participation rate – Parents participating in non-mandatory events or engagement opportunities

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline to be established TBD

Rate of temporary exclusions to number of students (# of

4.8% 5% 5%

suspensions/# of students) as of May 1st Student satisfaction rate – rate of students who would recommend ARISE to a friend

Data not yet available Baseline to be established TBD

Rate of students participating in student led mediation

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline to be established TBD

Actions/Services Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

Expenditures Case manage student progress through the academic and personal development process using the structures of Advisory and Coordination of Services.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Hold weekly informal “Informative Monday” parent meetings and monthly formal Parent Meetings to engage parents in their students’ academic and personal development.


_X_ALL Parent Coordination: $45,800 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Hold regular Student Engagement Committee meetings to engage absentee students and students at risk of becoming absentees.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Use advisory, RISE Up Assemblies, Students Leadership structures to create a positive school climate and to guide a personal development process that help students embody ARISE’s core values.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Codify a school-wide discipline praxis that supports students to express our core values.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

LCAP Year 3: 2017-18

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes:

Measureable Outcome

Baseline in 2014-15 Actuals in 2015-16 Actuals in 2016-17 Goal in 2017-18

Retention Rate of last year’s 9th, 10th and 11th graders from May 1st prior year to May 1st current year

• Former 9th graders: 83%

• Former 10th graders: 79%

• Former 11th graders: 80%

• Former 9th graders: 85%

• Former 10th graders: 82%

• Former 11th graders: 80%

• Former 9th graders: 86%

• Former 10th graders: 83%

• Former 11th graders: 81%

• Former 9th graders: 87%

• Former 10th graders: 84%

• Former 11th graders: 82%

Rate of students on track to graduate in 4 years at beginning of their 10th, 11th, and 12th grade

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline Data to be established


Cohort drop out rate Data not yet available [11.1% in 2013-14]

Less than 12% Less than 11% Less than 10%

P2 Attendance rate 96.63% 95% 95% 95% Parent Satisfaction – Rate of students who would recommend ARISE High School to another parent

96% 90% 90% 90%

Parent Participation rate – Parents participating in non-mandatory events or engagement opportunities

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline to be established


Rate of temporary exclusions to number of students (# of suspensions/# of students) as of May 1st

4.8% 5% 5% 5%

Student satisfaction rate – rate of students who would recommend ARISE

Data not yet available Baseline to be established


to a friend Rate of students participating in student led mediation

Data not available in 2014-15

Baseline to be established


Actions/Services Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted

Expenditures Case manage student progress through the academic and personal development process using the structures of Advisory and Coordination of Services.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Hold weekly informal “Informative Monday” parent meetings and monthly formal Parent Meetings to engage parents in their students’ academic and personal development.


_X_ALL Parent Coordination: $45,800 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Hold regular Student Engagement Committee meetings to engage absentee students and students at risk of becoming absentees.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Use Advisory, RISE Up Assemblies, Students Leadership structures to create a positive school climate and to guide a personal development process that help students embody ARISE’s core values.


_X_ALL Student Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Codify school-wide classroom cohesion practices School- _X_ALL Student

that support students to express our core values. wide OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________

Services Management: $91,100 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.

Annual Update

Annual  Update  Instructions:    For  each  goal  in  the  prior  year  LCAP,  review  the  progress  toward  the  expected  annual  outcome(s)  based  on,  at  a  minimum,  the  required  metrics  pursuant  to  Education  Code  sections  52060  and  52066.  The  review  must  include  an  assessment  of  the  effectiveness  of  the  specific  actions.    Describe  any  changes  to  the  actions  or  goals  the  LEA  will  take  as  a  result  of  the  review  and  assessment.  In  addition,  review  the  applicability  of  each  goal  in  the  LCAP.

Guiding  Questions:  

1)     How  have  the  actions/services  addressed  the  needs  of  all  pupils  and  did  the  provisions  of  those  services  result  in  the  desired  outcomes?  2)   How  have  the  actions/services  addressed  the  needs  of  all  subgroups  of  pupils  identified  pursuant  to  Education  Code  section  52052,  

including,  but  not  limited  to,  English  learners,  low-­‐income  pupils,  and  foster  youth;  and  did  the  provision  of  those  actions/services  result  in  the  desired  outcomes?    

3)   How  have  the  actions/services  addressed  the  identified  needs  and  goals  of  specific  schoolsites  and  were  these  actions/services  effective  in  achieving  the  desired  outcomes?  

4)   What  information  (e.g.,  quantitative  and  qualitative  data/metrics)  was  examined  to  review  progress  toward  goals  in  the  annual  update?  5)   What  progress  has  been  achieved  toward  the  goal  and  expected  measurable  outcome(s)?  How  effective  were  the  actions  and  services  in  

making  progress  toward  the  goal?  What  changes  to  goals,  actions,  services,  and  expenditures  are  being  made  in  the  LCAP  as  a  result  of  the  review  of  progress  and  assessment  of  the  effectiveness  of  the  actions  and  services?    

6)   What  differences  are  there  between  budgeted  expenditures  and  estimated  actual  annual  expenditures?  What  were  the  reasons  for  any  differences?  

 Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.  

Goal  1.1  Original

GOAL from prior year


Teachers make progress on their teacher evaluations

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1_X_ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: Applicable Pupil Subgroups:

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Teachers grow on 1 CSTP for all teachers

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Data not yet available, final teacher evaluations have not been completed.

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

Instructional coaching happened for 100% of teachers;

• Employ Director of Curriculum and Instruction

• Purchase PD materials and consulting

$92,250 (LCFF Concentration and Supplemental)

Instructional coaching happened for 100% of teachers

• Employ Co-Principal of Curriculum and Instruction, Consulting

$104,000 (Other Sources)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide


OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

We decided not to Employ the Director of Curriculum and Instruction because we weren’t able to find the right fit among the candidates that we interviewed. However, teacher quality was an important priority this year and we wanted to make sure teachers were receiving coaching. We decided to divide up the teachers to be coached by our Co Principal of Curriculum and Instruction, Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services, and a consultant who was a former principal of our school. This allowed us to complete the action we had set out to do. This goal will be absorbed into the larger goal #2 because we now see our ultimate goal has grown beyond improving teacher quality. It’s about delivering quality, standards aligned, engaging education. This includes: instruction, curriculum, benchmarks, and assessments. (Note: See the introduction for our rationale of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) Teacher coaching has been very effective at improving the quality of instruction, increasing teacher satisfaction, increasing student satisfaction, and improving teacher retention. In this LCAP and future years, we plan to continue coaching teachers, work toward improving teacher quality and will continue to measure teacher progress in evaluations through a new tool we have adopted - the Marzano teacher evaluation framework.

Goal  1.2  

Original GOAL from prior year


All courses will have standards aligned performance assessments

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2_X_ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

90% of courses will have two CC aligned performance assessment per semester

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

40% of courses will have two CC aligned performance assessment per semester

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

Professional development and departmental meetings will provide structure and guidelines for developing assessments:

• Employ Director of Curriculum and Instruction;

• Purchase PD materials and consulting

$92,250 (LCFF Concentration and Supplemental)

Consultant worked with English department to align curriculum and performance assessments; Co-Principal Curriculum and Instruction worked with Social Studies department

• Engage Consultant • Employ Co-Principal of Curriculum and


$109,000 (Other Sources)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

We decided not to Employ a Director of Curriculum and Instruction because we weren’t able to find the right fit among the candidates we interviewed. However, developing standards aligned performance assessments was an important priority this year and we still wanted to work toward our goal. We were able to use a consultant to work with the English Department to align their curriculum and performance assessments while the Co-Principal of Curriculum and Instruction worked with the Social Studies department to align their curriculum and performance assessments. The English department has made big strides toward this goal, however, they did not reach the Measurable Outcome of 2 per semester. Our Social Studies department did reach

the goal. Our Math department achieved this goal in a prior year. This goal will be absorbed into the larger goal #2 because we now see our ultimate goal has grown beyond improving teacher quality. It’s about delivering quality, standards aligned, engaging education. This includes: instruction, curriculum, benchmarks, and assessments. (Note: See the introduction for our rationale of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) In this LCAP and in future years, we plan to continue to use our department structures to develop standards aligned performance assessments and curriculum. We will continue to measure the number of courses that have developed standards aligned curriculums and performance assessments. We have found this to be an important measure of the quality of our courses. We intend to expand our AMOs to also include the number of courses which have standards-aligned scope and sequence, performance assessments, and exemplar Performance Assessments.

Goal  1.3  

Original GOAL from prior year


All seniors will apply to college (having complete all their a-g requirements

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7_X_ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

95 apply to CSUs and UCs, 75% apply to Private Schools %

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

90% apply to UC/CSUs, 29% privates

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Estimated

Expenditures Actual Annual Expenditures

College access coordinator to implement access to college curriculum

• Employ College Access Coordinator

$74,400 (LCFF Base)

Our college access coordinator led Advisory groups through college-access curriculum and guided students through the college admissions process.

• Employ College Access Coorindator

$40,300 (LCFF Base)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

We were able to fully implement the actions and expenditures we intended in our 2013-14 LCAP. We didn’t reach our AMOs in UC and CSU applications by a small amount. This is largely due to the individual variation among our small cohorts. The difference in reaching our goal amounted to 2 students not applying. While we invested a large amount of time and energy into coaching students through the college admissions they decided not to apply for reasons largely out of our control. We were farther away from our goal of Private School applications. This has been a key learning for college-access curriculum. We emphasized applying for public schools and the measurable outcomes reflect this. In future years, we will use this learning to strengthen our curriculum with respect to private schools. This goal was absorbed into a larger goal (#1) because we see the college admissions process as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about life long success. Students will be successful if they are college and career ready when they graduate. (Note: See the introduction for our rationale of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) In this LCAP and future years, we will continue our goal of high application rates to college and measure this rate. We will continue to employ a College Access Coordinator and use our college

access curriculum. Our college access curriculum has been very effective in helping our students be college ready when they graduate. This work has become thoroughly codified and embedded into our practice as a school. We have decided to not list the action in our current year LCAP in order to focus on actions which require more attention from our team.

Goal  2.1  

Original GOAL from prior year


Students average a score of 3 of 5 in the 9th and 10th grade

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4_X_ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

50% achievement of goal

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Data not yet available, Writing Assessment not yet scored

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

The English Dept. will develop and implement a school wide access-to-writing curriculum.

• Employ director of curriculum to develop access-to-writing curriculum (Con and Sup)

$92,250 (LCFF Concentration and Supplemental)

Consultant worked with English department to develop parts of the access-to-writing curriculum. The English department provided resources to the Social Studies department focused on standardized writing instructional language and writing graphic organizers.

• Engage Consultant

$0 (In-kind)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service:

English department courses and Social Studies department courses

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

Due to not yet having the results of our local writing assessment, we have not yet seen the outcomes of our work around creating and access to writing curriculum. This goal was absorbed into a larger goal (#1) because we see writing skills as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about life long success. Students will be successful if they are college and career ready when they graduate. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) To date, we have not been able to effectively use the writing assessment to guide instruction. As such, we have decided to simplify our AMOs to reduce their quantity and focus on only those AMOs that are core to the goal. We decided to eliminate the AMO of our writing Assessment. Instead, we used the rate of students who score college ready on the EAP as the measure of students college and career preparedness in writing and English Language Arts. In future years, we will continue to implement and expand our access-to-writing curriculum cross departmentally, however, we no longer use that the term “access-to-writing”. Instead, we have including writing support under the umbrella of literacy support and intervention.

Goal  2.2  

Original GOAL from prior year


Students average a score of 4 of 5 in the 11th and 12th grade

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4_X_ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

50% achievement of Goal

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Data not yet available, Writing Assessment not yet scored

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

The English Dept. will develop and implement a school wide access-to-writing curriculum.

• Employ director of curriculum to develop access-to-writing curriculum

$92,250 (LCFF Concentration and Supplemental)

Consultant worked with English department to develop parts of the access-to-writing curriculum. The English department provided resources to the Social Studies department focused on standardized writing instructional language and writing graphic organizers.

• Engage Consultant

$0 (In-kind)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service:

English department courses and Social Studies department courses

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

Due to not yet having the results of our local writing assessment, we have not yet seen the outcomes of our work around creating and access to writing curriculum. This goal was absorbed into a larger goal (#1) because we see writing skills as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about life long success. Students will be successful if they

are college and career ready when they graduate. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) To date, we have not been able to effectively use the writing assessment to guide instruction. As such, we have decided to simplify our AMOs to reduce their quantity and focus on only those AMOs that are core to the goal. We decided to eliminate the AMO of our writing Assessment. Instead, we used the rate of students who score college ready on the EAP as the measure of students college and career preparedness in writing and English Language Arts. In future years, we will continue to implement and expand our access-to-writing curriculum cross departmentally, however, we no longer use that the term “access-to-writing”. Instead, we have including writing support under the umbrella of literacy support and intervention.

Goal  2.3  

Original GOAL from prior year


Students demonstrate college readiness in math

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4_X_ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

20% of students score college ready on EAP

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Data not yet Available

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

$92,250 (LCFF Used Advisory, Coordination of Services, and $102,800

Use Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia programs to case management students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employ Assistant Principal of Adelante Student Services

Supplemental and Concentration)

Familia programs to case management students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employed Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services

(LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

Due to not yet having the results of the EAP (which is now included in the SBAC testing, we have not yet seen the outcomes of our work around case managing students and implementing early interventions. We changed our action only slightly. Instead of employing a Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services, we decided to move that person to the role of Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services. Her responsibilities associated with Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia were unchanged. This goal was absorbed into a larger goal (#1) because we see math skills as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about life long success. Students will be successful if they are college and career ready when they graduate. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) This year, we have started to see the success of this action. We intend to continue this AMO, action, and expenditure in future years under goal #1.

Goal  2.4  

Original Students demonstrate college readiness in ELA Related State and/or Local Priorities:

GOAL from prior year


1__ 2__ 3__ 4_X_ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__ COE only: 9__ 10__

Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

50% college ready on EAP

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Data not yet Available

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

Use Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia programs to provide case management to students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employ Assistant Principal of Adelante Student Services

$92,250 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Used Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia programs to provide case management to students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employed Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services

$102,800 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress

Due to not yet having the results of the EAP (which is now included in the SBAC testing, we have not yet seen the outcomes of our work around case managing students and implementing early interventions. We changed our action only slightly. Instead of employing a Assistant

and/or changes to goals? Principal of Culture and Student Services, we decided to move that person to the role of Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services. Her responsibilities associated with Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia were unchanged. This goal was absorbed into a larger goal (#1) because we see math skills as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about life long success. Students will be successful if they are college and career ready when they graduate. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) This year, we have started to see the success of this action. We intend to continue this AMO, action, and expenditure in future years under goal #1.

Goal  2.5  

Original GOAL from prior year


Students meet standards on their Proficiency Defense on first attempt

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8_X_

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

50% meet standards on first attempt

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

90% met standards on first attempt

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

$27,100 (LCFF Senior Institute teachers followed Proficiency $104,000

Senior Institute teachers will follow Proficiency Defense timeline and guidelines to adequately prepare their students for Defenses. Employ Assessment Coordinator.

• Employ Assessment Coordinator

Supplemental and Concentration)

Defense timeline and guidelines to adequately prepare their students for Defenses.

• Employ Co-principal Curriculum and Instruction

(Other sources)

Scope of service: 11th and 12th graders

Scope of service: 11th and 12th graders

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

We now believe that this goal is no longer particularly useful for our school. We still value our Proficiency Defenses as an important part of our theory of action. However, a small change in the process has made this goal less useful. We now require students to ‘qualify’ with their teacher before being allowed to present a Proficiency Defense. The teacher evaulates if the student has prepared and completed the necessary work before they are allowed to present their Proficiency Defense. This has lead to nearly all of our students passing on the first attempt. We decided not to employ an Assessment Coordinator this year due to budgetary constraints. Instead, this work was taken over by out Co-Principal of Curriculum and Instruction. This goal was absorbed into larger goals (#2) because we see Proficieny Defense as part of ARISE’s rigorous standards aligned curriculum and instruction that emphasizes knowledge of self, humanizing love, critical consciousness and performance assessment. Through work like Proficiency Defenses, students not only become prepared for college and careers, they also work toward embodying our mission and core values. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) We have decided not to make this an explicit goal, action or AMO in our 2015-16 LCAP because it is somewhat redundant. At ARISE, passing 4 Proficiency Defenses IS a requirement for graduation. Thus, this goal is measured in 2015-16 by our high school graduation rate and by our college matriculation rate. Student preparation for Proficiency Defenses will take place in

students’ core academic classes. We have decided to hire an Academic Coach to support teachers’ instruction and curriculum in future years. Included in the Academic Coach’s work on curriculum will be supporting departments' implementation of Proficiency Defenses and 10th grade Bridge presentations. In the current year LCAP, we have included this action in the work that we will be doing to create standards aligned performance assessments with exemplars.

Goal  3.1  

Original GOAL from prior year


Parent Advisory Board (ELAC) will be involved with leading parent-related activities and supporting progress towards achieving school-wide goals.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3_X_ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

80% of members attend on average throughout the year

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

This goal was became not applicable to our situation after we decided to restructure parent

engagement away from formal ‘committee meetings' where attendance was taken.

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

Parent Advisory Board/ELAC will meet once a week following an action-oriented agenda.

• Employ .75 FTE Parent Coordinator to recruit, lead, and manage ELAC

$41,600 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Monday morning parent meeting with information, engagement, and open forum for administrators

• Employ .75 FTE Parent Coordinator to recruit, lead, and manage ELAC

$42,300 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide


OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

Formal meetings with structured agendas did not resonate with our parents. Instead, we engaged with our parents primarily in weekly inform meetings called “Informative Mondays” meetings along with monthly formal meetings. Parents were given an open space to connect with one another, with our parent coordinator, and with our principals. Parents were able to voice their feedback on current school issues and learn about their students academic progress directly from principals. They also had the opportunity to connect with the community outside of our school through frequent workshops and visitors from community based organizations. We believe that our success in engaging parents stems primarily from our “Informative Mondays” through consistency, flexibility, the value they provided by these meetings. Changes to be made next year: This goal was absorbed into larger goal (#3) because we see Parent Engagement as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about guiding our students to embody our core values. We recognize that families are the most important part of this goal. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) We have decided to change this AMO and to encompass all parent participation in our school. We realize that we need to differentiate parent engagement opportunities to capture parents who have different interests, goals and constraints. All parent participation is valuable to our students, and so we choose to measure all of it in our Parent Participation rate in 2015-16. We will continue to employ a Parent Coordinator to support parent participation including managing weekly and monthly meetings.

Goal  3.2  

Original GOAL from The school will maintain a minimum of a 95% attendance rate.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5_X_ 6__ 7__ 8__

prior year LCAP:

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

95% attendance rate

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:


LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

SART team will revamp absentee reengagement process.

• Employ Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services to manage SART team.

$92,250 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

SART team will revamp absentee reengagement process.

• Employ Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services to manage SART team

$102,800 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

We met this action and goal for this LCAP year. Our SART (Now called Student Engagement Committee or SEC) was highly successful in reengaging absentee students through family communication, student communication, and incentives. We changed our action only slightly. Instead of employing a Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services, we decided to move that person to the role of Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services. Her responsibilities associated with Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia were unchanged.

This goal was absorbed into larger goal (#3) because we see student attendance as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about guiding our students to embody our core values. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) We intend to continue this AMO, action, and expenditure will in future years under goal #3.

Goal  3.3  

Original GOAL from prior year


Students will return to attend ARISE in the following school year.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5_X_ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

80% retention year over year

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

77% from May 1st 2014 to May 1st 2015

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia programs to provide case management students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employ Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services

$92,250 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia programs case manage students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employ Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services

$102,800 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

We made significant progress on this goal and nearly met our target. In past years, we hovered around in the 60-70% range for retention. This year was our highest retention rate yet. We believe that tighter case management, communication with students and families and opportunities for credit recovery were critical to achieving this growth. We changed our action only slightly. Instead of employing a Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services, we decided to move that person to the role of Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services. Her responsibilities associated with Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia were unchanged. This goal was absorbed into larger goal (#3) because we see student retention as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about guiding our students to embody our core values. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) We intend to continue this AMO, action, and expenditure in future years under goal #3. We also found that providing ample opportunities for credit recovery was an important action in achieving this goal. We have included credit recovery as an action in future years and will employ our Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services to manage it.

Goal  3.4  

Original GOAL from prior year


Students who start at ARISE in the 9th grade graduate within 4 years.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5_X_ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

60% Graduation Rate

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Data not yet available for 2014-15.

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

Use Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia programs to provide case management to students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employ Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services

$92,250 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia programs case manage students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employ Co-Principal Adelante Student Services.

$102,800 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress

Due to some students completing their graduation requirements over summer, we have not yet seen the outcomes of our work around case managing students and implementing early

and/or changes to goals? interventions. We changed our action only slightly. Instead of employing a Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services, we decided to move that person up to the role of Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services. Her responsibilities associated with Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia were unchanged, however. We spent considerable time developing and utilizing the tracking tools that we currently have. We found our tools had considerable limitations, which made tracking and monitoring labor intensive. This prevented us from monitoring school and student progress as often as we had intended. We were, however, able to have better monitoring of students’ progress toward graduation, progress toward course completion and of teacher success. This goal was absorbed into larger goal (#3) because we see student retention and graduation rates as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about guiding our students to embody our core values. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) We intend to continue these actions, and expenditure under goal #3. We chose to modify the AMO slightly. We plan to use Cohort graduation rate in future years because it automatically calculated for us and we can use it to compare our progress with other schools.

Goal  3.5  

Original GOAL from prior year


Students who transfer into ARISE as 10th graders graduate within 4 years.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5_X _ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual 65% Graduation rate of these students Actual

Annual Data not yet available for 2014-15.

Measurable Outcomes:

Measurable Outcomes:

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

Use Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia programs to provide case management to students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employ Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services

$92,250 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia programs case manage students and use early interventions as needed.

• Employ Co-Principal Adelante Student Services.

$102,800 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

Due to some students completing their graduation requirements over summer, we have not yet seen the outcomes of our work around case managing students and implementing early interventions. We changed our action only slightly. Instead of employing a Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services, we decided to move that person up to the role of Co-Principal of Adelante Student Services. Her responsibilities associated with Advisory, Coordination of Services, and Familia were unchanged, however. We spent considerable time developing and utilizing the tracking tools that we currently have. We found our tools had considerable limitations, which made tracking and monitoring labor intensive. This prevented us from monitoring school and student progress as often as we had intended. We were, however, able to have better monitoring of students’ progress toward

graduation, progress toward course completion and of teacher success. This goal was absorbed into larger goal (#3) because we see student retention and graduation rates as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about guiding our students to embody our core values. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) We intend to continue these actions, and expenditure under goal #3. We chose to modify the AMO slightly. We plan to use Cohort graduation rate in future years because it automatically calculated for us and we can use it to compare our progress with other schools.

Goal  3.6  

Original GOAL from prior year


[Omitted in original LCAP for 2014-15]

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: Applicable Pupil Subgroups:

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

Scope of service:

Scope of service:

__ALL __ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

Scope of service:

Scope of service:

__ALL __ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

Goal  3.7  

Original GOAL from prior year


Temporary Exclusions (suspensions) are reduced by 10%

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6_X_ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Fewer than 20 temporary exclusion per year

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

15 temporary exclusions

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

School culture programs such as Advisory and Rise Up will support school climate.

• Hire Assistant Principal of Culture and Student Services

$92,250 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

School culture programs such as Advisory, Student Leadership, and Rise Up supported school climate.

• Employ Co-Principal Adelante Student Services.

$102,800 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

We are very proud that we met this AMO. Our low level of temporary exclusions (a restorative justice approach to suspension) is an important indicator that our students are embodying our core values. Our work to develop Advisory and Rise Up spaces as a tool to support school climate has been effective at reducing exclusions and building our core values. This goal was absorbed into larger goal (#3) because we see student engagement and school culture as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about guiding our students to embody our core values. We recognize that students have to trust and believe their school is a positive and valuable part of their lives. (Note: See the introduction for our rationale of

reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) We will continue this AMO, Action, and expenditure under goal #3. We plan also to add our work developing student leadership structures as an action and AMO in future years. We have seen how much of an impact student leardership can make on student engagement and school climate.

Goal  3.8  

Original GOAL from prior year


Parents and families express satisfaction with their ARISE High School experience.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6_X_ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

80% satisfaction rate

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

90% satisfaction rate

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

School Leaders will increase their presence at parent-related meetings.

• Employ .75 FTE Parent Coordinator to support translation and principal involvement in parent meetings

$41,600 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

School leaders increased their presence at parent-related meetings. School Leaders attended 100% of monthly meetings and an the vast majority of weekly Informative Mondays.

• Employ .75 FTE Parent Coordinator to support translation and principal

$43,300 (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration)

involvement in parent meetings

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

School Leaders were highly visible and engaged with parents this year. By attending nearly all of parent-related meetings, school leaders were able to communicate effectively with parents and receive input and feedback from families. We were able to exceed our goal of 80% parent satisfaction partly because of school leadership visibility and communication. ARISE historically has high levels of parent satisfaction and our efforts to engage with parents is about maintaining high levels, rather than increasing a historically low satisfaction rating. This goal was absorbed into larger goal (#3) because we see Parent Engagement as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about guiding our students to embody our core values. We recognize families are the most important part of this goal – and, in order to succeed, we must have families’ trust. (Note: See the introduction for our rational of reorganizing our goals into 3 larger goals.) We will continue this AMO, Action, and expenditure in future years under goal #3.

Goal  3.9  

Original GOAL from prior year


Students express satisfaction with their ARISE High School experience.

Related State and/or Local Priorities: 1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6_X_ 7__ 8__

COE only: 9__ 10__ Local : Specify _____________________

Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All subgroups at ARISE

Expected Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

80% express satisfaction through their ARISE student survey

Actual Annual

Measurable Outcomes:

Data not yet available

LCAP Year: xxxx-xx Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services

Budgeted Expenditures

Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures

Instructional Coaching, PD, Cultural Programs, Student Leadership, Data review structures will provide the necessary conditions to help teachers & students with co-creating a positive teaching & learning environment.

• Employ Co-Principal of Curriculum and Instruction to create and manage structures and learning environment.

$92,250 (Supplemental and Concentration)

Instructional Coaching, PD, Cultural Programs, Student Leadership, Data review structures provided the necessary conditions to help teachers & students with co-creating a positive teaching & learning environment.

• Employ Co-Principal of Curriculum and Instruction to create and manage structures and learning environment.

$104,000 (Other Sources)

Scope of service: School-wide

Scope of service: School-wide

_X_ALL _X_ALL OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)______________

OR: __Low Income pupils __English Learners __Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient __Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________

What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a

result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals?

Our co-principal developed and expanded our structures designed to create a positive learning environment. 100% of teachers received instructional coaching. We held weekly professional development on a number of topics. Our student Leadership program engaged the entire school in activities and community building. We expanded our cultural program offerings. Lastly, we invested considerable work into our data review structures. All of these things combine to build

a positive learning and teaching environment. We believe this is an important part of our work and we want to make sure that our student satisfaction stays high. This goal was absorbed into larger goal (#3) because we see Student Engagement as being part of something bigger and, ultimately, is about guiding our students to embody our core values. We recognize that students have to trust and believe their school is a positive and valuable part of their lives. We will continue this AMO and expenditure in future years under goal #3. However, our experience this year has led us to see this original action was not specific enough to make a significant difference in our goal. Thus, our primary action related to this goal is the employment of a Co-Principal of Adelante Student services to lead school climate activities (ie. RISE Up, Advisory, etc) and our Academic Coach to improve the instructional quality of our teachers. We believe these two things will increase student satisfaction that most.

Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary. Section  3:  Use  of  Supplemental  and  Concentration  Grant  funds  and  Proportionality  

A.   In  the  box  below,  identify  the  amount  of  funds  in  the  LCAP  year  calculated  on  the  basis  of  the  number  and  concentration  of  low  income,  foster  youth,  and  English  learner  pupils  as  determined  pursuant  to  5  CCR  15496(a)(5).      Describe  how  the  LEA  is  expending  these  funds  in  the  LCAP  year.  Include  a  description  of,  and  justification  for,  the  use  of  any  funds  in  a  districtwide,  schoolwide,  countywide,  or  charterwide  manner  as  specified  in  5  CCR  15496.      For  school  districts  with  below  55  percent  of  enrollment  of  unduplicated  pupils  in  the  district  or  below  40  percent  of  enrollment  of  unduplicated  pupils  at  a  schoolsite  in  the  LCAP  year,  when  using  supplemental  and  concentration  funds  in  a  districtwide  or  schoolwide  manner,  the  school  district  must  additionally  describe  how  the  services  provided  are  the  most  effective  use  of  funds  to  meet  the  district’s  goals  for  unduplicated  pupils  in  the  state  and  any  local  priority  areas.    (See  5  CCR  15496(b)  for  guidance.)    

 Total  amount  of  Supplemental  and  Concentration  grant  funds  calculated:   $______345,810_______________________    

The  total  amount  of  funds  from  Supplemental  and  Concentration  is  $345,810  in  2015-­‐16.    

All  funds  are  being  expended  on  a  school-­‐wide  basis  for  the  following:    

• Certificated  salaries  and  benefits  for:    

o Academic  coaching,    

o Summer  school  instruction,    

o Management  of  student  services,    

o teacher  stipends  for  work  outside  teaching,    

o increases  to  base  salaries,    

• classified  salaries  and  benefits    

o Parent  Coordination  

• instructional  technology  

ARISE  has  determined  that  these  are  the  most  effective  use  of  funds  based  on  our  past  experience  in  the  goals  we  set  out  to  achieve.    We  want  to  make  special  note  of  academic  coaching  and  stipends  for  teachers’  work  outside  of  teaching  (for  example:  leading  department  work,  developing  education  technology,  being  teacher  leaders,  etc).  These  fill  an  important  need  at  ARISE.  Time  and  again,  we  have  found  that  teachers  need  experienced  coaching  in  their  teaching  practices  and  departments  need  skilled  help  to  develop  curriculum  and  standards  aligned  materials.    Education  research  and  our  experience  have  shown  us  that  quality  instruction  and  quality  educational  infrastructure  are  necessary  to  achieve  our  goals  listed  above.    

Summer  school  instruction,  management  of  students  services,  and  parent  coordination  are  also  extremely  effective  use  of  funds  at  ARISE.  We  

have  found  they  are  the  most  important  things  that  we  can  do  to  keep  unduplicated  students  engaged,  on  track  to  graduate,  and  progressing  in  their  own  human  development.    We  have  found  that  when  students,  particularly  unduplicated  students,  don’t  have  an  opportunity  to  make  up  credits  they  are  much  more  likely  to  drop  out  of  school.    Likewise,  students  who  need  early  intervention  and  support  through  case  management  and  student  services,  and  fail  to  receive  it,  have  much  more  difficulty  achieving  college  and  career  readiness  by  graduation.  

Lastly,  we  increases  to  staff  salaries  are  an  incredibly  effective  and  necessary  use  of  funds  for  ARISE.    Above  all,  our  unduplicated  students  need  quality  instruction.    Our  experience  shows  that  students  arrive  to  our  high  school  significantly  below  grade  level.      They  often  need  to  make  up  several  years  of  learning  in  order  to  get  college  and  career  ready  by  the  time  they  graduate  from  ARISE.    Our  experience  has  shown  that  our  current  salary  levels  are  insufficient.    We  are  slightly  below  the  local  school  district,  and  far  below  the  regional  average.    We  have  routinely  been  unable  to  retain  or  attract  teachers  because  or  our  salary.    In  our  recruitment  process  for  the  2015-­‐16  school  year,  all  4  job  offers  that  we  made  to  recruit  new  teachers  were  rejected  because  the  salary  offer  was  too  low.    Using  the  AMO  in  Goal  2,  we  will  track  our  “Rate  of  teachers  returning”  to  ensure  that  this  use  of  funds  allows  us  to  retain  teachers  at  a  high  rate.      

Small  independent  schools  serving  nearly  100%-­‐unduplicated  students  have  many  challenges.    We  face  tough  budgeting  alternatives.    The  toughest  budgeting  problem  for  ARISE  is  retaining  and  attract  high  quality  teachers  while  also  investing  a  lot  of  other  high  priority  services.    Some  of  those  high  priority  services  are  listed  above.    They  include:  socio-­‐emotional  counseling,  student  service,  student  culture,  intensive  college  and  career  support,  positive  personal  relationships  between  students  and  adults,  and  many  other  things.  This  has,  up  until  now,  prevented  us  from  raising  teacher  salaries  and  attracting  the  highest  quality  teachers.    This  is  what  our  unduplicated  students  need  most.    

Other  alternative  actions  we  considered  included:  employing  a  staff  member  to  manage  state  and  local  assessments,  raising  administrator  salaries,  and  increasing  classified  salaries.    We  determined  through  our  experience,  and  analysis  that  none  of  these  were  as  effective  as  the  expenditures  that  we  choose  this  year.  

 B.   In  the  box  below,  identify  the  percentage  by  which  services  for  unduplicated  pupils  must  be  increased  or  improved  as  compared  to  the  

services  provided  to  all  pupils  in  the  LCAP  year  as  calculated  pursuant  to  5  CCR  15496(a).    Consistent  with  the  requirements  of  5  CCR  15496,  demonstrate  how  the  services  provided  in  the  LCAP  year  for  low  income  pupils,  foster  youth,  and  English  learners  provide  for  increased  or  improved  services  for  these  pupils  in  proportion  to  the  increase  in  funding  provided  for  such  pupils  in  that  year  as  calculated  pursuant  to  5  CCR  15496(a)(7).  An  LEA  shall  describe  how  the  proportionality  percentage  is  met  

using  a  quantitative  and/or  qualitative  description  of  the  increased  and/or  improved  services  for  unduplicated  pupils  as  compared  to  the  services  provided  to  all  pupils.    

With supplemental and concentration funds in the amount of $345,810, unduplicated students will receive increased services by the minimum proportionality percentage of 16.08% through improved instruction, greater access to credit recovery, improved student services, improved interventions, improved school culture, greater access to instructional technology, greater family engagement with student learning and improved standards aligned instructional materials. These increases and improvements in services far exceed the 16.02% minimum proportionality percentage required.

16.08   %  

LOCAL CONTROL AND ACCOUNTABILITY PLAN AND ANNUAL UPDATE APPENDIX For the purposes of completing the LCAP in reference to the state priorities under Education Code sections 52060 and 52066, the following shall apply:

(a) “Chronic absenteeism rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The number of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 – June 30) who are chronically absent where “chronic absentee” means a pupil who is absent 10 percent or more of the schooldays in the school year when the total number of days a pupil is absent is divided by the total number of days the pupil is enrolled and school was actually taught in the total number of days the pupil is enrolled and school was actually taught in the regular day schools of the district, exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays.

(2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 –

June 30).

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

(b) “Middle School dropout rate” shall be calculated as set forth in California Code of Regulations, title 5, section 1039.1.

(c) “High school dropout rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The number of cohort members who dropout by the end of year 4 in the cohort where “cohort” is defined as the number of first-time grade 9 pupils in year 1 (starting cohort) plus pupils who transfer in, minus pupils who transfer out, emigrate, or die during school years 1, 2, 3, and 4.

(2) The total number of cohort members.

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

(d) “High school graduation rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The number of cohort members who earned a regular high school diploma [or earned an adult education high school

diploma or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam] by the end of year 4 in the cohort where “cohort” is defined as the number of first-time grade 9 pupils in year 1 (starting cohort) plus pupils who transfer in, minus pupils who transfer out, emigrate, or die during school years 1, 2, 3, and 4.

(2) The total number of cohort members.

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

(e) “Suspension rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The unduplicated count of pupils involved in one or more incidents for which the pupil was suspended during the

academic year (July 1 – June 30).

(2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 – June 30).

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

(f) “Expulsion rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The unduplicated count of pupils involved in one or more incidents for which the pupil was expelled during the academic

year (July 1 – June 30).

(2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 – June 30).

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

01-13-15 [California Department of Education]